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Everything posted by Snarkette

  1. I guess I can buy it precisely if he doesn't think the threat will need to be carried out, but making the threat (and putting up a world class bluff) would get him what he wanted/needed. I love the darkness and the threats. I would hate if they make Cooper a Noble Villain with a Good Heart or any kind of woobified nonsense like that. Narratively, they need to keep him menacing and more importantly with unfathomable goals. Leaving Brian in this uncertain and dangerous place is what sets this show apart from, for example, the Mentalist or Psych, etc. We've had wise-cracking geniuses before. This not-very-good-at-being-brilliant-and-scared-out-of-his-mind protagonist is what is fresh.
  2. It is my understanding that Sam Ernst and Jim Dunn ended their creative control at the end of S3, becoming something like "executive creative consultants" or other such hogwash. Immediately the quality dived. Or as they say on Earth II, what a pity, the show was cancelled at the end of S3 and we never got to find out what the remaining writers would have done with it. Because there's no way Haven would have become claustrophobic fan fiction with no idea how to develop their characters, present realistic dialog, or create believable conflict and tension.
  3. I'm really enjoying Limitless. I assume that means it will be cancelled.
  4. I didn't mean to suggest that the plot wasn't moronic (it was) but that the dialog was far less stilted and unnatural compared to the rest of S5. Watching Haven is like having a friend in hospice. One still has great affection for it but all the bits that made it alive and vibrant have gone and it's just a matter of waiting for the end.
  5. If he disguised himself well, then he would have gotten away and couldn't be all tortured and emo for Daisysky's "character arc". This way, he got to kill a friend (this counts as fridging, right? because it was about his angst?), destroy a perfectly innocent bus, and terrorize small children.
  6. Wow. The writing this week wasn't awful.
  7. To be fair, I figured he couldn't shave or mess with his hair because of contract appearance issues
  8. This. I love Lincoln. he brings the stubble. And he gives me something to enjoy beyond Fitz and Simmons and Fitz and Fitz and...well, Fitz.
  9. Prosopagnosiacs unite! (if we can recognize each other enough to get together that is) Not sure, but I like the tension.
  10. Another great episode. I love this, especially how they're slowly building up the menace and complexity. Even with NZT, Brian's a doof, making him a perfect everyman for this. If he were so smart as to figure out how to replicate the research, etc, there wouldn't be a good story to tell. Corruption is the theme of the show, making it a much darker story than Burn Notice, which I welcome.
  11. Another really fun ep. I thought it was an improvement on the pilot and I hope they can keep up the fish-out-water tension for a while. That said, this seems like the kind of show that would be better with a shorter season. Is this due for 22 eps?
  12. Golem. Called it. (Whenever there's a single hebrew word that's even slightly like met/emet and clay is involved, the rule says that someone's gonna be dragging in Golem lore.)
  13. It does but the situation isn't as dire as you make it sound for normal small space living. It's really trailers where they have to have a full-sized kitchen and an entertaining area where storage really takes a hit. Places that are squarer rather than long and thin naturally lend themselves better to both storage and multi-use. When I lived in 160 sqft or so, I had a closet (it was small), went to school, and had business clothes for my part time job. I hung up the business stuff, and used a lot of crate storage for the rest, plus had a dresser -- easy to rearrange crates into other things and store things at the same time, not always the best for finding stuff. Some of the solutions on the show (hangers above the bed, move the bed to get to the storage) are awful. They really don't think about daily living so much as "extreme solutions". There was one ep with a fold-down table/desk that was just ridiculous because real people need surface areas that get used 24/7.
  14. I thought it was great mindless fun. It has DNA from the movie, Burn Notice, and Macgyver. I'm making popcorn and trying not to think too hard about a show glorifying addictive performance-enhancing drugs.
  15. The John and Lucy story shall endure. So say we all.
  16. If I remember this correctly, Khlyen suggested that the "RAC" is just one preliminary operation as part of a greater whole. Sounds like a big power broker, which by supplying policing becomes a virtual imperial government in and of itself. Who doesn't want galactic domination?
