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Alonzo Mosely FBI

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Everything posted by Alonzo Mosely FBI

  1. Good call. You are prob right! That looong hug when she arrived is to keep making sure he marries her so she secures her shot to come to the US. This would make a great 90 Day Fiance crossover where it involved the K1 Visa, it should be it's own show for sure. Garrick is the one she needs to keep pleasing because the others will fall into line. You know, patriarchy and all that he is the boss. It has been mentioned that Dannielle's Dad is a very conservative Christian so this is 2nd generation situation for Dannielle which I think, contributes to how passive she is. I like her Mom though so I don't quite get it. I think there's a lot unsaid in this family under the surface that hasn't been said in generations. I feel so angry that I don't know if I can watch this anymore. I am very triggered in general when talk of God's will is used as indoctrination into terrible ideas and a tool to gaslight other people into bad decisions. I believe this is what is happening and what Garrick is doing. I was happy when I heard his parents drew the line and I am conflicted because that's not a nice thing to think or feel. He makes me SO angry.
  2. Her Dad's face said it all. He was like "JFC oldest trick in the book, the it's-not-mine alibi." He knew. He just didn't say it. He thought it and capitulated for Daniel.
  3. Thank you. EXACTLY. Father Chuck never ever addressed Becky whatsoever. He should be the one in between them to break it up. He clearly cannot afford to alienate Becky and the others are in lockstep. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ The money is the triangulation.
  4. Everything you said @chewycandy! I think Luann is insecure about formal education because she doesn't have one and her kids, plus Nicole, who have some college or a 4 year degree are artists who I seriously doubt are self supporting and not living off a trust fund. NYC is $$$$ expensive and probably do not worry about student loans and purchasing health insurance on top of rent and groceries and utilities. The nude painting was something Nicole & Victoria got paid to set up and throw as their art. I am not impressed. They came up w/this idea, found a bartender they knew from a friend of a friend in art circles, and catered everything. That just takes money and connections not talent. I said what I said. lol Eboni made it about her needs due to the time to process, and then style her hair. Those are facts not a race card. ALL OF THIS, YES! If you have not experienced your race being weaponized against you day to day to day your life is different. It was so refreshing that Eboni responded to Ramona explaining the extra steps she has to go through with her hair. Who knows if the stylists were late, or if the stylist was even familiar with processing and styling her hair versus Leah's. I actually do not think for a hot second Ramona understands the differences in hair. Again, what if the stylists started late, or the stylist has never ever styled hair like Eboni's? I looked it up. East Hampton is 92% white and 2% African American/Black in racial makeup. Probably not a lot of African American/Black salons and experience in for hire glam at Ramona's lower level from local talent, statistically. Victoria has a 4 year art related degree. Noel at least started college but I can't find anything saying he finished. I doubt their art sustains their lifestyle and pays their bills. I think that is why Luann lost her shit, and that is her insecurity. Her precious children are from a Noble Family so f*** formal education, in Luann's mind. Connections, trust fund, speaking several languages and the appreciation of the fine arts is all they need. As it was said upthread the Countess is never far. Such a snob.
  5. The way she lowered her voice narrowed her eyes and told him "you are not going to nicotine test me" was almost menacing. That's not southern charm. I was cheering him on like a home run at the ballpark! Yeaaaah!
  6. When it came out that A was sleeping in a separate bedroom at night I wondered if it was because she was co sleeping with both kids and nursing. I am very pro breast feeding but wonder if it's is more for Kalani's comfort and theirs that for sustenance. Nursing ALL night? I feel they need more food, and a full night's sleep!
  7. As I recall Becky pointing and waving her hands yelling came toward Libby talking smack. Chuck does nothing. Then Libby points at her and yells back and Becky has the nerve to say don't put your hand in my face and touches Libby first by grabbing her arm. It made me laugh because Becky had HER hand in Libbys face first and for a much longer frame of time ! Again Chuck did nothing to tell Becky to back off, told only Libby to calm down. Never Becky. Husband Becky has money in the game guaranf*ckingteed and Father Chuck doesn't want to piss them off.
  8. When sister Becky was coming after Libby and calling Underrrrei an a**hole and father Chuck only chastised Libby to calm down it became apparent to me that Becky's husband is financing The Family Business in some way. Surely he has floated them cash at some point. It all makes sense now.
  9. 2 scenes back to back with Tiffany's hot dad and Grangela's hot face-lift Dr Saadat ? Be still my cold apathetic heart. Yum. HAWT I tell ya ! 🔥
  10. I love Sonja's blouse, Luann's home, and the way the Eboni schooled Ramona about the time involved in the hair and makeup scene in the lower level.
  11. For Carley's sake it is apparent the only way she will get to see her dad is if he comes here. I support that (runs, hides!) because I feel any good years with her father are important. If he decides to go back, or commits infractions that require he leave then so be it but cold shoulders has done everything she can. I do not know that her parents are immigrants, you can't assume because they are Cuban and Colombian that they are but maybe their parents were the immigrants who came here, but if they are I think they will support that too. Maybe that is good for Tiffany and Ronald where so many American parents were born and raised here and are far from the immigrant experience. IDK. It's a mess and both Ronald and Tiffany are messy. Those kids deserve stability.
