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Alonzo Mosely FBI

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Everything posted by Alonzo Mosely FBI

  1. After RHOSLC Whitney was a guest on WWHL. Whitney said she thinks the only reason she got Lisa's favor and was invited to the Fresh Wolf event as a set up to get that info from Cameron- Lisa prob knew Whitney would spread the info. Me too! I saw the chyron and was shocked, I didn't remember Meredith had a daughter- I thought Brooks was an only child.
  2. I watched the D+ full show early this morning and there are just NO(se) words. NONE.
  3. Fraze-er? Not, Fraszzzzshher like Frasier Crane? That pronounciation jolts me a little each time here at the beginning. I love OG Below Deck. It is the only one I like and I am glad it's back. Big Kate fan here though and I miss her. She was a fembot chief stew machine that no one will ever, ever measure up to. And I still want to know who makes her horseshoe necklace.
  4. Acadia Natl Park really is that dramatic. When you come out of the forest to the ocean like that it literally takes your breath away. I am glad these kids got to experience it and know there is a big breathtaking world out there. Everything has been said about the parents, they're vile. On the Cray Cray podcast they call him SlenderBarry (Slenderman) and it is genius.
  5. This group fascinates me, maybe because they're fresh and new. Heather has a huge tongue, at times when she speaks it is jolting. Hey these are the things I notice. Kyle Richards same thing, a giant tongue roll as a pause when speaking! Meredith is so low tempo. I can't believe at first I couldn't tell her and Lisa apart. I love Lisa, she's everything I want in a housewife- imperfect, funny and doubling down on all the wrongness. I LOVE THAT. Love Mary I am LOL laughing every episode w/her side eye and the stuff she comes out with. Also: I think she preys upon her congregation for $. Who else? Jennie, def sympathy for the loss of her babies. More diversity in hw YES! Jen Shah can stay for now for the fraudin' storyline and the fact she fills her plate w/food and has healthy curves. The gal that fell down drunk on her ass at a 1 yo bday party is far too thin. Issues & stuff there. Made me side w/Lisa on the caterer thing slightly.
  6. Family Ari house is a little cluttered and dated. Cords, knotted up curtains, crooked picture on the wall. New crossover Mother Sumit visiting Ari and telling her to cut the shit with the 7th grade phone antics and use that time cleaning up after herself, ya freeloader.
  7. JFC. Kim drove over her child and the world has tip toed around her for all the years since, and it has created a monster. She is an extremely traumatized and sick individual . The first few children have gotten out and she is sinking in her claws on the remaining siblings. They should be removed.
  8. I got such a jolt out of Whitney’s big chunky chain necklace, who remembers the Alex McCord RHONY model!?
  9. Yes! The first thing I would want was some sort of fast grab American fast food binge (maybe Starbucks?), a 45 minute shower with unlimited screaming hot water, her mother's lasagna and to sleep in her own bed. Weird she said the surgery. Wonder if she did quarantine in her apartment by the dr's office for a few days and the arrival was all for filming a few days later, she'd had all that, and really did want to schedule the surg. I'll go FBI the hair and outfit scenes...
  10. Surprised Ari and the baby are not required to isolate for a few days? Gosh Avi is so so cute! Yes Janice, it's been "so hard" for YOU. Side eye to Janice. Enabler. I think she is 90% of Ari's problem. When Victor came in the apartment and turned on the running hot water like it was magic. He is 1000% using her. And hey, if she's down for that- she just needs to know going in. She is going for love, and he is a man going for survival and the good life. Jenny, meh. Good on her "friend" to remind Jenny that she IS in India.
  11. Hostels. That's all I can figure. Hostels on all of his missions. A lot of anonymous hooking up going on!
  12. Ari caring for the baby for a 20+ hour flight is the most she will have cared for him in her life, wonder how that'll go. How many freakin' scenes of Evilin confronting Corey about the cheating did we see? Three? FFS. I didn't even watch the end. Corey + Ellie from Providencia is a MATCH. I've said it before and I'll say it again! They can go live in the PNW open a pizza place, recycle, hike and walk their rescue dogs in perfect whiny voiced pinch faced harmony. TLC this is your next crossover show $$$$$$ Also- with all those repetitive scenes of Corey and Evilin we didn't get sqaut, on an ep named "The Other Woman" mind you, about Ellie's Island Man's Other Woman. WTH!!!!! Sumit's questions are for their SON! "Sumit do you want children? Who will care for you when she predeceases you?" These are his responsibility to handle w/his parents and they need to let go from there.
