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Everything posted by laurakaye

  1. Now it makes more sense to me why Janelle was crying that she had nothing in her name. I can see the scenario where foreclosure was looming on the horizon and if Kody and Robyn were dragging their heels on paying off the land, it would naturally fall to Janelle (and probably Meri, but I sense that she is in a better financial situation than Janelle) to make sure it happened. I can also see Kody whining that he's raising a houseful of tenders and simply doesn't have the money - meanwhile, he's snatching up every piece of weird art and retired Dicken's Village figurines he can get his hands on so his money isn't liquid. Which could ALSO be why Robyn refused for so long to have the inside of her house filmed, and wouldn't let Meri inside. I need Janelle or Meri to write a book and spill this tea.
  2. And spill on the whole Janelle divorcing Meri's brother to marry Kody thing. I demand answers on this! If Meri did write a book, I would definitely ask my library to buy it and then go pick it up under cover of darkness like I did with Becoming Sister Wives. :) My thought was - what part of my lake were you on, Meri?
  3. Kody said he didn't "vet" his first three wives - well, that's what happens when you meet someone, "court" for a month, and get married a few weeks later. And Mr. Pec-tacular calling Janelle and whining that he needed her to fly across the country and bring him some chicken soup when he had Covid was hilarious. Dude, get off your sore ass and call Shipt. But worse was the fact that apparently Janelle was considering doing it. I think he purposefully scared her into thinking he couldn't breathe or whatever in retaliation for her daring to go on vacation with his sworn mortal enemy Christine. Just when I think there's not another lower level of pond scum that this guy can sink to, he does just that.
  4. Can anyone shed light on when Coyote Pass was paid off, and why? We knew they were never going to build on it. They could only pretend for so long about their dreams of living in the trees or whatever. What motivation would Meri and/or Janelle have to pay it off? Am I right to assume that no one could sell their plot of land because it was also in Kody's and Robyn's names? I will probably never understand but I want to try, lol.
  5. I wish she had asked him too but we know why - because that's how Kody punishes his family members - taking out his rage on those who have done nothing wrong. Janelle tells him to f*** off, so Kody ignores Savanah. He is such a garbage father. Also, Robyn - honestly, shut up. This woman has whined and dry-cried for several seasons that she can never ever feel "safe" with anyone in this entire family except for maybe Meri, when it suits her. So when Robyn told Suki that she would've gone to Christine's Christmas party with her kids? What a load of crap. She only said that because she 100% knew that there was no way she was going to get an invite. It's easy to say what you would've done when there was no way it was ever going to happen in the first place. I also loved the beginning where Robyn accuses Kody of rewriting history and mumbles that "it happens a lot." Says the Queen of Revisionist History. Amazing. Kody, no one - and I mean NO ONE - wants to hear about your pecs and abs ever again. It's disgusting how he proclaims that Janelle used him for his body when he's been doing the same damn thing for the past 30 years, except with four different women. /rant......until next week.
  6. I just need a quick series-ending fade-out scene of Robyn working the french fry machine at McDonald's, crying her eyebrows off, and then I will be perfectly content. But fear not, fellow snarkers, I will be with this train wreck until the very end. I haven't invested the last 35 years of my life to this show to walk away now, gosh darn it! Stuff's getting rill - the wives are dilling with their fillings and basically collectively laughing in Kody's face and I am here for it.
  7. Not sure where to put this but I wanted to mention the podcast Everyone's Business But Mine. The host, Kara Berry, recaps SW episodes and her recap of this latest episode (the Picnic Table sob-fest) had me bent over double laughing. Her impressions of Robyn are just as funny to me as the host of Surviving Sister Wives. I look forward to both podcasts every week...and I swear, once in awhile I hear a reference on one of the shows that strongly suggests that the hosts read here. :)
  8. Cue Kody's kidneys wailing in agony while he rends his Ed Hardy shirts into pieces while Robyn rage-scribbles her eyebrows on until they're halfway up her forehead. Brava, Christine!
