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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. I give Jill points for using I there instead of me. Sure it should be the girls and I, but closer than most people get. And yes, I just defended Jill. But credit where credit is due. On the other hand, way to make KAYLEE's baby shower all about you Jill.
  2. YES. Where Mahmo can't drop by and "decorate" or expect Renee to stop by the house every day and do the work she is too lazy to do. Of course Jill will then add their house to their regular stops for free stuff. Hopefully, MM can stay strong and let Jill and her horde know they are welcome for SHORT visits but no eating out on HIS dime.
  3. Jim Brown was a great football player. If he had played more recently we would wonder if his off field problems were caused by CTE. They probably were. He played HARD and did not shy from contact. Not an excuse, just an explanation. But yeah, a part of NFL history is gone.
  4. You can tell Jill is TICKED that she can't put out all the MM's business on SM. The whole "Renee and her "mystery" man" is totally passive agressive.
  5. Yeah I don't think a woman who has to say "I had to pray to have a heart for children" really loves her kids. Someone who was only too happy to turn over the raising of her kids to her daughters does not love her kids. Also they BLANKETED TRAINED and promoted it as a good thing to do. That is deliberately cruel. Sorry not giving either JB or M any passes. They were adults AND PARENTS when they decided to follow Gothard. They had choices. They chose poorly.
  6. We already know Bobbye Holt has had some growth. She actually went and got a protective order against her husband. Which is really not the whole worship the headship thing. It is in fact, the exact opposite. She is saying loud and clear what he did is NOT OKAY.
  7. I mentioned this above. But I don't think it is going to work the way people think it will. They will sign up for the free trial (if they need two they will use different email addresses) and then drop it. Or they will sign up just long enough to get the games and drop it. This will not result in long term subscribers which is NBC's aim here.
  8. Oh wow. If the only cool stuff is what they show in the trailer, it might not work. But if this goes into Gothardism deeper than sound bites this is gonna be GOOD.
  9. If this delivers on all that -- it will be good. I like how those who left Gothard are called survivors. Yep. Its not just educaionally questionable, its damn stupid is what it is.
  10. That is somehow NOT bad enough? Like the only thing you know is he fought against his own country and betrayed his oath? But that's in your "America" room? Just I cannot.
  11. I love it. Of course a new surrender date has to be set and who knows when that will be. Or what she will try to get out of it in the meantime. ETA. New suurender date is May 30. Just 13 days. In other words the judge has HAD it. She's had plenty of time to get her affairs in order. Off she goes. Her new SO is rich, she is never going to be broke. She will just have nothing in her name so it can't be seized. She won't work. It will be OJ all over again.
  12. Cosby has admitted that he found Rashad less attractive after she got pregnant. He said it made the flirty scenes much harder after that. So I think its more a case of Rashad was older and had the clout to look at Cosby and say -- this is a show about a family you treat me badly and it tanks the show. Whereas Bonet was basically a kid and had less clout. Cosby did not like pregnant women. But just as he didn't assault all women but only those he felt he could get away with, he didn't treat all pregnant women like crap, only those he had power over.
  13. Really? I don't think folks are lining up to marry the Rods. Granted the pool for ANY of these fundies to marry is pretty small, hence the Rods related to the Duggars by way of the Kellers, etc. Which if the generations keep up the insular beliefs means they are going to head the way of the Royal Families of Europe in a couple of generations. But even given the lack of options, I think anyone with options is going for the bat guanoness that is BME. What do the Rod girls offer that is enough to overcome THAT?
  14. Supercross is the only reason I kept it after the Super Bowl this year. Hubby watches. I don't think this is going to result in the rush of sign ups that Peacock is hoping for.
  15. Isn't there a rule that the teams playing at least have to be on broadcast tv. Because sure the NFL wants more money but they also want the ratings to justify the huge tv contracts. If you artificially limit who can watch that hurts that number. I think this is going to get tweaked as the game gets closer when they realize everyone isn't rushing to sign up for Peacock to just watch one game. CBS has the broadcast so its not even that NBC will be using this as a way to get people onto streaming for the Super Bowl.
  16. Or she realized its really hard to get other people to buy them things if she is surrounded by a pile of expensive gifts the kids "bought" her. Like someone pointed out the begging for money doesn't work if you always have new stuff and are always on vacation.
  17. Either way if she was managing the kids money because they were minors she still owed a fidicuiary duty to be responsible with THEIR money.
  18. The kids now that they are adults need to sue Kate for her mismanagement of THEIR money. Make her accoutn for every cent she appropriated. I would LOVE to see her justify how she spent Colin's money when he didn't even live with her for several years before Jon got custody.
  19. Really Kaylee a grown woman, living in her own house (decorated by her tacky mother) and about to become a mother herself uses "Kaylee Girl" when signing something. Jill you might want to update your "signatures" for your children.
  20. I can overlook things like an upstate NY lawyer becoming a judge in NYC (because apparently no one else wants on the bench and a way to move up). I can accept Dan becoming a judge in a state he hasn't practiced in in 40 years, because again, no else apparently wants the job. But you know, tell me there are DAY TRIPS from Skaneateles to NYC on the regular and I lose it.
  21. I grew up near Detroit as did Hubby. That's the thing about the Lions, just when you begin to hope -- they crush your dreams and leave you crying on the couch in your replica 1957 jersey.
  22. I just have one thing to say -- the verb is urinate, the noun is urine. So she was going to urinate urine on the equipment, not urine on it.
  23. Abby and Rand are SO TERRIBLE together that they literally know what each other is going to say. Yep break them up so she can be with non-entity Neil. If they had cast someone else for Rand would ya'all still say he and Abby don't work together? Nice to see prosecutorial misconduct get called out. But literally nothing will beat Roz turning to the bailiff and deadpanning, "Take me back to jail." Just so Roz. Then Fielding going "She loves me."
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