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Everything posted by BetyBee

  1. I hate the way chickens are treated on this show and I hate with a burning passion that Sandra was ready to kill a baby goat and its Mama. She is dead to me.
  2. I'm glad for both of the boots. Tony makes me nervous, the way his eyes are always darting around and the way he can't sit still ever. I wonder what kind of cop he is? He seems to be born to have an itchy trigger finger. As for Ciera, she's meh to me - just a one note person who always blathers on about big moves. I won't miss either one of them. I'd like to see braggart Debbie go next, but that's not very likely. I just like to get the annoying people off my tv, but the players usually don't see it my way.
  3. BetyBee

    S07.E12: Say Yes

    I thought the carnival scene was like a video game. R&M drew strength from the food and the sex. They bantered about their number of kills. They figured out a way out after Rick overshot his goal in the brake-less car. When Michonne dropped her sword, it was like the power was draining from her until she saw that Rick was safe, then she was back in the game.
  4. Ha ha, like the zipper on his zipped up to his neck pleather jacket! Or better yet, what if Lucille got dragged in there and King Negan started crying like a baby man?
  5. Based on the one shot of Eugene almost smirking for the camera, I think he's playing Negan, just like Dwight is. They will team up to overthrow Negan. And the suicide pills will be part of their plot. Just speculation, but I do think the writers want Eugene to ultimately be a hero for CDB. I think we are meant to root for Dwight too, but that's a little tougher. Incidentally, I don't think there's any way Negan wouldn't demand proof that Dwight killed Sherry. I find setting up the doctor to be pretty far fetched, even for this show. Though doctors do have a short shelf life in the ZA for some reason.
  6. Carol is pretty amazing, maybe even has super powers...I do believe I saw her take that pan out of the fire with no hot pad. Or maybe her cooking skills are zilch, but she used to make a mean walnut stew, didn't she?
  7. I agree. The thought flashed through my mind that Darryl realized that Carol WANTED to die and that he just might go along with Richard's convoluted plan to make her wish come true, like suicide by police. Don't get me wrong. I don't really think that he would do that to (for?) her! It was a quick thought, quickly dismissed. But what the heck is going on? I just don't get it.
  8. This trip is so stupid! They are really a couple of ninnies. Get a job and stop begging, Dullards!
  9. Interesting that they don't say when they are going. We should just send money, no questions asked!
  10. I rewatched to try to figure out how/if Father PP was being intimidated by the shadowy figure. I have to think that that person was threatening someone (Judith?) or why would he go along when there were many times when he could have run off and raised an alarm? He wasn't trying to be quiet either. Either he went willingly or he was protecting Alexandrians, imo. But I don't know what that one person could do that was so terrifying. I liked this episode and I am looking forward to learning more.
  11. I've been thinking about Tara's comment about Negan's people maybe being just people trying to get by (JSS?). I think that the coming fight just might be to take out or capture Negan and that we might finally see the various groups getting along, setting up a society that actually works long term. That's what I've been waiting to see. I feel like this show should start gearing up for a series finale and I would like to see it end on a hopeful note.
  12. This line from the article, struck me as rather funny, "Instead of checking out a movie together and grabbing a bite to eat, they grab guns and go looking for living targets to shoot. " It sounds like their mission might be to become serial killers.
  13. I hope she doesn't marry so soon. I mean it would be nice for her to get out of the compound, but she's so young. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. :(
  14. She will draw out the drama and the name will have to be dramatic (horrible) like Spurgeon. You can't just deliver a normal name like Samuel or Sarah. There has to be shock value. Poor kid.
  15. I actually work with a fundie from a Duggar-like family. She just turned 25 and her plans were to have her favorite dinner and cake with her family (parents and siblings - she's single), then play board games. That's nice I guess, but come on - get a life! They're well to do though and her parents did give her a new car too and they let her work. As for the drippy sundaes, it is simply not possible that they all like the same stupid treat. Those poor kids!
  16. It makes sense to me from the standpoint of all politics is local - that we should go out and help people who need help and that good people should run for local office and actually serve the people.
  17. I'm so disgusted by the all day toddler spanking sessions guy - no respect at all for Bin for being associated in any way with that evil phony.
  18. Oh, that video. Poor Jordyn could not look less interested in her own "special" day. For an 8 year old to not look affectionately at her Mom giving a speech at her birthday party indicates a huge disconnect to me. What is going to become of these poor, lost children?
  19. I found Rosita to be annoying this episode. Her acting is in your face, finger jabbing, teeth baring.....and cut. Carl not taking the shot at Negan when he had the chance to do so on his suicide mission was ridiculous. I'm sick of Negan and I'm sick of this show. And I'm sick of 90 minute episodes that don't need to be 90 minutes. I guess next week is the mid season finale. Oh boy, so looking forward to that. Not.
  20. I sobbed along with all of these people at the loved ones visit. My sister is battling lung cancer now and it was especially painful to see Adam and his brother discussing their Mom's situation. I loved how gentle Adam's brother was with him, and how encouraging. I was also touched that Jay invited him along despite their issues. I think there are some nice people this season and that is a welcome change from...oh say, the Dan Foley season. I'm not rooting for just one person. I'd be okay with Jay, Adam, David or Ken winning. Okay, Ken's not going to win, but I'd like to look at him for as long as possible. Not really okay with Bret, Sunday or Hannah, or Will, but I guess I could live with it. Especially since I don't think it's likely to happen.
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