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Everything posted by Snarkette

  1. I love Theo. More importantly, I trust Theo. He's got a very trustworthy character. And now I'm shipping him and Malia. Coyotes unite and buy stock in Acme and all that. Meep meep. But on more important matters, at least this trailer had a little Parrish in it. That show scene though, seems suspiciously hallucination-ish like the kiss in the car and after getting clawed. Is he with Lydia or Stumpy? As for Papa Argent? Swoon. Glad to see Grampa Argent too. I hope he's still a psychopath.
  2. Felt this needed to be here so we could vent. I'll start: Not digitizing every bit of Wesen lore to a central research database with multiple backup scenarios. Not hiring a locally-supported "council" of Wesen to act as research librarians about wesen issues, preserve cultural heritage, stories, etc. Not creating a formal agreement of responsibilities between Nick and Truble and the Wesen community to establish a compact of enforcement and co-existence. No exploration of how civil law applies uniformly to Wesen perps on a show about a Grimm policeman dealing with Wesen criminality. On more episodic-specific-topics Calling no-child Rosalie instead Multi-parenting Bud and Mrs Bud for parenting advice because she's already on contract to appear in the show and he's just recurring. Living in approximately 2000 square feet of dungeon ("No one will ever track the high-cost real estate negotiations here") without proper heating or light but really cool kitchen equipment. Not bringing spare clothes when moving to a secret dungeon. Or diapers? Baby clothing? Wipes? Layette in general? Letting the low-paid police detective cover the living expenses of high-rent lawyer Allowing a serial murdering Wesen to walk away from three killings because the episode was secretly about female empowerment in the face of genderist fairy tale fulfillment? (I have forgiven Show for killing off Kelly though because she is *awesome* on Limitless. In fact, thank god for Limitless because I needed a show to love this season.)
  3. So wait, kill three guys and it's just okay? I'm actually okay with the cozy Adalind story because: It's so ridiculous, so why not go all the way and over the top with the uber ridiculous plotmnesia stuff Claire Coffee is great, even with the moronic dialog they give her. She's so much more watchable and less horrible onscreen than Bitsy T was, even when making rice and dealing with baby vomit. The awkward domestics are fun assuming you have total mental amnesia Even if it is a rape baby, Kelly is cute. The show is saying to us: "Forget everything we've done before. We're sorry about last season and to make it up to you, we're going to create a storyline that not only retcons everything to date but rewrites the entire universe of your personal experience outside this show." Like most stories this season, this was... well, it was pretty damned stupid. But at least it's not actively making me fast forward the way last season with Julietbiest did. Still, henchdaughter should be doing hard time for those murders.
  4. He totally got the job. It was a real hero moment -- showing his actual interest through that pipe, probably unlike the other credentialed but dispassionate other applicants.
  5. Love the ep. Love the show. Love that they aren't bound by the procedural and they are first and foremost entertaining me with characters I care about. At the end though, with Spellman? For JUST A SECOND I believed that was him with the post-it-exclamation point. They got me. I admit it. They got me.
  6. And this is why competent writers can make or break a series.
  7. Oh man, I love this show. German dude is *totally* corrupt and I do not trust him. I guessed about mystery girl as soon as she showed up at the park.
  8. He seems like such an ass. But he doesn't ping my detectorist radar, if you know what I mean. I'm pretty sure he's not up and up, but probably more about zoning, museums, or his grandpa was German Mafia and did a DB Cooper
  9. Are you sure you didn't wake the two invisible puppies? (My favorite part from last series)
  10. Another brilliant ep. I particularly loved the Simon and Garfunkel face-off.
  11. Best. Episode. Yet. Loved it. Especially that white leather fringe jacket from the movie, the gummy bear, the shower scene, the bus, the...ALL OF IT. Yeah, CIA was typical pointless evil, but it's a TV show. Whatevers.
  12. So, how much do you think Andrew goes through on a clothing budget? does he get to keep hulkshorts? I didn't see. Why doesn't Dr. Banner invent stretchy clothes for morphing mutants?
  13. I like him. He's like a human spark plug. (I think I'll call him "Sparky".) What a pity, however, that they're setting him up for Daisy Romance. Having an outsider inhuman with a fair amount of experience being an inhuman could be quite interesting in this new post fish oil world.
  14. Felt he needed a topic of his own, assuming he ever shows back up on-screen again
  15. The mere possibility that Juliette may come back is making my eyelid twitch. There are rules of Grimm. These are: Tell Wu, Kill Juliet, Exile Adalind No babies. Ever. Lots of Bud. Lots and lots of Bud. Monroe and Rosalie must tell each other everything that matters Shirtless Reynard at every opportunity whether it serves the plot or not. And a new rule: Make Reynard walk next to short cops every episode.
  16. I want Juliette to stay dead dead dead dead dead dead. Is that too much to ask? And yeah, I'm a terrible person because I thought the whole Adalind thing would be resolved by both mom & baby dying in the c-section surgery. Here's hoping at least that the new monster with the scratchy claws is Trubel - because I've always thought it would be way cooler if Grimms were themselves a pet form of Wesen. Other than that, can never have enough Bud, liked the dark grim(m) atmosphere, and was pissed that Nick discharged his service sidearm when killing some of those guys in the warehouse. Good thing Portland PD can't do forensics.
  17. It's definitely amusement. She can barely stop laughing at Andy, and takes a quick moment to indulge while he cannot see her face
  18. While we can, theoretically, having 2 replies per thread gets pretty dispiriting
  19. I'm waiting for Mrs Hughes to take him to Piccadilly Circus and to push him under a passing vehicle.
  20. Are you confusing George with rambunctious interloper boy?
  21. Simon isn't trying to win the competition, he's trying to cast a show that he makes tons of money off of. Anton is the come-back kid. Bupsie is comic relief. Max is the "people's choice but no one will ever buy his records." What people want is to look at young Filipino girls in short skirts with highly choreographed routines and ridiculously scripted interviews. Occasionally there are acts that *pop* with that true (*snort*) "X-Factor". Not seeing that this year.
  22. Looking at the X-factor video view numbers on YouTube, the horrible 4th-whatever girls seem to have a lock on this year.
  23. I'm betting on Andrew. Regardless, I *love* his hairstyle. Sonic is so in right now.
  24. But he's terrible at being "smart" and pretty naive. Plus he's in constant fight-flight mode with no time for reflection and planning. They gave him a superpower without an instruction manual, and he's so caught up in the day-to-day demands (which they portrayed particularly well in the 4 cases at once ep) that he can't just "Same thing we do every night, Pinky" and try to take over the world.
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