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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. So, when Virtue/Moir returned after four years away from competitive skating, did Gilles/Poirer pitch a hissy fit? As a fan of G/P, I wondered how they felt but never read much about their reaction.
  2. I was really surprised to read Meaghan's dramatic whine. You'd think Eric committed some kind of crime against her. I remember when Bourne/Kratz won Worlds. Shortly after, Victor decided to quit the team (& I think he moved overseas ??) Shae-lynn didn't whine (at least I never heard anything) and became a wonderful, talented choreographer.
  3. I watched an old episode tonight, from 11-17-17 and this ^^^^ is a bit similar to what the young couple wanted--including a soundproof room for him & his bandmates to practice + a garage + a room for her to paint furniture (all this in a tiny Cape Cod style house). Their budget to attain all of these additions? $90,000. Hilary almost laughed in their faces.
  4. Singing in the shower is all fun and games...until you get shampoo in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera! I broke my finger today. But on the other hand, I'm completely fine.
  5. Mine is post, ad, post, ad, post, ad, post, ad, etc., etc., etc.! They've taken the fun out of Facebook (which has let me enjoy watching our grandson in MN growing up, my sister's grandkids' activities, keeping in touch with far-flung cousins). Sheesh. And there's no way to stop them either (but, hold on kids...you can let FB know which ads you'd like to see...isn't that special?)
  6. We had baked French toast with syrup, chicken sausages, bacon (for me), and blueberries. The French toast is made with fresh orange juice + zest--it's delicious and light.
  7. I'm sick of all the ads that have taken over my facebook page. Every time I go to FB, I have to get rid of all the ads between friends' posts. Am I the only one battling the ads or is this a new problem with FB?
  8. Has anyone heard about a new cook book? I saw somewhere online that she has a cook book almost ready to come out (but there were no details).
  9. Guess I got spoiled by their earlier successes. They're still a new team.
  10. Well, Alexa & Brandon are in 4th, behind the Italians & Japanese, with a 1.00 deduction. So, who fell?
  11. WITW is a Cadillac Margarita? Well, tonight I'm on my own, & feeling too lazy, so I made a favorite from my childhood: Campbell's tomato soup (but with some seasonings) & home-made croutons (from a baguette). I love when the hot croutons sizzle when they hit the soup.
  12. NBCSN schedule: Thursday 4/15: 11:30 PM --1:30 AM: Rhythm Dance, Ladies SP &. Men's SP Friday 4/16: 6:00 PM--8:00 PM: Free Dance & Men's LP Sunday 4/17 midnight--2:00 AM: Pairs LP & Ladies LP
  13. I made a spinach fritatta for supper tonight, plus a tossed salad.
  14. Nah...probably because it's not a word that bothers me (such as "like"!) 🤓
  15. Hmmm...I must not have heard all those additional "literally"s while watching Alex. Maybe cause I'm so intent on watching what she's doing? No idea why I only heard one.
  16. Some of the foods prepared today appealed to me. I'll try pork schnitzel (already love chicken schnitzel)...but I'll pound the pork flat. Rolling? I dunno 'bout that. Alex's shrimp scampi looked so good. I think she only said "literally" once. Has anyone ever had what GZ prepared--leeks vinaigrette? It looked interesting.
  17. I made the lemon chicken breasts, along with a tossed salad w/citrus vinaigrette, + mashed potatoes. It was ok. Mr. P914 said, '"This would make a good cold weather meal". I think he was being diplomatic. This style of chicken tastes the same as when my mom baked chicken breasts back in the day.
  18. I had the same thought once other causes were ruled out (e.g., alcohol, texting, etc). No signs of braking could be due to falling asleep at the wheel, a seizure, heart attack--or possibly suicide. I believe he caused a previous crash, maybe in SC or FL not too long ago. Who, in their right mind, drives 85 mph on a winding road?
  19. Grilled burgers & sausages, along with potato salad and an adapted version of Ina's watermelon, arugula & feta cheese salad (used mixed French salad greens & gorgonzola with the watermelon).
  20. annzeepark914


    I think he has his own show on the weekend. Can't imagine listening to him for an hour.
  21. When we were traveling in southern France & the Ligurian section of Italy, I found myself speaking English/Spanish/Latin (yeah...when I was desperate, I was dredging up Latin words and it helped!). But I remember a waitress in Portofino responding to my mxed language bag with, "No capito!". I've used that phrase ever since.
  22. I watched Saturday's show and parts of it were good: GZ's chicken and Jeff's ham. Jeff was well behaved (i.e., calmer & mature). I didn't watch whatever Sunny was doing, and regret watching another of Katie's grandma recipes, updated layered salad. She should've updated more than the dressing & adding beets. Alex's chocolate covered matzos? I've never had this--is it good?
  23. Grilled pork chops (grilled inside due to the mega winds), Spanish Potato Salad, and baked tomatoes.
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