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Everything posted by Snarkette

  1. Fortunately, there seems to be a semi-sentient tree stump attracting new personnel into the area -- ones psychotic enough to think that the statistics don't bother them.
  2. Another fun ep. I can't stand the name Yala. Always sounds as if they're scolding her to hurry up and go quickly.
  3. I'm okay with Malia going evil. She's a practical girl. If Theo sticks around she can torture him. It looks like the show is steering towards Stydia right now pretty hard. If nothing else, they're playing Marrish as practically Victorian. Given that Lydia is a forward gal, one suspects it will not go past friendship except in Parrish's fevered hallucinations. (One suspects all his hallucinations are fevered by default.) I just hope they don't try to set up Parrish with extremely boring deputy chick who suddenly showed up for no reason. She's annoying me.
  4. Ashes are a great source of phosphorus and potassium that are handy for fertilizing your favorite mind-controlling tree stump. I suspect Stumpy (aka Audrey III) is just interested in balanced supernatural nutrition as well as supporting the naked aesthetics of the local wildlife. Whether you're a hellmouth, a haven, or a simple monster sanctuary with a built-in beacon, a stump's gotta eat. On behalf of the Society to Preserve Flammable Naturist Deputies, may I suggest that might not be the best approach to protect this rare and threatened population? Surely there's a more environmentally friendly way to de-dreaddoc a nearby residential area without impeding on the beautiful but highly parrishable ecosystem?
  5. I managed to grab a couple of episodes this past Monday but neither one really caught my interest. (And neither one was the episode you recommended.) THN may be stupid and repetitive, but its stupid and repetitive in an entertaining way. I keep fantasizing about a wipe-out / tiny house crossover show, with soon-to-downsize families getting punched into muddy water.
  6. You're asking why a kid (a child, a minor, a pre-adult) with anxiety disorders (panic, confusing, ADHD, subject to freak outs, all stiled up) did not follow through on his 911 call (unable to even speak and report at the time) to his dad's sheriff's department (parental authority and power mismatch) about killing (involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide, or worse) under circumstances (supernatural threat, lamprey wendigo hands in necks) that would probably not be admissible in court to his friend who tends to be judgy judgy pure true Alpha? Can't think of a single reason. He should have shared because sharing is caring.
  7. I really don't think the dead are coming back to life anytime soon. It's more likely he's just cleanup crew or that this is pure instinct, like Lydia was in S3. Some people just have to strip naked and burn corpses with their naked bodies at mystical stumpy groves. I say we just need to be more supportive and let them do their naked thing nakedly. It's a burden to us poor viewers because having an attractive muscled young actor who regularly loses his clothing and is forced to walk around au naturale is so out of character for Jeff Davis and his production team. Perhaps an angry letter to the Teen Wolf office might be in order. One that demands equal treatment for other preternaturally fit actors.
  8. Loved the ep. O'Brien is a treasure, Kira got to be useful (I still hate her but yay for short circuits), Creepy Orderly was Creepy (was dying for him to ask the doctors to put their stuff in a box but he just cowered), Valack was yummy. Scott was denser than my aunt's fudge cake, especially with respect to the one relationship in his life that really matters: with Stiles. Not enough Parrish or flames and way too many clothes. The back of his SUV must be a forensic dream-house. If Lydia was compromised by the Dreadlocked Docs, then Parrish probably was too. I was hoping for the bad guy to be the Nemeton not the Dreaddies. Stumpie better speaks to my aesthetic. What can I say. Still liking Malia (omg, I can't believe that) and Theo better stick around and continue to do eeeeeevil.
  9. This follows the Lost Girl model: a very small core cast, low budget, and lots of sexy times. Therefore, a psychiatrist is duh of course going to be love interest. I don't care if the AI thing is trope-y or setting the feminist cause back a hundred years. Lucy is hilarious and I love her relationship with Johnny, who is the heart and soul of the show. Without him it would be two overcapable yet suffering pretty people and a robot. Boring. Johnny gives them all a family and grounding, performs deeply important exposition, and is not hard on the eyes himself.
  10. I actually liked her on that show about the coast guard. It must be something about SciFi/Fantasy roles that makes me hate her characters. Everytime that damned android speaks, I want to claw out my ears
  11. Given Lucy's behavior, sounds more like an elopement than theft.
  12. This ep highlighted so many of issues about the show, mostly that they keep building the same house over and over and over, and that we're subject to people who suddenly discover that they're moving in 7 days, which just happens to be the production schedule as well. Between "paring down" and composting toilets, this ep just seemed more cynically same-old-same-old than usual. The big twist? That he's a bed hog and she doesn't like getting elbowed, although they have at least one mattress of recreational size. Liked the staircase but that was about it. Everything else seemed exhausting in terms of foldouts. And where are you supposed to put all your work stuff like computers, file folders, paperclips, etc when you have zero storage (except for a few strategic hangers that you reach from your stairs) and need to use that same desk for every other life function?
  13. Whatsherface aka the Girl of Vengence doesn't work for me at any level. Scott as single teenage dad to Beta Liam does. I find the relationship touching and hilarious. I also really like Mason, but beyond that I couldn't care less about Liam's life. Brett is fine as recurring scenery but again not really that interested in his character beyond that. I'm not even sure the show can give up the central conceit of "Scott is Special" to move to a next generation of characters. That said, I'm am totally behind a "Beacon Hill Sheriff's Department" spin off, where a Sheriff and his employees have to deal with the problems of a town that acts as a beacon for shirtless and model-pretty supernatural creatures.
