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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. Lort that skirt. I love Jill's idea of modesty -- long enough to cover all the way to the ankles (heavens seeing a knee might send a man right over the edge) but clinging tightly to the thighs. Got it.
  2. Jill thinks $500 is life changing. She really does have no concept of money. Which she wouldn't because everything is given to her so she has no idea what things really cost. So she thinks $500 is a lot of money. And while it might make life a little easier for some, its really not a whole change your life. Especially what you have to SPEND to get that $500.
  3. So much this. Jill is trying to fill an empty hole that she has for some reason with STUFF. Hence the hoarding of stuff and kids. Also the absolute control she MUST have over everything in her life. It will never be enough. Jill needs therapy, not plexus.
  4. If you want to do history in Cleveland, there is a hell of lot more history than the Christmas Story house which is not even history, except possible Hollywood History. Just one block from the Rock N Hall of Fame is the USS Cod. A World War 2 Submarine, although Dave would not fit down the hatch to go below and Jill with her skirts would be at a disadvantage to go down the ladders (it has an opening then the ladder it straight down, they have not modified it for visitors. THat was fun when we went last Fall, hubby went first so if I fell I could squash him). The McKinley Presidential Library and Museum is in Canton, as is the First Ladies Museum. I hit them both up when I visited the Pro Football Hall of Fame eons ago. Granted those are Canton but not that far from Cleveland.
  5. Good teams don't need to change coaches often. Functional teams know that a revolving door of front office/coaches is not good for stability. It's not just the QBs who benefit from it but the whole team and the organization. It's about the attitude of the team. If you know the guy you are playing for might not be there next year why bother to try hard for him? Yes the players are competitive, but they are human too. Also, new HCs/GMs tend to want "their guy" there. if you weren't picked by the new guy and aren't amazing, you start to wonder if you will even be around. Which messes with your head. Then you gotta learn a new system to please the new guy and you worry you can't. You get the yips. But also it comes down, temas with revolving doors don't attract the best. You notice how many go elsewhere and do okay to even great? Its because they have gone to a functional team that attracts decent to good coaches.
  6. There are still small kids at home and yet somehow they had a whole afternoon to themselves to take a tour. Not that I think parents don't need time away from kids (it helps actually to recharge to go back to parenting). But these two NEVER seem to parent. And it was WINE. Not non-alcoholic grape juice. Otherwise the line about keeping the good stuff until later would not make sense. There is no difference in quality of grape juice. But you served the good wine first, THEN when everyone was too drunk to care, you switched to the cheaper stuff. It's pretty much STATED RIGHT FREAKING THERE IN THE BIBLE. Which they consider the literal word of dog, except when it says something they don't like, then they feel free to rewrite it.
  7. Pedal taverns? Are those what I think they are and how can I find one? In the first airport pic, Newman looks like he's trying to get away from Dave. In the second one, Nemo is all "Why is this crazy lady holding me? Get me out of here." "600 points or more" You know Jill is going to spin that to say everyone gets that once they hit 600 points and she had enough to go to Gala but chose not to. Because she might have to look at alcohol.
  8. People still don't get how bad Ike was. Someone posted about how great they were together and how sad it was they broke up. Tina literally fled for her life. That scene in the movie always makes me cry, especially when the hotel manager stops her taking her rings off to pay for the room and says it would be an honor to give her a room. Tina got basically barred from the music industrywhen she left Ike. Because the music industry sided with him. She had to go back to singing in clubs, etc. Her 80s comeback was after a lot of HARD work to rebuild her career that Ike and his buddies had trashed. But she did it. And had a better career than him in the long run. Like others said, living well is the best revenge.
  9. The bow lifts off too. There are only two kinds of piles of presents -- 1 and only 1 for each person in the family or a carefully arranged tower of presents for each child. There is no in between.
  10. He definitely did. He deliberately looked the wrong way so he could be the "stupid American who doesn't understand England" in order to con a ride.
