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Jack Sampson

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Everything posted by Jack Sampson

  1. That's Molly trying to shame Jon into not saying anything about the fight. Guarantee that if Jon said anything, she'd have no problem bringing it up. I do commend her manipulation skillz.
  2. I'm saying it's mostly likely not going to happen. And, therefore, it's probably a waste of time to pursue it further.
  3. They've been around as long as I can remember. It's not simple at all. Guys have a tendency to waste a LOT of time trying to have sex with a woman who's NEVER going to let it happen. The rules exist to keep him from doing that. If nothing has happened by the 3rd date, there's less than a 3% chance that anything will ever happen...that's just science. That's the rub. It's not like you can just ghost a wife and be done with it. Even on this show it's a "real and legal marriage". Even worse problem is if a girl like Molly keeps up an act for a few years, then there might be kids involved and a divorce could equal financial suicide.
  4. Molly was already spinning things last episode - she told her sisters that the only reason Jon might say no is because she won't have sex. NOT that she's an abusive maniac. Regarding the text, she's setting herself up as a suffering, loyal wife who got matched with a mean-spirited person who won't even try. Notice, she's telling Jackie this! Jackie who is, in fact, a suffering, loyal wife. It's cold and calculating - she's doing her best to manipulate poor Jackie into believing they're both in the same boat. Thing is, she's not pretty. She has a great body, but that acne-riddled face is average at best.
  5. A. Is Jackie in the same building? B. Molly: "I'm still in this! I'm the only one still trying to make this marriage work. I sent him an entire text and everything!" PS. By "making it work" I mean I get to be as abusive as I want without consequences.
  6. Molly will just claim bad editing and everyone being against her...followed by some lies about Jon to sell the story. Her family will probably believe her. It's a video effect added in post. The only reason they MIGHT have done that was to make it look like hidden camera footage. I'm thinking that, prior to the truth coming out, they might have been pushing the idea that Jon was secretly recording. Her entire life...
  7. Did you really think she would accept responsibility? Molly's strategy is to deny, deflect blame and play a victim - Jon's twisting her words after all, he's the jerk for trying to make her look bad on TV and Dr Whatshername is a jerk for taking his side!
  8. Unfortunately, I haven't lived there in a little while. If I was still in town, I'd grab poor Jon and get him laid...stat! A new woman makes one forget about the crazy bitch you thought you loved. I saw it with friends who came to visit all the time.
  9. Jon<after finishing a day of unpaid labor for Molly's family>: Job well done. Tomorrow, let's help my friend Brad setup his home theater room. Molly<coldly>: I just had my nails done.
  10. I can see it. Very immature people are far less likely to be able to sustain a marriage.
  11. A. It looks like Molly's horrible skin is rubbing off on Jon. He had 2 somethings on his lip at Universal. B. What's with the faked poor transmission effect on the video? Why add that in post? C. The face Jon makes when Molly's saying, "I'm literally about to lose my shit" says it all. That's a man who's over it...finally. D. Play a game, what's Molly's cover story? My guess, "It was an innocent conversation with an old friend and you jumped to conclusions. And how dare you film me! I don't like everyone ganging up on me! I'm the REAL victim here." <Cue fake tears>
  12. Someone desperately trying to appear fun and exciting enough to be picked for a reality TV show.
  13. According to rumors - Cortney and Jason and Anthony and my sweet Ashley already knew each other before the show. The only reason Jamie and Doug are together is because she wants to stay on TV.
  14. It's on TV. That's the difference. She'd rather get on TV and reject Jon, thereby establishing herself to viewers as better - hopefully raising her market value in Boston. It's a bold strategy that rarely works. Molly gets sexual when she's loaded or in the "spring break" mentality. In normal time, a girl might think she's being wild and crazy by giving her number to a guy she meets at a bar when she's at happy hour with her work friends. In Spring Break time, wild and crazy takes on a whole new meaning. It's a trip to a beach or, heaven help her, a chance meeting with Jack in Vegas and a night of debauchery she's ashamed to talk about.
  15. Molly: Like, just the other day, when Jon was leading a group on a shark dive, I ordered a triple latte! A TRIPLE! And I'm not even kidding! OMG, I'm so crazy adventurous AF.
  16. It's incumbent on both people to create an environment that the other wants to spend time with. If Ryan was coming home to Jackie taking a nap on the couch, watching soaps, chain smoking, eating junk food and looking like a sloppy mess - fine, she needs to put in more effort. But that doesn't appear to be the case. Jackie seems to be willing to have fun, have sex and be reasonably interesting to spend time with. Ryan's behavior strikes me as a guy looking for any excuse to leave. And, she's not saying, "Hey, no more one night stands and slutty hookups for me." That would be reasonable for a married woman. She's saying, "No sex...period. Not even general affection because that's relationshipy. And HOW DARE YOU think that just because we're married and just because I'm doing my best to convince you that sex might happen gives you any right to ask 'when?'" Then, when she realizes that means Jon, and the spotlight, will leave, follows up with a completely insincere, "Well, in time we might have a great sex life and a big family - because attraction grows!"
  17. If Jon left now he'd be blasted for only being in it for sex. Jon's only winning move is to hit the gym (with a film crew) and start collecting phone numbers - in 2 more weeks he'll be swimming in women. And not fighting an uphill battle with Elsa.
  18. Palate cleanse from the dead ex? I used to live in Vegas and MANY women came to town fresh from a breakup looking to hook up with the next guy they meet. I made it a point to be that next guy...don't shame me. It could be that she was just rebounding hard.
  19. What did you expect, honest self-awareness? She's the same girl who's boring as hell but considers herself to be fun and exciting.
  20. Seriously, who wouldn't scrub their phone leading up to the wedding? You make a full backup - takes 5 or 10 minutes - then delete anything crazy (nude pics, dating apps, browser history, texts or even restore it to factory presets then import only important contacts). If things don't work out, you restore from the previous copy. If I'm going to be on TV, I'd do the same thing with my tablet, laptop, desktops and detach my NAS and keep it in a safe until the show is done. But, I have more fun than these people and have a lot more to hide.
  21. These people are so dull that 3-5 days only yields ~20 minutes of boring TV per couple. How can people be this sorry... Put me on TV, even saddle me with Molly and I'd STILL be entertaining. I'd do cool things, pick the best fights, issue the best zingers - I'd have fun with it! These people sicken me.
  22. Jon's not an ugly dude. He'd do better to back off Molly completely and see how other women respond.
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