  17. The liquid? That's what Jonny stole last week?
  18. Oh Johnny. Je t'adore. (This was a very nice Johnny ep.)
  19. I don't think that's Lydia. I think that's Stumpy the Nemeton.
  20. I've always liked her acting although I didn't like her character until this season. On the other hand, there are characters that I really love whose actors are not especially good at their jobs. I started noticing her because unlike these others she can act in the background of scenes. It's a surprising skill that I never even thought about until I saw the contrast in Season 4. I'm hoping that Theo is exactly who he says he is because being an actual werewolf who tracked down and colluded with the Dread Doctors in exchange for being put into a position where Theo could steal Scott's alpha powers is a better story than "psychopath who became a chimera." I loved how in this Monday's ep, he was threatening Stiles as he complimented him on being smart. It also might explain Garuda-man at the start of the season who needed to pick up those powers (along, presumably, with eggs, milk, and a loaf of bread) and bring them back to the lab to "remove obstacles". I think Theo may be holding back on the docs. Of course, the docs are also holding back on Theo when it comes to naked burning body-snatcher man. This. Still don't care for her much but she's worked nicely in the ep for creating Liam's conflict and direction. If she supports his character, she can stay. But only for a short while. And they better not try romantically pairing up her sister with any other deputies.
  21. At least the hashtagger isn't picking on Stumpy, right? #savinggrace
  22. Ah, another week of hallucinations, violence, and shirtlessness. Teen Wolf is the best. A few thoughts. Regarding Theo: I think the distinction is sociopath vs psychopath. 4x02 was 117 not 115. Transplant patients -- whoever called it, you rock. Acting skills: the show is all about hot male models. Kira seems to be in a separate show entirely. Malia doesn't have much to do. Scott is the worst alpha ever but his puppy is far from useless. I'm really enjoying Liam and Mason (although Hayden can just go away already). Agreed, Sheriff/Melissa are the best. And you can never have enough fugue-ing fire elementals, especially those decking out Theo. Don't ever go away Theo.
  23. Those were FIFTY DOLLAR SUNGLASSES PULLED DOWN TO THE TIP OF MY NOSE ASSHOLE. (Thank you for putting this in a separate thread. Makes it a lot easier to respond to the recap!) I remain completely confused by girl with scary ear. Don't know if she was actually a chimera or Lydia just spazzed out because when a creepy guy says "read the book", he's probably promoting pornography or something else bad for your brain. I can't tell where Lydia's actual flashback ended and her banshee superpowers kicked in. I certainly hope Vengence girl is a chimera and not a misdiagnosed natural supernatural because whatever kills her and gets rid of her sister sooner makes me happy. Not as happy as sexy, sexy fight instructor happy but happy. Speaking of trying to make Kira/Fetch happen (it's not going to happen), if your creepy new wannabe pack member friend started hanging out watching and recording your sleeping girlfriend, wouldn't your response be less "Cool bro, I don't trust her now" and more "DIE CREEP DIE?". That is of course ignoring gym equipment and conveniently located bottles of water spray. Yes: Stiles, Mama McC, and Papa S all kicked ass and took names. Loved their bits. As for Peter? Us too. You are not alone.
  24. A pretty confusing mishmash of an ep, even one where the actual theme was hallucination. Loved Lydia and Styles' unfortunate flashbacks (although didn't Lydia's grandma smother to death courtesy of Brunski?) that tie them together even further. Saddened that Parrish and Lydia did NOTHING untoward together despite hints and promises from other board participants. (Still Victorian. Damn it.) Liked the slight hint that their supe-powers were working in tandem for a moment. I loathe Hayden and I think they're playing a game with Lydia hearing her name -- that she's a natural and not a Chimera, and she was being harvested not converted. I would be so happy if both Hayden and her big sister were gone soon but they seem so permanent right now. Loved the Kylhin Rhambo thing (did I even spell that close?) He like Sprayberry is an absolute delight and I treasured his on-screen moments, even if they were with the ever-more-wet-blanketty Kira. Die, Kira, die. B'bye. Ditto Theo. He's fantastic. I hope he doesn't turn out to be the Nogitsune's new host. Not enough Parrish.
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