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Everything posted by laurakaye

  1. What does that question even mean? "How does wellness feel accessible?" Does she want to know if we live within walking distance of a yoga studio? Does she want to know if we have access to healthcare? Or perhaps she's asking if we need to take three buses and a subway to the nearest avocado toast shop? Her stupid vapid pensive gaze combined with some purposefully vague and nonsensical question makes me NUTS. Hey, Mariah - go to class and open a book and answer it yourself! She might as well ask us if our unicorns have access to sparkles.
  2. The episode before "Kody Wants Out" was flagged as "New," and then turned out to be a two-hour re-re-re-cap of literally everything we've already seen, with maybe 15 seconds extra bonus footage thrown in. How, pray tell, is that considered "new?" And enough with the two-hour slogfests! Is TLC really hard up for programming? When an episode of Sister Wives takes longer to watch than your average theater movie, enough's enough - especially when 50% of it is recapping what we just saw before the previous commercial break. I realize that many of us might be drunk from taking shots at the word "Parowan" (just me?), but surely we can recall most of what we watched 3 minutes ago. My take has long been that Kody initially had something to prove to the people who thought he was gay...I still remember being struck when Kody met up with some former high school friends and discovered that his orientation was in question back in the day. I don't care if he is, isn't, was, or wasn't, but I know he went on a mission, came back and discovered that his parents had decided on plural marriage, and saw a way to make sure people changed their tune about him. I could be way off base, but in the beginning the Browns chose to show us a set of rules that they now completely ignore. If Kody is The General, his flock should follow his direction. His kids do not. To me, that tells us that he's not the enforcer he likes us to think he is.
  3. What's so hysterical about this thread is reading a Janelle post, followed by one of our posts translated into Janelle-speak, followed by another inane Janelle post. It's like she's trolling us and having a laugh at her own expense, but of course that's not the case. Her pantry, fridge and freezer must literally be crammed full of random expired crap that she tried for three days, decided that she was still hungry and tired, and subsequently abandoned. I feel bad that Savannah must have to dig through jars of molasses, ghee, bags of spinach and three-pound containers of nutmeg just to find a granola bar to snack on.
  4. I will give the recap for Kody Wants Out a try! Might be a couple of days after it airs. 🙂
  5. I thought Maddie and Grizz were heading to North Carolina? I did find it really odd that Maddie would move that far away from Gramma Janelle and her germy pom poms, though.
  6. No wonder Meri's cousin said it was the most difficult loan he's ever processed...it's hard to get the wording just right when you've bought a B&B with suspect money and wanted it to be a house for your mother until your big meanie husband and sister wives insisted that you run it for profit like you said you were going to do in the first place until you secretly decided that you weren't and they could all take a hike while you go off to sell $400,000 worth of crappy leggings because no one fills the way that you fill about that house!!
  7. I hate that I spent about 30 seconds of my life trying to disentangle this stupid hashtag. I thought it said "my dog wants the app."
  8. Exactly. I don't care how good Agatha's Cinnamon Rolls are, or which Z-list celeb's mom is going to pour my coffee - I don't want to stay someplace with next to no attractions within a reasonable distance. That Parowan Prophet van right across the street would probably be enough for me to pull right back out of Lizzie's and head for the nearest Holiday Inn.
  9. Because it can't be said enough - Sunday's what?! Basic grammar escapes our woke snowflake grad student. Is she supposed to be studying? Because unless I'm mistaken, the book needs to actually be opened to absorb the information contained within. Unless - and I'm just taking a wild guess here - this is just a Sludge/Pudge-styled artfully posed photo, carefully crafted so that we all can see the words "social work" on the book's cover, lest we foolishly suggest that all this girl does is yoga and coffee.
  10. Yes, Exhibit A: the ridiculous statement we hear Kodork smarm to us every week: "Love should be multiplied, not divided." Isn't he dividing his "love" with the more wifeys and kids he adds to his fambly? The only one who is multiplying his love is Kody. Everyone else gets a smaller piece of the pie. Jerkwad. EDIT: @ginger90 beat me to it by several hours! :)
  11. And with this fambly, that's really saying something............. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! My EYES!!!! This needs a SPOILER ALERT what is this and WHY??! And also, what's the disclaimer on this particular pair of leggings - "gently worn by a sweaty caveman, we recommend laundering before wearing?"
  12. Funny thing is, I cut out Comcast when the price started to reach mortgage-level payments, so I could no longer watch Sister Wives - and the TLC Go app wouldn't play nice with my decision to no longer have cable, so I pulled a full Meri Brown and pouted and whined until dear @LilWharveyGal provided us with snarktastic recaps for those of us who couldn't watch. So I think I owe this place a recap of my own. :)
  13. When you say On Demand, where can I see it? I currently watch the show on Sling...I will check to see if I can watch it there and if so, I'm in!
  14. She can get all the online certifications she wants, but until she loses 400 pounds of Meri and Kody, absolutely nothing is going to change for her. Ever.
  15. She's wearing "Lululemon" leggings, which cost $100 minimum. I'm so glad that Pudge can afford them on her starving college-student funds.
  16. Love this topic, because I do love re-reading the hilariously snarky recaps! If our usual recappers happen to get too busy in the future, I would love to sub in and take a shot!
