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Everything posted by BlackWidow

  1. I have to say, the sheer amount of weird prints is something else. Another poster caught on to the whale pants thing. I also saw elephant pants. Not doing that, even if didn't need to lose 10 lbs. The psychedelic Chihuahua print someone posted earlier was hilarious. People seriously are competing to try and get that? LOL And just for extra silliness, there's these...
  2. you know it's bad when the compound plygs are starting to look less silly in comparison. At least their clothes match... Lulas:
  3. She's not dependent on kody really, she's dependent on the TLC money maybe, though she could probably rent out a room or (5) to some lula's. Compared to how the cult plyg's live she is doing pretty damn good. To hell with kody and his passive-aggressiveness and 'I'll never forgive you' bullcrap. That said, the amount he is mad or blowing her off only makes the whole divorce for the adoption story look even more total nonsense. I'm wondering now if it was totally not her idea and that was a complete lie as well. Aside from all this , which I should care less about than how much carrots cost at the grocery, I'm totally with all those people who are feeling screwed by all those flashbacks and replays and then coming back from commercial and another 'hey remember what just happened' It feels like the 'new stuff' is more like extra leftover footage. Are things that bad that they have to winnow down any real new stuff?
  4. But the whole 'I'm-a-serious-adult' doesn't go with the bent ankle 'aww-I-don't-know-how-to-match-my-clothes-cause-I'm-5-aren't-I-silly-and-cute?' thing. On the other hand, the company could use that angle to market to people 'into that'. They could 'age-play' all the way from toddlerhood to dementia. And now, a production of 'flowers in the attic' put on by your school and theater, clothes by LR
  5. LOL whales This next one gives me flashbacks to my mom as a high school teacher in the 70's, complete with apron? It def has a bit of that hippie commune look. Oh no another one to add to my Night of the Lularoe Zombies collection, below and some of them have that 'what-toddlers-wear-to-preschool-when-they-just-graduated-to-no-more-pull-ups' kind of vibe.... I guess that is enough lula-shaming for now
  6. Everyone sits awkwardly amidst the open-house staging furniture. Kody stares straight ahead, permanent look of puzzlement on his face. #4 does that awful playing with her hair thing, swoop, swoop, swoop. Christine: Would you stop doing that? I'm really trying to put up with you, but holy hell that's annoying. (eyeroll from #4, tries to stop playing with her hair like a compulsive teenager). Meri: So what ARE we going to do as far as buttering up the network for something big. We've had two marriages, another baby, Meriah coming out and some rehash. (looks at Kody, who is still looking out into space) Janelle: I know, it kind of seems like we're out of stuff. We need another activity or road trip or something, we can't just be sitting around here. They don't want to see my walking around the block and making homemade cookies. Christine: Janelle, the viewers at home are starting to wake up to how much is put on for tv. Kody are you even listening to us? Kody: what? huh? Yeah of course, Fartman always listens, because Fartman is King! silence and blank stares. Janelle: It's really not funny, Kody. #4 "but what about meeee? No one cares about sisss'erwives kuhlawwsett, no one wants to watch my kids, I thought this was going to be ameeeeezing..." Christine: Ha! well you thought wrong honey! Just kiddeeeeeennnggg! Hahahaa Janelle: What IS that noise? #4: Meri's cellphone buzzing Meri: Every chance you get, you take it. Like a dog with a bone. Kody: Can you guys just ...like keep your crap confined to... just ...stop...it's just too much, 2 of our kids got married. Then.... #4 Ohhh I didn't mean it like that... why does everyone assume I have the worst motivations (almost cries)? Janelle, I know you got that dog so I would never ask you to babysit! Janelle: what? you're using too much lavender oil on your pillow or something..... Christine, ignoring Janelle and #4: then Mariah? I mean, I'm fine with it. But just saying. Kody: I'm fine with it, Christine.. Meri's fine, we're all FINE! Janelle: Well, she certainly takes after you, Kody, in more than one way Kody: What? I'm not gay! Janelle: (thinking no, dummy) Because you both like women, and you both stay mad about things.. Meri doesn't know whether to agree or stay quiet for fear of reminding him of what he's mad at her for. (yet another awkward moment of silence) #4 (starts doing the annoying playing with hair thing) Wulll, maybe we kin sell to the network some kinda 'coming out' party thing. Kody: Not happening. We might lose some conservative viewers. Meri: so now we're seeking approval because of tv when before we were afraid of tv, and what people would think of us? Kody: Saying I love my daughter is not the same as saying 'I approve of this'. But it's good enough for TV. Could you stop giving me crap about this or I'm going to bring up the J word.. Meri: seriously, you're going there AGAIN? Kody: I didn't mean THAT. I meant JOBS. A hush falls over plygland Christine: Well I think Mariah probably doesn't give a (invective) what we say on tv. Besides, what is the point of approving or not over someone else's orientation? (creepy whisper voice) but of course we still care about what you think, Kody, you're our King. Meri actually LOLS at this. Kody: Christine, you know I love ya baby, but the medieval role-play is getting old. (janelle snorts derisively) to be continued....
