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Everything posted by Grundoon59

  1. Have to confess I giggled at The College of William and Mary and Jessica Huang. When I was a student there (long, long ago), there were hardly any media mentions of it so you relished the ones you heard.
  2. Hi Elaine/Stavia! You played well and went out with grace and humor - can't ask for more than that. If it makes you feel better, I thought Maiginot line and talked myself into the autobahn for FJ! 😂
  3. As a fan of both the books and the show, I am glad to have found this forum. The show differs quite a bit from the books - similar to how the same author's Hamish McBeth books are different from the series. I recommend both although warn of the differences. So glad to hear of series 3.
  4. I am singing the Maude theme song in my head and was very sorry the show was a TS. If you are at all a Rita Moreno fan and have Netflix, PLEASE check out the new version of One Day at a Time. It is a lovely show and apparently needs more eyeballs to secure a fourth season. FJ was an instaget for me - loved his plays but I can see why it could be tough. Again glad the one who got FJ right won.
  5. FJ was an instaget - in the Detroit area, news stations periodically do stories on Hoffa's disappearance and various theories. I was in my teens when it happened and remember it well - even have been to the restaurant where he was last seen. My late father was active locally and nationally in the teacher's union and told great stories about Hoffa running AFL-CIO conventions. I liked Dana but also like when the only player to get FJ wins.
  6. Glad to be back in sync with the forum since Detroit got tonight's show. Thanks for the info on 5 by 5. I had heard it before (either some historical remnant in my brain or in Buffy watching) but couldn't really get how it fit the category. Hope staged a good comeback with some luck from stumbles by Kristin but I was surprised she got credit for her answer The Titanic when the question seemed to ask for the movie's title which I think is just Titanic. I agree Kristen looked peeved but her answers were wrong. I was surprised the Rough Riders was a TS with Teddy Roosevelt mentioned in the clue.
  7. Longtime viewer (on and off since the 70s), fairly longtime lurker, first time poster (in this forum). I can deal with everyone ending up in the Niagara Falls area at the same time [old school soap device]. But has anyone connected with GH ever been to the Falls - utterly gorgeous nature surrounded in both countries by urban settings. The bridge you can walk across also carries cars and goes right through downtown on both sides. I realize this is a small point but it has been making me nuts. Thanks for letting me rant.
  8. We are not back to regular viewing yet in Detroit- last night's Tournament final was postponed due to the Mayor's State of the City. I assume we will be skipping tonight's game - otherwise I will always be a day behind the forum. So sorry to hear about Alex - sending all happy thoughts in his direction.
  9. Count me in the class of born in 1959 (December but it still counts). I don't remember the moment of the Kennedy assassination itself but have clear memories of the funeral coverage and my parents being very solemn (after having supported Eisenhower in 1952, they had become Democrats and my dad was a delegate to the AFLCIO convention where JFK spoke about a week before his death). Mother Grundoon taught me to iron but she also taught me to read the words permanent press at an early age. I too am fond of Alan but can't root for team Colby. Given that Larissa knew about one of my favorite plays The Norman Conquests, I may have to root for team Brad.
  10. I was out last night so didn't see the show. Can't believe I missed seeing a clue about Gordie Howe - growing up in the metro Detroit area in the 60s and 70s with the last name Howe meant a lot of time explaining he wasn't a relative. Tonight FJ was an instaget for me because that was the year my parents got married and my WWII infantry dad persuaded my mom to vote for Eisenhower.
  11. I got the TS of Dominion Day being July 1 - Detroit and Windsor do joint fireworks in late June to celebrate it and the 4th. Also got Cro-Magnon (read those books ages ago). Agree with pronunciation issue being odd. Love the Cro-Magnum definition (could it also refer to the Tom Selleck version of Magnum P.I.?) Yes Saber5055 I did notice all the letters of Titian being pronounced. Clearly information gained through reading, not speech.
  12. I was sorry Julia flamed out since her teammate Seth was my favorite player in the double Jeopardy round. I admired Matt's speed, breadth of knowledge and guts but I liked Seth's easygoing manner. I got FJ by thinking of artists known by first names and then added the Northern European factor from the clue. Still not really enjoying this but will probably continue to watch. This probably says more about me than I'd like. I actually had to cheer for Trebek tonight because forte's pronunciation has been a long time Grundoon family pet peeve. Going to hide in a corner now.
