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Everything posted by Snarkette

  1. I adore Helena and will be bitterly disappointed if she doesn't heal back. (No pun intended, although they just write themselves don't they.) As twins, wouldn't they both be super-healers? Cosima is brain girl. Not sure what extra Allison is (other than endearingly super-annoying, which is probably not what they were aiming for.) I wonder how many twins there were in this whole thing. Is Helena/Sara the norm (per swan eggs) or the exception?
  2. Dear Showrunners: Please let Felix be a clone. I mean, the whole Mrs. S. thing, it wouldn't be too much of a leap. And imagine Felix meeting German MBA Felix. It would be...divine; Leda laid both the helen-egg as well as the castorpollux one. Wouldn't it be deliciously fitting after putting up with and snarking about Sarah's clones to find out he had his own coterie to deal with. (I doubt they will except maybe as a throwaway, but a girl can dream, can't she?)
  3. I've just accepted that the world of Hannibal is as magic-realism-ish as Pushing Daisies. Just as beautiful but slightly less technicolored. Hannibal is a man born with the power of murderous art, but is alone, misunderstood, unloved. Only Will can see through the veil of mystery to the twisted genius that stands behind it. Well, that an an army of electric carts and maybe some robotic oompa loompas. Hannibal is basically the Master Imagineer of Sociopathic Disney. Between keeping Miriam as a pet for a few years and moving that tree, the man is a marvel of bending time and space. I refuse to recognize that if Jack or any other FBI agent had thought for perhaps as long as 5 seconds they would have recognized that Chilton was physically and mentally incapable of Hannibal's magic feats.
  4. Loved all the emotional payoffs. Hated whoever did the baby voice-overs because those weren't 2-week-old sounds. Couldn't figure out why Nanny Kelly didn't give her a grimm blood drop on the binky. Would probably cut down on all that neonatal poltergeisting.
  5. The show continues to confuse me. At what point do the judge's priorities shift from who sings best to who people will vote for? And who are all those mystery persons briefly mentioned as cannon fodder, for example "Shakira also picked some unknown person over some other unknown person while you weren't watching"
  6. I had major issues with S01. I didn't like or understand Duke during that time and really didn't get the whole Nathan/Duke thing. This was the first episode for me where I had a glimmering of Duke's larger role. The earlier dukecentric ones with Consumed/Ball and Chain didn't do anything for me and while I rather like As You Were on rewatch, I didn't on first watching. But when it came to The Hand You're Dealt, that was the one that started humanizing him for me. And no, it didn't hurt that the very next episode was the Trial of Audrey Parker with its gratuitous fan service.
  7. Anything to declare? "I am bleeding and am in PAIN"
  8. They played it right though, having her hesitate to take things to Jack earlier in the episode before she made the really stupid move at the end. It felt like an earned stupidity as opposed to an impulsive one. We know everything is going to turn out right in the end with Will vindicated and Jack picking up on Hannibal from the media res in S02E01. The question is really how long are they going to play this out. I enjoy Will as Jailhouse Savant but I can see that getting very old very fast. Having Beverly sacrificed so early means there's more pressure on the entire team to find out the truth, as one of their own has gone down. And no matter where Will is, he can continue to indulge in Mental Fishing, a mindscape I've grown fond of.
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