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Everything posted by Michichick

  1. I thought production used to insist on the HGs giving names to their alliances. I wonder why they don't do that anymore.
  2. Kevin refers to Air BnB as BFF. Lol, he can't be for real. Kevin was just giving pretty detailed directions to his house and then they cut the feed. What a doofus.
  3. Oh, now Elena is talking about constipation. Maybe that's it.
  4. Christmas and Paul both have an enormous amount of ugly tattoos. Just something I'm noting as I watch their conversation right now. Elena has seemed exhausted all day. Is there something wrong with her? She just seems like she's incredibly low energy. I hate Cody but would be in favor of him winning the battle back just so someone would be willing to go after Paul. Too bad Cody has zero social game. I haven't seen him interact with anyone except Jessica in ages.
  5. They're doing a birthday celebration for Dominique. Raven baked a sad little cake and she's so proud of herself. Raven sure likes to pull attention to herself. And I see Dominique hasn't mastered the skill of chewing with her mouth closed.
  6. Matt said to Christmas that someone will need to take a shot at Paul later, but "not us." And they are talking about protecting Paul. I can't tell if Matt was testing the waters to see if Christmas will be willing to dump Paul. edit: sorry, didn't refresh before posting and I see I am repetitive of others. not sure I believe Matt when he says he doesn't care about winning, is anyone that dumb?
  7. The improv game was entertaining. At least Jessica is making an effort to be social. Probably won't help her stay off the block, but makes things more pleasant around the house.
  8. I'm hoping Raven's pity party will backfire on her eventually. The house guests need to figure out that you don't want to go to final two with the person everyone likes who also happens to have a hard-luck story.
  9. Yes, Alex is thinking he couldn't have pressed the button because he was taking his clothes off and thus his hands weren't free. Not sure Kevin removed his clothes as a strategy to throw off the others, but if he did then he's smarter than I thought.
  10. I don't drink 12 glasses of every beverage combined during a typical day (water, coffee, Diet Coke, whatever), much less 12 alcoholic beverages. Possibly I'm dehydrated, but Shep has a major drinking problem.
  11. Jennifer came in just for a segment, as happens with many secondary/tertiary cast members during reunions. I'm sure we will see others next week.
  12. Only cast members who are in the opening credits have a seat on the couch for the whole reunion.
  13. Cody told Jessica he's going to rile up Josh by telling Josh that he'll expose him as a sexual predator as soon as Cody is voted out. Cody will claim he's going to tell the world that Josh peeps at the girls in the shower and in the toilet room. Jessica encouraged this and said Cody could also say that during his eviction speech. Jesus. These people are terrible.
  14. Paul is so full of shit right now, telling Jason that even if Paul makes it to final two, there's no way he can win because nobody will vote for a vet over a first-time player. Oh really? You mean like last season when vet Nicole beat first-timer Paul? Man these people are suckers if they swallow Paul's nonsense.
  15. Christmas's inability to compete in physical comps only hurts her, so why not let her stay? Her alliance mates may decide to dump her when the crowd thins and they realize she won't be able to help them stay in power by winning comps, but then that lack of comp ability never hurt Victoria. This show isn't like Survivor where medical intervention means you're no longer following the tenets of the game, so I don't see the big deal. As far as the argument about her getting a reprieve from the game when she leaves for medical stuff, meh. The twins had temporary reprieves when they were swapping in and out that one season. Not being there can affect your game positively (you get to take a breather) or negatively (people can plot against you and you have no chance of catching them doing it). Again, I don't see it as a big deal.
  16. Josh and Alex played in veto, not Cody and Jessica. Josh and Alex are the nominees, in addition to Ramses. Paul won veto.
  17. Christmas cannot sub herself in for Ramses. She's only allowed to replace a veto player who was chosen by random draw, not a houseguest who is nominated for eviction.
  18. I love Diet Coke with every fiber of my being and would be super sad to be a have not. I think slop is not just oatmeal. Seems houseguests have commented in past seasons that they thought it would just be oatmeal but it had other stuff in it and is gross. I may not be cut out to be a feed subscriber. Every time I check the feeds it seems like someone is picking their nose or talking with a full mouth or blowing their nose without turning off the mic. It turns my stomach!
  19. I believe Ramses has to nominate himself before the HOH announces his noms.
  20. Jessica needs to get a tissue and blow her fucking nose before I vomit.
  21. Hahahaha! Whatever will poor Jessica and Cody do when they cant hide out in HOH?
  22. Oh man, the feeds will be insufferable with Paul as the pontificating HOH.
  23. Wtf, why did I feel relieved that Paul won? I hate that dude.
  24. Jessica would probably nominate Christmas and Alex. I'd rather Jessica lose this one.
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