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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. Takes a lot of nerve to call other people frumpy when you’re wearing that outfit complete with raccoon eyes and hair so dry it needs a red flag warning. It makes me sick that these two went to Disney when none of those poor kids have ever been. Their “vacation” is being crammed in a smelly RV, although it’s probably a relief to get a break from Jill.
  2. Have you considered taking some of the things that need to be shredded to a place where they’ll do it for you? The time saved might be worth the cost.
  3. They ended the evening with a dance party? Hope Boob and Meech’s heads exploded at that news. I’ll never forget one of the little kids being chastised for dancing on the show. So ridiculous.
  4. Reminds me of Herb Tarlek (from WKRP in Cincinnati for those under 50 😁)
  5. I feel for you, that sounds so discouraging. People who don’t struggle with their weight have no idea how hard it is, especially men. I’ve seen men saying “it’s all calories in and out” when women are talking about menopause 🤬. Like yeah DAVE, tell me all about YOUR personal experience with menopause 🙄. Weight regulation is so complicated and there’s so many factors that influence it beyond calories (which are obviously important but not the whole story like some people make it out to be). Personally, I’ve lost 90 pounds since the start of 2023, that’s the good news. Bad news is I hate exercise, haven’t done enough of it and have lost muscle mass. I still need to lose another 30-40 pounds, but the scale won’t budge. I basically have to eat what I was eating to lose weight just to maintain. My husband just had hip surgery a couple weeks ago and is laid up in bed, I’m having to do everything and my eating hasn’t been great. Got on the scale and I’m up six pounds 😩. This is what eating my normal meals plus a few extra snacks does to me. I know I’ve got to start working to build back muscle mass, but trying to add one more thing to my plate right now feels impossible. I’ve got to do it, though. I refuse to gain this weight back. I’ve gained and lost so many times that my metabolism is a mess. I even tried Contrave recently to try to lose the rest of this weight, and all it did was disrupt my sleep 🤦‍♀️.
  6. For anyone who hasn’t seen it yet, this is Kody and Robyn’s bedroom 😳
  7. The People article says she got engaged June 15 - they can’t mean this year, can they? We know fundies don’t believe in long engagements, but two months to put together a wedding for 500 seems impossible. I’m honestly shocked the rumors were true, but I’m happy for her.
  8. After the stunt they pulled at the wedding, I’m betting the Kellers avoid the Rods whenever possible. I feel so sorry for Nurie. I can’t fathom having 3 babies back to back with a horde of people to entertain right after giving birth. And this is only the beginning. It’s so bleak I don’t even want to imagine it for long.
  9. Me, too. My prescription is double digits and my lenses distort my face 😞. I hate the way it looks but I can’t be bothered with contacts anymore, especially since I still need glasses to see up close when I wear them - what’s the point? I walk into door frames all the time. I’m just thankful they can make lenses that are so much thinner and lighter than they used to be. My glasses used to be so heavy they’d give me a headache.
  10. Not to defend the Rodlets use during pregnancy/breastfeeding, but that disclaimer is likely coming from Plexus’s lawyers to try to avoid lawsuits rather than from any known risk. For their children’s sake, I hope that’s the case.
  11. Not exactly the same, but we just bought a Mazda CX-9 a couple months ago and we absolutely love it. It’s so fun to drive, and it has so many useful features. We got the Carbon edition and it’s mid range on features but feels loaded. I’m still driving a 2008 CR-V and it feels like a tin can in comparison. Definitely recommend a test drive.
  12. Could someone please DM me the alternatives as well? I’ve been around since TWOP days and don’t want to lose this group! One of the rare places on the internet with intelligent discussions and lots of laughs. I hate what’s happening. I have no interest in forums devoid of snark 🥱
  13. I feel the same as many of you, I’ve watched these people for so long that I’m heartbroken for what they’re going through. It’s devastating enough to lose a child, but suicide adds more layers of pain. I have no interest in seeing their pain on camera, that’s not something they need to share with the viewing public. The show needs to end.
  14. She is sucking it in with everything she’s got, her shoulders are even leaning forward 😂. Guess shape wear was the one thing she didn’t pack. Thank goodness for filters 😏
  15. All I know is that in the vast majority of cases, a professional contractor could find a way to have the sink and mirrors lined up correctly. I couldn’t live with that, it would drive me insane.
  16. That mirror being misaligned to the right sink is making me twitchy. Great job with the light switch placement, Dave 🙄
  17. @laurakaye if you’re on Facebook, try searching Sister Wives Season 18 Episode 19. I found it that way and used Apple Airplay to cast it to my TV. So stupid it’s not on Max!
  18. Maybe I’m reading too much into this, but did anyone else catch when Meri said (regarding her marriage to Kody) that nothing had happened to break the covenant at that time? My mind immediately went to Robyn’s spiel about the only way to break the covenant is to sleep with another man. Could Meri have found herself a man? Or am I desperately grasping at straws for something interesting in this drawn out tell nothing? I think the latter is more likely 😏
  19. Especially considering she wasn’t working! I’d be a terrible sister wife, because there’s no way in hell I’d work to pay off her debts while she sat on her butt doing nothing.
  20. Wishing you a speedy recovery! I was planning to have gastric bypass myself this year and like you, I started losing weight on my own while working to get approval. They told me it was okay to lose weight, they’d go by my initial weigh in. Well, t ended up taking 8 months to finally get approval, by then I’d lost 60 pounds and then they tell me I’ve lost too much and my insurance won’t approve it 🤦‍♀️. I was on the fence anyway so I’m just going to make it work. I’ve lost 77 pounds at this point and want to lose another 35. If I can only do 25 that’s okay too. What’s most important to me is getting to a weight I can maintain without killing myself. I’m really afraid of gaining it back, the statistics on maintaining a large weight loss are dismal. That’s a big reason I wanted the surgery in the first place, it helps with maintenance. Either way though, you have to permanently change your habits. Please keep us posted on your progress!
  21. Carlin and Evan are the type of people who need instructions like this
  22. Same, I took a cruise in March and there were no COVID requirements. Whatever the reason, I don’t think it’s that. I’m truly surprised she didn’t go, honestly.
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