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Jack Sampson

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Everything posted by Jack Sampson

  1. Iris really believes that her virginity is something tremendously special. She gets mad when he says sex is a factor on decision day. Is she expecting him to be celibate? Sweetheart, trust me, Keith has plenty of options - and many of them are younger and hotter than you. E is crazy and she's lying about Jamie mistreating the dogs, they clearly prefer to be with him. She tried a no sex power play and Jamie handled it well. She caved but I'm sure she'll try again later. I'll believe she really has a UTI when I see her taking a prescription. Until then, I don't believe a word she says. I'm convinced Matt is slow (is that sensitive enough that I won't get banned?). He literally can't form a complete sentence. Um, I uhl-ways be positive presence in ya life (inflected to convey that he believes this was a deep thought). Let poor Amber know when you intend to start being that...
  2. The way I see it, she's wearing a lot less on the beach. Firing her is absurd. The kids might be unruly for a bit but they'll quickly forget. I had a teacher (high school) who had done some modeling - bikini and lingerie shots got circulated, a few were see-throughs. In a few weeks, no one cared anymore.
  3. For virgins only. Did she mention she's a virgin? Technical virgin at least.
  4. Amber is catching hell for being all in. The girl is sincere and wants this to work - she trusted the wrong "experts" to find her a match. She needs to start taking her sister to the gym. I don't even think Iris is pretty anymore. The look she gave after limiting people to 2 drinks was extreme. I know she half-smiled at the end, but she meant it. I'd tell her she's acting like a crazy person and to go take a nap. These aren't random people off the street, they're your guests. You should have told them to help themselves to whatever they want the second they walked through the door. Also, she looks like she smells bad. Deonna is boring. There's nothing fun about her. She said, "I will stretch myself to get outside of my comfort zone within my own (g?)rounds." I guess that means she'll sit a little closer on the couch. Way to push yourself. The only way this works is if Greg is literally a saint. Beth is a nut case but we already knew that. Jamie isn't far behind. He started arguing with a crazy woman who's a LOT better at it than he'll ever be. Matt's an odd guy. He seems...slow. I'd never guess he was a professional athlete. Keith and Greg seem pretty cool.
  5. She needs to date him. Make him dinner, plan a fun day doing something he'd want to do, be sexual, even if you don't have sex with him, let him know you still have sexual energy. After the show, Greg will find other women. Deonna, unless she starts showing a fun side, will have serious problems. Deonna missed out on dating for a reason and it's looking like it's not just her choice. She's not a fun woman and she's not attractive enough to offset the personality. This could be her last chance with a guy as great as Greg and she's blowing it.
  6. I have a feeling Sandy is the only one production lets in on the storyline. Behind the scenes, they're telling her to hold off on a chef and ignore the staffing issues so that when they bring on a new chef (Ben?), he'll enter like a conquering hero. Is it even the captain's job to hire a chef? Wouldn't the charter management company handle that with the captain having final say?
  7. That's too expensive. Greg would get #MeToo'd if he did that.
  8. Jamie is. Dude has a muffin top and boobs. A bald, average looking guy like him needs to be either rich or shredded. Shoot a text, situation resolved.
  9. I would have throw them out that second, whether or not my wife agreed. Abused women are loyal.
  10. When it's awkward sex with your virgin prom date, and she wants to get it out of the way before college, it's no big deal. When it's with a 27 year old woman who's built it up to the ultimate expression of her religious beliefs AND you might be calling it quits in 2 months, it's a MUCH bigger deal. First time in the history of the show I'm saying this - I would wait for a few months...minimum.
  11. Ask Jamie how great a relationship with a spouse's family can be.
  12. She did wake up in different colored sleepwear. Could just be editing, but maybe the other one got...stained.
  13. I doubt either couple has a chance, but at least Elizabeth can have fun. When guys go on a vacation honeymoon, this is the girl they're hoping will show up - cool with nudity and hypersexual.
  14. She says it then demands he "not make that face". As if he's not allowed to react in a genuinely surprised manner. It sounds like all of that self-dating hasn't prepared her for any normal relationship.
  15. I don't dislike Deonna so far but she has no business on this show. The rest of the women are intolerable. I already almost hate Bice. Jamie and Greg seem okay. Keith might be fine but he's horribly mismatched with a virgin. Gut feel - Matt isn't in this.
  16. It's not about waiting really, it's waiting that long. If sex was important to her, she would have found a husband before 27...even if she had to settle hard just to have a sex partner.
  17. Maybe religious people shouldn't go on a show that makes a mockery of marriage. Now, THAT's the girl I could handle getting matched with. I don't even mind her stupid laugh. Elizabeth is classless and spoiled. I would walk away before the end of the honeymoon. I wouldn't marry a 27 year old virgin. She is either too picky, in which case she'd eventually find a flaw in even my perfection, or she's just not into sex. No real upside. 21 year old virgin is great, 27 is a problem.
  18. What happens when someone gets curious about the Forbidden Folder of Mystery? Jas was expecting Will's fantasy to be getting her pregnant while writing checks to pay 100% of the bills.
  19. I think I said it last season, why wouldn't you backup your phone then delete the pic and text history? Maybe even a factory reset! I have several nudes on my phone, many recent. It lets my girlfriend know she has competition. A wife should be a different story - delete the pics, bruh. Everything can be restored if (when) the pretend marriage doesn't work.
  20. I think it depends on whether the person starting the thread considers the Matchmaking Special episode 00 or 01. The download sites, which generally follow the studio's official release information, list this as ep06 and Honey I'm Home as ep05...or it could have just been a mistake.
  21. Peak Soy, tragically low Test? Whatever you call it, Luke and his friends are the type I would bully.
  22. Is Kristine pregnant or did she just gain some weight?
  23. Someone should tell her how it works - you hook him with great sex THEN have him start paying your bills. I doubt she even wants to be a housewife. I think she wants to be independent but have Will finance her. Sonia wanted the same thing but at least she was up front about it. She literally said, and the experts reiterated in a voice over, that she wanted a husband to finance her lifestyle.
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