  13. I am coming in late and hot with this one but WTH Mauricio! Waltzing into the dinner and banging on the drums and gong? It was some sort of dumb cultural appropriation AND the instruments of a professional musician to boot. Those are NOT yours to touch and bang on like a dumb loser at a frat party. Have some respect. He is dumb and such an entitled privileged asshole, as bad as Kyle and that's saying a LOT.
  14. ALL of this. I am seriously side eyeing JANICE at this point. The baby needs hernia surgery asap where he is not the steps that please Janice and Areolae. I have always wondered how Kenny financed 4 kids (technically 2 pregnancies one a single birth and the other triplets), what was his career? All I remember is disco dancing and that probably (?) wasn't his career. :-) If he is self insured for his practice he might be able to get away w/adding her and saying she does "billing" or something remotely. But that shit can be shady depending on their plan. I believe based on both their ages Janice and Dr. Weinberg are Medicare eligible and do not need a regular commercial policy though they may have one for their employees. They are totally putting Ari on their policy, and perhaps in a less that truthful way. Maybe she has done remote billing for them or coding from Ethiopia. MAYBE. Doubt it.
  15. When Ari's dad isn't making bank and has to retire that will be the beginning of the end. He's the bankroll. I feel like he "has to" keep working and is past retirement age for many doctors. Yes, yes many doctors work way past retirement age for enjoyment but this poor chap doesn't have the choice. ARI.
  16. No they won’t. I don’t think they ever will. I might do some sketchy things to travel to Turkey in that adorable apartment !
  17. Lol she is a character from my high school French books who thought hitchhiking is charming! Sorry for the confusion ! I'll never forget hitching was one of my French vocabulary words !
  18. I am 100% sure now that PT is staged and lit by production. Because there's NO WAY in hell Ron and Betty's hoarder house and clutter is honestly being shown. That bedroom is on a Soundstage or production did a major overhaul on their bedroom. Their house is cluttered mess.
  19. Ari not even seen holding or carrying her own baby. Last week in the van to bring her ex do the airport when Leandro said he'd miss Avi. She said something like "yah everyone lives that little guy " in the 3rd person. I heard HUGE manipulation from her and the unsaid "I wish someone loves me like everyone lives Avi". She's a mess . Also, Papa Armando has only met Kenny twice. I would need some time to meet my child's fiance too. Overall I thought Papa Armando did well. Great scene.
  20. OMG PEOPLE is that SteVen's Mormon underwear/temple garment sticking out of his shorts and his sleeve?????!!!!?!?!!?! And yes, l'autostop was one of the first words in the stories in my French textbooks. Those were the days! Mireille pense que l'auto-stop est charmant Mireille thinks hitchhiking is charming
  21. I wonder too, Bollywood is bigger than Hollywood. I think there is some social cachet for Sumit that he seeks to be in the "industry" and esp American TV.
  22. This ^^^ His Michael Jones call center catfish stunt HAD to have been tried on dozens of women before Jenny. He finally got one- AND he is on TV with her! That's the jackpot for Sumit, her small trust fund (how he views Soc. Security) and he's a tv star.
  23. Evelin is awful. Plus one here on a 90 day crossover of Ellie and Corey as a couple. Ellie laying on closed mouth pecks on Victor at the airport said it all. Ellie and Corey are a match made in Pacific NW heaven. Also, did Corey put his fatty soup meat in Peruvian Jenny while Evilin and C were technically married? Hurricane ravaged sweaty Victor doing the Nestea Plunge on a clean hotel bed grossed me out. Shower up, man in the unlimited hot h20! Steven seems to have won the lottery on being a little neurodiverse (not a bad thing!) WITH the heavy seasoning of religious control from "Stepdad Bob" (there's the story, people) and his mother. Neurodiversity and possible impulsivity plus religious repression then a sprinkle of defiance of not being able to act on said impulsivity means SteVen can't walk by that pool without diving in. He CAN and no one is telling him he can't. It might be his only chance. That is what drives him. YMMV. Ari clinging to her ex (is he even her ex husband yet?) at the airport. She is NOT well. Have we seen her hold her own baby even one time yet? Nanny always has him. When she was in the van she said "everyone loves that guy" (Avi). Third person. The nanny is to watch Ari. Ari 10000% wants her life back in simpler times with Leandro. I LOL when Bini said "buh bye" to Leandro in the interview. Cute. Jenny and Sumit: FF
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