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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I think I'm glad I missed this special. It would have made me very angry seeing her again. I remember reading in an article years ago that she kept trying to turn around and face the camera (in that SNL intro that featured Phil talking to someone in a restaurant) but they kept telling her to turn around, as it was Phil they wanted to showcase since he was a cast member, not her (that's why her dangle earrings were swinging so wildly). Phil and Dan Akroyd were, IMO, the best of SNL. They could play any character and be credible (and hilarious!)
  2. I can't believe I got so many tonight...I never,ever get more than 2 or 3. Got 9 in total (but somehow missed 411--how could that be--that was from my era!) and missed FJ. Jason seemed off tonight. Maybe he wasn't feeling well? Especially at the start. In any event, it nurtured my ego and then we went outside and saw the space station flying SW to NE (normally when these things happen, it's overcast here and we never get to see anything). Merchurochrome I was trying to say but couldn't remember the proper pronunciation although I could see that little bottle with its stopper so clearly. Panel once again too young ;>)
  3. Tonight was comfort food night: beef stew and very smooth mashed/whipped potatoes (I really dislike lumpy food!)
  4. I've always been a grilled cheese fan. Now I prefer a slightly improved grilled cheese like Brian Boitano's, but I use Swiss or Gruyere along with Brian's red onion "jam".
  5. I like Jason. He's not smug (like James was, IMO).
  6. Make it a real deal American meal: the delicious flank steak, baked potatoes (w/ choice of butter, or sour cream & chives) and a tossed salad with ☺ Italian dressing!
  7. Tonight was what Mr. P914 happily calls "Free for All Night", a time to hoover up several dinners' worth of leftovers. He *loves* leftovers ☺ while I mostly loathe them 😞
  8. I knew they were too young to get Thunderbird & Chemex.
  9. We set up our deck furniture (after a summer of renovations) & had dinner al fresco: grilled swordfish, baked pilaf, & a tossed salad. I celebrated with a glass of Prosecco.
  10. I've always liked Julia. She doesn't seem to be snarky, like somebody else on the show. Haven't seen the extensions but I wish she had a really good hairdresser & clothes consultant.
  11. Yes...Keep the Home Fires Burning was OTT corny. So was the episode re: the night Charlene's baby was born (well, not as corny, but just not a lot of fun, IMO). Must generate a better DW memory. OK...I just thought of the episode when Payne came home for a visit & brought his "older" girlfriend along. Poor Julia could not dredge up a rant and crawled into bed. I haven't seen that one in years so, who took on the nasty gf & sent her packing?
  12. Grilled pork chops, Spanish Roasted Potato Salad & a big ol' salad.
  13. OMG...loved that actor! He played that role so well (who replaced him...in the episode where they were asked to do some decor updating at a bowling alley and had to compete with Boyd's company?) I think Tobolowsky also was the sorta homeopathic quack in a Seinfeld in which George wanted to avoid having his tonsils removed.
  14. There used to be a woman in our coffee group who would hit her empty coffee (paper) cup on the table over and over and over, ad nauseum, while she was talking. Thank God she left the group cause the jarring noise made by the cup was going through me like a razor. There's a name for stuff like this: misophrenia (I think). @Mindthinkr...I'm not saying that's what your situation was with the hands slamming the table (awful for anyone to hear!) But it's mine (the cup noise, certain types of whistling, digital clocks softly ch-ch-ch-ing, etc).
  15. When the new owners come out to the Gaines' home, sit down with Joanna and she shows them on her computer what her plans are, they're always in agreement. Only once did I see an owner say he didn't like something and she changed it. I've always wondered if this was just for show, that in reality the new owners spend some time with the Gaines, letting them know what they want in the house, colors they prefer, whether they want that (IMO) hideous barn sliding door or not, etc. I know I certainly wouldn't invest my money in a fixer upper w/o a lot of input from me.
  16. No, I'm not saying airlines need to disregard the ADA. The airlines always cooperated back when service animals were trained dogs...the type of dogs that were large enough to do chores for their owner (unlike the tiny dogs I saw at the gate prior to my last flight, wearing "service animal" coats). Also, I certainly never heard of any incidents back then when the service dogs attacked nearby passengers, which has happened in the past few years.
  17. Why the heck isn't there another show on TV today this funny?
  18. Sounds good!! Thanks for this info' 😊
  19. I don't care how miniature the horse is, I don't want to sit next to a horse on a plane. The airlines need to get a grip and only allow bonafide service dogs (with certificates to prove it).
  20. What brand of soda machine did you get? Are the bubbles really bubbly? (I know that sounds goofy...but I've heard that some machines don't do a great job in that respect).
  21. I went to Popeye's yesterday (first time in a couple years) and there were handwritten signs at two places along the drive thru area saying "no chicken sandwiches now...coming soon". When they do, I'm going to try it. But I bought some wings, a side of red beans & rice + a side of cole slaw. It was my last day of batchelorette week & the Washington Post had an article comparing fried chicken fast food places--Popeye's was #1 (the descriptions of the crunchiness were driving me crazy!) Oh boy...those wings truly were crunchy and delicious 😋
  22. Love this ^^^^ Julia rant! And I sure agree re: Dixie's singing. The first time I heard her voice I just about jumped out of my skin. It was like fingernails on a blackboard. Don't know why they let her "warble" so frequently.
  23. I lived for a while in the south so I absolutely loved Reggie Mac. The actor who portrayed him deserved some kind of award.
  24. I'm thinking of ordering dvd's. I loved the character actors in this show (esp. the memorable actor who played Reggie Mac Dawson, and the peculiar wealthy man who was a client who adored Julia). When I looked up these actors & saw their agency photos (or lack of them), I wondered what the heck these talented people were doing today. Do they have pensions, did they manage to get other industry-related jobs, etc. They were/are OTT talented actors.
  25. I loved those awful but hilarious vacations they took together. Just thought of the song that was playing when Julia was forced to dance with "Daddy"--And when we get behiiiiind close doors" (with Daddy singing along). The look on her face was priceless.
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