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Everything posted by laurakaye

  1. Oh, definitely no sympathy at all for either of them. They made their bed, now they get to wallow in it. You make good points. I also think Robyn is quite terrified about what the end of the show will mean to her. She'll have to give up the mansion, the figurines, the questionable artwork, the Yurman rings, and maybe - gasp - get a job herself. Unthinkable. Meanwhile, I'm guessing that Kody is enough of a narcissist to to imagine the show will go on forever because he's in it, no matter how unhinged he becomes. What a pair. They so deserve each other.
  2. With Kody's rage issues, I would be very hesitant to put my hands over his mouth like that - nor would I take kindly to someone doing it to me. It's a very demonstrative way to make the other person literally shut up. It's dismissive and humiliating and if Robyn thinks it's cute somehow, it's not. It's also disturbing. There is something really weird going on there between those two.
  3. Either commit 100% to being holier-than-thou or stop doing it altogether. If you proclaim to be so against alcohol, don't use a song in your modeling video written by a man who wrote a love song about a margarita. This drives me nuts. Did that coverup come from Plexus too? Since we all know that if Jill does get anywhere near a body of water, she's going to be dressed from head to toe in layers while judging anyone who doesn't wear leggings and a Sweatblouse™ into a pool, so what's the point of showing us at all? I also cannot wait to find out the excuse she gives for not attending this time around.
  4. I was going to record it and forgot, and you're right - it's hard to find anywhere - I couldn't locate it on Hulu, TLC or HBO Max. Thank you for the link, @Ms.Lulu!
  5. I kept hoping that at least once, when Robyn was trying to fart out some tears, Suki would've reached into her pocket for a compact and touched up her lipstick or maybe pulled a book out from under her chair and started reading, while waiting for the latest round of histrionics to pass.
  6. Is she standing on a stool in order to get shots of the top of her kids' heads? That's like Jeremy Vuolo levels of wacky creativity to make sure the kids' faces can't be seen.
  7. I tuned it out too because by that point he was sounding like the teacher on a Charlie Brown tv special (if you don't know, please exit my lawn) but it almost seemed like Kody was pre-emptively dismissing Mykelti before she could do it to him like the majority of her siblings have. Mykelti is the one non-Robyn child he's on speaking terms with, so I'm not sure what he thinks he's accomplishing. He should shut his pie hole and be thankful that there is one kid who pretends to tolerate his Queen. The bottom line with the trio of Kody, Robyn and Mykelti is that all three are playing each other, and each one thinks they have the upper hand. I find it amusing that Mykelti is pretending to be the self-sacrificing "bridge" between family members that not only don't need a bridge, they want to set the bridge on fire.
  8. So let me see if I can briefly "speak Kody..." He said David wouldn't have married Christine if David knew that Christine had left "a good man" in order to get re-married...which is supposedly why she is trash-talking Kody to everyone. Because a man should never ever marry a woman who divorced a perfectly kind and decent man...it's part of the Man Code, I think. So what does that mean for Kody and Robyn? Did Robyn trash-talk her ex so that Kody could rest assured that Robyn had not left a "good man" in order to marry Kody? Like, Kody could sleep well at night having snagged the Diesel Jeans model because her ex was crap? That's interesting, because I think many of us recall the episode where Robyn dry-sobbed about Kody needing to adopt her kids because of that horrible cookie-stealer, then two scenes later she's packing up her kids to go visit Bad Dad for two weeks in Montana. Gosh, is it possible that Robyn - gasp - exaggerated how awful her ex was so Kody could play knight in shining armor? Meanwhile, we've all SEEN how disgusting Kody has been with Christine over these past 35 years of the show, so how can he sit there and suggest that he was a good man to her? Never mind, I actually can't speak Kody.
  9. I sincerely hope this poor child didn't get in trouble for falling asleep in church, and Jill's post is just her pretending that this didn't enrage her in some way.
  10. She and Kody both have Main Character Syndrome, which worked just fine when they both had the OG3 as minor characters in their stage play starring themselves. But how does that work, I wonder, when it's just the two of them left, staring each other down from across the Precious moments display, with no audience? I like your entire post because I find it interesting how we all see these people a little differently. I am one who thinks she is a diabolical puppet master super genius, lol, so much so that I might be way on the other side of the Robyn pendulum. She has been playing the other wives from the very beginning, IMO. She snuck away with Kody to play kissy-face in her first or second appearance on the show, something she and Kody both knew was "wrong" within the context of their religion at the time (such as it was). She let Kody choose her wedding dress, something she also knew would upset the very women she claimed to want a deep and meaningful relationship with, in addition to taking an 11-day honeymoon. She rewrote her own history so many times I've lost count, including the Cookie Stealer sermon and the creepy pencil sketch that included Kody at the age he would have been if he'd been her kids' father from Day One. She uses tears to get what she wants, to avoid answering hard questions, and to throw off her sister wives (does anyone recall the first few times Robyn turned on the dry waterworks on their early couch interviews? The expressions on the OG3's faces were of various shades of shock - they clearly had no idea how to deal with her emotions and I think she used that to her advantage). I could go on, lol - but these are all things that she planned out with Kody's help. I truly think she's wanted to be HBIC and legal wife from the get-go, and she was able to manipulate Kody into giving her exactly that. Now, however, she's got no one to lord her superiority over and with the wives all bailing on Kody, she's not only stuck with a prize she might not want, but without Sister Wives, there's no more show and an end to the money. She played herself. Thank you for reading my thesis. Yes, it does disturb me just a little bit on my recall of things that have happened on this show many seasons ago. But I have done some re-watching and I've found Robyn's subtle digs at the other wives consistent since she entered the family. I can't help but think that she knew exactly what she was doing the entire time.