  9. I just imagine the exhausted motel staff fielding multiple calls from other guests about children playing on the exercise equipment, or that the pool area has been taken over by a screeching bottle-blonde and a plethora of fully-clothed kids, and probably the sound of a dozen pairs of footsteps pounding down the halls at all hours...not to mention what they leave in the rooms for the cleaning staff to deal with (probably a massive pile of filthy towels with a smiley tract on top). I'd like to think that every time they leave another motel, the staff posts Jill's picture on the break room bulletin board warning everyone to tell her there are no vacancies if she happens to ever stop by again.
  10. I laughed out loud when she said this (to be fair, I laugh out loud often when she opens her mouth). Bad relationship with the kids? Christine's fault. Can't build on Coyote Pass? Christine's fault. Kody's rage, Robyn's tears, global warming, Pluto no longer a planet? All Christine. It's amazing the power this former basement wife has over Kody and Robyn. No wonder Christine laughs like a maniac sometimes - it must be kind of fun living rent-free in Kody and Robyn's heads.
  11. And I mumble, "shut up, Robyn." As for Janelle's "grounded" business...again, pure speculation from the Surviving Sister Wives podcast, but they think she's going to go into business with Gabe and Garrison and grow weed.
  12. I wonder if Nurie's boys have naturally big eyes, or is that their default expression every time GrandMeMe comes screeching at them with her flip phone pointed at their faces?
  13. So if Kody decided that he never loved Meri but he didn't want to be the one to break their covenant, and he wanted Meri to be the one to leave him...why did Robyn keep trying to get Meri to stay? I realize that nothing these people do makes any actual sense. I might as well be asking, if a pink elephant jumps over a mountain but the pond is dry, why won't the trees all face north? Same basic idea.
  14. It's been suggested on a SW podcast that Kody is taking advice from the manosphere and putting his money into things like art, as a way to not have to pay anything out to his ex-wives. I don't pretend to understand how that works (because couldn't he just be forced to sell the stuff?) but it would explain why he's such a "collector." But let me tell you - if I had to look at that "art" every single day, I think it would be highly unsettling...I see lots of fire, smoke coming from something, a tree that seems to be ablaze, and while it might all be by the same artist it doesn't necessarily go together. I'm no decorator but what I see is a mishmash of complicated colors all crammed together in an alcove. I get a bit twitchy and claustrophobic just looking at it.
  15. I have had the same thoughts. She puts her kids in danger regularly and I would say the vast majority of us take one quick glance at the pictures she posts and think, get those kids out of that situation! Sadly, her kids probably have no idea that what they're doing can hurt them, and Jill is too busy encouraging them for her social media. And if they do get injured? More fodder for Instagram.
  16. I did think that was true too, but it appears that the bloom is off the rose for both of them. Hard to be madly in love with someone who says, "well maybe I'll leave you too, haha!" in front of the ex-wife who is in the process of doing exactly that. Kody looked pissed and Robyn backtracked so fast, I'm surprised her eyebrows stayed intact. Normally the Dark Queen doesn't mess up like that. A. - she won't have anyone else to lord her superiority over, B. - without the other wives, there won't be a show and she won't be able to keep purchasing those delightful art pieces she has crammed over every available flat surface, and C. - she will be all alone with a giant manbaby who is becoming darker and scarier with every passing year. I think it's years of repression, depression and heaviness coming off her in such strong waves, she forgot how to actually laugh.
  17. This sentence shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as it did....😂
  18. Does Jill know that most people don't "decorate" their stairs? Although I am sure she was probably thrilled to have all those brand-new flat surfaces to display some of her photographs and tchotchkes and whatnot. And how long have they lived in the Barndo and didn't have access to the second floor? Seems like that would be a fairly important task to complete, DAVE. I'm so sorry for the people on vacation who are just trying to relax at the same motel where the Rods landed. I imagine the acoustics in the enclosed pool area are pretty amazing for caterwauling in 10-part harmony, too.