  17. Nope, she did not. Not in the last 147 seasons of Sister Wives can I ever recall Meri once saying that there was a house in Parowan that she wanted to buy, and yet - as she's told us ad nauseam during the most recent season - she's been wanting to buy the fahm'ly home in Parowan for the past 20 years and that it's her sole reason for existing and she's gonna own that home no matter how many termite-printed legging she has to sell, blah blah blah. I don't doubt that she knew of the house's existence, but I think her sudden psychotic drive to own it came after she realized that Sam was not, in fact, going to zip her away on his white horse and feed her vegan meals in Paris.
  18. LOLZ, the circular "logic" of this statement is so unbelievably laughable, I don't know how any of the wives, or Kody, or production, or the cameramen, or their dogs keep a straight face while listening to Meri blubber. I know at home I am usually laughing so hard I am in constant danger of spilling my popcorn.
  19. +++1 to this, but I'll admit that when this show first started, I used to be oddly fascinated at how the wives dressed - with the cute, summer tank tops layered over the long-sleeved shirts. Part of me kind of marveled at how they paired the two items and color-coordinated them, and part of me wondered exactly what Deirdra posted above - how is this a modest look when it clings to every nook and cranny like Saran Wrap? And mostly I wondered how on earth they managed to dress like this in the heat of summer - too-tight layers on a hot, humid day would be so gross and sticky.
  20. Come ON, you canNOT just blindly grab four or five items out of your closet, wear them all at the same time and think that you're gonna strut out of the house looking like the bomb (more like "you're bombed"). In the photo of the 8 women, only one (second from right) looks like she didn't just roll out of bed after a weekend bender and throw on whatever rags she could reach from the dirty laundry under the bed. And I sit gobsmacked at the heading - "Is matching things up a chore?" It's like the crazier and stupider you look leaving the house, the better? I don't know. I am sooooo looking forward to a future 10-part Netflix documentary called "The Sinking of LuLaRoe." Sign me all up for that.
  21. This is where I get confused...either the CO$ areas are private or they aren't. Considering the Co$ owns most of the town, I don't understand how the non-brainwashed people that do live/visit/vacation there are supposed to be able to take a stroll anywhere without being accosted by the police. And honestly, SP or no SP - how is the police force supposed to make that distinction, and even if they could, the term "suppressive person" is only unique to this crazy cult. That's like a "religion" saying that if a person with green eyes walks past our buildings, they need to be escorted away because we don't believe in people with green eyes. I am trying to figure out how this police department handles a myriad of daily crazy calls from scientologists complaining that someone they don't immediately know has the gall to walk down the street. Maybe this was covered (I haven't seen all of Part 2 yet) but is the Clearwater Police being paid by scientology, and if so - how can that be?
  22. I also forgot about this...I was staring at Robyn's face, trying to figure out if she looked yellow because of the lighting, or because she was seated next to the tangerine-shaded Meri - but then I kept looking at Janelle and Christine and they looked normal. You're right, Robyn looked seriously jaundiced or something. 1000% THIS. I don't believe we have ever heard Meri give a pure, heart-felt apology about anything, ever. The closest she got was dragging Mariah to an adults-only meeting where Meri presented those lovely tree portraits, all heaped with symbolism ("Robyn, you're the new tree planted in a forest of old, bitter trees with the bark dropping off...Kody, you're that stately, majestic oak if you get my drift, wink-wink...Janelle, you're that redwood that no one could budge even if they wanted to, I'm the orange weeping willow, etc.). Meri has raised victimhood to an art form, and you're so right - telling someone "I'm sorry you fill that way" is never an apology, it's basically Meri saying that she is going to continue to behave however she darn well wants, and the others can either suck it up or by gosh, those walls are gonna come right back up. So there! Brava, I'm certain this is how it went down. Meri wanted Kody so much that she stood stoically by as he married Janelle. Then Meri made it her mission in life to make sure that Janelle never once forgot who was HBIC. Meri's behavior got much worse as Janelle popped out Brownie after Brownie (that's when Janelle left), while Meri only had the one snowflake to her credit. Both women are terrible - Meri for treating Janelle like old gum on the bottom of her shoe, but also Janelle for willingly becoming her sister-in-law's sister wife - and then there's the Kodester, who watched it unfold and did nothing except make the drive to wherever Janelle was living and get her pregnant again. All three of them made this nasty bed, but none of them will ever take a smidge of ownership about the role they played. As far as I'm concerned, they totally deserve each other.
  23. It's actually jarring to watch Janelle have her one-woman parade for Meri, especially if you've watched the show since season 1 and are used to a completely different Janelle. It's like watching a lump of Silly Putty suddenly come to life and start yammering. It just doesn't suit her at all. Raise your hand if you remember early on with this show how Kody and the Gang pitched a collective fit when Mykelti or Maddie tried to walk out of the house in a tank top. The rules only applied when Kody felt like enforcing them. So hold on...they haven't sold their McMansions, and yet they are currently paying for temporary rentals AND they bought lots to build on?? I mean.....WTF??! How?? Yes, as long as I can play the tambourine. As far as the comments about Meri's looks, I agree with most of what has been said but I think her terrible, whiny, mopey personality plays a huge part in how she looks. She is rarely shown with a genuine smile anymore. All we get are her ridiculous 12-year old eyerolls, the copious tears, and the famous "shrug & smirk," and it causes her face to droop and drag in a most unattractive way. I thought she was rather cute when the show started. Now she just looks haggard, and the multi-layers of foundation are not doing her any favors whatsoever.
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