  11. Finally made it through chapter 58 of the Tell-All, and I have questions... Kody's idea that David might someday take Kody aside and be all, "yeah, man, you were right, Christine is awful. Let's chug some beers and talk about it" was deeply weird to me. My first thought was, does Kody have a crush on David? It struck me as so strange that he even gave voice to this little fantasy on national tv. I just get a weird vibe that Kody's perfect take-down of Christine would be to take away her man for himself. That might be a huge reach but it wouldn't be the first time I have gotten that vibe from Kody. There was something nefarious in that statement from him, I just can't quite parse out what it was. Maybe it was something he read on the manosphere. But of all of Kody's troubling statements, that was the big one that stood out to me. So what does Robyn want - for each wife to come to her, curtsey, offer her a parting gift and say, "My Queen, you have won." What the - why?? They've all left Kody. It's done. Is she seriously telling us that in her warped brain, the OG3 are also actually still married to her until they tell her otherwise? Man, Kody is completely and scarily delusional but Robyn is a very close second. The conversations those two must have behind closed doors are probably darkly terrifying. And my biggest question of all - how did Kody pin those two straggly ringlets back from his caveman forehead? I can't figure it out. Hairspray? Gel? A couple of tiny barrettes borrowed from Aribellilbloa? I need to know.
  12. What alternative story would he have wanted, I wonder? One in which his kids all come running back to him, decrying Christine for lying about their wonderful blameless father? Given how Kody has disparaged many of his kids on national television, called them names and made them feel like garbage, that was never going to happen. Or maybe in another version, they wander around the planet as orphans, because Christine is a terrible human but Kody wants nothing to do with them, either. Would that make him happy? I think he rages at Christine because deep down, in that over-permed brain of his, he knows he messed up beyond repair with most of his non-Robyn kids, and it's far easier to blame Christine for turning those precious kids against him than it is to look in the mirror and see himself for who he really is. If Kody were fertilizer, that would be one messed-up strain of weed Janelle harvested.
  13. I am positive he was thinking, "wait until all the cool dudes from my manosphere website see this! I'll be their hero! They're gonna freakin' LOVE this! I am gonna have SO MANY private messages to read, I can't wait!" And then ran home, pounded his chest and looked for a mirror where he could admire his pecs. Is he, though? Do we think? Because I think he may think he's in love with Robyn based on comparing her to those other awful harpies he married...Robyn, sweet unassuming cap-in-hand Robyn cemented her status by subtly putting down the other wives and their pesky kids, not filling safe, and being the damsel in distress for him to rescue like a manly-man would do. I seriously wonder if the bloom is going to quickly come off the rose for both of them, and which one will bail first. I think their relationship only worked when the other three were knocking on the door of Kody and Robyn's blanket fort, asking if they could play too, while Kody and Robyn giggled and told them to go away, because no one liked them. If they have no common enemies over which to bond, what on earth will they even have in common besides a love of questionable art and jool'ry?
  14. Mine also did not show up on Hulu this morning like it has for the past million episodes. I too was pissed off. I don't ask for much, just that I get to watch my trashy cringe reality shows in the morning over coffee and Cheerios so I can come here and snark. How can I snark now, Hulu?! HOW??
  15. And wasn't Maddie living in LV at the time, too, and he could've just stayed with his sister? It makes Kody's proclamations of "where we go one, we go all" that much more infuriating. Sure, pick up everyone's lives and transport them to wherever Queen Robyn decides they're going to live, but once everyone gets settled, ignore them completely. I hope that Gabe has managed to move past wondering what might have been had his mother's spine not turned to jelly. I will not forget the couch interview Gabe gave while openly crying and saying that Hunter really helped him with the move to Flagstaff. Because us OG's can also remember the time when the Browns moved to LV in the first place and it was Hunter's turn to shut down. Instead of being a pissy beyotch to his kids, Kody should marvel at who they've all become despite his best efforts to destroy them.
  16. So Jill curled Renee's hair and called it a "new look?" It still looks fried, unfortunately. Doesn't hairdresser Jill know how to fix that? Is this a "Renee is back on the bride market" post? And either Kaylee went to the JillRod School of Gushy Love Posts and Questionable Punctuation, or Jill wrote that.
