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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. That Lions Chiefs game is weird. In past years, its been a rematch of the SB or the conference championship game. To have it be the Lions who have already been mathematically eliminated from the playoffs makes no sense. Although its the kickoff so everyone is going to watch. But it still makes no sense. There's a reason the Cowboys usually get either the Sunday or Monday night kickoff. You may hate them but they bring in the ratings consistently.
  2. Damn the Jackie Zeman news hit hard. I saw GH trending on Twitter for a couple of days and I was all "WHY???" So I clicked. Saw why. Started crying. I was a die hard GH fan during the 70s and early 80s. Jackie Zeman OWNED that role. She was also apparently a genuinely wonderful person. 70 is far too damn young for a light like that to go out.
  3. Twinings makes a lovely cold brew. Just put in the tea bag, add cold water. It's all drink in summer. I also love Earl Grey. Not the wake me up in the mornings. But I do love the hint of bergamot. TOPIC: When they do drink tea on tv, its always out of lovely china cups. No one has a big old mug.
  4. I watched the Combine, I wathed the Draft. I will not be watching the schedule release. There is nothing to get excited about. It's all talking heads speculating. There's no substance there. At least with the Combine and Draft you see the players. With the draft its all chalk talk.
  5. YAAAY Claudia Christian is back. But so sad that so many have gone beyond the rim.
  6. I disagree. Gil SERVES ON THE BOARD. He is perpetuating this. He isn't just some member who got sucked into a cult. he is part of the leadership that is SUCKING OTHERS IN. He's not a victim, he's the abuser. Jim Boob is the same. Maybe he never got on the board, but he sure spoke out about how wonderful it was. He went around the country telling people THIS is how you are supposed to live.
  7. I'd rather one that focused on IBLP in general. The Duggars aren't a one off. The whole cult needs to be exposed not just one family treated as an outlier because of FF.
  8. Oh good that Levar Burton's account was restored. Because his daughter was a bit upset. She found out she was blocked. Her comment was "Well either my dad has been hacked or Thanksgiving is going to be ackward this year." Somehow the hacker evaded the 2FA. It went on lonnger than it should have. Twitter is really a mess.
  9. "the fading musician" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Gee Manson, you can't be out there all "I am a complete jerk" then be surprised that you can't sue someone for defamation when they say in essence "he is a complete jerk."
  10. I have taken over two shelves in the cupboard with my tea. But then I drink it and even dry my own herbs from my garden for herb teas.
  11. The phones were bugged. That's why she took them, put them in her purse and tossed it away from them
  12. Hey I met with a conwoman, turns out she is really cool. No, there is no way she conned me, why would you ask that question?
  13. And how the rest of the family has it because of all the togetherness. GEEZ. Not to mention a sick pregnant woman needs rest, not enforced fun. Tim lives in an rv in the backyard, where does he have room for ONE dog, let alone two. Also, he's getting married, not getting more dogs. Not to mention as noted, dalmatians are really difficult dogs. Deafness is a common trait. Although being around the Rods it might be considered a survival trait.
  14. Dave -- put effort into something? Surely you jest. The fact that she has a travel agent should be a wake up call to all her supporters. I'm betting most of them don't take enough vacations to need one.
  15. This is what she is going to give as an excuse when she finds out the "free" trip isn't free and she hasn't grifted enough to cover the extra expenses. And that's presuming she can find enough suckers to even qualify.
  16. Well the case was over. So she was free to chat with the judge. And talking about her boyfriend is not really talking about the case. I mean I chat to judges about life all the time. One of them performed my wedding. He was really begging me to change my hard to pronounce last name and was unhappy when I stopped by his office to tell him I was hyphenating it. So that wasn't the bad part. Even trying to mediate with the nursing home supervisor, who was a HOOT with her just "fed up to HERE" attitude with the things old folks get up to, was not bad. Again it was the case but trying to avoid FUTURE problems possibly. Where she crossed the line was agreeing to bust old guy out. Then actually DOING IT.
  17. That was me. And I agree. Geez Rand, you are a grown up with your own job. I remember in the Apartment episode she was bummed Rand couldn't make it to see her because ... he had to work. Now he's some rube who just yucks it up all the time. Although I did like he said he loves small talk with people. So he isn't just this immature bundle of nerouses (sp? I know, but you know what I mean). Also, no mention of trains at all. Well okay the subway story but it was not a TRAIN story. So last week its "our whole relationship is the cute thing about trains, oh dear will that get old?" To this week with nary a mention and it turns out Rand is good at planning parties. And it was a nice party. He really is the perfect spouse for a judge -- good at small talk, able to get people together, plans well. Unlike Neil who can't put two coherent sentences together if he is asked to do anything. So again WHY would Abby choose Neil over Rand? but seems Abby is choosing her JOB over Rand. Oh yeah, I developed this whole life while you are not here and I am not willing to accomodate you at all. And WHY did she need to go bust out the guy? This is some random woman she met in Court when the woman APPEARED IN FRONT OF HER. Forget the whole breaking in thing, getting this personally involved with someone who appeared before you is BAD. Like disbarred bad. The show can be funny. Olivia helping Gurgs and putting Gurgs in her happy place was so good. Only time I liked Neil was as a muppet. And Dan as an old timey accountant was HILARIOUS. Also the British lady "I also use my accent" looking at Olivia like "why are you being so weird." Great job by the actress with such a small role. They need to focus on the cases being funny, not manufacturing situations so they can be funny.
  18. This is also about a plan to vet someone for VP. Not a big deal. So reading in the CIA station chief who's opinion they may need is not as big a deal as reading someone in on say, the operation to catch the mercenary in France.
  19. Just what is needed, ANOTHER used car lot. Can't they just use the one FF was watching porn at?
  20. Let me translate that from Jillese for everyone: We found this one church that lets us consistely grift from them.
  21. Emily D. Baker was talking about this on her live show on YouTube yesterday. She was all, she was indicted in 2018, she was convicted in January 2022, sentenced in November 2022 -- "it's time for her to go to jail. Go. To. Jail." She was staring hard at the camera in a "can you believe this isht" kinda way. Anyone else is in jail pending the outcome of her appeal. But pretty blonde girls who scammed some pretty famous people apparently get special treatment.
  22. YAAAY. But when? Because with the writers' strike (which I FULLY support) that will probably delay things.
  23. I binged the entire thing last night. Which is not something I really do. I usually need to take a break. But the episodes were short enough that it wasn't tiring. It was a nice show. No one is an asshole. The daughter is a smart ass but she and her dad seem to have a good relationship. The team seems to be good at their jobs while also not being so intense they are jerks. the storylines were fun. Best part - Peyton Manning shows up fairly often. He's executive producer so if he wants to be on -- he gets to be on. but its so funny watching him ask if his stuff is worth more than Eli's. he is so competitive.
  24. Neil needs to start acting like an adult. This isn't middle school. Drawing pictures of your crush while you are at work is juvenile. Abby needs to also mention it would never work because SHE IS A JUDGE AND HE IS HER CLERK. God I wish the writers would understand this. When Rand showed up in a previous episode there was literally no mention of trains. Now Abby is all "everything is train related will that get boring?" They mentioned they went to a corn maze together. When they had dinner in her chambers they were talking about friends and trivia night. He was helping her solve an issue with her colleagues. All stuff normal couples do. I really wish they would stop doing stuff just for plot purposes and pay attention to consistency.
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