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janie jones

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Everything posted by janie jones

  1. Wait a minute. This person had watch parties specifically to ridicule this other person, and then started doing a podcast with her?
  2. My mom will cook chicken and rice for the dog, eat some herself, and still call it "dog food." The Freshpet people need to get over themselves.
  3. As someone who got married in a courthouse, I could ask that same question of having a public wedding in the first place. Plus you'd see even the solved cases on the board. And the Adena Watson case followed Bayliss through the entire show. That's something else they did on Homicide. Certain kinds of cases were designated as "red balls" and they were all-hands-on deck situations in which everyone dropped what they were doing and assisted.
  4. Except some of these people could live perfectly comfortably if they never worked another day. They should already have enough for the future, as long as they aren't MC Hammering.
  5. We're talking about a guy who uttered "You're gonna love my nuts" and "You're gonna be slappin' all day" in a SlapChop commercial. I have no doubt they'd reference the hooker thing here.
  6. The piano with all the celebrity photos is out in a room where she entertains. I would think family photos would be in a more private area of her home. Considering her TV room, there's clearly a divide between the private areas and the areas for company.
  7. I think some of them are supposed to look like TikToks/influencer videos made on people's phones.
  8. "Tea" as in gossip. Everyone agrees she's the problem when they're gossiping about her. I fucking hate that song, though.
  9. Is that the one where the lady is "slicing" open a box that's already open?
  10. Yeah, he winked at her while he was saying it. But I also think part of it was what someone else said above -- that if Midge gets away with it, then what's going to stop the other writers from trying to pull something similar. Doesn't some people's gray hair have a different texture from their original hair? And also, I think some people get thinner and frailer as they age. I think I'm seeing that in my mom. I don't remember her being so bony before. I thought Midge's routine was less funny than other ones we've seen. But stuff that gets characters laughing on TV shows/movies is rarely something I actually find funny. I just accept that those people think it's funny. Like, I don't think Zachary Levi is good looking, but I accept that all the characters on the show did.
  11. Did they ever say what "don't" meant? When she found her fortune cookie fortune, I thought it was that note at first.
  12. Oh that's right. I completely forgot Susie was arrested.
  13. The funniest thing about Midge's set was Alfie appearing out of nowhere. The curtsies! It was? Was she meeting her to have Susie tell her that she talked to Hedy? They (I think Rachel Brosnahan and the Mrs. Maisel accounts) posted an instagram video before this season started that showed her and Alex Borstein dressing up as various TV duos. I hadn't realized before seeing that how much Rachel Brosnahan acts with her entire body. What was the palm reader shop they showed during the final credits?
  14. I thought it would have made sense for her to take the other job so that she was no longer subject to the no-writers-on-the-show rule. Although that assumes Gordon wouldn't keep her off the show out of spite. It annoyed me in the final scene that the receptionist got Midge's purse out of her desk. She's been working for the show how long and she still doesn't have a place to put her stuff?
  15. I didn't see it as a clip show, more of a Rashomon thing. They even showed parts of the "clips" from different angles, if I recall. Not just George, but Reynolds, too. In the episodes before this, I thought he was shady and up to something, but it turned out he was just trying to protect the king.
  16. It wasn't that they didn't know how to use the burners, but that they didn't know how to handle the pilot light being out. I didn't think Midge was depicted as being as helpless as her parents. She was actually interested in Zelda's book. My feeling was the Midge knows her way around the kitchen, but whenever the pilot light went out in her own apartment, she called Zelda to relight it. The only "incompetent" thing I recall Midge doing in that scene was being afraid she'd blow up the whole building. And if I'm being honest, I don't blame her. I've never had to relight a pilot light but I've had to light a gas barbecue and it scares me every time. I can buy people not knowing that the Gordon Ford Show had writers. I used to think that the hosts of late night shows - comedians themselves - came up with all the jokes. So I can see people with no interest in the inner workings of a TV show continuing to think that. What I don't buy is people not understanding when someone tells them they write for the Gordon Ford Show.
  17. I think the one guy is the groom and he's telling his groomsmen that he loves them because he appreciates their support.
  18. That's a good point. The upper class people were segregated, but they didn't insist on only having servants from their "side."
  19. Yeah I think the doctor had no intention of helping George. He just wanted to experiment on him. He made the mother and the other doctors think he was just going to talk to George, not torture him.
  20. Well, I mean racism, as we all know, but I think also because they theoretically could play a cisgender woman. Like, it happens in comedies a lot, not so much Great Female Roles, but no one cares that Eddie Murphy and Tyler Perry play women all the time. The mom in Hairspray is always played by a man, but maybe that's not a good example since the role was originated by a drag queen. Linda Hunt and Cate Blanchett won various awards playing cisgender men. I don't see that happening for Richard Dreyfuss anytime soon, and it would probably always be considered "stunt casting," were this sort of casting to happen again. But the Richard Dreyfusses can't argue that men could never get away with playing a woman, because it's not true.
  21. They keep talking about the Smythe-Smiths, and they came to Lady Danbury's house this episode. Should I know who they are? Are they from Bridgerton? They were mentioned along with Simon's parents.
  22. Oh! I saw this in an ad for Queen Charlotte today and had no idea why Alicia Keys was advertising it. Now it makes sense!
  23. I keep thinking he could play Tom Cruise's son in something.
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