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Everything posted by laurakaye

  1. She needs to shred her one-day, online training health coach certificate. Her posts are pathetic. The way she words things make me think of a sloth trying to fight its way out of a bathtub full of molasses.
  2. Aw, how cute - they used the same hair crimper. But why does a date with Kody merit the usual stupid hashtags? Is she contractually obligated to tell us that she's "LivingHerWhy" "BecauseSheCan" with every post? So, when she goes to the grocery store to pick up a gallon of milk, it's #BecauseSheCan?" When she fetches the mail from the mailbox, is she #LivingHerWhy?" When she sees Kody walk into Robyn's house and the bedroom lights go off, is it still #LifeFulfilled?" Give me a break.
  3. That's embarrassing - ZERO sales?? But can you imagine sad-sack Janelle as a real estate agent in the first place? She has no decorating skills that we know of, so I can't imagine she'd be good at staging homes to make them look more appealing. She doesn't have the personality to chit-chat and find common ground with people, and I can't see her effusively trying to close a deal. I can see Christine being a decent agent, but Janelle needs to find a desk job where she doesn't have to interact with anyone.
  4. Man, but that's a pretty bad sort of trouble, if you ask me - Christine decides to not let Mykelti come home and instead Mykelti marries a slovenly control-freak who demands that Kody take out a loan from the Bank of Hellz No to pay for their December 400-guest wedding and grand taco-strewn reception and then she gets a job where she posts selfies and will surely not last because, as Mylekti herself says, "I'm a special brand of crazy." That tough love decision didn't work out so well for Christine. Although I get what Christine was trying to do with her flighty daughter, I also recall all of the adults saying that of all their kids, Mykelti was the one they worried about the most, so pushing her away and into the sweaty arms of FT probably keeps Christine up at night...and if/when Mykelti gets pregnant, she'll be tied to the moron who gleefully beat her in effigy at their reception. Definitely not a win.
  5. "I'm a lot to handle," she says. Well, good for her. So why doesn't she just adult the hell up and NOT be a lot to handle? She's got the Snowflake Syndrome just about as bad, if not worse, than her big sister Mariah.
  6. How in the heck can she ever get bored when she only sticks with anything for about a week?? "Very distracting in a good way" - translated: I am able to completely check out without actually losing consciousness and falling off of my bike "I think there are other platforms out there offering this" - translated: I'm too lazy to look, why don't you do it yourself if you're so &$^# interested?? "but none that I have access to" - translated: I'm on the couch now, if you don't mind just leaving me alone, and also I don't really care. "This just reinvigorated my desire to get riding!" - translated: for today, that is. I'm bored with this post already. I wonder if I have any Fritos left in the bathroom....
  7. I don't think I have ever seen JD look so cute. I've always thought he would make a sweet, loyal and hardworking husband. Hopefully he and Abbie put the brakes on the baby train and spend some time getting to know each other.
  8. Mine just barged right on in if I forgot to lock the door...if I remembered to lock it they'd just violently rattle the handle and yell, "Mom!! Can I have a juice box/cookie/popsicle?!"
  9. Maybe it's just my age showing, but is it really a good idea to take a photo of yourself in your place of employment and then justify it with #thecameracan'tseemymonitor? First of all, she's taking selfies while she's supposed to be working, and based on her own comments, she shouldn't be taking photos at work anyway. And especially working in a bank, she and her crazy might be looking for a new job.
  10. Based on the episode where Maddie gives birth, Janelle probably also has a box of Christmas ornaments, a set of tires, a case of Milk Duds and her tax receipts for 1998 in there too.
  11. Can someone PLEASE tell me why nearly 4,000 people liked this photo?!? I find it a wee pathetic that ol' Mere, with all those LLN "friends," sister-wives and bonus children, had to go into a truck stop to buy a stuffed animal to accompany her on the long drive home.
  12. I hope Janelle washed Axel's hands after that...and I would prefer not to have to think about what Janelle was doing when she took that photo.
  13. "willPRIBABLYgetnegativefeedback." I hope it's 50% this stupid setup and 50% her inability to spell. And what newlywed couple doesn't want a wall full of axes and knives?
  14. Less humidity to frazzle what remains of Kody's golden locks?
  15. Based on this photo, if I didn't know better (which I don't), I would say that Mykelti is 9 months pregnant, just in the way that Truely is posed and the amount of Mykelti's belly showing under Truely's arm...unless like you all said, Mykelti is sitting and Truely is balanced on Mykelti's knees? Knowing the bizarre poses Mykelti likes, nothing would surprise me. Perhaps she's even got FT underneath her LLN dress, who knows.
