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Alonzo Mosely FBI

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Everything posted by Alonzo Mosely FBI

  1. Wonder how Kenny and Armando's wedding will go down w/the bilingual aspect. Will it be in spanish and english? There will be people who don't have a grasp of the vows and they all should have the opportunity to hear and understand the ceremony and the words and emotion. I feel like Armando's dad might be on board a bit more if he were closer to Kryin' Kenny and they could communicate in general.
  2. Mary is out of her mind and I am SO here for it. I think Mary is very infrequently housed w/other people, eating, getting ready, interacting with others. I think she's usually insulated in her cluttered palace or waited on by her staff and acolytes. So the Vail house really showed the cracks. It was great. Meredith looked great on WWHL her hair was curled and had a lot of body, so soft and a great look on her. Meredith is monotone & somewhat severe to begin with and the straight hair adds to it. Great eye make up too! She looked beautiful. Jen Shah can't even be honest about the damn phone call in the van? Holy shit I came here just to talk about her "story" about that. WTAF. What a pack of lies. Someone only lies like that for one reason, it's to protect their children. I think that's who called on Coach's phone.
  3. I have no doubt that you are exactly right about Corey! He does have seem to hv a type. Ellie would be such a more stable choice. She probably wouldn't have him either she would stick with the chin ponytail vacation bang.
  4. I am pitching again for Corey and ELLIE, they're from the same-ish part of the country, both want a commitment and a family, they can make pizza, in bliss and craft beer on the side and recycle, shop with reusable bags, and walk their rescue dogs and go in their Suburu to go hiking in the PNW. I can envision it. TLC Crossover. 90 Day Single life cross pollination. I mean where are they going to keep a baby in that post hurricane mess? In a box? Sorry, bad Monty Python Life of Brian half reference. #PJF #PFJ
  5. I love this show and Capt Lee I don't watch BD Med or Sailing or whatever I just want the Capt Lee (and Ben, Eddie & Kate + a few newbies for drama) show. However my least favorite thing are those stupid gruff Capt Lee sayings and the way he disingenuously thanks them for the tip and turns around and under his breath says good riddance. I get such a low tone rude, old school locker room sailor vibe. It is angry and mean. And shitting in someone's mother's dinner plate is low key misogynistic. I also think the talk was real. Night time drunk nearly fighting falling over the back of the boat stuff isn't cool. I love this board, such learning. I had to google haoles and learned a new vocab word. And for the record I am sorry you endured that @OFDgal. What happened to the overboard fender cover!?
  6. Evelin just kicks Corey in the balls week after week after week and I am DONE with it. Same thing w every damn segment.
  7. Honestly all this discussion of money laundering for JenShah is totally enlightening. I hope the issue being amplified on Bravo gives new shade to Erika Jayne's mess because she is a shady piece of work. Kudos to ALL of the RHOSLC for reacting the way they did and raising questions. NONE of the RHOBH (except Sutton and Garcelle) did and they should feel shame!
  8. The FBI and HSI need to investigate Mary's makeup in that scene with Meredith in the bathtub. Did Mary start it and run from the FBI & HSI halfway thru application? Mary's husband as saved in her phone: "Dad" Lisa's husband as saved in her phone "RHOBH Husband" Whitney was (I think she still is) a sugar baby? So many nuances above and beyond the obvious and excellent drama!
  9. This ^^^! Facts! Speaking of Starbucks, what were Jancie & Bini drinking, coffee cups but a tall glass of dark something. 2 diff drinks? A hot and a cold drink? The tall drink that goes in to the coffee cup in batches? This is why I love The Other Way, the learning channel indeed!
  10. oh FFS Bini speaks and understands English better than the translator! Good plan Ari & Janice! Such Colonial BS that they know better. Sheesh.
  11. This. I do not think she is well. I think there has been a lot of chaos at home for Ari and instability and beneath her parents relationship there is a dark story. I think Janice married up for the $$ and is a professional manipulator. Ari's dad seems detached to me. She's a problem but I think she came honest by it from her raising, really as we all do in our own way. Ari did not want to be a mom as much as she wanted to go be a famous blogger/influencer, go to hot yoga on the regular with her fair trade sourced coffee and and brag about her international fiance/husband and finally the novel thing of going to give birth in Ethiopia. Clinging to attention and standing out. There's an undiagnosed mental health disorder or learning disability that causes her to struggle that has never been dealt with in a healthy way she has probably gotten by on money and being white. Just saying.
