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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. @Spunkygal and @Nessie: Correction in the overnight instructions. Bake in 450 degree oven!! (I'm so sorry for typo). This is from a similar recipe at goodhousekeeping.com/french-toast: Also: Try this method for overnighting it: Line a large cookie sheet with parchment; smear with 1 T butter. Lay the dipped bread slices on the sheet. Cover w/ plastic. Chill 1 hour or overnight. Brush slices with 2 Tbsps melted butter. Bake in 450 degree oven 10 minutes; flip slices…bake 7 to 8 more minutes or until golden. (this is for 8 slices of bread).
  2. @Spunkygal: This is my favorite version of French toast. I used to use the Texas Toast that Walmart sold because the slices were thick. Now I hunt for bread in thick slices since Walmart doesn't seem to offer this toast any more. (adapted from Franklin Farms French Toast) – this is THE best French toast! Baked French Toast 1 large orange 6 large eggs, lightly beaten 1/4 tsp vanilla ½ cup butter 12 slices country white bread, cut in half diagonally Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Grate 1 Tbsp orange zest into mixing bowl. Cut orange in half and squeeze 1/3 cup into a measuring cup. Whisk juice, eggs and vanilla into orange zest; pour into pie plate for dipping. Place butter evenly on 2 (10” x 15”) cookie sheets; place in oven until butter is melted. Dip bread slices in egg mixture, coating all sides. Place slices in a single layer in pans. Bake for 7-8 minutes on each side. Serve with maple syrup, sifted powdered sugar and fresh blueberries. Source: adapted from “What Can I Bring” Jr League of Northern Virginia My notes: This is delicious with real maple syrup, sifted powdered sugar and fresh blueberries. Could also serve bacon and/or sausages. I also line the cookie sheets w/ nonstick aluminum foil. It's also wonderful with whipped cream and fresh raspberries :>) Also: Try this method for overnighting it: Line a large cookie sheet with parchment; smear with 1 T butter. Lay the dipped bread slices on the sheet. Cover w/ plastic. Chill 1 hour or overnight. Brush slices with 2 Tbsps melted butter. Bake in 450 degree oven 10 minutes; flip slices…bake 7 to 8 more minutes or until golden. (this is for 8 slices of bread).
  3. @SuprSuprElevated: Heh heh...thank you so very much for the big laugh I got from this!
  4. I watched both episodes off and on. None of the food interested me which is odd. Awww...I like Jeffrey. It's probably Ina's OTT love for him that turns people off...plus, the poor guy is always a bit awkward in his scenes. He's no actor. He should just say to his wife, "Include me out!" (who used to say that?) Gosh...I should send my recipe for baked French toast. It can be prepared the night before and placed in the fridge; then you bake the sliced bread the next day. I'm not a fan of bread pudding and that's what Ina's French toast looked like to me.
  5. Yesssssss! Stellato & Bartholamay are going to Worlds. Guess I'll be watching Pairs after all. I just adore him, and Stellato is incredible to take up pairs in her 30's. Hope they do well.
  6. Sheesh. And I was doing so well for a few days. But I had VA going all the way. Wow. But hey - GO UMBC! Keep on winning. There's nothing like an underdog team working its way up (shades of George Mason several years ago--made it to the final four despite all the sneers that they didn't belong in the tournament). All of a sudden, this tournament got very interesting (at least to me).
  7. OK...I know my pet peeve isn't as important as some topics discussed here lately but--geez laweeze, what have they done to pantyhose? I apologize to all the females I've made comments about for not wearing pantyhose to work (well, apologize figuratively speaking). I had to wear them to a funeral two weekends ago because I wore a suit. Soooooo tight, not only around my stomach/waist area, but also in the legs and I'm not that big. When I worked, I remember buying pantyhose that felt soft and when you held them up, they weren't 5" wide at the top. And you forgot you had them on after a while. Has something changed over the years? Is this why so many women don't wear them today? Next occasion, I'm wearing dressy slacks and either knee highs or just bare legs underneath (don't care if I freeze). Can you imagine the war that would start if men had to wear this crap?
  8. Egads, Bastet...you might need to tuck a flask inside your bouquet for some fortitude to get through this wedding.
  9. Dave Lieberman's Meatloaf, and a potato gratin that was quite rich (thanks to all the Half & Half I had in my fridge + lots of Gruyere).
  10. That sounds more realistic than the fairy tale movie that was produced.
  11. Didn't someone produce a movie entitled "Whore" as a protest response to Pretty Woman? After all, Julia's character was a prostitute. The men who produced this film obviously were smitten with the "hooker with a heart of gold" theme.
  12. I've looked at the TV schedule for Worlds that someone provided over at SkateFans, and realized that the only discipline I really will make plans to watch is ice dancing. Re: the stupendous scores that Zag and P/C are "earning" truly mystify me. They're great skaters but the judges score them as if they're skate-gods-on-ice. Let's hope TPTB make a rule about backloading/frontloading. I think Zag could skate a balanced, beautiful program (wish she'd switch coaches and find one that appreciates her). P/C have got to start skating programs w/o the angst & face clutching. We need to see what else they can do. Same with Hubble/Donohue. I recall she skated to some really different music with her brother (since they couldn't do the steamy, romantic programs).
