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Everything posted by BlackWidow

  1. I think Meri thought of #4 as sort of a 'rescue pet', one who would be loyal to her first and foremost, feeling like Meri saved her from I don't know, working some crappy job and living in a duplex with her kids. They didn't look like they were all that bad off so somehow robin was managing to pay rent and put food on the table, or she qualified for some kind of help, or the bio-dad was kicking down something, don't know. But they weren't like street urchins in a homeless shelter. Still, I bet Meri thought that bringing her on board was somehow doing her some kind of favor and #4 would be forever indebted to her and her BFF and all that. 'The road to hell is paved with good intentions ' , as they say. People keep saying over and over how 'in love' ol kody is with #4, but I'm starting to doubt this 'love' with any of them. From the outside, kody and #4 'courtship' looked super juvenile and stupid for people their age. They had all the cutesy flirtation stuff happening but I didn't see much in the way of serious commitment type talks, nor did I see any talks with the other wives like (doorbell ringing) " Hi, I'm so and so, here's a basket of wine and cheese, I thought it was about time I finally met you...maybe we could chat a bit, do you have a minute, can I help you with anything while we chat?" Nope, didn't see any of that. It just looks like kody is just into #4 because she acts worshipful of him all the time and doesn't call him on his bs (because life is supposed to be a continual honeymoon, like her mom did, lol), and from quotes in the early episodes, #4 wanted this huge support network for her kids. So for all her arse-kissing of kody, she may have been in it for more pragmatic reasons than people think, breeding more kodsters or not (that is a given in their culture, doesn't make a man particularly special because he has a ton of baby mommas). Just see a lot of insecurity, competitiveness, ego, sadness, disappointment, frustration, etc. but not a lot of love, multiplied, divided or otherwise.
  2. OK upon further inspection, these folks in the link are not the same deal as the SW group. For one, the two women were together first, got married or had a domestic partnership, then one of them said she missed having a man around, hence the guy. Not going to link to one of the kids being born video but it is on you tube and it is not anything like the SW kids being born that we saw on TV. I don't know how these people manage to live out here and have kids looking at their link http://www.lookslikelovetome.com/?page_id=4 WTH is an 'activated dreemer'? Well they must manage to get by. It almost makes SW look all stodgy and conservative lol. (I'm out here in the bay area as well, born here- see a lot of different kinds of families, probably no one would raise an eyebrow at SW out here but yeah, it's not like everyone is in some hippie-dippy commune type thing by ay stretch)
  3. was looking at local news and stumbled across this, apparently this is happening in the bay area, scroll down the page past the 3rd world stuff. http://blog.sfgate.com/sfmoms/2015/10/29/uc-davis-researchers-find-sharing-a-husband-may-improve-health-wealth-of-family/#photo-605940
  4. It's hard to tell who, if anyone is the 'rill' Kody. This new one seems to be making a botched attempt at 'pseudo-stern dad', when he's not being flaky surfer guy which is yet another mask. One can make the argument that ok, people do act differently depending on whatever the situation is, but even that is all the same person and not an act. You can almost see the curtain come down/up when kody is going into another persona. It's a little creepy thinking he is spinning his wheels, thinking 'all right, in this scene I have to come off as ..' like he thinks he is actually making an effort at being an adult and not so much of the airhead hair-tosser but so much of it seems like an act. I don't even think it is playing to the cameras as much as there's just not a whole lot there. It's as if he is built on all that jivey corporate sales mixed with a little PUA and maybe some 'life coach' stuff.
  5. Also I see her suckuppery as a sort of tactic to side with who she perceives as being the winning team, maybe having it rub off on her. She sees Meri and Janelle as being on the outs, or that she has nothing to gain per se in allying with them. Janelle might be outside this jockeying for favor nonsense since she isn't overly worried about trying to get in good with kody, and it's possible none of the other wives are supporting Meri if kody is giving her the cold shoulder re catfish-gate. Christine seems to have been marginalized for calling kody out on continually and consistently blowing off her feelings, either re the adding #4, or the refusal of kody to treat her and her own family and their issues individually, and of course she had the stress of her youngest daughter's health issues. I thought I saw something on twitter that Truley was in the hospital again a while back (not the tv episode) and hope she is ok now and in general. Kody doesn't seem to do that well with being supportive period. It seems the wives have again retreated into their own little base camps , and it now being 'every wife for herself' ,all the while posting nothing to their twitter feed but endless happy horsesh*t about being grateful and blessed , or 'spent a wonderful day with..' as if someone advised them, only post happy, positive stuff that no one can argue with or call you out on, that is all innocuous and neutral but it reeks of desperately trying to rehab the image of everything being all stable and great when we all know it isn't.
