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Jack Sampson

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Everything posted by Jack Sampson

  1. I don't get the Kate hate. Kate's a sweet girl who probably blames herself for getting dumped by that Jewish dude so she's giving MAFS everything she has. Sure she could lose weight and work on her voice, but she's exactly the unguarded, sincere type of person who would normally stand the best shot of making it work on a show like this. Too bad she got matched with Luke.
  2. She wants Will to be dominant only when it suits her...meaning she wants to maintain control, even over the way he's allowed to be a man. She's trying to be strong and independent while pretending to be traditional and submissive. It never works, true colors come out. Telling a man to man-up is just a shaming technique. She's not encouraging him to be more of her version of manhood, she's nagging him - even mocking him. Despite what she claims, she doesn't want a traditional marriage. And telling Cal that she'd gladly be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen was a complete lie. I'm sure she wants kids, but Jas would freak out if Will told her to go make him a sandwich.
  3. Keith should glance at her belly and say, "You first." Let's be honest, she's not sporting abs either.
  4. Does this mean Kate will be selling those giant shirts as sleepwear?
  5. Jasmine: "I want a husband who's adventurous." Freaks out over a brush hair. Epic camera work on that bike ride. I think Kate has a cute face and I could even get past her hair and voice but she'd have to stop smoking completely and let me train her at the gym for me to give it a shot. Also, after making a point of her liking yoga, Kate sucks at it. Not as bad as Jasmine, though. After this horrible honeymoon, why is she still planning something for their "anniversary" in that preview clip where she runs to the bathroom to cry? And what's the deal with Luke running to the bathroom? That's extraordinarily odd. It's the first time even I thought he might be gay.
  6. Assistant Director of Adult Community Residential Programs at Melmark Sauce: linkedin
  7. Jas is a strong, independent woman...until the check comes. Kate is a follower. She'd stop smoking tomorrow if her husband (even Luke) told her to. Probably lose weight, start eating yogurt and learn to love sloths if he told her to. Steph is a trooper. She's having fun with that doughy goof. Kristine - the gym thing was a shit test that Keith failed. He should have flatly refused...or out worked her. She'll gas quickly if pushed. Plus, I work out 5 days a week minimum, the LAST thing I want is to spend a vacation at the gym and be sore for the week.
  8. Just saw that Jon Francetic from season 6 (matched with Molly) is dating Dr. Jessica.
  9. Philly is huge and Luke's speed dating events probably reach fewer than 2-300 people. It's more likely that production came to one of Luke's events and recruited everyone - at least gave out cards with the application website. He might have remembered Kate because of her goofy hair or big boobs. Kate didn't remember Luke because, other than organizing the event, he's unremarkable.
  10. This happens every season. There's a world of difference between not being into someone right away and not giving them a fair chance. This show requires you to be able to give people a fair chance. If you can't, if you automatically decide in a few minutes yes or no and it's final forever, don't go on the show and ruin someone's chances of finding a mate.
  11. How could anyone know if there was a previous meeting until the bride is walking up the aisle?
  12. A few things: 1. There are plenty of reasons to not be attracted to Kate other than being gay. Maybe he's just into fit women. As much as I like her, she's awfully chubby. 2. So Luke emails Kate see if she can go to a speed dating event. (People still check email?) I'd assume this is a mass marketing email, yet he specifically remembers Kate and remembers that she didn't reply back? 3. Jamie isn't "Aunt Pretty" anymore. 4. In the matchmaking special, there's a very attractive woman sitting next to Stephanie. Pepper starts her speech, the camera angle changes and that girl is gone. I'd love to see what happened.
  13. Something tells me that Jamie did a quick calculation in her head and decided that being a Z-list celebrity with the MAFS franchise was worth the $50k. Marriage commitment played zero role in that equation.
  14. Whether or not they knew about the protection order, I guarantee there were other problems leading up to it that were easily discoverable. I'll bet Mia's problems go back years.