  16. "So I've been living in Flagstaff for 5 minutes and I just realized that it snows here. Like kind of a lot. Like so much that my sister-wife Christine sometimes spends the entire day outside with her snowblower trying to destroy that quarter-inch of devil's dandruff! And lately, I have been noticing that when I get up from the couch to pour myself a cup of butter, nutmeg and molasses coffee, I actually sliiiiiide off the couch, somewhat like a slug. It's like my knees no longer work! But then, I purchased the most expensive Happy Light offered on Amazon! And let me tell you, it's a rock star! I sit in front of it for two minutes every morning and I feel like I could run a marathon! I don't, of course, because I still can't find my running shoes. But if I could find them? I would outrun Meri trying to catch a bus to Parowan! With this light, I am only partially sleepy throughout the day and in the morning it only takes Savannah three tries to wake me up to drive her to school instead of the usual eleven. So while I was initially reluctant because nothing ever seems to work for me, this light is a winner when I remember to plug it in and turn it on!"
  17. OK, so regarding the "happy light"...I finally purchased one this past November for $50 at Bed Bath & Beyond (actually $40 with my coupon). SAD is no joke, I've had it in a thankfully mild version for years. I sit in front of the light every morning while having coffee before work. I also started taking vitamin D3 on a co-worker's advice (I live in Michigan). I can't say for sure if the light worked for me or if I just got used to the lack of daylight, OR if I've been okay because (knock on wood) so far we've had an extremely mild winter and I have been able to walk outside after work nearly every day if I bundle up enough. But regarding Janelle's use of the light - based on the crap she's posted so far, I have to believe that this is just another "fad" for her to try. I don't think sitting in front of a light is going to change anything for her because she doesn't want to change. You can't just plug something in or eat/drink something for a couple of days and expect a miracle. I guess her use of the light bothers me because it is in fact useful, but I'm so over her throwing some random "solution" out to her sycophants as if she knows what she's talking about. /rant
  18. Hold on, I have Sling Blue! Does it have TLC? Because I swear I haven't seen it on there! Sling drives me nuts because at one point I know for a fact that they added E! (so I could watch KUWTK, the guiltiest of my guilty pleasures) but then - it was gone. I haven't even looked for TLC on Sling. Cool, now I can keep my money!
  19. @LegalParrot81, your story kind of sent a chill down my spine. Here's what I want to know - what on earth do they do with all these license-plate records and the gazillions of photos they take of random people driving by or people that happen to be on the wrong sidewalk at the wrong time, etc.? Do they employ a team of people to comb through all of this information to some end, or is it all just scare tactics? Just the fact that you were walking away from the car as they were writing down your license plate number creeps me out. It's not like you were being confrontational, you were just using a parking lot. What did they need all of that information for in the first place?
  20. Kind of interesting how she is so involved in connecting with people on the interwebz when that's exactly what got her momma into such hot water. Do we have any proof that she is in grad school? She sure has tons of spare time for yoga, photo shoots, shilling LLN and getting to know her thousands of followers on Instagram.
  21. Looks like I'm handing Vudu another $24.99 to watch these riveting events unfold. I just cannot quit this show.
  22. At first I was like - wow, why is that brisket so dark? Then I realized she had already taken it out of the bag, LOL. So I guess now she's showing us her trash. Fascinating stuff.
  23. Office? What office? What group? Do they have their own personal LulaNo group? Do Snowflake and Audge actually go to school anymore? Does Audge's shirt glow in the dark? I still don't get how so many Brownies are shilling this crap and making a profit from it...although Meri must be LOL-ing as the cash from her minions flows into her bank account, funding her get-away house in Parowan.
  24. Yay, more re-re-re-re-re-re-re-heating of the ol' catfish scandal! Call me crazy but I can't get enough of our fave orange Mere dilling with those fillings. And the fact that she has made friends with other women who have been fooled by JO and continues to talk to them about all of it - well, I maintain that her "affair" with Sam sent her fillings through the roof, and she gets some kind of second-hand thrill by staying in contact with others involved in the catfish deal. If she were truly victimized and afraid for her family, she would NOT keep bringing it up. She's still "in love" with "Sam." Period.
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