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Everything posted by slf

  1. My unpopular opinion is that I thought it was creepy and shitty of Ross to tell Rachel he would get the annulment taken care of, didn't do it but told her he did, then tried to manipulate her into being in a relationship with him. And I think Rachel storming into one of his lectures and yelling at him and then lying on the annulment papers was entirely okay and I would have done so much worse than her if I found out a man had forced me to stay married to him for months. I don't think Ross not wanting to be divorced for a third time makes what he did understandable at all.
  2. I should clarify I was being sarcastic. The idea that in that whole bordeline psycho mess it was Rachel telling obvious and ridiculous lies in the annulment papers that was the truly offensive action and not, y'know, the man disregarding the woman's feelings and desires and forcing her to remain married to him. Like, he forced her to stay married to him by exploiting her trust and lying to her for months. Why did I just call that "borderline psycho"? That is literally insane and quite possibly the most pathetic thing any character on that show ever did. Ross was absolutely to blame for that mess and Rachel was in no way just as awful. The show portrayed Ross as completely off the rails, having every character mock him, call him nuts, and even had his divorce lawyer tell him to get some therapy. Ross' actions were intentionally written as bonkers and inexcusable. If some guy did that to either of my sisters I'd tell them to hire a good lawyer, file for a restraining order, and buy some bear mace and a home security system.
  3. If Rachel filled out any forms during her marriage to Ross and put that she was single rather than married she committed a crime then, too. Whose fault would that be? If Rachel had wanted to she probably would have been able to get a restraining order against Ross had she tried, based on the things he did. Ross' actions during that story were like the first half of an episode of Forensic Files.
  4. Yes, it does. Because that was nothing, just justifiable anger on her part. There would have been no consequences for Ross other than what they wanted: the annulment. The idea that Rachel should have had charges brought against her is ludicrous. As is the idea that Ross was some kind of victim in this situation: one where he lied, claimed to have gotten an annulment he did not thus forcing a woman to stay in a legally-binding marriage she did not want to be in, then repeatedly attempted to manipulate their relationship back into being a romantic one. Ross was unhinged in that arc. It's played for laughs but it's creepy af and easily one of the most inexcusable things Ross ever did. And while I doubt you could bring charges in that situation, if charges should have been brought against one of them then it should have been Ross.
  5. I had no problem with any of that and not just because Ross is my least favorite of the core six. He lied about them being married. That's a pretty big damn thing to lie about. Rachel having suggested they get married while blitzed isn't the same.
  6. I didn't realize more than one actress played Pansy Parkinson in the movies. The one who played her in Prisoner of Azkaban killed me with her delivery of "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?"
  7. Honestly, I'm not sure how any of them remained employed. Ross flipping out over a sandwich and getting caught naked in a display with his girlfriend, Chandler not firing the woman he was supposed to then going out with her and telling people she was nuts...did Monica do inappropriate things? Phoebe seemed okay at her massage job but was a nightmare as a coffeehouse singer. Joey actually seemed to have a pretty plausable career trajectory on the show considering he was a bad actor and a dimwit. I love the actor who played Ross' lawyer when he was trying to get divorced from Rachel. "Of course you did", lmao.
  8. If despite the film's lackluster box office haul the studio decides to greenlight more Sarah Connor-led movies I, for one, will be very happy.
  9. I mean, he said her name at the altar (and I don't buy the 'he had just seen her' excuse because she was not the last person he saw before he looked at Emily, a, and b, that makes zero sense), kept referring to her as his wife despite being married to Emily, he wanted to try to make the Vegas marriage work and I don't believe it was just because he didn't want another divorce, admitting that they both figured that if they got married it would be the one that stuck, etc. I think there were times when they were into other people or super annoyed with each other, but overall I'd say they were always into each other but Ross moreso. Like, there's being jealous when your ex moves on and then there's repeatedly referring to them as your spouse.
  10. It always seemed to me that Ross was more into Rachel, and more often, than she was into him unless he was involved with someone else. And I think that was owed to not really getting past their breakup; she seemed to struggle with seeing him do better with other women than he did with her and maybe figured that when Ross finally worked thru his issues it would be "their time".
  11. God forbid the 60-something cyborg-killing resistance fighter not provide some t and a.
  12. They just had a story in the news about a 7 year old girl named Olivia Gant who was believed to have died as a result of the many illnesses she had, only they autopsied her and it turns out she had none of them. Her mother has been arrested, it's believed she murdered the girl. A very similar case to this one, right down to the Make A Wish foundation helping out, all the doctors who thought it was all bullshit but didn't think to report the mother, etc. That could have been Gypsy Rose but she killed her mother before her mother could kill her.
  13. I love how Linda Hamilton looks. She clearly hasn't gone the plastic surgery route, she's not getting fillers or botox. She looks like a woman in her early sixties who's lived and aged. No fucking way would Sarah Connor, the Mother of the Resistance, look like some weirdly smooth-faced socialite who Hasn't Aged A Day!; not after everything she's seen and done, not with the burdens she carries. She's gonna have wrinkles and age spots and sun damage- she's spent decades on the run from killer robots, including a stint in a mental institution, trying to prevent and then survive the apocalypse and raise her hotheaded son to be the savior of mankind. I highly doubt she'd have a 10 step skin routine. I'd be pissed if they'd plucked and stuffed Hamilton's face until she looked like Madonna. I don't have feelings about the trailer one way or the other. Some good movies have bad trailers and some bad movies have good ones and I can't tell by the trailer which one this will be. But I am absolutely seeing this in theater because I have missed Sarah Connor.
  14. Yeah, I mean off the top of my head I can recall multiple instances of violent attacks on gay couples in the past two years just because they held hands (like the couple that was stabbed on Capitol Hill or the couple that was attacked with friggin' boltcutters- and most of the ones I know of happened in big cities so just living in a major metro won't guarantee you experience non-violent homophobia). Seconding that marriage equality laws didn't end homophobia; I see that argument all the time and it'd be laughable if it weren't so tragic. In my experience, people from repressive backgrounds tend to over compensate when they come out and people from very in-your-face communities (like the Southern Baptist community I was raised in) tend to bring that same, uh, zeal when they join a new one. With Mariah I think it's an odd combination of the two.
  15. Person whose family member was recently murdered or died some other way, a woman who was raped, someone who has recently suffered some other terrible tragedy: "You don't know what I'm going through!" Cop, medical professional, lawyer, private detective, psychic MELINDA GORDON, some other type of person who is supposed to be helping but instead decides to scream: "YES I DO BECAUSE IT HAPPENED TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!" Bonus points if the cop/doctor/etc. sobs and makes it all about themselves, gets so worked up their partner has to tell them to back off, and then storms off. Double triple points if the thing that happened to them happened like twenty years ago and not very recently like it did to the person they're screaming at. One of my very least favorite tropes and it was very popular in the late nineties and early aughts.
  16. Without A Paddle. It is so stupid but I laugh my butt off: Dan trying to fend off an attacker with his inhaler "Tom, you were a Boy Scout, weren't you?" "No, but I ate a Brownie once." "You can't out-run that bear!" "I don't have to out-run that bear, I just have to out-run you." "All we've got to do is jump up over that 100-foot waterfall, swim upstream 20 miles, get the sheriff on the phone - he liked us, I remember - and he'll send out a rescue boat." "Lie to me, I don't care. I'm not the one who's going to drown." Dan's entire pot meltdown Like I said, it's utterly stupid but I'll watch it when it's on.
  17. In Like Mother, Like Daughter (the ep where Rory accidentally joins that mini sorority at Chilton) Lorelai calls the inn and when Michel answers she proceeds to have a conversation with Rory while Michel silently fumes. After a few minutes she asks Michel if he's there then continues talking to Rory.
  18. In Presenting Lorelai Gilmore there's a scene where Lorelai and Rory are at the kitchen table discussing what all Rory will need for the debutante ball. There's a cute little sight gag when Lorelai says, "You need a dowry, I guess" and sets a cow creamer in front of Rory. The writitng for the characters got just so outlandish but the show was always good at cute little moments like that.
  19. slf

