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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. I've had a couple of days to think about it and have rewatched once and here are a few thoughts on the finale: Yesterday I thought Abraham was Negan & Lucille's victim because I remembered him looking rather defiantly at Negan. While that is still a possibility, on rewatch, I saw that others did so too, or at least met his eyes. Today I think it was Eugene whose head was bashed in, based on his good-bye to Abraham and the fact that he gave Rick the recipe for making bullets. If he were to live, that recipe would be in his head for future plot development, but I fear that his head is no more. I'm sorry to say that I don't think the actor who plays Aaron is a very good actor. I feel like I can see him "acting" - it just doesn't come naturally. I like the character though. All the other actors sold it, especially during that final scene. Hasn't Morgan killed many times, at least killed walkers? I don't know why he had to empty the gun. He should have been able to kill Carol's attacker with one bullet. When Morgan and the knight guy shook hands, shouldn't they have also introduced themselves? That is typical human behavior and I would have to guess that for some reason, the writers don't want us to know who those people are for six months. All in all, the finale was rather implausible - all those roadblocks - how did the Saviors even know that CDB would be on the road that day? It seems that most people are disappointed at being left hanging regarding Negan's victim and I am too. It was kind of a cheap ending, but this show does not have good writers, so I'm not surprised. Still, I will be back in the fall. I think Negan will bring some improved storylines and that next season will be better. I guess I'm an optimist!
  2. Thanks, Big Mother! My podcatcher was not picking up that show, so I appreciate your help.
  3. He did switch to that opinion during the podcast, so you are correct. Of course, I don't want to see Jason go that far. I don't even want him on the jury. Are you saying that Josh has his own Survivor podcast? What is it called? I'd love to listen.
  4. I am not enjoying Stephen Fishbach's return to RHAP for Kaoh Rong. Maybe it's partly because Stephen is predicting nasty Kyle Jason as the winner. But I also don't like his take on other players. He gave far too much credit to Liz because they dated. He just seems to have lost his perspective, or maybe he never had it. I miss Josh.
  5. Agree 100%! He is despicable.
  6. I give him no props. If it was Alecia suffering like that, he'd have done nothing to help her. He's just plain nasty.
  7. That episode was rather ho-hum. I detest Bounty Hunter. He's as bad as Dan Foley and a total bully. I hope he gets his comeuppance.
  8. I was angry at the show for putting the idol up so high and making it impossible to reach without getting hurt. That was Tai's blood on the trunk, wasn't it? It's like they want people to get hurt, to get medevaced. I'm glad I didn't shut it off though, because that tribal was something! Also? Kyle Jason is a misogynistic pig.
  9. What is it that they are healing from? It can't be from mild over the clothes touching that they slept through, can it? Or is it from the awful media whose attention they constantly seek?
  10. I hated how everyone laughed at hard-working, loyal Mrs. Patmore's situation. I can only conclude that Fellowes' real life lousy sense of humor was on full display for all of us. I've always been struck by how my mother-in-law's situation paralleled Marigold's. My mil was born out of wedlock in 1922 and was never adopted. Rather her mother couldn't completely give her up and fostered her out to a farm family. It meant a life of hard work and coldness for mil. The farm couple was old and did not fawn over her as Mrs. Drewes did over Marigold, but otherwise, the situation was similar. Each summer mil would live with her bio-mom and have more love and warmth (and indoor plumbing), then have to give it up anew each fall. It was a very difficult life. She did not learn of her illegitimacy until she was in her 30s, but she did not live a lifetime of rejection in society either. Of course this was in America, but I think Marigold would have fared well with the Crawleys and she certainly would have a better education and prospects than with the Drewes. On the other hand, like my mil, she probably would have fared best emotionally had she stayed with the original adoptive family. I am an Edith fan and I understand how hard it was to give up her child, but it would have been the kindest thing she could have done for her daughter. I don't think Fellowes has sold us at all on the OTP of Mary and Henry. Not buying it! I do believe that Edith and Bertie are well suited and I hope there is a happy ending in store for them in the CS. I love Mrs. Hughes, but her "curmudgeon" can pound sand. He's a nasty snob and himself may be lacking the heart he assumed that Thomas lacked. The Dowager advising Mary to marry for love? I'm not buying that either. I would have bought it if Violet had advised her that a handsome 2nd husband would be fine since she already has produced an heir, that it was okay to lower her high and mighty sights at this point in her life. I'm happy for Moesley. That character development actually worked! Unlike poor Tom's non-existent development. He exists only to admire wondrous Mary and to help her to find "happiness" (not buying it, Fellowes!) with Henry, who has suddenly become right for her. And why such a quick wedding? That just made no sense. Tom should certainly have a suitable love interest by now.
  11. I just wish Survivor would stop handing out defenseless chickens. I really hate it every season.
  12. I am not a particular fan of Mary; however, the response I'd like to see from her regarding the Marigold info is this: I'd like to see her have a sincere conversation with Edith and point out to Edith that they both need to repair their relationship. After their parents are gone, they will only have each other and they've already lost their other dear sister. I think that Cora was correct that there are too many secrets and if Mary shared with Edith that not knowing deprived her of being a true Aunt to Marigold thus far, I think that would go a long way towards healing the sisters' relationship.
  13. I was disappointed and disgusted by Daisy. How could she possibly not want happiness for these two lovely people who have cared so much for her? Because she's horrid!
