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Everything posted by Snarkette

  1. What the *hell* did this man do? It sounds like he was part of a gang of human traffickers and rapists. Did I hear that wrong?
  2. AuntJess I *love* the title of this thread and appreciate you making the effort to help unify tiny snark! I hope that my comment didn't come across as unappreciative, because I meant it to be positive! As for the silly Jackson Hole people, I couldn't believe gf/wife/lady person would minimize Primary Wage Earner's need for space to Earn Money To Pay Off The Decidedly Non-Tiny Mortgage. I expect that the very manicured grounds will have strict usage limitations, particularly in the whole "let's put up a cheap shed next to our overpriced home" department. I'm am deeply concerned about their bikes. Nice bikes deserve a warm home over the winter.
  3. DownTheShore, MelinaBallerina I posted my thoughts about the Jackson Hole property here before the lovely AuntJess pointed me to this thread.
  4. Suz (at Large): Well, if you're looking for linkies, here are plenty more! No particular rhyme or reason, just a few I googled across. http://www.houseplans.com/collection/katrina-cottages http://www.mariannecusato.com/#!portfolio/c8mm http://littlehouseonthetrailer.com http://www.cavco.com http://sustain.ca/models-pricing/solo36bunkie/?pid=564 http://richsportablecabins.com / https://plus.google.com/photos/104317431054100893074/albums/5526291487141776305 and a more general blog about this kind of stuff: http://www.designboom.com/contemporary/tiny_houses.html
  5. Three iTunes tracks were available at air time: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/cast-of-galavant/id939979186 There's a fourth one that just went live (Jackass in a Can, what a perfectly brilliant way of referring to gallant knights)
  6. So they ran a 4-episode group of these after Tiny House Nation last night. I recorded all 4 but I've only watched the one up in the Tetons at Jackson Hole. Since this series has been name dropped in the other discussions here, I thought I'd start a thread. It's basically the same fake format as House Hunters, where a couple pretends to choose between the house they've already bought and 2 ringers in more or less the same price range. Except in this case, the 2 ringers are basically the same house but with different finishes. They pretend to take 3 days to view the 3 properties, which are all standing right next to each other and consist in total of 1200 square feet. Combined. Yep, no way could they simply spend 10 minutes touring all 3 houses at once. In the end, the couple spends over $310,000 on a 400 square foot tiny home, slightly north of $775 per square foot. I bet they're also paying association fees on top of that plus some hefty property taxes. And they have nowhere to store their bikes in the middle of winter, even with a home that has 4-inches of insulation for winter proofing and recycled exteriors. To get a sense of proportion, Manhattan real estate can go upwards of $1363 a square foot. Cheyenne runs closer to $110 and Grand Junction about $133. The house itself was ridiculously wasteful in terms of space utility. Although they gave us the standard tiny lines about "everything must serve more than one purpose", very little in the house actually did. Plus there was no clever carpentry which is honestly the only reason I keep watching Tiny House Nation. It was if they took the *one* magic thing away but kept all the same droning on about responsible development elements otherwise. I'm going to give at least one more episode a try.
  7. Active and studious designs are included in a 204-square-foot house. Another day, another composting toilet
  8. If Menken is there, I am there. I would listen to him do a musical about tax audits or fibromyalgia.
  9. I wonder how their ancestors would cope with the weather that their ancestors would have encountered in the time of their ancestors, as they deal with work that their ancestors would have surmounted before reaching rock bottom, ancestorly-speaking.
  10. What about something more like this? http://www.nationwide-homes.com/ecocottages/main.cfm?pagename=ecoplandetail&planId=1235 Still pre-manufactured but a lot less. (And $120k sounds really high)
  11. Brian is a thrill seeking bachelor in Trenton, GA. A hang gliding enthusiast, Brian spends most of his time in the sky. He wants a tiny house on the ground so he can continue to pursue his passions. Brian has started the build on his own, but enlists the help of John and Zack to take the design to the next level.
  12. Agreed. I think the "tiny house movement" is really missing out on not going with adapting RVs and trailers. It would be fascinating seeing how to "upscale" ("Ikeaize"? "Snobbify"? "Greeniate"?) a manufactured home to something that wouldn't offend a tiny houser.
