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janie jones

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Everything posted by janie jones

  1. I feel like if the dog in the tennis ball commercial was supposed to be learning to drive, they'd have gotten an adolescent dog. Isn't it an adult?
  2. I love that song so much. It's one of those songs that I can remember where I was the first time I heard it (in my room doing homework, but still).
  3. These are my favorite soap opera parody commercials. (This video has all 3 versions.)
  4. Don't worry. Billy Mack ain't gonna let those two escape justice.
  5. While I appreciate that the commercial depicts women who want a negative test, it still bothers me that the women have to be shown having a "good reason" not to want to be pregnant: too young/not ready and too busy*. I'd rather they just show a woman not wanting to be pregnant without showing why. It shouldn't matter why. *I'll set aside the fact that a business man would be unlikely to be depicted as not being in a good position to become a parent.
  6. Tom Selleck should do commercials for Just for Men Mustache and Beard.
  7. I think because commercials generally are seen as something you do on your way up. I don't think it really matters, although it seems a bit money-grubbing to me, and even if commercials aren't beneath Paul Giamatti, the weird Einstein role might be. But I do think actors should be careful about their timing with commercials. Remember when Katherine Heigl was doing cat litter commercials? For all I know she didn't need the work, but after her career kind of slowed, it made it seem like no one else would hire her.
  8. She's a scent-aur. Which you might think is still dumb, but that seems to be the logic.
  9. Yeah, I don't think it's a stereotype. It's not like he strolled up eating a sausage and walking a wiener dog. I'm not so sure it's even a caricature. All he's doing is a German accent (maybe not a good one?) and wearing an Einstein wig. I don't know what Einstein sounded like when he spoke English, but I assume he did have an accent, having learned English in middle age, and without the wig, you wouldn't even know it was Einstein. It seems like they were doing the bare minimum to make it clear who it was.
  10. That's kind of how my neighborhood is, so I plan my route so that my dogs will poop where there isn't grass. Like, one of my dogs likes to poop under these trees where all that's there is leaf litter. It's kind of annoying because I can't really mix up the route, but I prefer not to let them poop on someone's lawn if I can help it. Even if I can pick it up cleanly, one of my dogs is a real kicker when she's done and I don't want her tearing up someone's grass. I'll pick up trash, too, but I still bring it home to throw it away. I actually use a dog poop bag to carry it!
  11. I mean, no one, but there are lots of things about having a dog that I don't want to do, but I still do it.
  12. I just thought it meant a regular suit that was so tight you could see his dick!
  13. The reason it bothers me that someone would put trash in a stranger's garbage can is because it's rude to use something that belongs to someone else without asking. You're not a guest in my home, I don't know you from Adam, so don't use my stuff. I think it's just as rude to put a candy wrapper or anything else non-gross in someone else's can. I know some people feel that since the trash can (often) technically belongs to the trash company or the city, anyone who uses that service is entitled to use any trash can, since it doesn't belong to the homeowner. I disagree. If I leave my library book sitting somewhere where other people can see it, is it socially acceptable for other people to start reading it because they also pay taxes and have a library card? I think most people would say no. If I were out in front of my house and someone asked if they could put something in my trash can, I would never say no (unless it was an unreasonable quantity of garbage), but for someone to do it without asking is so rude to me. (Three paragraphs makes it seem like I think this is a bigger deal than I really do. When I looked in my garbage can and saw a strange poop bag, I just said "oh huh" and went on with my day.) I'm curious what you would do with a poop bag if you found one in there. When I found one, I just left it there, because where else would I put it?
  14. I'm also curious as to how prematurely she's disrobing before she shoots her scene. Like, are we talking hours of wandering around naked, or just not putting on a robe while everyone is doing last minute prep? And unless she's calling attention to herself, being naked before a scene in which she's naked probably just comes off like she doesn't mind people seeing her naked, unlike the people mentioned above who whipped out their dicks for the express purpose of getting people to look at said dicks.
  15. I was never interested in watching this show until that line.
  16. I bought a house last fall and we told our realtor we didn't want open concept. He showed us a house that had a vaulted ceiling, and we said we weren't into the vaulted ceiling, and he chuckled and said we were the only people who didn't want open concept or a vaulted ceiling. So at least in our area, people are still wanting open concept.
  17. Dogs that will be hauled in for questioning in the event of your untimely death.
  18. I'm actually surprised that garbage collectors anywhere manually pick up the cans anymore. My parents live in the sticks and their pickup people switched to the the trucks that pick up the trash themselves a few years ago. I was working for a few weeks across the country in 2019, and I got caught behind a garbage truck on the way into the office in the morning. I was surprised both that there was someone out there picking up the cans themself, which I didn't realize still existed, and also that he was hanging on the back of the truck between stops, which I had only ever seen on TV. During lockdown, my parents' garbage collectors required them to use can liners and tie them off, but not anymore.
  19. I was taking the trash out (as in, from my house to the outdoor garbage can) last week and saw that someone had put their dog poop bag in there at some point between it getting emptied and us bringing it back to where we keep it, behind our fence. I wasn't worried about it bursting or stinking, or anything, but I was perturbed at the presumptuousness.
  20. I teach English as a Second Language, and one thing we talk about in speaking or pronunciation classes is pausing in the right places. I've always thought that Jeremy is a good example of a misplaced pause causing misunderstanding. In normal, non-hesitating speech you wouldn't say "Jeremy spoke in (pause) class." I think it's perfectly logical that one's brain would interpret "Jeremy spoke in + unusual pause" as "Jeremy spoken + predictable pause." (I actually love using mondegreens to teach pronunciation/speaking, because they can be used as either cautionary tales, or as like, "even native speakers hear X as Y, and this is the reason, so don't be discouraged if you do the same thing.")
  21. I just overheard an ad for constipation medication. One of the side effects given was "increased bowel movements."
  22. That was my first thought, too. Would Tim Allen have flashed her if he'd known her to be in a relationship, let alone to be in a relationship with someone who seems like he might kick someone's ass?
  23. M&Ms is heavily implying that the regular spokescandies will be doing something for the Super Bowl: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mms-maya-rudolph-spokescandies-super-bowl-145727629.html Plus the Ma&Yas are apparently going to be available until the Super Bowl.
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