  6. I have to guess that some of that may be at the direction of the 'show' , like 'Can you play up the disappointmet a little bit? yeah, you sitting in the car looking at the house, that's a great shot." I mean, producers have been known to encourage drama. Admittedly there have been times when she does tend to come off a bit whiny or over-sensitive or whatever, but that may be from what I said about her and her mom maybe not the closest with the other wives, the sense of maybe being marginalized from the other kids in some way, her being the 'only child' in her original family. It's possible the other kids may resent her on some level, again thinking whatever she gained being a 'only' afforded her all kinds of benefits, while in reality, at least back in Utah, she probably didn't have it all that much better than they did. It She was all gung-ho about her mom trying to have more kids, which I think was Meri making an attempt at trying to get back into the sense of 'one big family' more than trying to get in better with kody but Mariah probably saw how her mom deals with kody, that kind of semi-whiny, pleading type stuff Meri does, and copied that. So yes, the producers do use what they put out there, but they also cherry-pick what and how they use stuff, and encourage what they want to make 'better' tv. The other kids likely had lousy moments too, but did they show all of those scenes? They might have different ways of dealing with things that annoy them or things they want than Mariah does, simply because they have learned different coping mechanisms having a ton of siblings- they may be more scrappy and less whiny because that is what worked for them.
  7. Agree- like if I said, it looks like Mariah has had some advantages the other kids didn't but she also has disadvantages. I would bet Christine and Janelle had way more of an interdependent relationship given the outside-the-home-worker/inside-home-worker relationship they had and same # of kids. I would bet Meri was not a huge part of that, either needing or participating except in case of emergency back up. It's hard to say for sure whether Mariah was part of the Christine daycare thing regularly or not. Also she has a ton of half-siblings but no full siblings- which in an of itself is not that huge being as they were all raised closely, but here we go back to the situation of the relationships of the mothers and their friendships and/or resentments. She may be a little bit of an outsider to the other kids, she may be viewed as 'privileged' somewhat unjustly as before tlc, I think none of them had much, and for that matter, her mom didn't qualify for the amount of free welfare stuff. Sure Meri may have shared with Christine and Janelle or they with her, but because C and J were getting more benefits from the state they were likely collectively better off sharing than was Meri. Sometimes we think someone is better off by some kind of idea of how this pie was divided -the tiniest minuscule pie of kody and janelle money- ok, in theory it seems like M/M would have more but in practice it might not pan out that way. Perhaps Meri/Mariah have sacrificed things and gone without for the good of the whole over the years and that went into the decision of the school. Or, Meri may see her position as being the one who said yes to all this, so she sort of takes a cut. I don't know. Just saying we may think M/M were so much better off than they actually were- that and possibly being marginalized even unintentionally by the other two wives either because of personally not getting along (M/J) or because not as interdependent and # of kids in common as C/J. I don't think Mariah is in as tight with the other kids and moms (quick tlc, run to show other moms hugging her so as to prove us wrong after the fact lol) , she knows it and this has led to a defensiveness/protectiveness re her and her mother. Just like aethera says that looking at the situation objectively is not defending, also looking at how things might have played out is not trying to place fault or blame or that there should be blame or someone is ';wrong', it just 'is what it is' . But I think there are a lot of unfortunate 'it is what it is' stuff with Meri and Mariah as well as C and J and I don't think Meri has this 'queenly' position in the faahhhhhmleee as perhaps initially thought. No queen would have that level of loneliness and desperation heard on the phone calls.
  8. In reading all these posts, several points come up. Is it one family or is it 4 separate families? Secondly, if there wasn't much money coming in until TLC, they probably weren't getting much from kody -any way it gets sliced and the state was paying for EBT and WIC and medi-cal or whatever they call it in NV. They probably did tons of hand-me-down clothes, thrift stores, church charity bins/sales/food banks and so on. I think I remember in one of the early shows, Meri was saying she used the money from her job for she and Mariah- if Meri was not doing full time, kody was selling ads which may have been mostly commission , and Janelle had the only full-time reliable paycheck gig, we're not talking about a huge amount of money back then for all those people. It's likely the state paid out far more than whatever little bit their combined incomes were. For all this adoption business, I have to wonder if kody is even listed as the father on half the kid's birth certificates so as to avoid child support payback to the state for all the food stamps and/or welfare. That said, at least none of the kids are in prison, so we sucker taxpayers save on that.
