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Everything posted by PamelaMaeSnap

  1. Tigershark, were you on the old J board? (If you were, you'll know what I'm referring to) ... Your screen name is very familiar and I can't figure out if it's from there or from TWOP.
  2. I could actually see Lacey being the stealth winner of this cycle. She is just stunning. I don't think she'd know how to take a bad picture. And she seems to take direction well. I'd love to see them make her Tootie cut just a smidge shorter, though ... I don't get the Mikey love at all. I have a feeling without the hair and beard he'd be eminently forgettable, but I think the whole grungy Jesus look limits his commercial viability. Also, have they always ("aleays" being a relative term, since I guess this is just the third guy-girl season) had co-ed sardine-filled bedrooms? I also thought it was weird when they showed the night-vision shots of the room when the Bello-Mikey/Ashley drama was coming down, that the two beds opposite them appeared to be empty. Staged much?
  3. For the first time in, I think, ever, my top 3 favorites in order were the judges' top 3 favorites (Edmund, Swapnil and Jake). While I have nothing to contribute to the extremely insightful discussion here about the mean girls and Ashley, I will quietly whisper that, personalities aside, she is one of my least favorite designers (in other words, having nothing to do with whether I like HER or not or feel for her or whatever) -- I find her designs really unappealing and amateurish. Just my own opinion. But I also thought out of that crop of ugly on the Mean Girls team last night, I thought hers was the ugliest of the ugly. Not that I'm sorry about Amanda going home (and hopefully Lindsay can follow her out the door along with Joseph). Just that I'm not on the Ashley fan train.
  4. Great finale, and a very good series. To me, it pales in comparison to "The Wire" and, in fact, to the much-maligned "Treme" which I adored, but still a good watch. But, while I understand that a six-episode miniseries is not going to be able to fill in all the holes, I still felt left with a lot of questions and so I have ordered Lisa Belkin's book, which is due to arrive tomorrow. Hopefully that clears up some of my confusion, possible misconceptions, etc. My one question, though: I wonder why Clarke Peters is not listed in the show's cast on IMDB? (LESTER FREAMON!!!!!!!!! CHIEF LAMBREAUX!!!!!!! Pretty much one of the very few actors whose presence in a cast will be enough for me to watch it).
  5. I'm kind of stunned by how many spoilers they're giving away in these previews ... though we already knew about Ashley I's request from the previews on the show itself. Ironic, since this is the first year that I've decided to completely forego spoilers on any of my favorite reality shows.
  6. i was torn between who I wanted off my screen more immediately, Hadassah or Stefano, so am glad the hamster gods made one of my wishes come true. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be Hadassah because she probably would have sued them for shaving her head and then aufing her (though not sure what she would have sued them for ... not lost income, so maybe a few cheap tiaras and a banner or two? The reigning Miss Sugar Land or something, y'all). I was ecstatic that Mame FINALLY called her out on the pageant girl thing. That's my Miss Maryland, people (not to mention 4th runner up to Miss USA) and she didn't flip out about the makeover. Oooooh, and Mame and Justin "swirling"? Cute drama-free couple. And while I am certainly no beauty, I just have to say that I think Courtney may be the single most fugly hamster they have EVER had on this show (and I've been watching since S1), even after her so-called makeover. Discolored (unbrushed) teeth or not, it would take lengthy (and expensive and painful) dental work to give her an even remotely attractive set of chompers and even with that and decent hair (please, with those roots) she is still rodential looking. Also, while I am sure living with Devin would drive me up one wall and down the next, and I don't think he's conventionally good looking at all, he is striking and takes good pictures and props to him for not freaking out TOO much over losing the hair ... and he looks MUCH better now. Sad that Ashley (one of my favorites) lost that amazing mane of hers but I think she still looks cute. Agree completely on the poster who said they thought Ava would look good with a pixie. I wonder if they may still give her one (there always seems to be someone who gets RE-made over, at least several times in the last few years IIRC). And I liked that she welcomed the mullet (which wouldn't really look good on anyone who isn't in an 80s cover band) and was such a good sport about it. ETA: Oh, also? Snorted when Kelly Cutrone shat all over Ashley's photo (which put her in the bottom three) because she DIDN'T CONNECT WITH ALL THE MODELS IN THE PICTURE. You mean, the ONE that she was there with and the OTHERS who were PHOTOSHOPPED IN LATER?
  7. I guess it's because Jonathan was afraid he was going to get his brains bashed in (fixed because brains being bashed out may not really be a thing). But I also wonder whether perhaps Jonathan was approached and didn't WANT to come back if it meant being stuck with JuELLia whereas famewhore Mikey was just happy to be back in Paradise (hey, I can dream, can't I?).
