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Everything posted by Snarkette

  1. I'm still convinced this is on the model of the normal house hunting shows, i.e. they've already bought the house (or its under contract) so all the conflict and drama and crap is utterly fake so all the "whine whine trail whine" and "my weeeeeeedddding" and such is manufactured for draaaaaama. I wish they'd give up the pretense and focus on real estate pr0n instead. I mean, how many people see 3 homes, each with a nice name, pick one of them, and are moved in without negotiation or lost sales? That said, who the hell wants to live in someone else's backyard? What's the deal with this $250k home with shared property? My jaw dropped at the price of the studio apartment home as well as the arrangement. Yes to murphy bed. In fact, more murphy beds for all the teeny homes. When you're up, you're up. Couples in particular need more separation and workspace and whatever wife (she was acting but still) says "Oh, you'll get used to h aving no life or privacy", perhaps you'll want to run away from that person.
  2. Austin. Bridezilla. (At least they were making fun of their own furniture when they pretended to snark at the large kitchen and den pieces, right?)
  3. This is a show about pretty people singing. Everything else can be safely ignored. If I tried to pay attention to the plots, I'd cause neural damage. Just enjoy the music and let the stupid wash over you. Because a big fight over furniture that you agreed to...Oh look, a pony!
  4. Am enjoying Juliebiest Hexenette a lot. Now if she'd just tell Wu...er...Nick!!!!
  5. I'm not seriously looking into tiny houses but I loved the link
  6. Just seems rude to discuss with you here. Snark plus real people showing up is often a pretty toxic mix, especially for people who have been put on TV and edited within an inch of their lives.
  7. There is no way that a person who is AB- can have a parent who is O. Only one with half a chance as far as I can tell is Maddiekins. Unless Scarlett is adopted.
  8. That. Is. Not. How. One. Time. Pads. Work. What do you think it is? A first edition of the Iliad for god's sake?
  9. Cape Cod lady got on my nerves. She was all smiles during the talking heads and never once thought about her partner's needs.
  10. "Honey, something's deeply wrong with me. I think the spell we used to restore your Grimm powers is going wrong." Would that be too much?
  11. The notion of being on one's honeymoon and thinking "Hey, let's stop the swimming, sunning, and funning and call up our friends because the show is named after one of them" is very anti-honeymoon.
  12. outback, you the person from the show? Awkward. I think I'll just avoid my comments this week.
  13. Please sir, can we have some more? God, I love this show and I'm so sad AoS will take its place in just a few weeks. They showed that coming soon commercial and I nearly teared up with the sadness. What a great ep, what great characters, what great tension, and plot, and heart, and... :( Whoever called ballerina == SuperAgent, you won the forums.
  14. If only they'd give us a continuous Moment in the Sun though. Because we all need to have a Moment in the Sun.
  15. Ooh, Madelena's outfit got even spikier! You go, evil queen! Got to say the to be continued took me by surprise, and not really in all that good a way (although the nielsen ratings joke had me laughing). I was hoping for a self-contained event, not a tbc. Loved the poison song, glad that Kingsley died fairly quickly, sad about the two loved ones being separated (Richard and Gavin, that is), rather pleased that Isabella is stuck in a gilded cage, and wishing we had lots more Galavant and Richard scenes. Please let this be renewed! Oh and man that jester is tall!
  16. Really good 2nd ep. Cole actor is impressing a lot and funky german lady has got to be Cassy with an accent
  17. Google suggests this is a common phrase being used at restaurants.
  18. <shallow>Ludo rocked that tux</shallow>
  19. Oh yay! I'm so pleased, especially since there's still an hour to watch here. Takes the tension right out of it. I'm just going to enjoy the rest. Plus bonus, it's only the two contestants I like in the finale finale.
  20. I preferred the first ep, but a lot of these kind of shows struggle on the 2nd ep. I'm sticking around to give ep 3 a try
  21. What?! Track 14?!!!!! Say it ain't so!
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