  13. Sarah was ok at SLC but no artiste, IMO, that's for sure (and her earlier programs reminded me of dance school recitals). Tara? Right from the first time I saw her skating on those little bent legs, with her skates ka-lunking back down onto the ice after each jump (probably a habit from her roller skating days), I thought she just didn't belong in senior ladies. Even when she won the O gold medal. But she could do triple triples and figure skating is a sport.
  14. What a loss. He was truly funny and his humor was something a wide variety of people could enjoy. So much of the humor emanating from today's "comedians" IMO is just so empty that I wonder if the audience feels obligated to laugh. Thanks for the info' about his other routines (I'll need to watch them where I won't bother anyone with my laughter!)
  15. @JTMACC99: As a Beatles fan, I've never understood the adoration of the Stones. But, there is one Stones song, and one song only, that I really like (not the lyrics--just the music!): Under My Thumb. Maybe I like the music cause it's kinda R&B and not their usual type of R&R numbers. Of course, it doesn't get played these days (and back in the day I don't remember it getting much airplay either). OMG - thanks so much for the John Pinette. video. I could not stop laughing. Sorry to admit that I'm one of those people who stare up at the menu a little cause I don't go inside very often. But I always order the same thing: that original burger, small fries and small Coke. This guy is hilarious. Is he still around?
  16. I agree. Years ago I enjoyed watching ladies skating but no more. The beauty of it all is just about gone. Pairs has become one major tension-filled program after another. The only discipline IMO that still retains that unique balance of athleticism and artistry is ice dancing (which used to be such a bore way back in the day, pre-Torville & Dean). The powers that be in skating better keep a beady eye on certain countries so we don't have preteens trying to pass as 15 year olds.
  17. This is so funny--I wore black as well! (but I did put on a raspberry short jacket for a bit of color). It's been fun reading about these different, unique weddings.
  18. I must be a certified curmudgeon cause my feeling is that people who live together and then decide to get married, need to do the decent thing and either just go to a marriage celebrant (justice of the peace) or, host a small reception for close friends and relatives and just stay adult & sane about the whole thing. My husband and I lived together for 9 years and then went to a marriage celebrant and then out to a lovely restaurant for dinner (of course my sister was ticked that she didn't get to attend my wedding but she got over it). I've got a big problem with women who live with their future husband and then wear a white gown and veil and have daddy escort them down the aisle. But that's just me, the curmudgeon (who really gets ticked when kids are involved with the premarriage living together stuff). Harrumphf!
  19. Chinese delivery! The only thing I made was a little pot of green tea.
  20. Yup! I found myself thinking (while watching today's show), we've seen this before. But then again...it was wonderful just to see her again on a channel that usually airs trashy shows (DD&D for example). But I kept waiting for someone to pop in and taste the foods she was making (like that nice neighbor who lives in back of Ina). A lot of folks didn't like those storylines of people stopping by for lunch or brunch or the dinner parties, etc. But I always enjoyed them. I also watched the rerun showing her making that tomato tart that Anna Pump used to make (so sad hearing Ina wistfully say, "I miss her"). IMO, making that dough IS scary! At the end of the show I should've turned it off or switched the channel because up popped The Kitchen with all those loud-mouthed show-offs (Katie Lee? Get rid of that vocal fry, please). Good grief. I couldn't grab the remote fast enough.
  21. I was watching a rerun tonight, can't remember the episode name, but that jerk Chip created a poem before he handed over to Joanne (for her to take over the decorating). His poem ended with him referring to her as "dumb". Color me dumbfounded! And she laughed. But then...she remains married to this idiot's delight so I guess anything he says is funny to her. Still wish she'd do a show on her own and let him play with his toys and animals on the farm.
  22. I remember discussing this on another forum back in the 1990's. Nothing came of it back then.
  23. He did have an earbud in but I could still hear it (not to the point that I heard what the people were saying but I could hear loud voices, the percussion only from the music, squeaks, static like noises etc. I guess one can hear around those earbuds that people wear. Maybe if he'd had a headset on I wouldn't have heard. Gosh - take care and I hope you don't get sick either. Oh God...kicking one's seat? I told my husband no more plane trips to MI - only those 12 hour car trips from now on (at least I won't get sick--physically and mentally!!!)
  24. I've got TWO major pet peeves right now. Number one is people on planes and airport waiting areas who cough w/o coughing into their elbow. I flew up to MI on Thursday and flew back yesterday and woke up during the night w/ a very sore scratchy throat. Thanks a million, coughers. Second pet peeve: The 20-something jerk sitting in the center seat on the Chicago-Dulles leg (packed flight) of the trip yesterday who started his smartphone before we took off and I could hear the squeaks, squawks, screetches, percussion, etc from some show he was watching. After we took off I figured the plane would be too noisy for me to hear, but nope. So I suddenly got brave and asked him politely if he would turn down the volume as I could hear it. He looked at me in shock and said he didn't think he could. I was already beginning to feel worn out, was afraid the situation could possibly escalate (by him!) into me seeing my face on some viral video, and so I backed off. I'm calling United tomorrow to ask what I should do if this happens again. I bet if I were a man he would have turned it down.
  25. Oh yeah! IMO they are so much more talented than Hubble/Donohue. H/B are able to beautifully present a wide variety of programs whereas H/D seem to be stuck on that steamy, smouldering, angsty-ridden dreck. Go Hawayek/Baker!!!
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