  9. Those links are interesting. I think Chris' place might be valued as more just because it appears as if it has land that is more evenly spaced front and back yard, square lot rather than odd-shaped. if you go to the ariel view and click on the properties, it appears kody is listed on meri's and robin's but not the other two. Meri's lot looks to have the smallest front yard space and i don't know what that thing is in the south eastern corner of robin's lot is. I wonder how they all decided who would be in which lot.
  10. I've met more than one medical professional, be it Dr., dentist, some other kind of specialist that seemed like this was the case, some far more 'aspie-ish' than David (should we call him that now, since he did change his name?). If you have met a few people or are related to a person with some degree of autism/Asperger's , you will see that D. is not the extreme example- only speaking from what I have seen on the show and lots of personal experience, not trying to 'diagnose' anything as the moderator said. Likely his challenge would be (as with most 'neurotypical' people as well) being able to afford the training and degrees, etc. Well , so far the professionals have not come up with anything they are sharing as far as diagnosing Kody, right? He's just trying to make a show of 'Ok now I'm acting like a dad to this kid' and as per usual, like the girl vacation, he is all kinds of awkward. Did we really expect some kind of touching, sweet father/son moment from him or more easily-distracted , hey I'm on camera behavior from him? I remember robin making a face when she was speaking of how the judge might put them 'on the stand' (this is not a murder trial, people get on the stand or talk to the judge about all kinds of things) and ask them about whatever. If she is convinced this is what the kids want, wouldn't she be fine with that and not make it into some big, scary thing, but calmly tell the kids, hey, the judge might want to ask you in private just to be sure this is what you want, it's just part of the process, not that big a deal, just tell them what you feel? What was there to be afraid of other than the kids might say 'I don't know' or 'I'm not sure'. And yes, Christine's over-the-top 'best-buddy' act towards robin is not coming across as real in the slightest. Does she think viewers can't tell ? Feel bad for her that apparently this is what it takes for kody not to withhold attention or be sulky or whatever other thing he chooses to deprive her of. It sure doesn't come across on-screen as natural or healthy.
  11. The taking everyone to the court was probably both a 'show our support' thing and also a 'look at all these people , extended family and friends who want this adoption/strength in numbers thing' The clothes were weird, they probably don't have a lot of mid-range, nice but boring clothes , like one might wear to an office job, not overly dressy but not jeans and t-shirts. They probably have their endless tlc party clothes, and then casual/ tank tops over long-sleeves weird layered clothes and not much else. If they ever have a plyg pride parade, they are going to need fashion help. As far as the having it both ways thing you mentioned re the not taking one legal contact seriously but the other one they do fits into some part of their belief system thing where legal and spiritual go into the Cuisinart , so it's probably so they can have both 'ownership/control' or 'legal parentage' in this life and then still be on the same planet afterlife-wise. In the marriage thing in the fundamentalist belief, they have this thing called marriage for 'time' meaning this material life we're here on earth and then another 'for eternity'=afterlife. I've heard you can have one or the other or both, but that whole thing I believe is outside legal marriage. Not sure how this type thinking applies to kids, but there is likely something similar going on regarding how it all fits together in their grand scheme of things. We're trying to make how they do things fit into the normal world which we inhabit, but we have to get that they have their own beliefs, whatever they are.
  12. I can see how it must be hard for a person with autism to function on a daily basis around this crew, seems like every couple months something huge happens, new 'marriage', new house, school, tons new siblings who may or may not have been initially thrilled-moving again,new brother, moving again, the Meri divorce thing (impacts kids by proxy), doesn't see bio-dad for a long time, official marriage, next new kid, adoption court stuff,trips to wherever for the show, omg. That's not even counting all the various side-schemes, online store thing, wonder juice, becoming real estate people etc. Heck, I don't have autism and all this would be a lot to deal with. BTW, is he going by David now as a first name, or still 'Day-Un' ? Poor kid, never has time to adjust to anything before the next big wind sweeps by with some new thing to deal with. Bottom line is he won't be a minor for too much longer, and maybe the Browns won't stop him if he wishes to visit with his bio-dad. He would be a minor in any case until he is 18, so he has to be under someones care unless he were to be emancipated, so he might as well ride the gravy train along with the rest of them until the last stop. Too bad we just don't know anything about what is going on with bio-dad, likely he doesn't have the resources to compete with TLC money for lawyers to fight this or travel, although if he had custody, he could have made robin pay child support- so if this adoption has gone through, robin can now not go after the ex for child support either. I mean how would things have played out had David/Dayton said "I don't know if I'm ready for this, let my sisters go ahead with it, but I'm not ready to give up on my dad"..would it have then made it more complicated re adopting the others or cost more in court/lawyers fees to add him later? Probably. It's very weird in another episode they were calling the bio-dad 'Preston'. Even when kids have a step-dad or adoptive dad, I don't hear kids calling their natural father by their first name unless they weren't raised around him at all or never knew him. Usually I hear the step-dad is called by their name or sometimes 'Dad' or 'Pops' or some other variant, but referring to their regular dad by his first name seems orchestrated and strange.
