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Everything posted by Michichick

  1. I'm afraid Jason will let himself get influenced by Paul.
  2. Fuck, I wanted Jessica to win it. Fall Elena! Fall!
  3. Raven's snort laugh is so damn phony. Are the producers feeding Paul those lame lines he keeps shouting out?
  4. They shot it out on camera. Paul got hit with some and whined about it.
  5. Agreed, I want to see her win it and shake things up.
  6. Wtf, this is annoying with them cutting away from the feeds. What am I paying for?
  7. Seriously they need to pulll back and show everyone.
  8. I don't know what it is but Alex has one, too.
  9. What? I totally missed that. Did they even show him fall? Oh there he goes. Hmm, my feeds seem delayed.
  10. Seriously! How about showing all the contestants instead.
  11. You can buy the current season on iTunes if you don't want to wait for Hulu. Last night's episode is already there.
  12. @Callaphera, I think if one's face is lighter than one's arms or whatever due to uneven sun exposure, that's natural and normal looking. But applying a coat of super-light foundation is rather odd.
  13. Ok well if that's the look she's going for, she's achieved it! My greatest wish for this season is that they never mention her disease on the show. I'd love to see her face when she watches the episodes and realizes her tragic tale never made it on-air.
  14. I'm watching Raven apply her ghost-face makeup. Can't she see how terrible it looks to make her face so white compared to the rest of her?
  15. @Slider it doesn't look like there's any chance Cody will stay. Pretty much the whole house is against him.
  16. I think you're right. Ramona did lord it over everyone like having a husband was a big accomplishment, so now she's totally adrift without him. Since Luann is currently lording it over everyone about her great catch Tom, I wonder if Lu will fall apart as soon as her marriage hits the skids?
  17. Ha, Paul just told Raven to stop using her injuries as excuses.
  18. Christmas won the ability to replace a player in a veto competition. She did not win the ability to have someone replace her. So what she won is actually pretty bad for someone with a broken foot, unless the veto she chooses is non-physical.
  19. I hate Paul and am unhappy that he's back, but I'd be even more upset if it were James. At least Paul tries to play. But overall, for me it's a veteran issue. I don't like when they mix vets and newbies.
  20. Flanderer? Is that a Ramona-ism that she's said when she meant philanderer? Haha, she comes up with some good ones!
  21. Finally, somebody's talking sense!
  22. It was hilarious that Bethenny was pissed that everyone was listening to her "private" conversation with Ramona, and then turned around and got mad that people were talking about her while she was sitting at the table. There's either a magical cone of silence or there's not, Bethy. If you expect others to tune out your conversation, then they can expect you to tune out theirs.
  23. Paul's not mad at Josh because if Josh won veto and took himself off the block, it's no different than Paul pulling Josh off the block. Cody goes up either way.
  24. Jesus, Ramona looks terrible. And the crazy eyes don't help.
  25. He's an idiot, so I'm guessing he has no idea that he's saying it wrong.
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