  13. I am starting to view Ken as the Richard Blais of Jeopardy. I liked Blais in his initial run of Top Chef but grew to dislike him more and more in subsequent appearances. I was rather an admirer of Ken back in the day but his recent tweets have irked me greatly. For the record Ken - if Jeopardy fans weren't loyal to the core ideas of the show, it would have gone of the air by now. Change for the sake of change isn't always good. Conversely Austin irked me to my core during his original run but is growing on me now. He shows enthusiasm for others doing well and clearly gets some of his eccentricities from his parents. Overall though the All Star Tournament is leaving me cold so far. I am not participating in the Fantasy League but wish all who are good fortune and hope someone here wins.
  14. Count me as another vote for Detroit. The variety of locally grown products at farmers' markets plus so many restaurants (old and new) and great potential of backdrops would help make a compelling season. They could even do something in Canada if they wanted to go south to Windsor.
  15. I was glad to see Gloria from Orange is the New Black as the defense attorney ( sorry I am blanking on the actress' name) but other than that, I would like to have my hour back.
  16. I am glad that the players are enjoying the Tournament (and certainly understand why they would) and am impressed with their knowledge base but so far I haven't found it as enjoyable as a regular show would be for me as a viewer. Hopefully I will enjoy it more as the Tournament goes on. I did feel bad for Alan (my favorite on team Colby) since he seemed to feel he had let them down by being beaten to the buzzer.
  17. I don't mind the trash talking since I am not particularly rooting for anyone and only against a couple of people. I am somewhat confused about how it will all shake out. It reminds me of something called a gatling gun historic base ball tournament I attended awhile back which I ultimately loved so I am hopeful. But it could be a long couple of weeks.
  18. I may have missed it but I assumed Meghan would have mentioned that her father was a clue on Jeopardy last night. Maybe she doesn't watch?
  19. Broadway Musicals would be one of my dream categories but I would worry I would fall and go boom if I were on the show. That being said, I was thinking MFL was a very easy one to get from the clue - all you had to do was sing the song - but then the poor champion obviously sang the wrong song and picked the wrong lyric. Poor girl.
  20. I was out on Friday so I didn't see Amanda but I had to root for her tonight since we share a first name and she's from two suburbs west of me. So I probably doomed her. Sorry Amanda! H.G. Wells was an instaget for me from the Shakespeare of science fiction in the clue and a reference to him in an early Murdoch Mysteries I saw recently which cemented the time frame for me.
  21. Congratulations Teebax! We will all be rooting for you and I will repeating my vow to not be snarky in early April. If it helps at all, Mother Grundoon turns 95 on April 6 so we will both add our happy thoughts to your taping time. She's a retired teacher so would love for you to do well.
  22. I missed you all so much! And I realized how much time per day I spent on this site. This new system will take some adjustment but I will persevere because I need to be here with you all. I second all of Sharpie66's comments. I remember I, Claudius well and Carol Moseley Braun came to Michigan a few times to help female candidates back in the day when I ran in political circles. Friday's FJ was an instaget mainly due to Kiss Me Kate (Brush Up Your Shakespeare is now stuck in my brain) also from having seen a wonderful all female production of Taming of the Shrew at the Globe in London back in 2003 (and many visits to Stratford Ontario over the years).
  23. I said Denmark for FJ and then started second guessing myself immediately. I did better on Women of the Bible than I expected but it would still be one of problem categories. I felt bad for Bryan on the Checkers DD. You could tell he knew it in the deepest recesses of his brain but couldn't find the retrieval button. Loved the Independent Bookstore category. When so many are going under, we must cherish the survivors. I feel old sometimes when I remember Borders back when it was an Independent Bookstore.
  24. As a proud former Girl Scout, I was sad that Juliette Gordon Lowe was a TS when the cookies weren't (and I freely admit I love the cookies and have tagalongs, aka peanut butter patties, in my freezer year round). I also got Evangeline thanks to family history in Nova Scotia. I got FJ immediately but am somewhat embarrassed to admit that it was partly due to the TV show The Young Riders.
  25. Bad things are bad - I understand. I have never been in it myself but it is one of those buildings that once you see it you remember it. It's on E. Jefferson basically across from Harbor Town.
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