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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I, for one, will be amazed if Malvo is killed in Le Grande Finale because if he is who I think he is, that would be impossible. Actually, I'm ashamed to admit that I'm hoping he won't disappear for good (yeah, despite his killing an innocent animal...oh, and those folks in the elevator, & poor gullible Linda). It's just that there's something way too fascinating about Malvo (how many assassins stop and take the time to torment a man & his little kids with lurid comments about the gory murder that took place in their basement, or, tempt a dumb teen to pee in a gas tank & then gleefully rat him out?). I don't personally know any assassins; maybe this is something they all get their kicks doing. It's also BBT in this role with that sweet, innocent look on his face as Malvo ever so smoothly glides into different personalities. This role was made for BBT.
  2. @larapu2000: Those shents hide a lot of sins (butter, cream, sugar, Manhattans, etc ;>) I think there are lots of folks in this country who'd enjoy wearing them.
  3. Well folks...it's about time for the last episode before The Grand Finale. Here we go!
  4. Enjoyed reading all these comments. I wanted to stop watching last night...but that "little Louie" kept me glued to the show. No emoting, no hysterics - he just showed so well the confusion, insecurity, stupidity, vulnerability, sweetness, inability to express himself, etc., that so many children go through on their way to adulthood. And with that red hair, fair skin and expressive eyes, he looked like a young Louie. Agree, the kid should've been told to reimburse the school by getting an after school job or summer job to earn the money. I liked this week's episode much more so than last week's creepy and somewhat boring episodes (boring for me was his attempt to have a relationship with someone who doesn't speak the same language).
  5. I like them whether I understand them or not. They just add to the good ol' Fargo-ness of it all.
  6. Wow - TR's new house is gorgeous! This isn't the little house we saw in that episode (years ago) when Ina cooked fish & chips in his kitchen (which they ate on his dock). I recognize the dock, though. No wonder we haven't seen him on any of Ina's shows - he's been working hard over the years, making enough money to build something like this in the Hamptons. But I think it's time TR invited Ina over for another cooking class so we can see more of his beautiful house.
  7. @novhappy: glad you liked the watermelon, feta and mint salad. I eat it year round but it's especially great on hot summer days. And chocolate cupcakes with Ina's peanut butter frosting are truly wonderful. The frosting gets so light and fluffy. I cheated when I made them a few months ago - used a Duncan Hines chocolate cake mix to quickly make the cupcakes (but then I invested my time in making Ina's frosting - divine!) Some day I need to make those famous coconut cupcakes with the creamcheese frosting.
  8. I'm not sure if she qualifies as a "talking head"...but a couple years ago, over the Christmas holidays, one night Chris had his wife, Katherine Matthews (former news anchor for the ABC affiliate in Washington DC) on as a guest. It was incredibly bizarre. She was interviewing him, asking for his opinions about current events (and you know he was in his glory that evening, babbling away, pontificating left & right--it was a sight to behold!). Before she left her job at the ABC station, she was really one of the best anchors in DC and was/still is highly respected. She must love her husband an awful lot to do something as inane as that appearance on his show. Good thing for her it was during that lull on TV between Xmas & New Years Eve when no one's watching much TV!
  9. Yup. Whenever that episode is on, my favorite part is Jerry doing his little 'toon-inspired song & dance while standing in line with Elaine.
  10. Thanks, Rhetorica, for a wonderful guffaw! Great way to start off the day.
  11. Something my mom made that was very different were her Swedish meatballs. She never made gravy - they were in some type of au jus (have no idea how she created that!). She said they were more Norwegian-style than Swedish (her mom grew up on the border of Norway) - they have allspice, ginger, nutmeg and white pepper in them and have a little bit of "heat" to them; they're also very small. Mine are never as good - probably because I don't blend different meats (beef and pork)...and use lean ground beef. And I bake mine whereas I remember her frying her meatballs w/ a bit of butter in a huge cast iron skillet (back in those days before we knew about cholesterol - the good ol' days!).
  12. For some reason, this title has me uneasy. Who will be the rabbit? I'd like to say good ol' Lester but the way things have been going for this peculiar creature, I wouldn't bet on it.
  13. Something that is so impressive about this series IMO is how small scenes catch your attention and stay in your mind. I can still see Lester's hand reaching up to the shelves in his home, grabbing all the "collectibles" that his wife had on display, and I just knew where they were going--the trash. I can also still see the late Mrs. N's sewing machine sitting on top of the garbage cans in front of the house. And, of course, that scary panning of the snowy woods near where Gus had parked his police car while he chatted on his cellphone. The Coen Brothers et al in this production crew really know how to grab our attention in very subtle ways.
  14. I've enjoyed reading all these comments - & I share so many of the thoughts, opinions expressed re: last night's episode. Lester's new look (at the salesmen's convention in Vegas) took me by surprise (heh...almost didn't recognize the dork except he started making those Lester facial gestures, eye rolls, etc). Taking his award with him into the bar to show off (and hopefully score) was perfect!
  15. Me too! It was driving me crazy...I was so distracted, wondering...how small did she write to get so many words, paragraphs onto that little piece of paper.
  16. Oh yeah...and you just know these little kids were hoping this meant mommy & daddy would get back together--even in the midst of a terrifying hurricane!
  17. Is it just me or is this show getting more and more peculiar? Louie almost turns into a rapist, for God's sakes, with the unpleasant Pamela. For me, the best scenes took place on public transportation (especially Louie moving across the aisle on the subway to sit next to the guy talking to himself...now that was a charitable thing to do!).
  18. One of my favorite childhood suppers was Goodman's skinny egg noodles with butter and crispy diced bacon. I could have eaten the whole bowl (if allowed). I now have recreated this dish using some ideas from a Mario Batali recipe (I've added some mild diced onion, freshly ground parmigiana-reggiano, and a squirt of fresh lemon juice).
  19. I made that two thousand ingredient BBQ sauce of Ina's and after all that work...it was good, tasted familiar, and wasn't worth all that effort (mostly keeping track of the 2,000 ingredients as I added each one, hoping not to forget any of them!). If anyone has something similar with less ingredients I hope you'll share it :>)
  20. We recently were in L.A. and went on a tour of Warner Brothers Studios. For fans of Friends it must've been sheer Heaven as we were taken to one of the sets (the coffee shop set). Our tour guide used everyone's cameras to take their picture as they took turns sitting on the couch and pretending to be drinking coffee (they even provided big coffee cups). He said the stars of the show are making tons each year in residuals (even the guy who hardly had any lines but made the coffee makes $500,000/year).
  21. It was way OTT...I stopped watching and hit the mute. Most of this production I've really liked but that scene was definitely sadistic. I don't even know if I'd watch a similar scene if Malvo goes out this way (here I am, presuming that Malvo is not going to survive this season...must be forgetting how he somehow disappeared from Lester's basement).
  22. Agreed. Lester turning into Mr. Suave (able to get the Widow Hess into bed) just doesn't fit the character we've been following since Episode One.
  23. @Tara Ariano: thanks for that absolutely, positively hilariously accurate description of Lester! Thanks too for the huge guffaw I got out of reading that line.
  24. I was so impressed with that scene. Sure they saved money filming it that way but who needs to see all the shooting and bodies falling all over the place to know that a number of folks were going down. Plus it was rather artsy as the camera panned back and forth alongside all the blank windows facing the street (and where we knew there were two law enforcement officers arguing over food, totally oblivious to the massacre taking place on the other side of those windows). Loved it!
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