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Everything posted by Snarkette

  1. Another ridiculously stupid episode. I'm so disappointed, especially with the whole "I'll pretend to be CDC so I can seduce Dwight for all of 48 hours and then pretend my heart is broken when we move on to killing my daughter, replacing her with a completely different personality -- because that utterly different human being (who got personally destroyed a few seasons back) is *more* like my daughter than the bitter child who has a hissy fit because daddy didn't spend enough time with her at the beach". I'd say words fail, but clearly from the previous paragraph (which is just a taste of my feelings) they haven't.
  2. I liked what they did with Duke at the very end. The rest still bores me.
  3. As mentioned up-thread, it was covered last season. I include the quote here because now that you referred to her as Rubel, my head cannon is now calling her "Bam bam". See what you did? Glad Nick got his mojo back. I hope no one is pregnant.
  4. Another episode where it feels as if the Haven bus is being driven by kids with learners permits and no road experience. Has there been a major shift in the writing staff this season?
  5. Jellico cats won't you woge out tonight?
  6. Nick didn't engrimmiate until his Aunt started dying. Could they be doing the same thing with Josh? If so, would be cool if they started a Grimm academy out Portland way. Just. Tell. Wu.
  7. I feel obliged to applaud the werewolf line
  8. Every Amazon tablet self-updates its firmware. No way this kindertablet wouldn't. Easy enough to deploy spyware later, plus ditto to all the "universal fabrication" mentioned above. This was very un-Harold-ly written.
  9. Agreed. Seems to me if Duke kills Mara, he probably ends all the troubles. So yeah, bring it on!
  10. Basically I'm going with the Portland nemeton drawing the troubled wesen to the hellmouth -- although I think it may be a tiny bit like the whole Pierogi thing and Chicago or Lutefisk in Madison, Wisconsin. http://www.flohome.com/images/wesson.jpg I'm hoping Quantico but based on that meet-and-greet we saw this ep I'm thinking that FBI lady may be working outside of her professional capacity.
  11. Tell Wu already. Regrimm Nick. Send Trubble off with FBI lady. Kill Juliette. And start a Wu/Adelind relationship. Boring week. Feels like the show is just treading water.
  12. What a beautiful episode. Can't decide whether I'm happy or sad they didn't find the treasure there.
  13. Exactly how strong is Lydia? She doesn't seem to have super-healing or anything but dang she dragged Derrick to the brokedown werewolf palace without breaking a sweat in Party Guessed
  14. Lady Edith is (fictionally) dead to me. That was horrendous.
  15. The whole staged kiss thing feels ham-handed given how well the normal interactions are written. The manipulated conflict this episode just didn't work for me.
  16. I'm guessing she's narratively babygrimm's exit strategy -- the Law (cite ye old grimme booke) who can recruit her to Quantico's Wessen Annex
  17. I am so over Mara. Just drop dead already. She's sucking precious screen time from Nathan and Duke and any story I might actually be interested in.
  18. This. I haven't laughed out loud so much at a TV show in recent memory. And while I expected DaddyJane to be a villain, he is now pretty much my favorite character with his kindness, narcissism, and cowardice. MommyJane (Xiomara?) is my new hero.
  19. Oh! There's a forum! I love this show. Another excellent episode, and an ending surprise that took me in a far different direction than I supposed it was going.
  20. I had it on in the background. Words fail to describe my disdain for the "re-use" challenge. Plus, what's the deal with calling this a "tiny home community". It's a hotel, right? Just like the ones where you rent a cabin, or a converted train car, or a wig wam, yes?
  21. Halloween decor, food, costumes, and of course, tiny drama
  22. Can no one give the poor man a less grungy head wrap? It's getting a bit unsanitary. Plus, there's clearly a bookshelf in that room. Why does he pile all his trashy romances on the floor? Can't wait for the S5 Peter/Valack bromance.
  23. It suddenly occurs to me that with Malia-Stiles all happening, that we might be privileged to a Sheriff / Peter encounter talking about their kids and the relationship. Without guns. For some reason this amuses me a lot.
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