  17. I don't understand this at all - unless they're not doing it Secret Santa style, what would be the point? How do 18 people who live all over the country have a Zoom call to "draw" names? Logistically I can't figure out how this would even work, which is why it does make perfect sense that Robyn's nose was all up in this. I'm sure she had it all figured out - heck, she was probably the one to collect the names and divvy them out to whoever she thought would buy her kids the best gifts. I just find it bizarre that something so innocuous and simple turned into a fight worthy of a family divide, courtesy of Robyn just trying to "help." Looks like she tried to orchestrate the wrong part of this family and it came back to bite her, hard.
  18. I am kind of awestruck at how incredible the BB house has been decorated for a simple two-week competition - so I fully expect the BB 26 house to be the most amazing set we've ever seen, since now we know what production is capable of. They can also repeat these competitions that don't skew towards a certain type of person - looks like they're aware and capable of that as well. No excuses now. I hope Grodner was on a tropical vacation somewhere and she gave the interns her gold card and left them in charge of Reindeer Games, never imagining anyone would even be paying attention. Did anyone catch the very brief glance of Taylor munching on Lay's potato chips in the kitchen? I like these little throwback inside jokes. Makes me not question my life choices quite as much regarding the fact that I have seen every single season of this show since its inception.
  19. 1,000%. But at some point I think mental exhaustion took over and Christine was well on her way to being completely checked out. What Kody did regarding Ysabel was so egregious, it wasn't worth trying to discuss it with that raving caveman lunatic. Because had Christine brought it up, Kody would've certainly had his idiotic reasons at the ready (typed up and rehearsed with Robyn beforehand), and you cannot have a rational discussion with a man who'd just asked his 17-year old daughter why she couldn't just get on a plane by herself and have her surgery all alone so that The Tenders™ wouldn't risk getting Covid. I also think it's very telling that the person who knew he'd done wrong was the one ranting and raving. It's hard to get a word in when Mr. Budget Shakespeare was performing his knife in the kidney soliloquy.
  20. My guess is that JB and Michelle fed that fear because a fearful child is more willing to do whatever their parents tell them to do and not step out of line. They probably wished that all of their kids were as fearful as Jinger. Sad to think that these kids didn't get the comfort they should've gotten from their parents, no matter what it was that they were scared of...including what was going on under their own roof.
  21. Meri just posted a picture of herself on IG with a quote about how getting a haircut changes your life. The comments are divided 50/50 - some are saying, "looks great!" The other half are like, "can't wait to see it!!" I think she colored it red and maybe did a little hedge-clipper trimming, but I find it amusing how her sycophants can't figure out if she actually cut her hair or not. EDIT: wanted to add: Meri Brown: Shut the **** up, Robyn!
  22. "The League. Season Two. Wrapped." Aw, shoot - I totally missed Season One! Anyone know where I can catch it? Thanks! 🙄
  23. And these males are going out into the world to build houses, do electrical work, fix cars and fly airplanes. That is terrifying.
  24. Cheesy and silly but I also did not hate it. The BB house is so blinged out that every single Hobby Lobby within a 100-mile radius of the house must be completely cleaned out of Christmas decor. That said, I expect the theme of BB26 to be "Christmas in July" because what on earth are they going to do with all of that stuff? I...don't hate Frankie this time around? He gives production exactly what they want and he's been delivering his DR one-liners like a pro. I forgot how much I loathed the way Nicole says the word "and" with three syllables..."eeee-ann-duh." And is it me or did she look like she was trying not to cry for most of this first episode? Every time I see her, I can't believe she ever won a season of BB. Despite myself, I am enjoying this. Maybe it's just because I have all my Christmas shopping done and I'm ready for a little bit of silly fluff filler until the new year. :)
  25. Perfectly stated and I think this is EXACTLY what Robyn truly believes. Also a wonderful new title for her thread if it ever needs changing. This is the biggest problem I have always had with Robyn's constant fake, manipulative "tears." When they are being interviewed on the couch, they're typically talking about something that happened anywhere from 4 months to 2 years ago (who knows with this show's wonky timelines). If something happened that long ago and you were asked about it now, chances are good that you'd react to it differently than when it initially happened because you'd have had time to deal with it and process the emotions. The fact that Robyn brings out the drama queen dry-cries at nearly every single interview shows me just how fake she truly is, and has always been - she's been doing this since Day One. I guess it's the quiet ones you have to look out for. When we thought she was checked out on the couch and in danger of falling asleep, turns out she was listening and taking mental notes the whole time. :) Funny, though, how she won't call him out by name anymore. Same with Kody. Neither of them have any problems throwing Gabe and Garrison under the bus, but when it comes to kids like Hunter, Maddy, Logan, Aspyn, etc., it's almost like Kody and Robyn are scared to speak their names. There seems to be certain Brown kids that are fair game and others that are somewhat untouchable. I find that interesting, if twisted. It's like Robyn knows that she can't call out certain kids because that would be pushing Kody too far. I wonder how much walking on eggshells Robyn has to do with Kody now. It's surely not as fun to talk trash about someone who no longer cares what you have to say.
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