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Everything posted by lulu69

  1. The Duggars haven't learned a blessed thing...stupid is as stupid does.
  2. I bet Joseph would step up in the event of a JD wedding. Joe & JD do seem to have a bond, unlike either with Josh. Or Josh with anyone, come to think of it.
  3. I also see Jessa in that photo Ok, originally there was a pic of MEchelle's dad posted to which I was referring. Now it's gone lol
  4. And it never occurred to these Seewald nitwits to just name their child 'Charles' and use Spurgeon as a middle name. Nope.
  5. I had no idea about the free food deal but as soon as I saw the Duggars dressed like cows I knew ChikFil had to be giving SOMETHING away. The Duggars have no shame if it's free.
  6. Didn't Kelly wear the silver dress first? If so, the stupid modesty panels and to the floor length are MEchelle's way of one upping Kelly. 'Your husband may be on the inside track at Gothard but I'm soooooo much more modest than you. NaNaNa jebus loves me better than you'. Meanwhile, Kelly probably is like WTF? just like us.
  7. Derick is so skinny, there's no way he has a bum at all. I bet his butt is concave.
  8. In my experience the term 'ethnic' was applied to anyone not WASPY, i.e. white, anglo-saxon, protestant.
  9. I remember the dress style as well. The 'little bo peep' look was very poplar in the early to mid 80s. All the teen fashion mags featured it. Even then I thought to myself, really??
  10. That's better than my guess of it not being an actual affair but one 'of the heart'. You know, KJB seeing another woman's knees & lusting for said woman in a way that cannot be righteously fulfilled. Because there are SO many sluts that are dying to defraud Jim Blob & all lol
  11. Have to admit...the Iz photos are adorable. The rest I see as a big FU to all the internets who say the Dillards didn't 'do' anything in CA or aren't a happy family.
  12. Somehow the term 'premature ejaculation' comes to mind. Sorry.
  13. Awww...James looks so young. On a positive note, Jenny doesn't look about to cry. So even when going ice skating the girls can't wear pants? Absolutely ridiculous.
  14. Yes, thank you. This is what I meant. Sorry for the confusion. At one time there were supposed to be 3 major races. Now I see that has been expanded to 5.
  15. This question/comment got me thinking. I believe Frank Sun is biracial (Mongoloid & Caucasian). We can wish, right?
  16. Lmao. For a second I forgot about Iz & the fan. I pictured Dill & Jill licking actual 'fans' as in admirers. Yuck.
  17. Aja, you're the best (as is Mel Brooks)
  18. I know Home Depot often holds free 'how-to' seminars. Does Lowe's as well? Jana could become an EXPERT (sarcasm fully intended) in any number of home remodeling areas & it wouldn't cost JB a dime. JB would probably make Jana live at Lowes.
  19. Maybe Jin is sad because she had an epiphany and realized this is it; this is all there is in her life.....
  20. IS that really Jer in the supermarket photo? He looks to be at least 35yrs old. Maybe it's Bin's stupid backward hat but Jer looks like he could be Bin's father.
  21. Or...that's when the coursework typically gets difficult & the Duggars don't do difficult
  22. That brings up an interesting question. If one sibling is courting & it doesn't work out can another more 'suitable' sibling step in? I would be inclined to say no bc of the whole 'pieces of your heart' bullshit. Also most secular friends & family have an unwritten 'you dont date my ex' rule but with the Duggars you never know. Everything they do is counterintuitive.
  23. I wonder if businesses take a financial hit after the duggars are shown at their establishments. Could you see it now, "Quick, lock the door, turn off the lights, pretend we're closed. It's the Duggars!!"
  24. Dont you just love how all the media outlets refer to Jer as a hot soccer player rather than the hate spewer he truly is? I'm sure Jer has encountered his share of haters as a gay/trangender/catholic hating fundie preacher but that's NOTHING compared to what's coming. Jer's definately a fame whore, but I think he grossly underestimated the radioactiveness of the duggars.
  25. I wonder if Smugger will be on extra super lock down now that the Duggar/JJCO train is finally back on track w/ a courtship & new season? Come on InTouch, if ya got anything, now is the time...
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