  11. Nah, I would bet he created one of his LLCs and said the kids were all employees of the LLC and would be paid by the LLC. Then he signed the contract on behalf of the LLC. Derrick can be terrible for having his hateful beliefs, but he was EXACTLY RIGHT here. Every single one of the adult children should have had separate contracts. Or if JB did what I think he did, the adults should have been paid and the minors have the money put away for them. Instead JB had to be slick like he always is -- and he got caught. because he is not as smart as he thinks he is.
  12. Now,now not the LaFittes. If you listened to Susan LaFitte in the bond hearing, they lived in a vintage - at best - double wide. (while skpping over they recently sold their huge home and the kids went to private school).
  13. DAMMIT 2023 sucks. She is dancing her way through the pearly gates and St. Peter is rocking along with her. (Ike is elsewhere thank you very much).
  14. With luck the IRS will get involved after seeing the doc. It might not be THE thing that brings them down, but it might help. I have to believe other fed agencies are involved after seeing the "car lot" that FF worked at. Yet there was probably claimed income. Not to mention all the LLCs filed means money is being moved around -- maybe legally, maybe not. But surely SOMEONE has their radar on this family. We just haven't heard about it because the feds tend not to leak.
  15. That is still a long way off. And there isn't a lot. No one has been able -- to date -- trace the money he stole. It's unclear what became of it. Right now the victims fund consists of a 401K he liquidated. Which Dick and Jim want another chunk of in order to be paid for Alex's appeal. Otherwise, he might have to use -- horrors -- a Public Defender!!!!!! The press release with the Indictment contains an interesting tidbit. Cory Fleming who was indicted on myriad counts of fraud, will plead guilty to ONE count of fraud. he so totally flipped on Alex. Someone finally realized the Murdaugh ship is going down and does not want to be on it when it does. Finally someone realized being friends with the Murdaughs does not protect you from consequences anymore. Finally someone thinking of themselves and their own family rather than trying to keep on Alex's good side. This is his BEST FRIEND since college. And he's all -- Yeah what do you want to know in exchange for me not spending life in prison?
  16. I wonder if this is the "people can be so hurtful" comment from a bit back. Wanna bet she was told to stop being so ... Jill and now she is all butthurt? Seriously what salvation story can ANY of her kids tell? She has had them under her control and beating Jaysus into their heads since they were babies. They never had a choice. Which I am pretty sure the KJV has a few choice phrases about free will.
  17. "PLayer Safety" but you may play on a Thursday Night with a quick turnaround. Although the TNF flex might not be as bad as it appears for fans. There has to be 28 days notices of a flex. Which gives you a chance to hold off your travel plans until 27 days before the game. Airfare/hotels might not be as expensive as last minute changes. Also its a one year experiment. If it does not get used in 2023, it does rollover to 2024. If it is used in 2023 it has to be voted on for 2024. If it rollovers it has to be voted on for 2025. If it is not used in 2 years, then it is clearly not needed. For the kickoff, I am holding off my opinion. The players and special team coaches hate it. So probably a bad idea. On the other hand, this happens in college ball and the world has not ended. It just means a change in strategy. Just like the penalties for leading with your helmet meant a change in strategy.
  18. In my state, they have to explain WHY the guidelines are not being followed, including no child support. And a judge has to approve the reason. So you can't just agree on $100 if the amount would really be $1000.00. But if the amount if $155 and you agree on $150 to make the math easier, no one really blinks an eye. But you have to explain both. Again, Nick Cannon has so much money (presumably) that you can't just plug in the numbers and do the math. It really comes down to needs of the child and lifestyle. This came up with how much Britney Spears was paying and how she bought the house for her ex that his OTHER kids were living in. Okay, but her kids lived with Dad. He had to have a decent house for them which matched the lifestyle of kids of Britney Spears. He was married to the mom of his other kids, what was he supposed to do, have his wife and kids live elsehwere while he raised Britney's kids? Also his OTHER kids shouldn't be punished because their half siblings had a richer mom than they had. So the kids got to live in a nice house. How entitled of them. These are KIDS. Let them have nice things.
