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Everything posted by Kareem

  1. This is truly brilliant. The pontificating pant load and the beautiful but brainless phony, forever trying to make her pointless points, would be fascinating to witness.
  2. That I didn’t know. I honestly thought she was around 70 or more.
  3. Corny’s new guy makes her old guy seem like a prize. Being quarantined with that dude would make me wanna go outside and be eaten by an alligator. That show was rough to watch.
  4. Ya, I thought the Pepper looked pooped, too. Meka looked nice in pink. Mindy looked ok but the previews of the reunion had her looking a little scary. I think I have a special place in my heart now for Dr. V. Her reactions to The Hairdo were priceless.
  5. Think it’s wrinkles. 🚬🚬🚬 Woman is a hard 50 something.
  6. Could be. lol Although when he kissed her at the wedding ceremony, dude handled it. Nicely...
  7. When we met these two, Erika was having fun, going out, spending time with friends. Stephanie was home all weekend eating a piece of cheese. Personality-wise, they haven't changed.
  8. Saw this when it was originally on. It may make you see these two differently.
  9. Exactly this. Every wildlife conservation and/or rescue group, post and poster says so. Glad they actually took a minute to check with others and released it. Unfortunate that she wasted time patting herself on the back while having it on the floor of the car all day.
  10. I agree neither of them make an effort to look decent; not sure they believe their only lure is a green card. They seem to be delusional enough to believe that the other person actually loves them. BGL speaks of rocking his world and living happily ever after with the love of her life, while nagging and controlling him. It took Mayo Ed seeing Rose’s poverty to have the “maybe she just wants to get to the States” lightbulb go off above his greasy head, while she tolerates his disgusting wish list. That’s what’s so fascinating about them both. They seem to share the delusion that they’re both great catches. :::shivers:::
  11. Welcome to both of you. There are lots of funny, sharp and insightful people here. Hope you’ll stick around for it all!
  12. We saw Tom, in his usual not so charming way, tell Darcey that he’d prefer to be “friends” while video chatting. Did she leave that part out of her fantasy recollections? I thought that was after the reunion when they decided to give it another shot. I think Darcey is a dingbat but he was more awful than usual when they met for lunch, rather coffee.
  13. Wonder what they’re looking like in lockdown.
  14. Yes! I mentioned that in the beginning of the season. There’s something about him. I liked the things he’s had to say about Derek from the jump, too.
  15. I admit I sometimes scroll passed the “production interference” posts because most of the time, I believe these people are truly as obnoxious in real life as they appear. I don’t like Jessica. I never liked Jessica. This week I wanted to punch Nurse Ratched in the head. It was interesting to finally learn Austin’s reason for not saying the L word when she said it nor within her given time requirement. Relative to his job, her TH in the bathroom was beyond ridiculous to me. She wanted him to communicate with her about it. What on earth does she expect him to say or do? I was thrilled when he said he can’t quit his job just because she’ll miss him. Interesting, too, that he doesn’t want to play conjoined twins with her. These don’t seem like insurmountable problems in spite of her efforts to make them so, and this couple seems to have more good than bad going for them. I like him. Once again I admired him. I agree with all who said every time you think you can’t dislike Katie anymore, she becomes even more awful. The haughty way she taunted him nearly every second was maddening. She makes it sound as if he really has to straighten out in order to win her while taking zero accountability of herself for being a venomous bitch. Ugh. I can’t with her. I think Meka and Taylor are dead in the water, as is Mindy, so seeing their make believe efforts are seemingly pointless. Looking forward to the reunion.
  16. It could be tho. You don’t see turquoise end tables every day...
  17. Oh my goodness. That was fun! Taylor her wig and her cracked phone, Perch doing Perch things and his assessment of thugalicious Katie were perfection. Thanks so much for sharing it, qtpye! Too funny.
  18. Maybe Autotuned Usman should watch Yamir to help him decide whether throwing his career away for Lisa the dictator is a good idea.
  19. I believe Michael said Brandon wouldn’t get out of the car because he thought production was going to make him make nice with Taylor. Meka and Jessica seemed to think Michael was giving two different answers to the “did you go to the festival” question. One driver, two destinations, Michael spouting different times and the usual confusion he creates so they laid into him. I thought they had to wait for Brandon for a time, maybe meaning he was there but not there and not explaining it very well. They just wanted to know if it was fairytale time again. I think Michael said “We’re on our way back” meaning he and production because Taylor already knew from Brandon‘s text that he wasn’t coming back. I thought her reaction to that specifically was that it was BS. That or I got it all wrong. lol
  20. Probably so. Yet her mom didn’t agree with her and next week her dad doesn’t agree with her so even they can see she’s a twisted PITA. The show drives it home even more so. As a mom, I was embarrassed for them.
  21. This is what I had read as well. I thought Dean had apologized to Tim and that those two were all good.
  22. I had been so hoping that Katie would’ve been eaten by a bear. It’s as if she’s not going to be happy until she makes him as miserable as she is. In lieu of an available bear, maybe she can start dating DMX or someone like him. What an obnoxious idiot. I actually felt sorry for her parents. The other wives had a lot of nerve getting along with Derek and heaven forbid, appreciating his good natured way. With all the things he’s done for her, I don’t understand her claim that he takes no initiative. Re sex, he mentioned being shut down and as someone said above, I don’t imagine it was pretty. Taylor just doesn’t get it. She wants Brandon to communicate with her about the problems that she keeps creating while playing stupid and blameless. He’s ridiculous as well and his treatment of the production people is inexcusable. I hope he has a better rapport with the people he works for because he comes off as a total ass. Michael isn’t ready for this, definitely needs help but I gave him a few points for not being a disrespectful pig to production. He made an excuse to leave and left without drama. Meka is exhausting. I understand her frustration but her delivery is wasted on any human being who doesn’t want to be subjected to the rapidfire analysis of her opinions. Every conversation with her has that hang onto your ass feeling I hope things work out better for her next time. I’ve never been a fan of Jessica but since she left the passive aggressive routine at home and has only brought up her L word requirement once, that couple was a joy to watch. Good on them.
  23. Listening to BibbyLuv at “the Chalet”, and in general really, and seeing her on the chair in the tan top made me think no one could possibly want to get to the States that badly. Hellmanns Head continues to repulse me as well. Everything he says is gross. That straggly hair is gross. Asking her to shave? The feet, the kiss, those beady eyes, his THs... I would pay for him to just go home and leave that poor girl alone. These two make me queasy. I thought Darcey was looking less empowered and more on the verge of something serious while with Tom. He continues to be a toolbag so no surprise there. So strange the way he just stared at her without speaking when they first sat down to their painfully awkward meeting.
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