    Joker (2019)

    I was bored with it. The violence was overhyped; I've seen far worse on tv. Deconstructing the Joker in a way isn't a bad idea and I don't have a problem with this new approach to filming superhero movies where they're filmed more like character dramas than shiny big blockbusters. I just wish it wasn't producing such overwrought and "intentionally hammy" acting. Phoenix must be desperate for an Oscar. I wish I'd gone to see Judy instead.
  20. Well that explains the change in lyrics; I didn't know there was another version. The guy's voice is just so flat and s l o w and the melody is off. I immediately cringed. I saw it again an hour ago and hate to mute the tv. What a weird song choice.
  21. Just saw a Volvo commercial that features a indie/acoustic cover of Lean On by Major Lazer, only they changed the lyrics from "blow a kiss, fire a gun" to "blow a kiss, into the sun" and all of it just....doesn't sound right. Like, could they not afford the lady who does covers for the online college commercials?
  22. A few other things that really piss me off about that situation: Carpenter wrote on her parenting blog about how she suffered a few miscarriages before having her son and upon finding out she was pregnant and that it was far enough along it was probably going to come to term, instead of being happy for her Whedon got mad and killed her character. In CHILDBIRTH. And didn't have the balls to tell her himself that she wasn't being brought back for season five (season four left that possibility open), she found out when she got a call from Variety.
  23. Yeah, the situation is definitely stupid. But like, this is the show that had Monica and Ross kiss each other when they were younger and play strip Happy Days game at the beach, so... The writers didn't seem to get, or didn't care, that there was sometimes a squick factor to that relationship.
  24. Watched the ep where Rachel and Monica end up duking it out over the last condom in the bathroom while Richard and Ross uncomfortably wait in the bedroom doorways. Ross, faced with his sister's older and pants-less lover, awkwardly asks, "...so...were you in 'Nam?" I crack up every time. (I have actually used that one with older men when they've made unwanted and very inappropriate passes and I can appily confirm it is a boner killer for them having their age acknowledged like that.)
  25. Nature shows. They're always beautiful to look at but I pass out every time. I think maybe it's the narration?
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