  13. I don't know how "extra-dumb" Meri is to get out from under whatever common debts kody is racking up, or has already accrued, and keeping her nut of the TV money separate from his- seeing as though this is probably the most money they have seen coming in since like ever- that is if she does keep it separate- one would think she would have the sense to now- she might actually be either able to pay off her mcmansion. She needs to purge him from all paperwork stuff he is on, she should have made the deal that he would come off the deed if she divorced him, who knows, maybe he isn't even on it anyway. I wouldn't hold my breath for any big whoop alimony from that guy. After the show ends, he's back to hustling ads or vitamin juice or some other bs. He's more of a liability than an asset legally tied to him. People were posting about pensions and social security but I would bet he hasn't accrued very much there either. Oh but I do agree with you re robin- he was just all over it as he likes the fawning adulation. That will get old too, just ask Christine how well the soft voice and the ass-kissing works.
  14. Oh I wouldn't be too sure Meri can't do anything. There's all kinds of stuff about fraud and misrepresentation for personal gain. Also didn't they first meet under the pretense of some business arrangement? Offers to work when in fact there was no company- who knows about the real reason for the divorce, if it did have to do with this catfish attempt, it wasn't a good idea to put it out there as some sacrifice for the adoption. Let's just say hypothetically this was the case, or even partially, Meri would have to admit either lying to the viewing public, and the others who went along with this bs re divorce/adoption story lying as well or admit JO had convinced her to leave kody on whatever pretense of job or different life was awaiting her. On the other hand, both scenarios may be somewhat true simultaneously - the question is, when did Meri realize 'Sam' was really a woman? Disneyland? Now if Meri knew the whole time, and the use of 'Sam', which that Nick Connor blog or somewhere else said 'Sam' was an acronym for JO's roommate 'Stacey Austin Marsen' or something like that- and if it was 'code' invented to cover the same-sex thing, that is another ball of wax entirely. Then it isn't really fraud but rather just a stalkery, mind-f)!k , mean-girl thing. Either way, it's creepy. The main thing hinges upon if Meri knew, and/or when she knew. But don't be too sure Meri doesn't have a case, or perhaps even a class-action case since there were other people also before her. http://www.trucounsel.com/elements-of-nevadas-theories-of-liability/fraudulent-concealment http://www.trucounsel.com/elements-of-nevadas-theories-of-liability/fraudulent-or-intentional-misrepresentation http://lasvegastribune.net/perpetrators-fraud-nevada-beware/ https://nickoconner.wordpress.com/2015/08/03/notbatmanyet/https://nickoconner.wordpress.com/2015/08/03/notbatmanyet/
  15. My guess is that he thinks he is acting like Mr Cool Hardass by acting all "I'm too cool to listen to women giving me sh*t. " He didn't even say he is talking about the wives, he's talking about women, period. I'm sure he doesn't like being called on his crap. When you get called on your crap, you have to admit you might be wrong, that you might not have done things the best way, that you have royally screwed up. It happens. You don't act like a little kid who can't take his parents correcting him. You own it like a adult. You apologize, you look at new ways to make things better. You tell people, hey if I start doing this again, stop me. And why do you do these things? Because you might actually give a sh*t.
  16. this isn't about B or K but thought it was worth throwing into the ring. He means this in a gross way, right?
  17. Or.... the Brown wives may have just learned how to fake it and bullsh*t their way through things better, one from being on TV much longer, two, they learned from a better bullsh*tter. It's funny how some of us like/dislike one or the other for whatever reason. One major reason I would go with Brady is he seems more low-key than Kody, though I suppose if Kody doubled his amount of kids and added another wife, he might be more low-key as well. I don't know though, maybe he would be even more manic. I saw on the Brady and wives facebook page Brady's mom passed away this past week. Whatever you think of him, that's still really rough to deal with and I feel bad for him/them. Also saw on their you tube the one wife Rosemary has a singing video, she has a nice voice, I can't remember if they mentioned her singing on the show or not.
