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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. I don't care who is buying the team. All I care about is SNYDER is gone baby gone.
  2. The storyline was fine. We got funny stuff about sealed files and who can know about them. But that stupid Neal has a crush has got to end. First of all, WHY does he have crush on her? He barely knows her outside of work. Which work crushes are cute. But you don't plan your LIFE around them. You don't contemplate making profiles on dating apps to get matched with the person. he has no idea of her likes, dislikes, etc. He doesn't even know she is recovery for alcohol. Only Dan knows that. Meanwhile, we are expected that Abby is going to leave Rand, the guy she has known for years. that she was planning her wedding with. The guy who was there for her when her dad died? For non-entity Neal? Whose sole characteristic on the show is "lack of ambition" Although he can apparently be ambitious enough to go after HIS BOSS. The guy she has known for a few months AT BEST. And mostly at work. WHY? Why would smart, funny, caring Abby fall for Neal? Rand might be blah, but he seems friendly, shares interests with Abby, cares about others and he supports her. Although at least we got the "I can be there in 4 hours, make it 5" as a distance. THANK YOU WRITERS for getting better with the distance to Upstate.
  3. He does not care. He's even said "don't ask me to print something new, its too hard." He doesn't see himself as a failure. He has the exact lifestyle he wants. Not working, eating all he wants, and then napping in front of the map, everything is given to them by others. He only ocassionally has to hit a button on a printer (the kids do the rest) and drive the stink bus.
  4. One would think. But this is Jill we are talking about. It's never about others (despite some VERY explicit messages regarding same) in the Bible -- even in the KJV version. Believe me, reading this thread, the thought has crossed my mind. Hubby and I certainly cannot do WORSE than boring DBD and screeching Jillme
  5. Didn't they JUST get back from a grift tour. Now they were off on another one? Which explains the "are you in WV?" "Almost" line. If they were in Western MD, they were practically in WV or PA.
  6. The Gerard Depardiu news is the least surprising news since ... well I don't know when. Never understood the fascination with him or the declaration of how sexy he was.
  7. Apparently having a second child is not enough to keep you out prison on appeal. I think the judge just saw it as more manipulation which was what she was convicted of. So yeah, continue your lying scammy ways does not work with federal judges.
  8. The middle two girls have a realky unhealthy pallor. The talkest looks like she is breastfedding her doll. "We ordered" = got someone to buy.
  9. It is possible that Jill does not know the difference between the 1 year "let's study the bible for a while" program and thr 3 year missionary program. Because 1) Jill is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier and 2) it's not about her so she doesn't care to learn the difference.
  10. Those poor girls. No wonder she treats them so badly (I mean she would anyway, but probably worse than she would if they were boys). You KNOW she reminds them on a regular basis she wanted boys but got them instead. Except for Nurie of course.
  11. guess that's why he only got the 1 year degree because he can buy presents for Mahmo or he can become a missionary. He cannot do both. So does he think he will still be a missionary like Tim is going to be a pilot. Or does he get the RV in the driveway now that Tim is getting married?
  12. Wasn't Phillip studying to be a missionary to Hungary? So wouldn't that imply he already knows what God's (Jill's) will for his life is? Imma guessing Jill is refusing to pay for any more semesters. It was cutting it to her vacation budget.
  13. I have no problem with the older kids hunting eggs. However, its sad that they have no friends to come over and play with them too. You only ever see them with other kids when the whole family is along. There are no peer groups to hang out with. It's family all the time. This is a basic problem with all fundy families it seems. they just travel as a whole group with no one allowed to be individual in case they see or hear something from .... Satan that corrupts them FOREVER.
  14. Not sure how I feel about the OBJ signing. It's a LOT of money that could have been used to keep the QB. He hasn't played in a while and there is a reason he is on his 4th team on a very large 1 year prove it deal. On the other hand, Lamar (if they keep him) needs targets so he doesn't have to do all the work himself.
  15. I see the girls are being instructed in the teapot pose. Yes let's put eggs HIGH up on things so even adults have to stretch when there are llittle kids who are also participating. You know the "winners" had that dollar in their hot little hands for the length of time to take the picture, then Jill was snatching it back. Also its 2023, a DOLLAR as a prize.
  16. He's even lazy about preaching. Which is just great for someone who has a full-time "ministry."
  17. I think it may go back to what kind of fields folks wanted. Farmers who grew crops wanted enclosed fields so they could be protected from livestock. Ranchers wanted wide out spaces to run their herds. Dairy farmers would, of course, wanted enclosed spaces so they could gather the cows easier for milking. Ranchers just needs to know where the herd IS when they gather they up to ride them up market for selling. In the West there were actual fights over this hence the song in Oklahoma.
  18. actually that one is rooted in history. At least earth history. Rome had a law that forbade the army from entering the city, or even crossing the Rubicon. that is why it was a BIG deal when Ceasar did it. The US has the posse comitatus law which prevents the military from being used as a police force except in EXTREME circumstances. So that one made sense to me and not just a plot device.
  19. Oh the farmer and the cowman should be friends .... Yeah farmers and ranchers are different breeds. But REAL farmers are like "I don't got time for this nonsense of teaching city girls how to farm, I got work to do." Also I grew up in farm country and every farmer had a paying job to actually support their family. The women might be Bachelor rejects, but the men signed up for a reason too. Promote their business, get insta famouse, whatever.
  20. Human brains are not finished until we are around 22-23. Given an average lifespan of 80 years, that's one-quarter of your life with a brain that is still learning things like impulse control and YOU CAN DIE IF YOU DO STUPID STUFF. No seriously, this is actual science. So given a species whose life span is roughly 900 years, the same equivalent would be 200 something (rounding here because math is NOT my strong suit). Grogu is only 50, so a quarter of the way to having his brain be finished (also assuming that it is an equivalent evolution to human brains). A quarter of a way to being finished for a human is about 4 years old. Or late toddler. Where you still have to teach them not to touch things and don't take other people's stuff. Obviously, different species with different evolutionary needs (hence the big eyes, ears to handle swamp dangers as pointed out), but the equivalent of a toddler with how he behaves is just about right.
  21. Yes. I don't watch all the Star Wars shows and really only care about the original 3 movies. I don't want to have to do homework to understand a nice little evening diversion. Could be why ratings are down. The casual fan is checking out.
  22. They missed a huge chance by not having The Duchess play a Crystal (looking) flute. I too felt Lizzo acted better than Jack Black. He overemotes. Also yeah there is something highly suspect about this "REHABILITATED, TOTALLY FOLKS." Also the look Christopher Lloyd gave him when he denounced him. It was definitely a "dude, this was YOUR plan."
  23. Or he's getting a cut of it. I mean he doesn't seem to be helping Ma either.
  24. and ignoring Ma too. I notice Pa is not putting his foot down about Ma being trotted out for all this grifting. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
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