  12. I was seriously creeped out the way he said that without blinking ready to spring out of his chair at her. She needs to go away now, or WHAT exactly. It was scary.
  13. As the HS people were regrouping assumedly to go after Jenshah there were several texting furiously to god knows who- almost like another stake out or more officers to cut her off at the pass. Dying to know how they caught her, and what happens next week!
  14. I think Janice meddles more than Sumit's parents and it is very unhealthy. Ari doesn't fly from the nest in part due to her mother. Ari is not well. My heart soared for Armando. He contained himself so well on the phone but my heart soared for him in that moment. Kenny's daughter (Madison?) looks just like him same square chin and RBF.
  15. That's true. I feel like they aren't even smart enough to have that coverage. And if if they do well damn I wish there was some kind of asset testing as a paper trail for this. Another thing in favor for the wealthy cash only no trail on the grift. Sad.
  16. yes and if I recall correctly Erika watched them down them and mumbled something to make herself look cooler and back in the spotlight but it didn't land and the show ended. Also Tom is institutionalized for memory care? He is, right? What's that cost? If you've ever put someone in care like that it is $$$. Tom can claim it "is expensive to be me" now. That alone should cause a comb thru finances long term care financial forms are lengthy. I can't imagine he is paying cash.
  17. I also felt like Ari's rage could have to do with taking care of her own baby without the aid of her Ethiopian Nanny plus support from Bini. She doesn't have quite that carefree vibe so much anymore. Janice prob helps but I bet she doesn't take orders and she's not at Ari's beck and call like the Nanny was.
  18. That's what he says, there are robberies where insurance claims are made, and there are just cash only robberies and you never claim something was taken. Total set up. If nothing went thru an insurance claim for theft, I am sure he could make a lot disappear for cash. Art, jewelry, clothing. etc.
  19. And another thing, Kyle! It matters who is calling who a liar apparently. (PS I have NEVER seen a reunion thread ever have life like this one re: Erika. Ever.) 💥
  20. What a bitch. Can you imagine if these were threats against Kyle or her precious girls? She'd be hysterical and for sure have security. I was yelling: "Those are ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS AND PROFESSIONALS you asshole, Erika!" I've said it before, these women across ALL franchises are his Barbie Dolls. He uses them as his toys, the joke is on them, truly.
  21. This makes me angrier and angrier. No police report. We can't talk about snow. But there ARE forensics. No one has done this on reddit yet? Tow truck receipts. Neighbors spilling the tea. Car insurance. Tom is Medicare eligible due to his age and unless he paid cash for his hospitalization Medicare is primary. BUT if there was a car accident there could be subrogation to them paying some bills not Medicare. There are notes. This is ALL fraud. It's lying and fucking fraud and Erika is contributing to it. Did her son leave the scene of a rollover? There's no police report of his accident? There is no insurance claim of a break in ??? If ANYTHING in that house was stolen by the burglars Tom confronted that's possible insurance fraud? Why? He probably confronted them to show them around so they could take the good stuff and he could collect.
  22. Erika you are NOT Rizzo and you are no Pink Lady in that dress. I think she has been holed up watching Grease in her rental too long. Good call unthread about her getting a call about his accident. Liar. Team Sutton and Garcelle 4eva. You’re the one that I want ! Oooo oooo oooo!
  23. two things ...... 1) I fully believe Papa Armando is coming to the wedding. I think the phone call was filmed early on when they got engaged, because last week when he was checking his email and Kenny said "so just your mom is coming" Armando was badly acting when he gave his clipped answers and looked awkward. I think that was acting. We'll see. It's the only drama they really have other than a sunset. 2) Wow Ari's back and forth looks from emaciated to average size and the shape of her face escalated quickly. So did the fact that she was there a month last week and THIS week it is two months, surgery is over, and she is full on ANGRY. I am gonna name it to claim it here..... Adderall. Yes yes Bini is probably acting like a jerk and the anger is legit but the quick skinny and no BS tolerance. Adderall would explain a lot. Preview, Janice goes to Kenya too. NOOOOO JANICE! They are ADULTS!
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