  15. Good for them. She's in her 30s, bout time she got started having kids.
  16. I think they realize there's just not enough going on with 3 couples. The shows drag on so much that I quit watching the last 2 seasons. The AU show had 11 couples (and no successes) last season.
  17. Kristine: Any woman who thinks she's a queen is automatically considered P&D material. There's no way a quality man will tolerate that much attitude for long. 29 and "nonexistent" dating life, there's a reason for that. Nice body, though. Keith: Genuine, good dude. He seems too reserved, like they picked him solely to not dump Kristine after the first week. He says, "If she can't cook, it's a deal breaker." So MAFS matches him with a self-proclaimed queen who I guarantee doesn't cook. Kate: This is the sweetest, most vulnerable girl in MAFS history. So far I almost like her more than my sweet Ashley from season 5. Being dumped by that Jewish kid did a number on her. Her Yoga game is strugglin'. Luke: So MAFS took a sweet girl like Kate and matched her with a street hustler who's clearly not sincere about the show concept. Sad! Jasmine: Another girl with baby rabies. Will: Well, they might have actually made a good decision here. Took a girl who can't wait to have kids and paired her with an older dude who wants the same and who values a stable marriage. Stephanie: "I am career oriented" with wanderlust and she dates men who won't commit to her. Shockingly, she's 35 and alone. In good shape for 35. Maybe she's desperate enough to accept..... AJ: I must be missing something because this dude seems like a complete douche yet spent over 10 years in sales. Most salesmen need people skills. No idea about this guy. A few grand in surgery can help his face but that "cheesy", "dorky" personality is a tough fix.
  18. Please don't let Kate drop out early. She cries so sincerely. I'm actually rooting for this chick. If she's gotta go, I hope she flies into a rage and does something crazy - even breaks her wedding china like Connie Corleone.
  19. The guys see easy sex while on vacation, even if the women aren't in their prime. The women get validation and attention into their middle years. Win-win.
  20. These people are too old to be acting this way. They're all supposed to be high achievers but aren't. The women, especially the foot doctor, look WAY older than mid 30s. At their ages, their window for having children is closing, time to put the "epic" vacations aside for a while and sober up. The only one who's tolerable is the chubby girl (I don't know any names). Why is the captain of a boat drinking and smoking weed all day? That doesn't look like normal cigarettes. Also, what's with the law school loser's and the hairdresser's voices? It's beyond just screaming-at-a-concert hoarse, it's like Whitney Houston freshly cracked up hoarse. This might be a cool show if the cast was a decade younger and actually fun. As it stands, it's like watching my aunt and uncle getting drunk and arguing at a family event...then bragging to coworkers about their crazy, amaaaaazing vacation.
  21. >Did you see the condition of that hospital? Richie is better off being raised by a pack of wolves in the US rather than another day in Russia. >Anyone notice that Olga's friend almost immediately said that she wasn't looking for this...meaning getting pregnant to immigrate to the US? Translation - that's probably exactly what she was planning. She just made a tragic choice in men. Olga's a cute-ish girl, she could have found a better mark...er, future husband. >I'm not sure of the circumstances of their summer together but, were I Steven, I'd have a DNA test immediately. >Unless Steven gets his act together, Olga needs to play along and put in her 3 years, then become a citizen and bail.
  22. I'll take your word for it. Dudes I know wouldn't make it through the first scowl or meaningless argument. In fact, those are called "sh!t tests", and Tyler has failed every one. She's looking for a firm stance and Tyler's giving her a weak, almost apologetic, response. Admittedly, it's hard to handle one of those arguments on camera without looking like a complete dick but that's exactly what's needed. Handled properly, Tyler would find himself in bed rather than staring at a slammed door. I think that's it exactly. I try to find a balance but I have to admit that a little cruelty = more sex. Ultimately, a fisherman goes with the bait that works. Maybe I'm the flip side and need to date nicer women...
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