  12. I could not tell if Mother Tiffany had a lot of fillers, good skin or had Tiffany do her makeup. Any thoughts? I couldn't tell if Low was pro or anti Donald Trump by that comment but I thought it was interesting injection of politics in this show which isn't often seen. I had Low as an anti food stamps pull yourself up by your own bootstraps guy so I found his appreciation for the public assistance he rec as a child very candid and kind of vulnerable.
  13. Brandon & Julia are boring w/out Ron & Betty. Father Tiffany and Facelift Doctor of Angela are both smokin' HOT.
  14. As much of Sonja that is a god awful mess all I see first is that her surgeon ruined her nose and mouth, it's a crime.
  15. Leah is Downtown Brandi Glanville and it's not cute. Leah needs to go.
  16. Brittney is really troubled, something way way off about her. I think she just a sugar baby with some trauma, maybe sexual trauma the way she leads with her sexuality, acts way younger than she is and for sure has cosmetic braces to look young only. It's fetishy and weird. I FLOVED it when she got called out by the cast. Why the F could she not communicate that she was having these hair problems and was flying home? Hmm? She didn't have answer for that. I like Kelly. How did it end w/Danielle and Robert? He ignored her for 10 mo but wants to go out again? I feel like he has a motive for being on TV. IDK what it is but I wanna know more.
  17. I must be the exception because I am mesmerized by Jess' husband. He puts me in a trance the way he talks it's like he's wide eyed staring into a blacklight rainbow den with a lava lamp after imbibing on just a hair too many mushrooms. I find him compelling- is he zoned our or all in? He is zoned out WHILE he is all in! It's entertaining. He is reading Mother Debbie for filth in the same tone of voice as the "double rainbow all the waaaay" guy on You Tube. Double rainbow all the way! I could listen to him all day with his sweet sweet musical voice whilst 90 Day character. It's fresh. I dig it. Jess' dress was display for sure- I do like her confidence and attitude!
  18. Thank you ! YES! How could I have forgotten that she was the one that went to the Nigerian wedding. Jojo seems like such a good friend and too normal for this show !
  19. A lot in this ep! Wow! I love seeing ppl like family Big Mike and Family Tiffany it is such a window into these cast members. Something is so off about Tiffany. She is in a mess for sure. I think it's interesting she is in the makeup business to create a facade and erase imperfections. She needs to do the hard work into her own life. Including learning to parallel park. So does Kalani. She is such a child. Her parents are interfering to a degree that will pause her growing up forever. Their life, their house is all about those 2 boys. Low drives a fancy truck, wonder where all the $ comes from to finance this. Andrei entertains me to no end the way he pronounces Chaaahrddrdlie I love it every time. Both of them need to stop the cursing in front of the baby with raised voices. She was alarmed and it was making her anxious. Poor kid. And they were feeding her supper after 8 o clock? wall clock. Angela. JFC. Who is Jojo again? Is it her sister? She calles Angela "sissy" all the time. Can someone remind me? Girl is worried about her tits and meanwhile she can't eat or swallow without pain & has to face a liquid diet. We only saw her dr follow up w/the boob doc not the stomach doc. What doc says "boobs" instead of breasts? Isn't using anatomical terms a thing doctors are supposed to do? I see Mother Big Mike's house goes w/her bangs. From another time.
  20. "The Corleones of Tampa" HA I enjoyed that thank you! 1000% percent this with Big Mike he's an asshole. Our first impression was in Ukraine on her territory and we saw his best days. I have a feeling next ep his mother is going to tell us a lot about the real workings of Big Mike.
  21. I do NOT believe for a hot second that Jovi was driving. No way.
  22. Charlie’s shirt still had the fold lines in it. Like from the package. I laughed and laughed. He dressed up to shoot in that moldy grody house that they were fighting over! It is such a fine comparison with what they will do to the house. Paint, repair and clean it up and leave all the unseen mold to do some fraudin. Becky and Charlie’s dress up was so faked like this storyline. Kalani is unwilling to even try to understand Ausuelo. She picked a kayak boy from a very different culture than her own. Instead of saying I love pizza and appreciate you bringing it by surprise that is very thoughtful . Also I would like xyz as an expression of romance and intimacy. She made a comparison about her brother that Ausuelo didn’t understand as a comparison. It IS always about HER family and that’s what he understood. They need counseling from a great counselor. She has SO much more to do but she never ever will. She is stunted by the grasp on her family and their enabling. I also hate Kalini. No kids, baby of the family, no relationship for us to scrutinize , daddy’s favorite ...... Kalani is running to a baby looking for adult sisterhood that doesn’t exist. Kalani and Ausuelo need a break from both their families, and to focus on their two children and a private life.
  23. It is about time Sonja gave us a real cry about regrets and sadness that her house won't sell or rent and how will she pay the bills. She needs to cut her losses and run away from that house asap. Living in delusions is going to be her demise. The event staff is not yours Ramona. It is "MY help" part that bothers me. She doesn't own them. She hired them for a wage and they took the job but as much as she'd like to brag because she thinks she now owns them, she does not. It was her undercurrent of snobbery showing really badly.
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