  7. Possible, but Mariah should probably get whatever words were used, the accent was probably on the other words, i.e. crazy, obsessed, manipulative etc. Any insult word that was said was only piling on those. I doubt these people hate gay people but lots of people have said some not-so-nice thing like 'this woman I work with what a mean old whatever, or fat , (insert adjective)' and it doesn't mean they hate all people because they used a crappy word. .Let's hope Mariah can distinguish a person whose overarching descriptor isn't that she's gay but that she is mentally disturbed, and the remaining 99% of gay people who aren't like that and not have to feel some alliance or sympathy with JO only because of that one factor. That would be weird. Meri seems to have a 'one Mississippi two Mississippi moment before she processes anything, this is usually most notable on the couch sessions but she tends to always have this pause where she figures out if she can 'dill', from what order the cars drive in on road trips to those awful little signs with sayings in her house, to the way she talks , kind of like a 3rd grade teacher. "no Kody, you're still NOOOOOTTTTT understandeeeeen.." Point being, I don't think it is just the kid coming out thing, it's just her. With a bunch of things. So the daughter being gay now creates a need to defrag the whole mental hard drive of 'what I thought life was gunna be' , which will take months. I would hate to be like that, yet I can see how dilling with kody and wife 2, 3, 4 and a million kids might make one a little control-hungry when one wasn't constitutionally born to enjoy constant chaos yet lives in it. Yes, inarticulate as someone else on the thread was saying, that and see above reply, she seems sort of shell-shocked to me. Not mentally ill, but somewhat traumatized. It's a vicious circle because if she had a great support network and relationship, she would be much better by now probably, but then, if she had that, the catfish thing might never have happened, right? Point being, she doesn't have a great support network, and I bet this has been since forever, not oh well things went downhill when X happened. No, they went further downhill but the snowball was already rolling. That said, as annoying and slow-talking and plodding and OCD as she can be, I don't solely blame her. Mariah and her new backwards-hat gangsta surly gay girl look kind of made me laugh although I'm glad she had the courage to come out to this crew But seriously, in the spirit of tolerance and acceptance, get over the catfish thing, it's played out, tv or real life. Sure there's that 'but I have all these other moms'. Mariah, don't be so quick to ditch a mom who loves you and wants to support you, even if she's not perfect. Think about people who don't have perfect moms, Ok that is fine but then how about those moms don't really even love, support, or even care much about their kids, the kids having done nothing to be blown off- at least you don't have that problem. Don't blow off your mom, learn to accept each other 'as is' even though you have 'other moms' and all these siblings. As you get older, you find the world can be colder and not this happy little safe space where all these people care about you even if you are an ok person. No it's not fair but sometimes that is how it is. Sure you have all these other people but it's just not worth it to stay mad at mom , she's going to be who she is and you might as well love her for it, especially if she loves you. Her getting used to the new you might take her some time. Maybe it isn't new to you, but it is to her. Just because someone is older doesn't mean there isn't any more learning or 'firsts' to cope with. Try to lessen expectations of the 'roles' you expected each to play- Mariah expecting Meri to never falter in the face of the life she is living, signing up for it or not, it has to be lonely and hard- mothers are human and flawed too, and Meri, stop with the 'what about kids, what about marriage?' still pushing your template of what you must do to be happy onto her. You are not merged, you are not siamese twins, you are individual separate people. Get to know each other as unmerged, separate, adult women. Still mother daughter but respecting boundaries of where one personality starts and leaves off and the other begins. You have one thing in common, you are both finding out who you are and what you want (and don't want in life). So even if you annoy each other, cut each other some slack. You beat me to it. Nailed it. See responses above, 'fill' free to agree or disagree on the 'detells'.. Probably some of the "I this, I that' is from therapy , they encourage everythingt o be what is called "I statements' rather than "you always do this or that", it is trying to make it so you are stating your own perceptions in this non-blaming, PC type way. The whole pausing to process and see if everything fits through her judgement lens would be annoying in real life, but people seem to come down on her extra hard here and it does seem odd for a tv audience rather than say, whatever faction of wife one is supporting or has some personal skin in the game. The funniest comment that read like that was about #4 being the new matriarch. Keep dreaming. Although at this point, it ain't much of a prize if it were true. What's she going to do, she has the youngest kids and then there's that lame julllree shop , but hey, if you want to put a positive spin on it, I guess you could call it 'matriarch'' but that is a position earned, not because others crapped out.