  13. Once again, I'm flummoxed by the design as a gestalt. With these two, they should have each had their own special space, where they could retreat for privacy. Things I didn't like: The horrible living with all your dresses and shoes in your face, the lack of privacy from each other (she complained about him always being around), the missing living room space, the hacked-together dining experience, it all just seems poorly thought out compared to an average RV floorplan. (They'd need an RV because of the travel requirement vs a single-wide.) For these two, they'd have been better off using a convertible bedroom that functioned with another use during the day instead of making it all-bedroom-all-the-time. Things I liked: The clever deck with the fold-down rails, the storage spaces under the stairs, built into the outside, the pirate hatch, the full-sized bathroom and the normally-sized sink. The wood was lovely even if the entire build seemed very very heavy (especially over that bridge!).
  14. Wouldn't it be awesome if they developed a real-time blood pressure / heartbeat sensor for Ludo and we got to watch it overlaid over the footage?
  15. A Little Rock couple builds a 264 sq. foot mobile honeymoon pad as they prepare to get married and hit the road as traveling nurses. They want plenty of storage space so they have room for their wedding gifts, and they want a large kitchen so they can cook some homemade meals. But most important of all, our hosts John and Zack have to deliver a dream home that can bring these almost newlyweds together in a small space. <i>Off to watch...</i>
  16. So what happens when two of Ludo's team are both in the scream-off?
  17. I want this to be the season of (pardon me) Diaboli-Cal. Give the man a plot, and please make him evil. Paul continues to bore me but so long as he's pleasant to gaze at he can stay on the show. I suspect his Army plot will be as dull as his henchman plot. I'm still not over the fact that Felix isn't the clone. (Of course with Leda, there should have been two boys and two girls, and it should have been Project Helen or project Clytemnestra. And, of course, it would open the possibility of Project Polydeuces because Pollux is too boring to say.) It would have given him and Allison one more thing to bond over. Now that Allison and Donny have reconciled, Felix needs fresh new plot goodies to keep him relevant. I'm hoping that Tony *never* returns and for some reason, I *adore* Vic. I think it's the actor and not the character. So I'd like to see more of that. My favorite part of S2 was Cosima on Aunt duty with Kira. ("You did science!") I hope there's a lot more of that, maybe with babyclone as well.
  18. deleted. moved away from episode it discussed
  19. Wasn't Sweeney Todd a home cook?
  20. I much prefer the format of the UK version (much more laid back, fewer contestants, more time for Ludo to scream), but even then Nigella just doesn't seem the right fit. However, since this is a vanity show for her (just like Project Runway is for Klum), there's not going to be much chance of her kicking herself out of the spotlight.
  21. I have a dream canon, that there's some kind of Librarian wesen (of the non-TNT variety), underwritten by Banker wesen, who have invested big in those book scanning machines that Google uses, and has been tracking down all the Grimm families, digitizing their collections, <i>and</i> investing in automatic translation so we never have to see Julihexenette ever speak Spanish for us again. (Admittedly, her going Hexenbiest is probably the most interesting thing that has ever happened to her character in this show. Especially after the "I just don't get the attraction" line from a while ago.)
  22. I'm thoroughly entertained by the show, quirks and all -- and getting rid of Ludo would take most of the fun away. Okay, here's my picks: Cook for me: Ludo Be my friend: Marcus Go on holiday with: Tony Die: Nigella (So much better than kiss, kill, marry, right?)
  23. I'm wondering this myself. It definitely felt like a backdoor pilot, especially with the bequething of Aunt Marie's car. I like a Truble a lot, so I would definitely watch. I'm in. Josh actually made me like Trubel this week and made Juliette palatable.
  24. Surprisingly excellent episode. Wikipedia tells me it was written by Dan E. Fesman. More please. "Fesman has also been producer and writer on several recent series, including Grimm, LAX, Wonderfalls and Dead Like Me. He has written for Special Unit 2, Cover Me: Based on the True Life of an FBI Family, Now and Again, The King of Queens, Zero Stress and NCIS.[2]"
  25. This. In fact, I suggest that the entire back 12 be nothing but Duke, Nathan, and the occasional Dwight and Gloria hanging out and drinking anything but kahlua, and occasional (except for Gloria, sorry Gloria) removing their shirts for no other reason than gratuitous fan service.
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