  18. Well if people are not virgins when they meet or get married, then all bets are off whether you 'know' them or not. I wasn't even talking about that kind of way, I meant Christine was saying she didn't know anything about the person, whether or not they liked her, and so on, although it does seem like everyone in this world is related or knows everyone somehow.
  19. Is it just me or is the more that comes out, the lamer it gets? I don't know whether she knew the catfish was even a catfish, or if she actually knew it was a woman, I also thought it was telling like some other poster wrote when it was mentioned in the DM 'I was afraid you might be afraid or maybe your family might not be ok with same-sex marriages or you know, same...' I mean, if 'Sam' was a man, or Meri thought he was a man, why would he even go there? Its likely Meri figured it out, especially at Disneyland, if you talk to someone enough, you know it's them, even if they change their voice, there's the inflections, different patterns. Whether she knew the whole time or figured it out at some point -of course kody didn't freak out as bad as if it had been an actual man, whether or not Meri admits she knew or not, he wouldn't be able to take it had it been a man. But either way, even if now it is not a total catfish story, but a lesbian phone affair/stalker/extortion/misc head trip story, it's about played out. 10, 9, 8, 7.....All I know is I can't listen to another voicemail, it's like hearing a cat meowing at the door the third time you let it outside.
  20. I certainly wouldn't have been all giggly , like 'kody's my soul mate, I just love him tee hee hee omgomg ' . What person over 30 with three kids acts like this on tv ? or "I knew it would be complicated, but I didn't know it would break my heart as well." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/30/sister-wives-discuss-kody_n_745633.html Probably it wasn't just the kiss itself, it was more the overall, 'we don't give a F87k about how you all feel about anything cause we're that swept up in our own thing woohoo aren't we all cute and romantic and silly? who cares about things like rules and traditions, we can't follow that cause we are so caught up in our own crazy lust like teenagers aren't we special and magical? we feel like that so everyone else feels that way too, right? " I remember during one of their moves, Robin was showing stuff in her room like oh here's a box of shells from this date we had and here is this other memento dealie from this trip and my mom says she tried to make every day with my dad like their honeymoon never ended and I'm going to do that..." Do people really think like that at her age, having been married before -with kids in tow? It just sounds like stuff you would read in like 1950's redbook, and it wasn't even realistic then. you'd think there would have been at least one awkward scene of #4 walking with one of the other wives. "So, uh can I buy you an espresso? Oh yeah, you guys don't do that. Well, are you on board with this idea to begin with, before we even get to can we work this out together, to have more kids or not, where everyone will live, and practical considerations, will their kids get along with mine." But yes, one would have thought, you know, I better start hanging out with these women a bit, they have a long established dynamic that I haven't been a part of, it would probably help me and them out if I made more of a effort with them since hey there's three of them and all their kids and one of kody, and he's a man, so he's less complicated. It would just feel really weird meeting with him over and over and only knowing the one wife, knowing one is pregnant with #6 at home and the other is working long hours and also has a bunch of kids. Seems like it would have been better for her to come to the wives rather than kody go to #4. I still remember Christine being pregnant and saying something like "he's going up there where she lives all the time, Meri brought her on board, I've never even met her." I'd feel pretty damn weird week after week not having established anything with some of the wives and him coming up there and just passing it off like nothing "oh don't worry about them, they'll get over it, that's their problem babe"... I would have felt like I was disrespecting them to just be like, all I have to do is win the man over to get my spot, the others will just deal with it, I mean, ultimately they have to, right? For all we know, maybe kody discouraged it thinking it it's better they have little to no exposure or warning, just probably springs stuff on them at the last minute , like when they moved with the kids. Why give people notice about things they aren't going to take well.