  19. Family law attorney here. Child Support Calculations are very state specific. But in general, it is calculated by combining both parents incomes, then going to a chart each state works out for that amount of income and that number of kids (in my state, it goes up to a combined income of 20K and 8 kids). The number of kids is the number of kids the parents have together, not total number of kids anyone one parent may have. Then the basic amount (the amount from the chart) is divided by each parent's percentage of the combined income. The non-custodial parent pays their share to the custodial parent -- because the CP is already paying their share by paying the bills in the house (which are a lot more than child support). In the cases of high income people, we call that above the guidelines, then the court takes into account lifestyle. There was one case in my state of a mom who was going to school and a professional football player. The court decided the kid was entitled to the same lifestyle as other kids of professional football players. If the paying parent has more kids, it does not necessary reduce the child support as you knew you had THESE kids to support before you had another. It assumes the parents will make responsible choices about having kids and supporting them. You can imagine how well that works. Non-custodial parents will have more kids, just to get out of paying child support for the original kids. They are not happy to find out it doesn't work that way. Also child support is modifiable. If either parent's income changes drastically, then it can be modified to take into account. Which is why one episode of CSI (original flavor) always bugged. It was the basketball star is murdered one. The mom who had a kid before the guy became famous is only getting a tiny amount of child support - because it was ordered before he signed his first contract. THe show acted like she was stuck with that number until the kid turned 18. Like no, you immediately go back to court and go -- DID YOU SEE THE HEADLINES OF HOW MUCH HE SIGNED FOR? As for Nick Cannon, he is most likely above the guidelines but has so damn kids the courts would give themselves headaches sorting it out. But any mom who is all "Oh he doesn't need to pay support" is NUTS. Even if you don't need it, put it in a college fund for the kid.
  20. Could be right. Although I have not seen any that cheap, but maybe not looking the right places. Still how did they came up with $700 when the RV needs fixing so bad and they can't afford it themselves.
  21. Electric bikes are NOT cheap. I've been looking at them for myself. They START at $1500. Even converting a bike over to electric is about $700 for the kit. Where on earth did the Rod kids get that kind of money? Hope Kaylee and Jonathan weren't planning on needing anything for the baby.
  22. Josh probably helped set it up as the family tech guy. Which means he knew how to get around it, or OOOOPS, its not installed in this one computere. We know he found a way around Covenant Eyes. And of course, they had internet, that's how the kids did their schoolwork after awhile. Surely M wasn't taking time away from her Starbucks and being joyfully available to actually TEACH her children at the actual dining room table.
  23. THIS. Every person can decide for themselves where they stand with regards to accusations. ONLY if you are called to serve on a jury must you swear to be impartial and decide based only the facts and evidence presented. The rest of us are free to go "Hey, this guy skeeved me out for years, I could not put my finger on why, now it makes sense." Or as @Makai said one can decide to not support them. We all get to make choices who we support and don't. Sometimes its because of accusations sometimes its just because we don't like that person.
  24. that was HUGE. Why would anyone come out if they were just going to be arrested. The smart move would have been to put them in a hotel or some place they could keep an eye on them, THEN when it was over arrest the people.
  25. Jim Brown left and there wasn't much of a team around him. Art Modell was the reason Jim Brown retired BTW. Brown was shooting a movie that with delays meant he would miss the start of training camp. Now back in those days, you didn't have OTAs and such. Nor were players really training year round. So you needed training camp to get players back in to football shape. But this is Jim Brown, we are talking about so how much he really needed training camp is an open question. Modell threatened to fine Brown $1500 a day for every day he missed. So Brown said "Fine I'm retired, see ya." Following myself but Johannah posted while I was typing and this is kinda different. Irsay HAD to leave with the team. The NFL FULLY supported the team because of the precedent it would have set. The State of Maryland was stupidly threatening eminent domain and seizing the team. Now I am not a big fan of taxpayer funded stadiums with most of the revenue going to teams (okay I flat out hate it and support any city that says no to this extortion), but threatening eminent domain is not a good move either. Any sports team would be nervous after that. Getting out of Dodge (Baltimore, Owings Mills) was the safest thing they could.
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