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Everything posted by Michichick

  1. I'm in, because I am Bravo's bitch and that's just how it is. I knew nothing of the cast before reading this article, and am intrigued to learn that Nelson is probably at least a Ravenel-level scumbag, if not worse. Can't wait!
  2. I'm just finishing up a rewatch of this season, because Chelsea is on a Southern Charm and I really didn't remember her from One World. Kim, Colton, Troy, and Tarzan were the only ones I really remembered. Most of the cast was fairly awful, but I still think Kim played this game amazingly well and love her victory.
  3. I found it blatantly obvious that Normani would get all 10s if she did anything short of falling on her face. I love David Ross, but Nancy certainly is a better dancer and I enjoy her and wanted her to stay. I was hoping Nick and Bonner would go tonight. Hoping Rashad takes it all now.
  4. I'm old, and I enjoyed it in that it made me laugh so hard I thought I might pee my pants. I was incredibly entertained, but Rashad is the only one of the four that I thought was at all sexy during that Magic Mike stuff.
  5. All I want to know is wtf is up with Phaedra and Shemar Moore. What was that clip of him kissing up on her? Was that something he did on WWHL as a joke? She's a shady bitch, who'd want to hook up with that mess?
  6. Something is very wrong with Carole's upper lip. On my TV, she looked like she had a white line above her lip. Also, I really don't need to see Carole eat ever again, at least not if she's having a conversation at the same time.
  7. Varner is fucking dead to me. How dare he out Zeke like that?
  8. Rinna had the best dress. LVP looked bad to me, maybe it is the too-light powder that someone else mentioned. Her face didn't have any life to it and it made her look old to me. But her hair did look better than usual. Kyle's dress was unflattering. I don't like PK and I hope they don't waste much more time on him.
  9. Yes, Maddie was left with no money and no ring. I believe she only expected to have the ring. She left the fake money for Max with a note telling him she did it for Sally, so that means she intended for the FBI to keep the money and Max to be left with nothing. They had mentioned in a previous episode that the ring was worth a million so she was probably satisfied with that. There will be a second season. We weren't supposed to know the guy Lenny was threatening. i found this episode to be entirely satisfying even if there weren't going to be a season two. I'm delighted that the amateur cons got the best of Maddie and the FBI will assume she's the one who stole the ring. I will just hand-wave the fact that the FBI knows who Ezra is and it looks awfully suspicious that he just disappeared from the wedding.
  10. When the FBI lady (Gina?) told the boss they thought Jules was a civilian, the boss said something like "you think? We need to know. I want eyes on her". So I believe Gina followed her and met up with her in the art store in order to verify who she is. Not at all sure how they pegged Jules as a lesbian since they were operating under the premise that she's Ezra's girlfriend.
  11. Erika (not Erica, Ericka, or Eryka) is a very stiff dancer and exhibits little personality. I'm a fan of hers on Real Housewives, for the most part, but won't be sorry if she's the next to go.
  12. Yes, I thought the dress code was pink, sparkly, and wedge heels. So Erika hit two out of three, anyway. Ha, did anyone do the wedges? I forgot to look. Camille stood out nicely in her green dress, she looked beautiful even if she blew off the dress code.
  13. Kim and Kyle were the only HW wearing pink outfits. LVP, Dorit, Rinna, Eileen, Camille, Eden, and Pandora were not wearing pink outfits. Erika's ridiculous wig was more pink than the other non-pink dress wearers combined. :)
  14. Personally I think girlhood ends when one turns 18, so no adult woman should call herself a girl. (YMMV, of course!) So it's not "advanced age" so much as adulthood in this case. I don't like it when reality intrudes on my reality TV viewing so I really wish they wouldn't talk about the election. More puppies, less politics!
  15. Omg, her eyes are extra crazy now after getting a way-too-tight facelift. She looks dreadful. I think Luann has a pretty good surgeon, she looks good to me.
  16. Hahahahahahahaha! Hahaha! He looks pretty dumb, so being smarter than he looks isn't saying much. I think they're all jerks so I hope they end up winning very little money.
  17. Chicken is meat, so no, of course I don't eat chicken if I don't eat meat. :)
  18. I haven't eaten meat since 1992 and I haven't died from lack of B12 yet. I really don't think a 40-day peanut butter and carrot diet would seriously harm a person who started out healthy. But as noted earlier, they are likely eating other things they find that aren't shown every episode, such as cassava that we saw in one episode. Or are you contending that the show is providing them with food aside from what is being purchased in the group buys?
  19. If you take in absolutely no vitamin C, it takes four weeks for scurvy symptoms to appear. They certainly do not have scurvy from a PB and carrot diet at this point in the game and I seriously doubt that diet would do significant damage after 40 days. "lol"
  20. The benefit of riding with Phil is spending time with Phil. Dream come true! :)
  21. Debbie continues to be delusional about her skills. So tired of her and her stupidity. J.T.'s tribe did an awesome job making him feel comfortable and conning him into thinking he was staying. Varner's obvious delight at assorted shenanigans is a pleasure to watch. I crack up watching him crack up.
  22. I thought Erika's cheap pink wig was lots of fun. Personally I hate when hosts dictate what color their guests should wear, so I liked that Erika interpreted the pink and sparkly command in a different way than everyone else. She didn't comply with the wedges, but I don't see how the rest of her outfit was non-compliant with the dress code.
  23. I seriously have no idea what is even happening anymore but I can't wait to see what happens next. I was half-expecting Ezra to start smiling at the end after his conversation with FBI dude, because I now assume nothing is what it seems. Ha! But I guess Ezra really is in trouble.
  24. The four didn't buy the pot "with their share of the money." They bought it with everyone's money. The prize money is split equally among everyone left after 40 days, it's not pro-rated based on who spent more or less during group buys. So the campers benefit from Makani and Cody being more thrifty, while Makani and Cody will make less because the campers spend so much. Though at this point, I'll be surprised if there are any campers left by the end.
  25. Agreed! Chris appears to be rare among contestants on this show in that he seemed to want special scoring favors due to his physical limitations, rather than wanting to earn his scores.
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