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  1. I don't think he works at all; looks like Amy is making all their income. I was thinking that the sisters were collecting some kind of disability due to morbid obesity impairing their ability to work, but with them both collecting income through the show and possibly through social media, I'm guessing that may not be the case anymore.
  2. Agreed! So much to discuss. I noticed that Grant had on some damn nice looking shoes and jeans and has been driving that guy's high dollar Jeep like he owns it (and it looks like he even took down the for sale signs). How does he use the bathroom and shower in the RV with no water? He can't drive to that gym every time he has to use the bathroom, can he?
  3. The whole "my baby wants it" excuse for eating crap food seems pretty ridiculous when that baby is growing a brain and has absolutely no capability of thinking anything. It's not like he's using his app to order Grubhub up in there. Is she going to be one of those moms with a morbidly obese child who shrugs her shoulders and says, "He wants cheeseburgers and doesn't like vegetables. He needs to eat, doesn't he?" Then the cycle continues.
  4. While I tire of Whitney's desperate pleas for attention (who really wants to be seen on TV trying to cross a creek after your friends do it and demanding the help of multiple people due to your size -- have some personal pride, y'all), I do really like that there is no other group on TV like Whitney's friend group. They're 100 percent real, and it's refreshing to see people like that on a reality TV show. I live in the South, too, and I would totally be hanging out with her friend group versus Chase and Ryan. I like that they're authentic -- some are cuter than others but no one is Kardashian hot, some are overweight, etc. That's one reason why I keep watching this bullshit. I feel the same about her parents. The two groupings of friends (Whitney's crew versus Ryan/Chase) seemed like they would never be friends in any other avenue of life, and that contributes to the awkwardness of seeing them all together at scenes like the breakfast table.
  5. It was fortuitous that Benita was filming everything from start to finish for the big "wedding" but then continued to film once she discovered it was a lie. Now she can capitalize on all of it for professional gain. The average person getting scammed doesn't get that opportunity. The guy in the second episode, Johnathan, was fascinating in that he was so very determined to get justice. I wonder if Mair will team up with a writer and try to write a book about her life and try to get her own gain off of it. You would think a quick google of Irish royalty would prove her story false early on in the LA game? Here is an interesting article about the scam: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/mair-smyth-con-artist-los-angeles_n_5d499eb1e4b01ae816c937f3. And here is Walton's blog about it all: https://johnathanwalton.com. Edited again to add that Walton's blog is looking for someone to help him release his own book about Mair.
  6. Yes -- that's my point! She is a much better representative for those of us who are not thin than Whitney is. And she has a hot husband who would be great on camera, a fantastic career, a great personality, etc. and is not scared to show pics of herself with cellulite, fat rolls, etc. (She just had a baby not too long ago.) There are some plus sized model/body positive Instagram celebs who would also be great for this show concept -- celebs who work out and have a healthy lifestyle.
  7. It seems like this show concept would have worked a lot better with someone who is closer to an Ashley Graham than a Whitney -- someone who is overweight by BMI standards and considered plus size but truly healthy and fit, attractive, etc. Someone like that could indeed have healthy relationships on a reality TV show without surrendering to hiring someone to play a role.
  8. That kind of looks like Borat's swimsuit. As I watch this show, I think of my late father who had little tolerance for these self-absorbed reality stars. He would always incredulously ask me, "When do you think the last time they read a book was??!?!"
  9. I really like the contestants being more real than the usual "I deserve to be famous because I'm hot" reality contestant. Overall, they are way more likable than the average reality star. It's nice to see Phil sincerely appreciating them and their diverse skills. This is the first reality show where I would definitely want to be friends with the female contestants. My two faves are Melissa and Callie.
  10. So I live in a Southern city similar to Richmond, where Martha is from. Her style to me is very typical of the kind of designers who work the mainstream south and capitalize on those who want to look trendy Southern. It's not my thing -- to me, it looks like stuff on the floor at Belk. There is very little creativity to that look. It's kind of the "expected" thing -- like a Lily Pulitzer knock-off with bows. NOT IMPRESSIVE. But those kinds of designers make a lot of money down here and a lot of wealthy white women like that look.
  11. Agree! Once they showed her all fixed up, I was bewildered why she needed any help at all. If she is brave enough to wear fake eyelashes and put on green lipstick, she's good to go! But I love makeover shows and drag queens both, so I'm fully in!
  12. I had the same thoughts. I wondered how much "Lana" (whoever they really are) made off that one interaction and how much they made off of his $100,000 overall investment. Half? You know the management keeps a good portion for running the site. Does anyone out there know more about these sites work for the employees?
  13. The way Ash talks reminds me of how those artificial intelligence customer service apps work. "I see you're upset about X; I appreciate your feedback very much. Let's talk further about X." His comments feel auto-generated and lack sincerity.
  14. Just binge watched the heck out of this with my beau during our Coronavirus lockdown. AMAZING. I really liked the campaign manager (former Walmart manager) and felt like he is the most redeeming character on the show. Fascinating, though, that he is as smart as he is and he, too, got roped into Joe's world.
  15. I am getting a gay vibe off Tennessee man with "so many marriages" or whatever he said that made us all wonder just how many there were. But his love interest seems like one of the coolest chicks we've seen from overseas so far. Is he trying to convince himself he's not gay by going through a buffet of chicks? About Yolanda: In most cases people believe their love interest's camera is broken yet that person is still able to update their Insta and FB with photos. Do they justify it by saying the pics are old? I have to give Yolanda props, though, because she refused to send Williams money. So she gets a little bonus for that.
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