  14. It's called a fugue state. I've come to think that he went into that state at the start when staring at his Queen of Diamonds card, just like in the Manchurian Candidate movie, and possibly again (depending on the timing), the night after when the Manticore / Sinema events went down. If so, dude needs a much better social life.
  15. I thought there was something off about that open and I totally zoned on the fact that she was in surgery!! Another Lydia hallucination then!?! Like the fake-Lydia in the "Stay with me" scene? Do you think it's Stumpy pretending to be her, to get poor Parrish to tire-fire corpses for Stumpy's hidden evil agenda? Edited to add: I think Kira maybe be over-powering on her Kitsune because Parrish is feeding Stumpy a high-protein diet. Lydia mentioned that the Nemeton is "a beacon for supernatural creatures. It might even make them more powerful." Certainly Lydia's powered up in the flash-aheadback in Ep 1.
  16. Psychopomp isn't so much a thing as a role. She tags 'em, he bags 'em. A phoenix could be a pyschopomp, although it would stretch the definition of phoenix a little (Teen Wolf being oh so technically accurate historically), as could be a hell hound, reaper, or any of a dozen other Burning Man variations. It seems to fit nicely in the notion that Lydia and Parrish are both working on the same task, which is getting people announced for death and then tidied up after: Team Death: She screams 'em, he steams 'em. She follows her inner death-muse and he follows...his inner tree-stump-muse? Can't figure out if he's on the same kind of autopilot she is or if stumpy is giving him orders to recycle the stolen supe-juice. In any case, he seems to have a compulsive need to retrieve dead bodies and give them to the pyre in a Beacon Hills-appropriate location. I wonder if that morgue offers frequent-flyer miles. Loved, loved Malia this ep and she's a character I normally hate. Between last week and this she's totally done a 180 in my opinion. Still can't stand Kira, even though she's sponging up most of the special FX budget this year. However, teases from Comic Con suggest my dislike for her may pay off soon. However, I'm loving Theo. Embrace the evil. Be the evil. And b'bye manticore redshirt. Was fun knowing you. Finally, that was a really great Momspeech from Melissa. Nothing can beat "be your own anchor" but this was up there.
  17. On paper, Dark Matter won for me: a rag-tag collection wakes up in space with no memory of their former lives and a dark conspiracy that's put them on the run. Part Firefly, part Bourne Identity, they must learn to work together to reclaim their identities -- and protect them from an even larger threat that none of them can yet see. Compare that to: Squabbling brothers and a friend-zoned but kickass boss are future Dog the Bounty Hunters in Space. With a snarky ship and a world built on "What's in it for me", they find fun, love, and adventure. So color me surprised at my overall reception to the two. I'm loving Killjoys, can barely sit through DM without fast forwarding. (And I've developed a physical allergy to Android. She gives me hives.) Can't wait for the big derelict ship next week for even more comparison sweetness.
  18. Another good week. It's SyFy schlock, sure, but it entertains, the characters engage, and I'm really liking it. What do you do with highborn children who cannot inherit? You train them as soldiers, assassins, clerics, and other tools of the crown or you trade them to form political alliances.
  19. Bright side: they could replace torture / waterboarding with forcing prisoners to watch Dark Matter episodes, and extended Android montages. Probably cost less to the Defense Department Budget because it's made in Canada. Zombiiiiiiiies. Iiiiiiiiiiin. Sppppaaaaaaaaaaace.
  20. Joe, these recaps are awesome. I thought someone ought to tell you that but I can't find a /Like/<3 button on them
  21. I suddenly wonder how closely roadrunners and phoenixes are related. meep meep.
  22. So now we've seen an almost-but-not-quite-werewolf and an almost-but-not-quite Kanima, so them doctors are making monsters out of normals, right? Thats their whole schtick? That and some amazingly unhygienic surgery choices? Because tuna can openers + heads == ew. Looks like jailboy now has nictitating membrane, an attitude, and a stilinski complex. Very girls-heavy episode. And while I love seeing Lydia, Kira continues to confound and bore me. Her entire hero scene was about pyrotechnic special effects and relatively little fighting. Unless there's some mystical thing about waving your sword around artfully I'm missing. In fact, she was so drained by her ninja poses that she could barely help Lydia, let alone go downstairs and rescue poor Natalie. (I like you Natalie, but hands off the Sheriff. He belongs to Melissa. Or to an unnamed and still yet unintroduced succubus who will force him to undress and... Wait. Right. Last night's show.) Despite the utter meh that was the main plot, I thought Malia shone ("Weird!" -- how I loved that moment with the mountain ash), Mason was amazing (down the hole, up the hole, the hole that never paid off, that wonderful part of the inner circle scene, when he first saw Brett, I love him and Liam, more than I ever liked Scott) and Brett (Hale-o!). Not nearly enough Parrish this week but what a great set up for Lydia's push to up her game. The AP bio teacher can die now. (Does she not realize she's a trope in a teen TV show?) Oh and Kanimas! There can never be enough Kanimas. I love Kanimas. Yay to their evil menace and snot deposit skills!
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