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Everything posted by Vanderboom

  1. Same here; it's not even an interesting trainwreck anymore. I'd have a lot more respect for Meghan if she ever apologized for attacking her coworkers. I understand that "making sparks" is part of the job, but implying that your coworkers collude in antisemitism is much more than that. Argue about policy if you want, and I'm well past the point of expecting Meghan to actually address the given issue. Making false accusations and strawman arguments about the people who have to talk to you is a step too far. As for the Joe McHale gigglefest, it's part of Meghan's ongoing desire to act as if she belongs at the cool kids table. Remember how she acted when Howard Stern was on?
  2. I hate that they let her get away with deflection every time. Omar apologized for her remarks, but MTG has not. Why does a conversation about MTG turn into an argument about Ilhan Omar? Instead of the "what about the left?" nonsense, Meghan should be made to answer what should be done about MTG?
  3. I can't stand Sonja's drunkenness ("Shut the fuck up! Proud people!"), but I loved seeing Eboni's facial expressions during the dinner. Leah and Eboni remind me of "Goofus and Gallant" from Highlights. Leah makes every interaction with the OGs into an attention-seeking confrontation, but Eboni makes potential confrontations into reasonable conversations.
  4. I really think that TYT would miss Meghan if she ever left The View. They're just so good at analyzing her meltdowns.
  5. Didn't Meghan say YESTERDAY that people should stop treating her as if she doesn't have a child?
  6. They'd give her back immediately.
  7. I literally let out a dramatic "Noooooooo!" when he mentioned MyFather. They need to stop feeding the monster. Next time Meghan complains about the CDC "changing its mind," they should 1) throw a bunch of leeches at her, since she's against the medical community making advances and 2) force her to read all the peer-reviewed research in front of everyone because apparently "wear masks" isn't enough for her hard-nosed skepticism.
  8. I had a lot of the same questions. Here are my thoughts! 😉 1. I really want the answer to be "no." In fact, I'd prefer if Chris asked for the car back and Mercedes hopped into the car, revved the engine, and sped away while laughing like a supervillain and flipping Chris off. I have my suspicions about her pregnancy. 2. They each and separately wore ill-filling clothes intentionally. He was going for the innocent-church-kid-on-Easter-Sunday look. She was hoping that looking sexy would remind Chris of what he's missing. They were both unsuccessful. 3. Yes, but she was secretly disappointed that Eric didn't propose with a bottle of Jack Daniels. 4. I hope it's the cutting room film of Paige being sensible and strong. I really hope that she's been given the Doormat Edit and producers filmed her saying something like "I refuse to believe that Chris is a good person" and it got edited to "I . . . believe Chris is a good person." 5. She's hoping that there was something redemptive about their terrible marriage. I lost patience with both of them a long time ago. In typical Haley fashion, she ONLY wants Jake to have learned something from her and not the other way around because *she's still into scoring points against him in this invisible relationship competition that exists in her mind. * I stand corrected; it definitely isn't Haley's fault I wasn't really paying attention.
  9. Biden addressed the pipeline thing today and the CDC says we can play outside. What will Meghan use to deflect now? Probably the Middle East or Russia, BUT (cue suspenseful music) Her Heroine Tulsi Gabbard ran on decreasing America's international military presence and MyFather infamously sang "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb-bomb-Iran. What will our Lone Conservative do to keep the focus off Republican misdeeds while centering herself (or her "friends")? Will anything move the needle to her satisfaction? Tune in, kids, for the next "meat and potatoes" episode of ¡McCain!
  10. I love how "meat and potatoes" issues usually get a shout-out when Meghan's back is against the wall. "Moving the needle" is another one. "Real Americans" are slowly being stripped of their voting rights and access, but somehow that's not as important as comparing current gas prices to last year's lockdown conditions.
  11. 😄 I couldn't believe that Sonja YET AGAIN is making A Thing out of no longer being a bona fide member of The Morgans. I really want to know what her daughter thinks when she watches the show.
  12. Yes! If we're lucky Drew and Prophfett Lott will go the way of Demetria and Roger Bobb and we'll never have to think about them again.
  13. So Meghan had been raised to believe that life is more than just existing, as opposed to whatever "the left" thinks it's doing by being cautious and wearing masks. Apparently, living life to its fullest involves smoking cigars, drinking whisky, and gambling in Vegas. Thank goodness we have Manic Pixie Pundit Girl to teach the rest of us how it should be done. 🙄
  14. I came here once I saw this! Makes me wonder if all the good stuff was left on the cutting room floor. The Real Housewives Marriage Curse continues.
  15. Drew. Girl. Just stop with the Proffett. Perhaps he IS a false profit. You still haven't explained why this is Latoya's fault. And you really opened this discussion with a Prayer of Shade?
  16. As always, the Bravo editing team is the real hero of this franchise. I'm giving Eboni three episodes before deciding what to think about her. I liked that she's upfront about the issues that matter to her without the Carole-like sanctimoniousness (so far). I think I might like Leah better this season if she remains alcohol-free. She never going to be my favorite housewife, but she's completely intolerable when she drinks. I hope that Sonja's intern is completing a Masters thesis in which Sonja is symbolic of the American economy or something--a seemingly unlimited supply of wealth in the early 2000s that imploded because of its shaky and unethical underpinnings, and once the decline happened, a desperate yet futile scramble to regain or at least slow down the losses. Or maybe Wharton's giving out credit for filling bathtubs.
