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Jack Sampson

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Everything posted by Jack Sampson

  1. She's suppressing the bulk of her hatred to get that sweet green card for true love.
  2. Brandon should have never brought her over without his own place. He should have settled moving out and let his parents adjust before proceeding. No way Julia was going to love farm life and no way she wouldn't become the focus of his parents anger.
  3. Jacob is on to something with his love for the 80s. Did anyone here grow up back then? Was it as great as it seems? All of the entertainment was so innocent and optimistic - it must have been a glorious time. As Chris would say, the 80s were dope.
  4. Random thoughts: Liz is there to try to look pretty on TV. And she might have succeeded...at 23. At 30, it's sad. She should be competent at act like an adult. Liz wouldn't be banging James if he wasn't a dick to her. There's such a low energy vibe from Rob. Having a cleanup all day in the sun when crew members are sick is the worst possible idea. Unless, they make it look like all day but it was really half an hour for the cameras. Ash needs to be featured more. She's charming and hot as hell. And, if she can have a crush on that dumpy guest, she'd kerploosh herself over me. I think the doctor is just there to write scripts. Like a "doctor" at a pharmacy in Tijuana.
  5. Yara is with Jovi for 2 weeks before he leaves, right? I'd get a paternity test on that baby as soon as it's born. EDIT: The way Julia has the perfectly positioned dirt on her cheek when she calls her dad makes me think there's some storyline nonsense going on. Farms are dirty, but you can wash your face before facetiming your dad.
  6. When Yara is telling her friend she's pregnant, it looks like only one line.
  7. If the cameras weren't on, she would have been dealt with. I can imagine a producer off camera offering something to the band/resort to keep them from intervening.
  8. Maybe she's going off for more than provisions. Her behavior seems like more than just alcohol to me. What would be the point? She might apologize when sober, then act out again with her first sip of alcohol (or whatever else). Ultimately, she can do whatever she wants as long as Lee lets her and he made his choice. It's been 2 charters since her freak out, he could have gotten a replacement by now. Lee screwed that up.
  9. Ding, ding, ding - we have a winner.
  10. If the only requirement is that she be fun to look at while she's serving you, Sierra would be the greatest stew of all time. Also, Ash tops Liz any day.
  11. Hard working? She took 45 minutes and never checked on the guests because she was running her mouth. She's not the laziest stew ever but one of the hardest working you ever seen? Come on.
  12. There's no way Lee is going to try to dock that boat at night. Then what? Not feed them the next day? If anything, he'll wait until the morning, call to make sure there's space available, get everything ready and head out - they would lose a day of their trip at most. She's out of line and all but Lee will get over his ego and finish, then stand in the lineup at the end with his hand out like a good boy.
  13. She's the 6th listed on the preference sheets and we all know they don't pay full price, yet she's STILL throwing out the "I have paid a lot of money" line. Bitch paid a few grand...tops. Get your drunken fat ass out of the water. I probably paid more for my last Disney vacation but you don't see me getting drunk and jumping in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. I asked Rey for her number and asked Chewie if he ever shaved his junk for his wife but that's harmless fun.
  14. Since they showed the names of the harbor and the general area where they anchored, I looked them up. It's about a 22-24 mile cruise depending on their path around the island. That's about twice as far as one I looked up from last season of BDM.
  15. On the last season of BDM, they finally put some timestamps on the preference sheet meeting - it was 2 days before. A provisioning company (or some other supply company) can get almost anything, even rainbow unicorn floats, in that time. But that means either they have several days of downtime or she flipped out and came back before even the last charter happened. They make it look like they had the meeting, then she freaked out and left 16 hours before the charter. If she stayed, it would mean that she needed to make the provision list overnight and the company would have to fulfill and deliver everything at least an hour before 11:30am the next day. I don't think that would happen and it definitely won't if she doesn't come back until the next day.
  16. Why was it so important to make one trip? The beach was about 30 seconds away and half of the items they forgot could be brought over on a Jetski. They shouldn't worry as much about the lists and planning and just get the guests there with covering and food on time and ferry any other items from the boat. Also, where does one go to the bathroom on these beach picnics?
  17. Otherwise, the audience wouldn't know how smart she is. End the end, everyone's supposed to agree that she was right all along. Every remodel show does it. Crazy as it sounds, the tacky Vegas remodelers are the only ones to show changes made at the buyer's request.
  18. Two things that sickitate me. Ending sentences with an extra syllable - Oh my God-da! Ending sentences with "Right now" - Are you kidding me Right Now? I guess they're the replacements for upspeak and vocal fry.
  19. There's rarely an answer to why, but I guess just to be outrageous for its own sake. The high-end celebrities who charter yachts are pushing things further than Hef did at the Playboy mansion or maybe even Epstein (who didn't kill himself) did at the island. It's a different market level - it's the mega-MEGA-yacht market. The point is, they wouldn't stand for a no coke, no overnight guests, only drive the Sea-Doo around the boat nonsense. If Lee tried his "That's it, charter's over!" with them, they'd make a call to the charter company and Lee would be replaced and the guest would get an apology - and the charter company would send over some companions for the evening and beg for their continued business. BD isn't that. BD is really for average people with a few bucks who want to have a memorable getaway. That level seems to be a lot more restrictive or at least the rules are actually enforce for them.
  20. Not sure if it's always the case, but in a previous season they made a point of telling the guests they could only go around the ship and only in one direction. Maybe it's just for the show - some special liability. I can't imagine Jay-Z or DiCaprio or any other such celebrity being given those restrictions. There's a rumor that Sean Combs beheaded a live goat on a yacht, "Yachting" is the new term for high-end escort work and drugs are rampant on real charters - but you can't allow that on TV.
  21. A few weeks on this show is 4 charters or more. He'll need to be replaced before then. If they bring back Rhylee, I'm out. Lee went from getting drunk and passing out....er, I mean....falling in the shower and not being able to move to hugging everyone in one day. On a boat where we all know maritime law forbids the use of any medication. Especially one strong enough to work on rib pain
  22. As is always the problem with this, a really confident, out-going man can do better than Christina. And don't forget, we saw her awful behavior before she even met Henry.
  23. What about the coke Malia was supposedly doing on the nights out? Or last season when the guys were drunk and not responding to an alarm? Andy is a cokehead just trying to keep viewers/money/coke flowing. He's hoping that everyone will forget or hate-watch by next season. We'll see if he's right. Sandy and Malia are his favs so he'll protect them as best he can. Most of the Internet "death threats" turn out to be fake. But it's instant sympathy so it's a widely used tactic from a cold, calculating mind.
  24. Yes. The extended answer appears throughout this season's threads and the Sailing season threads. We've looked up the relevant laws, ex crew members have weighed in and the same situation has come up in past seasons - from several angles, Sandy is lying. It's not even part of the Bravo contracts. And she changed her story several times. Sandy is also trying to claim that ships can be "incarcerated" over "one joint", suggesting that the boat will be permanently seized over even a guest having anything vaguely illegal onboard. But she's referring to an incident in US waters in the 80s during the war on drugs where the boat was suspected of having a large quantity of drugs on board (they probably dumped what they had) and the US authorities found a joint and used that as an excuse to thoroughly search the ship at a port. A small fine was issued and the ship was released in hours. Definitely a nuisance but nothing like what Sandy is suggesting. And that ship was flagged as a drug runner. I think the first episode of BD had an incidence where Lee turned the boat around like a grumpy parent over suspected coke on a shelf or something. It was never confirmed as coke and looked like a staged event for cameras. As if we're supposed to believe that rappers and russian mobsters and tech billionaires and other celebrities don't bring drugs on a yacht.
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