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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. If she is still in the hospital, she is probably getting more food than she ever got before. Kinda like how Phillip filled out when he went to college. Kid probably went in to protective mode, if I lay quiet and don't move, maybe the scary thing will go away and not eat me.
  2. Jill won't siphon any off -- she will take the whole thing. AndKaylee and Jonathan will never see a cent of the money. If questioned, Jill will either lie and say, of course all the money went to them, or say they "begged" her to keep the money since she works so hard all the time for all of them, she deserves it.
  3. So Gideon is never going home? That will extend his stay. I really hope for Gideon's sake that Jill gets bored with playing the "caring grandma" and goes back to trying for the Hawaii trip. So Gideon can get some peace and quiet.
  4. Never forget this scene: It's an Earth food. They are called Swedish meatballs. It's a strange thing, but every sentient race has its own version of these Swedish meatballs! I suspect it's one of those great universal mysteries which will either never be explained, or which would drive you mad if you ever learned the truth.
  5. I highly doubt the Rods read the instructions (and some probably can't read at all anyway), let alone followed the instructions. Rules are for the "ungodly" people, not them.
  6. I said this to a friend, Britney is a celeb, she's probably had a crazed fan or two. She should know you don't breach the bodyguard perimeter. Looking at the video it looks she hits herself in the face, looks a little bewildered then keeps going. So yeah, a whole lotta nothing to get attention.
  7. Oh Jill will be FURIOUS that free accomodations will not be made available to her (she doesn't care about the kids, they can stay home with Renee. She DESERVES everything free). Even if they are separate rooms, I highly doubt all that caterwauling is confined to little Gideon's room. I would be right there with @SMamamaking a scene until the nurses did something. Just because they want to be obnoxous does not mean it needs to affect the peace and quiet my baby may need. Someone needs to go to the patient advocate over this and take it all the way up the chain -- to the Board if necessary.
  8. How did the nurses not stop this? I know Kaylee doesn't know she can say no to any visitors but her and Jonathan, but the hospital surely has rules. Had a friend whose first grandchild had to spend a little time in NICU. She specifically said there were restrictions, but that the mother (her daughter) had put my friend on the "free to visit anytime" list. Because my friend would just sit with the baby and be quiet, and was not a psycho like Jill. The Rodriguii did the same thing to Ma when she had her stroke. The poor woman needed peace and quiet, to rest and recover, and there was Jill and her horde barging in and singing. Then Jill would paw Ma around to do her make up and hair. Where's Nurse Ratchett when you need her?
  9. Did .... marriage licenses not exist? Did the cleric performing the ceremony say "Do you Agent 99 take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband." I get it. It was a sitcom and it was a schtick, but some of them defies belief. There's suspension of belief and then there's ... the title of this thread.
  10. Stab him like that crazy guy did to Monica Seles? Players have bodyguards for a reason. They have been threatened and harmed by overzealous "fans" or people mad because his team beat "their" team. As a celeb herself, Ms. Spears should have known this. She should have known to not touch him and done something else to get his attention. Should the bodyguard have SLAPPED her in the face, when a mere getting between her and his protectee would have been enough? No. But Ms. Spears is not innocent here either.
  11. Wait a minute, you get $15 to build an offense but only $10 to make a defense?
  12. One can only hope. Presumably Jonathan got a better education than Kaylee because his mother might have actually put a tiny bit of effort into educating her kids. Although he seems to have fallen under Jill's spell so he can't be too bright. But a big hospital bill and having to navigate managing that is a big eye opener no matter how poor your education.
  13. OF COURSE the child knew it was his mamma's birthday. Good grief. 4 pounds, 9 oz is not bad. It's small but not too little. Fingers crossed this child is okay. Because you know who won't let Kaylee actually have any time to care for any child beyond the basics.
  14. Or anything to do with custody. I do family law. The number of people going through a traumatic event like divorce who will NOT seek therapy is pretty high. They don't want it used against them in court. I can SAY all I want that Judges WANT to see you getting help, as long as you are following treatment you are fine, but they are still scared that their ex will say "my significant other is crazy, give me the kids" and they believe the courts will agree.
  15. Oh I hope Kaylee and the baby are okay. Not even going to mention that person who takes photos of her daughter in labor. This should be all about Kaylee and the baby right now, not her. But wouldn't be surprised that having to take care of Ma while that person and her husband were traveling all winter and spring, not to mention expecting to keep thin during pregnancy because that person said so caused problems.
  16. Wonder if she is really remorseful. She was a whole driving force behind the the branding to impress Keith.
  17. Nah, she let a boyfriend molest her kid. That was pre drugs. Then she got back together with the guy and was running around with him. Pre-drugs. She has always been this self-centered. A man has ALWAYS come before her kids. ANY MAN.
  18. So Jill makes $875 a month which she admits covers her OWN purchases (thereby making money for her upline). So as @oliviabensonsaid, she makes $100 a month (or less) yet she acts like this is a HUGE moneymaker for her. Jill is a grifter, but she is not jewel level grift skills. She will never see that Hawaii trip.
  19. Don't forget buying her something in the Gift Shop because she is the greatest momma ever. So all the money Jill makes goes right back into buying Plexus, making the company money, instead of ...I don't know ... food for her kids.
  20. I would not have settled with the doctor. If the doctor doesn't say she is abused, none of this happens. That doctor sees abuse anyone doesn't parent the EXACT way she thinks they should. And that Judge. No she can't hug her daughter. What was she going to do, give her a ketamine injection right there in the courtroom? The hospital going "oh we provide well and care for all our patients." You found out the mother committed suicide and you referred to Maya as "Ketamine girl." That is not caring. That is treating her like a joke. I don't blame Maya for never wanting to go to a hospital again. Also they were BILLING for treatment for a condition they claimed she didn't have and that mom was faking for attention. Was the ketamine treatment the right thing? I don't know. But the parents were following what they thought was a legitimate doctor's advice. That might be wrong, but its not abuse. I swear to god Munchhausen by Proxy is so RARE if you ask an actual psychologist not a doctor who thinks she is the savior of all children, that they should have known it probably wasn't that. Think horses, not zebras.
  21. Hmmm, edge of celebrity religious family. NGO status. Is this what MedicAlert or whatever that Duggar boy plays with is called really does? We know they don't actually HELP anyone. They claimed they were in Ukraine teaching doctors how to treat war wounds.
  22. So the fraud conviction was for claiming benefits as a single mom when DumDum was living with her. Now the fraud on the public is that they are one BIG happy family while living apart. How did this show get greenlit again? Convictions should be disqualifying from the getgo.
  23. "for years we vacationed in Amish country." Because that's what people with no jobs do, go on vacations. A LOT. And if she enjoys the simple life she needs to: 1. Give up the map 2. Give up Social media 3. Stop selling plexus (seriously the Amish would not approve) 4. Give up her phone. 5. Stop buying every totchke she likes 6. Stop the cosplay outfits (Plexus Convention looking at YOU) 7. Learn to be self-sufficient instead of expecting everyone else to support you.
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