  19. That "sacred covenant" thing was super interesting also because I feel like Kody went off script there in a big way, and Robyn doesn't know how to act when she and Kody haven't rehearsed their lines in the mirror before presenting their one-act plays for the other wives. But why would Robyn make him promise that in the first place? Possibly because A. - she never thought in a million years that he wouldn't be warm for her form, and she'd always be his one true lurrrve (blech) or B. - by asking him that, she was subconsciously putting the thought into his pea-brain that this is exactly what he should be doing - leaving when he is no longer in love - but with his OTHER wives. Robyn has been playing with these people since before she even officially came into the family. The fact that it seems to have finally caught up to her is beautiful. She has to know that if even Meri, for crying out loud, has seen through her shenanigans, then the jig is truly up - which could account for her potentially real tears for the first time ever (still not 100% convinced, though).
  20. I will say, I thought there was some interesting stuff going on with the Picnic Table of Doom scenes. I do think a huge bonus for Kody bringing Robyn into the family was that she could be all woo woo, woo woo with Kody when his big scary fillings started bubbling to the surface, and she could coo him into submission by pretending to be his mind-reader, thereby giving Kody an out when he was pissed off at his other wives...if Robyn thought he should just stay silent, he could flounce off and ignore his issues, because his Real Wife gave him permission to do so. Now, though, Kody has been trolling his Men 'R Us websites and I think he's onto the idea that Robyn has been stifling his man-fillings for years. Some of the looks Kody and Robyn gave each other at the picnic table made me think that all is definitely not well in the Mansion on the Hill. Robyn's joke about leaving Kody missed the mark by about 150 miles, and Kody told us on the couch that hey - he could just walk away from Robyn as well. Now, though, thanks to their machinations, they only have each other to dill with. They have successfully driven everyone else away from them, and now they're well and truly stuck with each other. They get to reckon with the fact that Kody has allowed Robyn to drive a wedge between him and the rest of the family (by his own actions but sanctioned by Robyn), but also that Robyn is now living with a man who is scarily falling off the rails. I would not want to live under that roof when they realize that this is it, this is all they have, and they see that their relationship only "worked" because they had the buffer of Christine, Janelle and Meri.
  21. I want to talk about this episode with you guys but I don't fill like you are in the right head space. You can't really talk about - no, shhh. You're not ready to speak right now, I can tell. Anyway, here are my thoughts on this episode - Ba! Ba ba ba! NO talky! Calm down. I know you're not yelling but I can tell you're just about to, so you just sit there with one butt cheek falling off the bench and I will tell you when you are ready to speak. Well, now you've gone and made me dry cry. So what I'm gonna do is, I am just gonna take a little walk. Just a little walk, right down this trail to the Plague Pond. Just right here.....I am gonna walk away slowly so you all can talk about me and how sad I am. Here I go. Are you watching me walk away? Can you hear me sobbing? Can you see the dejected slump of my shoulders? Are you happy now? I can't even stand to sit by you. You are breaking my heart. I'm back. What did I miss? You - what? You all broke up while I was staring at the mountains and pining over what might have been had I not stuck my big fat nose into all of your business and ruined it beyond repair? No!! This is not about you, actually - it's about me and my porch and my rocking chair! This is unacceptable, I told you that you couldn't talk, and - where are you going?? Get off that ATV! Hey - get out of your car, what do you think you're doing? You're seriously going to leave me here all alone? Can't you see how deeply upset I am? How am I supposed to get back to my mansion - walk?? Why do you insist on destroying me? I JUST WANTED TO SIT ON A PORCH WITH ALL OF YOU AND WATCH OUR GRANDKIDS GET E COLI IN THE POND WHILE GRANDPA RAN AROUND IN HIS SKIVVIES! Sigh...................
  22. That's some pretty good brainwashing by Mahmo for Tim to try and explain away a 10-pound weight loss upon coming back home on food poisoning, which also isn't a great look for Jill's cooking. How did he explain his waifish siblings, though?
  23. I love taking half my restaurant food home, especially breakfast - it's an automatic "I don't have to come up with an idea for dinner" celebration for me. :) Also, with two social media averse grown kids of my own, I think it's sweet that Garrison took a picture of his mom for his own SM page. Take that, "dad."
  24. Excellent post, @Roslyn. I just made a tiny change to your very accurate description of Kody. Also, if we ever need a title change for that guy, "Pink Elephant Gorilla Caveman Fun Sucker" suits him just fine. @nosedive....your paragraph about Genielle was perfection and a genuine pleasure to read!!
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