  8. So glad I wasn't the only one who heard Clare say "supposably." And I know I didn't keep track of the drama between seasons but was Clare in the mix to be a Bachelorette at some point? Because she sure sounded bitter that she wasn't one (I'm not a Clare fan so I would have found it pretty intolerable). Also I am SO over JuELLia ... not attractive, not sympathetic, not appealing. She goes on this famewhoring show, goes on vacations with Sam when she's not on the show, shows her daughter headshots of 100 guys and asks which one should be her new daddy and then we're supposed to feel sorry for her? The only one I feel sorry for is Jonathan who didn't even get MENTIONED to be back in the mix even though he was the one who got dissed by not getting her rose since he was the couple who got broken up when she picked Joe. What I thought they might do was to say, Hey, okay, here's Mikey like you asked for. Except you don't get to go back into the BiP world. You two have to stay in a bungalow room together and see if it works ...neither of you can pick anyone else. At this point, the only Bipper I like is Amber.
  9. I read one of the two articles linked above and it said that the friend entered him onto Masterchef as a prank, not Food Network Star. I find that a little more believable since entering anything in the Gordon Ramsey-reality-TV realm probably had bazillions of entries. Oh, and millions of hearts broke reading the words "I was watching with my girlfriend." ETA: Okay, THIS heart. Even though I'm married and all.
  10. That, combined with the fact that in the first episode when Ju-ELL-ia was showing her daughter all the pictures of the guys who were going to be there and letting her daughter choose one, she chose ... KIRK. Dum dum dum ...
  11. Absolutely Snarklepuss ... In fact, when I saw the list of contestants before the first show aired, I recognized him immediately and squeed! So I'm sure you'll remember that his big strength during Masterchef was ... wait for it ... BBQ. In fact, I was really surprised they had not gone in that direction with FNS. Don't know if they were waiting for some reason or changed their mind midstream or what, but because of that I didn't feel the sudden shift was as much out of nowhere as it was "FINALLY!" Now as long as he doesn't try to make sushi rolls ... ;) ECSTATIC about his win. And making my husband cook ribs for us tonight ;)
  12. I have never been so happy to be wrong in my life :)
  13. My prediction is that Eddie won't win, simply because I want him to win SO much.
  14. Ah, yes. Paradise Hotel. One of the old TWOP threads that probably made Glark cry (sorry, Glark!)
  15. I am staying completely spoiler-free but I do wish I knew the timeline of the taping of this series as well as the timeline for Miss USA ... I don't think it's a spoiler to remember that Mame is the reigning Miss Maryland and finished fourth runner-up to Miss USA just a few weeks ago. She's a local girl for me (squeeeee, local girl Mame and local guy Nyle, let's have a Maryland double win!) and IMHO drop-dead gorgeous without all the drama so I definitely want to root for her but don't want to get too attached because I'm not sure if it's logistically possible she could have done both. (Oh, and I realize "local girl/guy from Maryland" sounds like "hey, I live within a 5-hour drive of them! but actually I live 20 minutes from both Frederick and Silver Spring, their respective "home towns.") I do look forward to having her drop a "I'm Miss Maryland, bitch" on Hadassah when 2013 Miss Sugar Land (suburb of Houston), says "I'm a paaaaaaageant winner" for the eleventy-mazillionth time. I can't buy into ugly teeth girl. I don't mean to sound shallow. But she just looks like something the horse dragged in (sorry if I mixed my metaphors there). I cannot remember the name of the African-American girl with the awesome hair ... the one who's not Mame, Hadassah or Maleesa ... but I think she's gorgeous. Still think Nyle and J-smooth are gonna go far and that we'll be stuck with the diva antics and cat fighting of Devin and Bello for at least a little while (nice little change to have the boys being the bitches) ... I suspect some of those we haven't heard much from are the ones who will drop off the catwalk or whatever it is that they're doing next week to show who's in/out but I hold out hope that pretty Dallas may stick around awhile, even though he seems stunningly normal. Are we to assume a 7-7 split? I guess we're looking at Nyle, J-smooth, Devin, Bello, Mikey (based on air time) so that leaves only two more spots for guys.
  16. Count me in on the Nyle train (and added points for him because he's a local-to-me boy ... today's Washington Post had huge feature on front of style section ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/own-your-identity-the-first-deaf-contestant-on-americas-next-top-model/2015/08/07/6ef1d3b4-39f1-11e5-8e98-115a3cf7d7ae_story.html). That said, I have a feeling J-Smooth may win this cycle. I am staying totally unspoiled but my money is on one of those two to win ... it ... all.
  17. Eddie could just stand there and smile for a half hour and I'd watch that before I'd watch anyone else on this show do anything. Not that I'm shallow or anything.