  21. this may be because she doesn't want to be accused of what is called in family law 'parental alienation' which is setting the kids against the other parent, trying to make them look bad or crazy etc.,which can be overt like 'your mom or dad just doesn't love you anymore, that's why they don't visit, or pay child support or (whatever)' (regardless of other parent's health or ability to pay or visit, or outright lying to the kids about whether the other parent did pay the child support, or is wanting or trying to see them, while doing things like canceling visits at the last minute, or otherwise making it hard for the other parent to visit ) or more subtle like "mommy never gets things right, she always screws things up' or 'you know how dad is flaky about (whatever)' 'she won't let you go hang-gliding? mom's just no fun, is she?' basically putting them down or undermining their role or authority, or trying to get the kids to 'gang up' with the alienating parent against the other parent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parental_alienation http://www.womansdivorce.com/parental-alienation-syndrome.html
  22. yeah I agree, he makes such a deal of it that it looks super fake. I'm sure he 'loves' her in the sense of family and they have a bunch of kids, as much as someone like him can 'love' someone, but if they think he doesn't love them in different ways, they are likely fooling themselves- pretty sure they are smart enough to know this already. Janelle has already accepted how it is with him, she has stated may times they are more friends than anything, but he is the one likely who feels it looks bad on him, hence his making a big show 'see, she won't give me any love, she's shy, isn't that cute and funny? ' He prob watched the honeymoon tape and saw him acting like a dork with robin over his shoulder on the beach and the whole 'kody's my soul mate! wheee" date episode and all that other annoying crap "here, have a string for a ring babe, let's get this show on the road" "that's awesome kody, you're the best thing since beltless maxi-pads!" "hey come pick out the dress secretly with me" and on and on, while the other wives sat at a dusty campground with the kids or were in labor at the hospital, or were working.
  23. Really hope this loony toon isn't still holding anything over Meri's head, they could have talked about all kinds of stuff in the 'DM's' (what does DM stand for again? txt messages?) yet how is that even to be proven they are real? But if someone like Meri was naive enough to be played to begin with, what's to stop catfish from continuing to threaten her, even in a veiled type way- and Meri being afraid she will do it instead of just saying 'FU, do it then'. Perhaps Meri is afraid the show will get cancelled, which it may anyway, but she shouldn't give this POS more power by fearing her. Meri and crew need to realize that while they live in buttercup land of rainbows and unicorns, the rest of us aren't as shocked by everything as they might think we would be, as critical as we all can be re personalities or lifestyle, we're not perfect either. I would bet everyone here has, maybe not to this extent, but has been taken for a ride from a bullsh*tter before, we've all had our b*tchy days, we've all likely said something politically incorrect at one point, we've all had something embarrassing,we've all looked stupid at some point, we all wore lame clothes, etc. We know for us it is TV but for you it is real life, and I think most of us feel bad for you, whether or not we 'like' you or not, to do both are possible! But don't 'take it personal' as robin says, it's really not. Don't care so much about whether we like you or not, after all, we don't really know any of you. Just don't let this catfish hound you or intimidate you, show or no show. Do what is right for you, but don't do stuff based on what this POS might or might not do. That's just feeding the monster. Write the people off who are still playing games with you, even people who have nothing to do with this. What's the worst case scenario? You lose the show? That could happen anyway, and you start over in whatever configuration of your family or individuals that seems to work best. You all managed before TV, and you will manage again. If you have your health, your kids are ok, and supportive family, whether it is this immediate one or your family of origin, extended family and friends, you will be ok, those are the things that matter, the rest is just gravy.
  24. look at the youngish guy in this video , sort of resembles the fake 'Sam' photo , prob not same dude and not saying there is a real Sam but as far as resemblance and lives in plygland https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2015/06/24/no-filter-general-steam/ In Episode 54 of the “No Filter Show,” Co-hosts Paul Ford and “Fill-in” (otherwise known as Dan Fowlks) actor? film producer? Agree with algebra it maybe gives catfish some secondary thrill but whoever's photo she is using could theoretically take her to court for fraudulent use and eve if she gets her jollies, not talking about her protects her by making her less internet-relevant. Meri may have screwed up out of loneliness, depression, naivete etc., but what this b(tch did was straight up evil also see https://justiceforvictimsofjackiecatfish.wordpress.com/2015/09/24/one-on-on-interview-with-a-previous-jackiecatfish-victim-staceys-story/ there's also the possibility the photo is not of a real person but a photoshopped combination of photos, like using this site http://www.faceresearch.org/demos/average The fact that no real person has stepped forward to say, hey that's my photo, stop using it at once you crazed Annie-Wilkes she-devil makes me wonder if it is indeed not a real person at all, but someone with very good photoshop skills could invent one using photos like the guy in the video http://www.faceresearch.org/demos/average meanwhile can Meri go back to this hairdo, and like the other poster was saying ditch the 80's concert chick look? Really hope catfish didn't meanly suggest 'oh the tanner the better on you, baby, it suits you.' That would have been another mean thing to do. Lose the orange, Meri. I think the comments re the weight are because some were filmed during fish-gate and some months after or before
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