  17. Whoopi spoke up just as I was thinking Isn't Whoopi kind of tight with the British Royals? I thought the speculation about the future of the Royal family, as well as speculation on the Gates' divorce, both boring and ridiculous. I get that "America's #1 daytime talk show" wants to change things up from the predictable politics, but there wasn't anything worth talking about other than one person's doubt about the Royal Future or Bill Gates' friendship with his ex?
  18. Someone on Twitter once referred to Meghan as a "professional relative," and I can't stop thinking about it. I'm curious as to what Meghan considers a "centrist" approach. It's about time that all the tax money we give goes to work for the Average American. A once-in-a-century pandemic has stalled our economy; what's the other option for getting it back in gear? She acts as if Biden has betrayed her personally by remaining a Democrat. P.S Isn't it about time for Meghan to take a post-tantrum day off?
  19. I was thinking "I AM Big Sister Gorgeous One!" Meghan needs to consider that if Hollywood and the media were truly Liberal, then so many racial, religious, and LGBTQ+ wouldn't have to fight so far for representation. I think Whoopi's response suggested this, but it didn't register with Captain Puffysleeves. I can't believe Meghan had the nerve bring up her plagiarist husband in a segment about journalistic responsibility and integrity. Sometimes it's as if she wants to be mocked. What happened to all her media friends? Is S.E. Cupp now unemployed? Bari Weiss left the NYT, but we still hear from her. Rick Santorum's racist comments about Native Americans were uttered on CNN. Tomi Lahren is still sharing her banalities, so why does Meghan believe she's the Last Conservative Standing?
  20. Wasn't she just a rebellious rabble-rouser last week? Nice shade, Sara. I hope you keep standing up for yourself. Even though she apologized, it was disappointing to hear Joy misgendering Caitlin Jenner more than once. She should be better than that.
  21. I'm just finishing up the pilot. I . . . wish it was better. Jamie Foxx and David Allen Grier are so talented, but I don't think this is it. The daughter was stilted, and Luenell's over-the-top-ness comes off as extremely creepy in the role of a counselor on a family show. It's relying heavily on tropes, (resentful teen daughter, a "caught-in-bed" misunderstanding, aunt dodging bill collectors, workaholic dad makes things right by showing he listened to her favorite artist). Tropes aren't necessarily bad, but the show isn't doing anything interesting with them. The second show is about church/religions--Crooked Pastors and a Wacky Yoga Instructor show up, but I probably won't finish the ep.
  22. Yay, insomnia! FYI mid credit scene @ 45:00. Also one of the production assistants is named Secret Harris, which is an incredibly cool name. Wow. So much to process! I loved that Walker showed up just when I said "Where's Walker?" Thought it was interesting when Karli talked about "lives that mattered" to an enraged John. I know this isn't filmed in real the time, but still . . . They telegraphed the Power Broker pretty clearly so the reveal was a bit of a letdown. Excellent timing, though. Zemo is more of a grey area, but he helped, too. Bucky didn't have as much screen time, but Sebastian Stan made his moments count the way that only he can. Bucky took Sam's advice to heart, and there was a lightness to him at the end that we've never really seen before. Also: how cute is he with Sam's nephews? The best part was Sam remaining un-Supered. Even with the gear, his rescues were imperfect, he needed help, and he had trouble fighting people off completely. His humanity remains his best power. I love the thought of Captain America (LOL @ reporter asking ”is it Captain Falcon now?") with a background in counseling and a sincere desire to Do the Right Thing. His speech was Everything and I've already rewatched it several times. Isaiah Bradley's reaction brought tears to my eyes; they came again at the exhibit. Sam's going to need to have someone to talk to who can see things Bradley's way.
  23. Apparently, you should ONLY give books you like perfect ratings. Anything less is nerdy and pedantic. (Content warning: mentions of sexual assault)
  24. This was my favorite scene in Civil War just because of Sam's admonishment that "there [shouldn't be] this much talking" during a fight. I think this series is doing a good job of making that argument. I felt as if the MCU moved away from this theme after the first Captain America movie. It's as if they got so caught up in Steve Roger's goodness and worthiness that they skimmed over what made him good and worthy. Sam, as a counselor and soldier, hits many of the same notes, with the added factor of America's attitude toward race. I'd argue that Sam has additional burdens with fewer resources (no serum, cultural discrimination, a "rival" Captain America, a more broken world, etc) yet he bravely goes into this with both eyes open.
  25. I missed the first half, too. I don't feel like I missed much. This is the very last Real Housewives cast to pass off a cheap wig as expensive; ask Season 1 Kim Z. These women are experts in wigs, extensions, and hairpieces. They are not about to tolerate your regifting of a wig they all hated to even look at, let alone wear. I know, right? Drew acted as if she had a piping hot smoking gun just because the "Prophet" said he likes LaToya on tape. All it proves is that even this man's secret confessions are boring. If Drew wanted real evidence she should have sent him a note that says "check this box if you like LaToya." That's the kind of thing that could've start real drama when I was in fourth grade. 🙄
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