  18. Maybe the winner of "Star Salvation" will be ... no one. Please help me out with the history here ... was last year the first time they did it? I know Luca won SS and ended up in the Final 2, but IIRC he got cut pretty early on in the competition and just had to learn to loosen up for the camera, which he did (it was not stage fright a la Dom but getting comfortable with the language, basically, right?) If there were earlier SS that I'm forgetting, can anyone share how early the eventual winner had been cut from the initial competition and then how far they went once they returned? Because honestly, unless one of the three finalists sets themselves on fire or serves the judges Poo A La Mode, I can't see how ANY of these three would edge out Eddie, Jay or Arnold in one competition ... Rue is the only one who would have a chance because in just one week MAXIMUM (is there really a whole week between episodes or is it done every few days?) no one can convince me that what torpedoed Dom is any different now than it was when he was there, a big whole one week earlier, or that Alex, who walked that slippery slope for a few weeks and only escaped elimination because others combusted, would suddenly come back and beat any of the finalists the next day. Way too short a time for redemption. At least with Rue, they could make the case that she improved over those several weeks that she was gone. But she'd have to be absolutely flawless AND one of the F3 would have to screw up big time for them to be able to argue putting her into the finals. But yes, I think it will be Rue for the above reason (you could argue she improved) and because they want a woman in there.
  19. I wonder if "wedding themes" are a recent thing? I'm a middle-aged (okay, old, fine) and while I've been to my small share of weddings over the years, offhand I can't remember ANY themes (I should ask Mr. Snap who is a jazz musician who has been playing in several of the top local weddings bands in our area for 25 years so he's seen it all). Our wedding (in 1984) had the unofficial theme of "Open Bar! Yeah! Drink!" and a color scheme, sort of (lavender icing on the cake). I HAVE seen weddings become more personalized with special favors and stuff but no themes a la the bar/bat mitzvah trends (and, again, when I did the bar mitzvah rounds back in the 1970s in New York City, I NEVER saw a themed bar mitzvah but when my daughter was bat mitzvah in 2003, ALL of them had some sort of theme so maybe weddings picked up that trend?) Oh, and we didn't go on our honeymoon until two weeks after our wedding due to scheduling conflicts with our respective jobs so I know that's not a big deal ... still, we did have to put down deposits and make plans a few months in advance ... so my guess is, indeed, that for "the wonderful opportunity of whoring out my intimate wedding on reality TV and letting three strangers bash me and my special day" I am willing to "not make any honeymoon plans because I've got a 25% chance of whatevernetworkthisisonbecausetheyareallthesametome paying my way woo hoo!"
  20. CooksDelight ... will you please accept this delicious burger with onion rings and spicy ketchup and let me sit next to you in the first-class compartment of the Eddie Train?
  21. For some reason I can't edit my post from a week ago, but because my brain is slow, it just occurred to me that she couldn't possibly have won this (I am staying results-spoiler free) since she was available for the Miss USA pageant ...
  22. I'm sorry, I definitely didn't make my question clear enough (even I was confuzzled when I re-read it). I understand why Clare asked Mikey out on the date (didn't want to cause more drama by immediately asking out one of the guys who was already "paired up.") I was referring to the rose ceremony. Before that, didn't she talk with Jared and he said that if she was available when it was his turn to pick, he would definitely choose her? So obviously the order of the handing out of the roses (since we don't see the drawing of lottery slips with dots on it or whatever) they made sure the legitimately paired up all went first to leave room for some drama (leaving Mikey, Jared and JJ as well as, IIRC, Clare, Ashlauren, 10ley, and Jillian). But isn't there a rule that someone can turn down a rose and the giver can choose someone else to give it to? Odds are at that point that Mikey probably would have chosen Lauren which would have taken Ashley off the table for Jared. Clare clearly didn't want to be with Mikey but could she have turned down the rose, assuming that with only JJ and Jared left after that it was unlikely that JJ would choose her because they hadn't even spoken ... sure, she could have ended up with no one if Jared bailed and chose Ashlauren, but since he was the only guy in whom she was interested, it might have been a worthwhile gamble (at the very least, if Jared DIDN'T choose her, he'd be made out to be a liar). So that's what I was wondering about ... why she didn't say no to the rose from Mikey.
  23. Jenny Mollen is married to Jason Biggs, though I'm not sure that's enough of a resume credit to earn this "plum" co-hosting gig. She also got her big break, apparently, writing a column for Playboy so maybe she has history with Jade? Her "credits" are D-list to say the least.
  24. Was there a reason that Clare didn't say no to Mikey so that she could wait on Jared? Was it because she thought it was too early in the show to create drama or because she didn't necessarily believe that Jared would pick her like he said he would? Also, I still can't always tell 10ley and Clare apart.
  25. I don't have anything against Jay personally, per se, but the more the judges try to "make him happen" the more it bugs me.
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