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Everything posted by laurakaye

  1. OMG, Beast Mode is going to be on Survivor?! Aren't there enough people who haven't already been on a reality show who might like to be cast?
  2. Reminded me of Cook Islands - didn't Yul tell Becky to practice lighting a fire as well? And she could barely do it with a set of matches. The stress must be enormous - it's a potentially million-dollar fire!
  3. This is why I don't think Dan's apology to Shirin was real. I think he said what he said because he felt like he had to in an attempt to save face. If he was truly sorry, maybe he would've said something to Jeff along the lines of "we've discussed it privately, and Shirin knows how I feel," with an accompanying nod of recognition from Shirin. That didn't happen. And if I recall, Shirin remained expressionless during Dan's apology. I don't think Dan is sorry at all, he's just sorry Jeff made him apologize on national tv to a person he clearly does not like.
  4. I applaud your entire post, but especially THIS. If being shallow is wrong, I don't want to be right. Bring back Joe and his ridiculously gorgeous mane of flowing curly locks every season for the rest of Survivor eternity, I say!
  5. I feel like Survivor is bending towards trying to get a new audience on board, rather than keeping what works for the old-school fans. The weird editing, the clear "characters," and the quick filming of #32 to get it on air before #31 irks me a little bit. I would like to see a season with no theme repeats, no returnees, no superfans, and no "hidden" immunity idols stuck in the forks of odd-looking trees. While I'm sure everyone who applies at this point has seen the show, perhaps casting needs to be tightened up better?
  6. Will the "Second Chances" season be aired next, even though season 31 has already been filmed? And do we have an air date yet for next season?
  7. Rodney and Joaquin....I can so picture them heading to the clubs after the reunion to "get some." Rodney's hair and electric blue suit had me rolling.
  8. Dan is this show's biggest attention hoor EVER. Laughing out loud during final tribal council. Speaking when Shirin was giving her "dead fish" analogy. Banging his stupid head against the desk while trying to decide who to vote for. Survivor is DAN'S SHOW and the rest of us get to watch him run it! Watch Dan act a condescending ass to all the women! Watch Dan produce "clever" sound-bites! Watch Dan shake his man-boobs! Watch Dan roll his eyes as hard and pointedly as he can (having practiced in the Ponderosa mirror)! Watch Dan try to backtrack against the fury of Probst! Gosh, but I am so glad he's gone. May he NEVER be invited back. EVER. I'd like to think that he pissed off Probst so much that Dan will never, ever get the chance to "redeem" himself.
  9. This season seemed to be cobbled together by a new bunch of producers who weren't very familiar with Survivor. No pre- or post- Final Tribal statements to the jury was a glaring omission - this is what Final Tribal is all about, for crying out loud - letting the final 3 have their say, which may or may not sway the jury into their decision as to who deserves the million dollar prize. Less significant but still bothersome to me was Jeff's casual interacting with the cast right before a reward/immunity challenge, when the camera would pan away and we'd hear Jeff say something like, "Let's go!" or whatever. It seemed odd and out of place. As for the reunion, I wouldn't have minded if Jeff had tossed Mike the check and spent the rest of the hour jumping all up in Dan's business, showing him footage of Dan clearly trying to lie his way out of his own stupid behavior. For Dan to think that he can mess with the institution that is Survivor and call out everyone for his "bad editing," he deserved every single second of Jeff's wrath and more. Shut your trap forever, Dan. You will be remembered as the single biggest moron this game has ever seen, and that is saying something. That said, as much as I disliked this season, I will once again be counting down the days until the next season.
  10. Thank goodness, I thought I was the only one who kept being weirded out by that...he goes from Patrick Starfish to an almost effeminate voice, sometimes in the same sentence. I can't say how many times I had to focus hard on my television when Mike spoke in his non-bear voice because I didn't recognize it.
  11. I am currently laughing so hard at this, I think I hurt myself!
  12. This. I love the visual of Dan & Co. trying to raise their hands higher than their fellow castaways, maybe throwing an elbow or two, to get Jeff's attention. And Dan's reaction when he gets booed by the audience. Because he'll be trying to figure out why it's not a standing ovation for his genius gameplay.
  13. One problem I have had this season with these so-called "super-fans" is that they were all trying to create a Survivor persona that has already been taken. Rod trying to be Boston Rob. Max and Shirin strutting sans clothing a la Hatch. Dan attempting to be Rupert (I guess). That doesn't work for me - it's painful to watch, and it's odd that these new players seem to think that simply adopting someone else's personality is their ticket to the million. Give me a snarky Jenn or a stuck-in-a-dismal-alliance Sierra any day over someone thinking they are untouchable just because they stole someone else's character traits. It was that awful "Jeff.........(sob)........I love her........(sniff).........like you read about......." that made me want to punch my television.
  14. At the reunion, I only want to hear from Jenn. Probst will provide her a name from the cast, and she will quickly ad-lib a one-liner about how much they suck. I don't even want to hear from the winner unless it's Mike, and only if he can speak in his non-Super-Dave voice (I know he can do it...every time he's used his "normal" voice on the show, I have had to do a double-take to figure out who's talking). I want to see a clip of Tyler going through Dan's bag, a quick cut to Dan's entire face going red with rage, and just as he opens his mouth to bloviate, cut to commercial. I would also like to have Ozzy and Malcolm in the audience, have Probst bring them onstage with Joe, and spend 10 minutes discussing who has the best hair. Then give Joe his fan favorite $100,000 while Dan sits there stupified, unable to believe that the check is not going to him, and CUT.