  14. I finished this series last night and I just don't know how I feel about the ending. Neither parent will ever really have their life back. And Mark will never have the real Emily, just a shadow of the original. That might have been different if Alain had called emergency services rather than continuing for years with his cruel charade. His charade included feigning sobriety or his chips would have stopped at 12, then started again. And of course he feigned being a decent man for his wife Sylvie. It was especially cruel since he didn't kill poor Olly. What a nightmare for those parents! Anyway, as for the ending, as I said, I don't know what to think. If Tony hadn't actually thought several previous boys were Olly, then I'd be inclined to think that that boy who looked exactly like the age enhanced picture, was Olly. But I do believe we are meant to think that Tony has lost his mind. That the evil Romanian was told to get rid of the boy and is unlikely to handle it any other way, tells me that poor Ollie was killed at the house. I was not happy with the ending, but as Julien said, the alternatives were also horrible.
  15. Mary vs. Edith discussions are starting early after this episode, which I guess means there isn't much to discuss about the episode. I would venture to guess that Fellowes used this one as a set-up for the grand finale. Clearly Daisy & Andy are suddenly a one true pairing, but what of Moesley and Baxter? Is there really time for yet another crime drama before they discover true love? I love Moelsey (which I've spelled 2 ways, not sure if either is correct!) and he clearly loves Baxter, yet no progress was made there. I can't tell if Talbot will be Mary's future spouse. As has been mentioned above, they have nothing in common besides haughtiness, but they do make a beautiful couple. If he's 40th in line, would she really go for him? Perhaps, as she no longer needs lineage, thanks to George. I do believe Fellowes put the kibosh on any Mary/Tom pairings, with her brother comment and with bringing up Sybil. That was quite a lovely scene! No progress on Bertie/Edith this episode, but perhaps Tom will fall in love with the prospective female editor. Where will Edith find her?. Fellowes must have some convoluted way to bring Bertie to Downton, but is there time for anyone to have a romance and a marriage? I hope so, because the costumes and the settings have been stunning this season. I gasped at the beauty of the table and at Cora's and Mary's clothes. I would love to see a grand wedding! I will never understand why Anna must looks so dowdy with that awful wig. Perhaps so she will seem all the more beautiful, with her hair down as she holds her newly birthed son/daughter in the finale? I really thought that Mary wanted to hug Anna, when it seemed she was miscarrying, but I guess that wouldn't be proper. I'm glad for Anna that Mary helped to save her baby. I feel nothing for Bates these days. I don't think they are the wondrous match they were supposed to be.
  16. Sounds similar to my story, Marge. My Mom was raised in what became ELCA, but sent us kids to the LCMS church so we wouldn't have to cross the railroad tracks on our way to 2 years of confirmation. Both branches believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God. I don't believe that and I don't go to any church anymore. ELCA would suit me better, because yes, woman CAN SO be pastors imo. I didn't get a how to dress speech from my pastor, but he did explain that women could not be pastors and that did not sit well with me, even at 14. I've come to believe that all the organized religions are a racket to keep us in line and to keep us from complaining about our lot in this life.
  17. I don't think anyone will ever switch from Team Mary or Team Edith. Maybe Fellowes will have all of us loving or hating both of them with his writing by the time the series finale rolls around. But I kind of doubt it! I'm bored to tears by the hospital storyline and puzzled by where Fellowes is going with the Thomas character. And yet I'm really enjoying this final season. I'll miss the characters and especially the clothes when it's all said and done.
  18. I could not help but wonder if Lady Mary, or Michelle Dockery for that matter, was stepping in pig sh*t! I'd have stayed on the other side of the pen in that gorgeous outfit. I think the whole Mrs. Drewes storyline is not to demonstrate that either Mary or Edith is the most unfeeling bitch of the Abbey. Rather I think the major SL is Mary coming to realize that she actually is "Aunty" to Marigold. I'm surprised she hasn't figured it out already. She balked at the very idea, though she is not unkind to Marigold. What I also find astonishing is that Marigold looks like she could be the daughter of either Edith or Mrs. Drewes. There is a resemblance. Guess Fellowes recycles faces the same way he recycles stories!
  19. There are also some interesting comments re Pickles. Looks like it's easy to get banned there, as Pickles apparently has a narrow view of "what she said/meant." I don't really understand Pickles, but the pics/discussions can be interesting.
  20. Derick & Jill are getting clobbered on Pickles for the goddawful pics of bound and screaming Izzy. It's well deserved. They are idiots. Poor Izzy! He usually looks happy. How could she (or he) stand there photographing him in such misery? Why confine him like that?
  21. Nearly a 2 year space between kids is pretty common. These young couples could be going for 2-3 kids and done. I hope!
  22. Priscilla kind of makes me crazy with her rambling on about blessings and her endless circular sentences. On the other hand, I hate to admit it, but it seems to me that David is good with his kids and he seems the more normal of the two. I was surprised to see from the video that he knows some things about fixing up a house and I was glad to see he wasn't going to tackle the electrical without Dad's advice. That place looks like it will require a lot of work.
  23. Boy, was I wrong about Kelley. I liked her from the start and then was fed up with her at the tribal where Joe was voted out. I should have gone with my original feeling because she was absolutely awesome. She played a terrific game and kept her sense of humor throughout and never quit trying. She was definitely the biggest threat to Jeremy and he made the right choice in keeping Spencer over her. That said, I love Jeremy and was so happy to see him win in a unanimous vote. He is a great guy, easy on the eyes and a fire fighter to boot! This was a really fun season and I enjoyed last night's episode so much!
  24. The "Rob who doesn't suck" was a great interview. I really enjoyed it. And I do not think that either Rob sucks, btw! Rob M has 4 young daughters and he seems like a good guy.
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