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Jack Sampson

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Everything posted by Jack Sampson

  1. They're clearly hoping Jenna will be the one everyone hates but can't stop watching. Instead, I find myself scrolling through her scenes.
  2. Does it make sense to do the reno in stages? Seems like you might uncover something in stage 2 that would force you to rethink stage 1. Or you might damage already finished work. Or even that it might be cheaper to do all the demo at once. The family room looked big before she overstuffed it with furniture, tables, etc. The house isn't even listed. She bought it in September, did 4 months of reno, obviously staged it and took pictures, but hasn't listed it for sale. Must not be any interest out there.
  3. Do people really need a giant pantry? One that's so big she sacrificed the dining room to make it?
  4. Doubtful. She just took the house off the market when it didn't sell at $499k. I try to hunt down these houses to see if they actually sell, and at what price. The fridge in the pantry - unless she had a huge exhaust fan they didn't show, there's not even enough circulation for the thing to cool correctly. And imagine a kid pushing open that solid, heavy door to get something to drink. The wet bathrooms - an odd choice, even for a more progressive city. The kitchen - between the tile and the open shelving, everything looked cluttered. Speaking of clutter, was there a closet on the first floor? Her designs try (and often fail) to be so on trend that they'll all look dated in a few years.
  5. Rhy was yelling at Kate before then. Kate was just trying to get her in the van.
  6. I think it's odd that Lee wants his department heads to run things on their own, yet won't let them hire or fire. I doubt Lee has the authority either, he probably has to ask production. There's no reason, out of the thousands of deckhands available, to hire Rhylee. It was done solely to stir trouble and get people talking about an otherwise boring season. And it worked.
  7. Does production force them to go out together? Even if, I'm sure it's possible to stand a few yards away from the rest.
  8. A. I'd care. A girl who starts a marriage by lying - forget what she told production - to her husband is untrustworthy, enough for me to untie the marriage. B. Yeah, she was a brand ambassador for a bourbon company. Wonder how she got her license suspended? C. I guess she checks this forum because I think she deleted the Linkedin account I quoted in the Ep thread. In it, she's listed as a "Data Assistant". She's below a grunt researcher, she's probably just entering data into a spreadsheet and getting people coffee. Not a bad job if you're trying to get a foot in the door but lying about it looks bad. I would respect someone saying that they're still a student but took a grunt job in the department she hopes to make a career of. On her MAFS bio page she calls herself a "Research Scientist". She ain't no scientist.
  9. Let's just hope they don't resort to Kris' methods. Hint: That tape of Kim was shopped all over town by Kris.
  10. He has been riding Gus's dick pretty hard this season.
  11. No, the first time he said it Kate was trying to impose a drinking/going out ban. Nothing to do with food. Ben literally said that he outranks her and will do whatever he wants.
  12. Ben repeatedly told her he outranks her and she never disagreed. Technically, Kate outranks Ashton but I've never seen that exercised.
  13. As much as she hates Kevin, he outranks her. Kate makes nice with people above her. Rhylee does too to some degree, but she only recognizes Lee's rank. You won't see her mouthing off to the captain. She, a deckhand (the lowest rank on board), thinks she's the first officer.
  14. One of the things that made Jersey Shore (and early Geordie Shore) great was that the guys could pull. They used their minor celebrity to get women, appearance fees and all the bars in town were begging them to show up. This group got kicked out of PCB because none of the bars wanted them, Gus is the only one getting women and, instead of being able to banter, you have people getting in fights...as long as they know security is nearby. Go back to being fun or recast everyone. I really have to wonder why Kortni and Aimee were even cast. They aren't attractive or even fun to watch. Snooki wasn't attractive either but she was interesting and became a cultural phenomenon - and, at 32, is a multimillionaire and married with 3 kids. Aimee, Codi, Candace and Kirk are 27-28 and haven't done anything. Codi might be a virgin.
  15. Gus: Let's go outside right now! We can go outside right now! <Jeremiah calls his bluff> Gus: Imma stay inside.
  16. I meant, if this is at all representative of chartering a yacht apart from the show.
  17. I've heard this several times on the show but there's still no explanation for it.
  18. Her MAFS bio says "Research Scientist", her Linkedin bio says "Data Assistant". Either she got about 5 major promotions and never updated her Linkedin (possible but unlikely) or she's just a data entry grunt. Plus she works for a bourbon company and is still a student so I doubt she's high up on the food chain. It's like on other reality shows where unemployed is listed as "entrepreneur" and stripper is listed as "waitress". This season looks boring. I might check out a few eps in 2X speed but that's it.
  19. I'd fire Rhylee the second she raised her voice. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of deckhands available, I guarantee production sent her in to stir the pot. If production is forcing her on me, I'd have her on deck at 5 am. Kate hasn't tried since her first season. She's bored and going through the motions. We've seen chefs plate FAR better meals in smaller kitchens than this clown. It's barely medium-high chain restaurant food. Does he even refer the the preference sheet? Why have a preference sheet meeting a few hours before the guests arrive? Surely there's not enough time for planning. Would you pay $15-25k a night for this experience?
  20. Gus' tough guy act reminds me of Justin Bieber, it works really well when you have security around. IRL he'd take a beating from any of the guys in the house. Notice the way he was "fighting". No punches, just pushing and even then his arm ends up in a sling.
  21. I'd not only tell Beth to shut up, but I'd also make her wait in the car (windows up on a hot day) so she couldn't ruin everyone else's fun. Keith: Any more secrets you want to share with me? Iris: I own 47 various sex toys and, while I still claim to be a virgin, I've had sex with literally a mile of plastic. But it's cool because Jesus only gets mad if it's an actual man.
  22. So push the cameras out, lock the door and jump in. Problem is, I doubt she'd ever be attracted to a man who's a virgin at her age. A dude like Keith probably lost his virginity as a high school freshman. If she finds one who's religious, good looking, has a good career AND is a virgin, he's going to want a woman younger than Iris. I'm sure she'd love to have Greg spending his life jumping through hoops for rare sex that better be mind-blowing. Remember, he has to perform amazingly every time... If she does it right, there's nothing left to clean up.
  23. Imagine how much less desirable men will find her knowing that, even if they marry her, she still won't have sex.
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