  15. I agree...get ready to cringe extra-hard and extra-often during this one. You know Dan has been practicing his reunion sound-bites for weeks now. My eternal hope is that Probst doesn't let him speak at all. There's always one or two jurors who don't get to do anything but "sit there and look pretty." PLEASE let it be Dan this time! And maybe Tyler.
  16. During the immunity challenge, I was LOL-ing every time Rodney chucked his grappling hook straight into the ground at his feet. I guess those magic melons didn't sharpen his brain as much as he thought. I seriously cannot remember the last time I didn't give a rat's ass who won this game. There have been boring seasons for sure, but not one where I wished that the entire jury would write down "NO ONE" on their final votes for the million. I am, however, greatly looking forward to Dan's condescending, heavily punctuated question to the Final 3. I hope I'm smart enough to understand him....'cause I'm a woman and all.
  17. Now it all makes sense. Rodney meant to get in the "Big Brother" casting line, but got in the "Survivor" line by mistake.
  18. I guess it depends on what your definition of "like" is. The "dislike" of most of the remaining survivors is so intense, I guess one could deduce that Carolyn is "liked." I need to know if the head of Survivor Casting has been fired yet, because this group is just ridiculous. Does Probst & Company truly think that this is a compelling cast? Have they been on the air so long that they think they can just coast now? Because I for one want to see this show get better and better. I understand the challenge here, in that most people who make it on the show have seen it and want to become memorable, but there has to be a better way than to throw this island of misfit toys together for our viewing pleasure.
  19. Since I'm sure Rodney's birthday usually consists of his mommy taking care of him (BoilerGal's post above was perfect) followed by his "bros" taking him out to get sh!t-faced while making derogatory remarks about every woman that passes within 50 feet of him, I can see why spending a birthday doing something as once-in-a-lifetime as washing dishes in the crystal-clear waters of a beautiful island would be somewhat disappointing. Especially given that his adopted "Mama C" did not drop everything to wait on him hand and foot on his special day like he expected, and Mike had the audacity to not fall for for Rodney's well-executed "I'm-crazy-vote-me-out" plan. And his beard itches. Poor baby Rodney. Just keepin' it real.
  20. I find it inconceivable that he hasn't been shown strutting around camp bloviating and pontificating on what his special powers might be to everyone. We know he loves to talk about himself. But yes, I don't get why not one person (that we know of) has sidled up to him and asked him about the advantage...especially since it hasn't been used yet. If it were an advantage in a challenge, it's likely he would've had to use it already. Is there no one guessing that it has to have something to do with voting?
  21. I hope Probst doesn't waste any time during the reunion wandering into the audience and asking Will's wife, Dan's wife and Rodney's mommy to school us fans on what truly remarkable and compassionate men those three are "away from the game." Just don't even. Announce the winner, hand out the check, give Joe his $100,000 for being the only normal player this season, and get us revved up for next season.
  22. RODNEY. You are spending your birthday playing "Survivor!" Yes, you're starving and dirty but there are probably about 497,923 fans who would take your place in a heartbeat so STFU already, you big whiny baby. I had to rewind when Sierra actually spoke up and said "If I hear the word 'birthday' one more time!" Good for her. Not that it would stop Rodney's epic hissy fit, but nice try. Also, Dan and Will's intimate moment by the fire...maybe after 30 days they don't even smell each other, but all I could think was, BLECHHHHHHH.
  23. This is what I struggle with, because while I am disgusted by many of this season's players, I will continue to watch because I love this show. I can't remember a worse season of Survivor in terms of actively hating some of the players. Just clicking around the Survivor forums, I'm seeing things like Joaquin calling Shirin "fat." Tyler telling the women to sit quiet and look pretty. Will's viciousness. Dan's condescending attitude towards women. Who in casting allowed all these morons to be on the same season? It's an awful group of men (save one or two), and a fairly passive group of women (still upset that Jenn bailed). There's usually one or two boneheads in every season, but other than Russell and Colton, none jump to mind as being as collectively disgusting as this group. Will the powers that be consider this season a huge success because, after all, people are talking about it, even if we're all talking about it for the wrong reasons? Or will they see the error of their ways? I don't have small children anymore, but if I did, I'm pretty sure I would not be comfortable letting them watch this season, and I can't really remember ever feeling that way before. I am all for stealth and conflict on Survivor in terms of outplaying, but this season is a whole new and uncomfortable level. Maybe that's what Survivor is becoming? I hope not.
  24. There was a talking head where Dan said something along the lines of realizing that others see him as being on the bottom of his alliance, but he doesn't necessarily think that's true. I can't remember how he justified this, but I do remember him saying it...I think it was after the cheeseburger boat ride.
  25. I would hope that if the powers that be ever decide to bring Dan back on any upcoming season, the backlash from the fans would be quick and severe. Bringing back a cast member like that really ticks me off as a Survivor fan. I hated when they brought back Colton. Do NOT bring back Dan.
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