  8. I think people freaked out about him at the beginning, for one reason- because he doesn't seem like them. Maybe that's one reason MyK likes him? LOL it does seem dorky, yet simultaneous pretentious, doesn't it? I've heard other people do this and seen it on Christmas cards. It strikes me almost like a brand name, or like something a horrible facebook ad would co-opt, like 'the Trent family likes brandx for their kid snacks' . Maybe if you have a thousand people in your family though, it seems normal. It kind of reminded me of what my parents generation would call their gf/bf's in the 70's, which struck me as weird, as it reeks of hippie-dippie free love stuff, which doesn't seem to gibe with the whole mormon fundie thing, old-style or modern-day. I suppose the effect of all that 'look how we used to love each other' thing (which imo didn't look all that romantic even in the past, but more pals) is meant to make us feel sorry for both of them or introduce the idea that they are done, 'cause you know, tv people think we're slow and/or need to be told 'bad news' in a season-long way. Plus they must be desperate for material. Speaking of which, endlessly watching old clips sucks. I was thinking when MyK was saying years ago that she was going to adopt, that maybe she was the one who would have the 'coming out' , like maybe the adopting meant she wasn't going to get married. With this crew you never know who is going to do what. Christine is pretty tough, despite having already mentally been driven over that mountain, sure she can have a childish, vindictive side but at least she also can be warm and accepting. She got the rapunzel fairy-tale hair from her mom. Some of the other Brownlets seem to have white hair, but maybe they will turn golden too as they get bigger, like baby chicks or something. That doesn't sound like an out-and-out 'no' though does it? Jenelle probably doesn't give a hoot but the others likely collectively voted it down and she had to join with them. I wonder if there were some negotiations like 'well if we do add a 5th, will tlc guarantee us like x more seasons..one or two more seasons, nope not enough, if we add they have to contract with us at least 4 more seasons....then there is always the problem of where would she live? Unless Meri flies the coop, rents out rooms in her house and one can be for #5 , and kody can pay the rent for her. It's real doubtful Meriah is going to move back home. Every see the youtubes about mormon names, your sides will hurt from laughing.
  9. IMO they should at least care if they are happy and if they are playing a role in contributing to their happiness or not, yes really. Someone else remarked about scientology which reminded me of the whole 'choose to be happy' thing. Sure one can put on a happy face, but that's more like a mask, isn't it? Encouraging others to pretend to be happy only encourages people to both lie and not care about what others are feeling, or takes the 'burden' off others to care. That 'burden' being in normal evolutionary groups, people do take care of each other. Maybe not so much if one is a reptile or spider. Some people have good 'gaydar', others don't. I didn't get that my own sister was for years, even when she and one of her 'friends' (not really just a friend I found out like 20 years later) had a falling out and this girl started calling me and asking me what my sister said about this and that and let's go have coffee (and then end up talking about my sister, which I was fine with because sis and I didn't really have much in common or even get along that much-and still aren't that close but it has nothing to do w/gay or not), but I was young then and totally clueless, I just thought, this poor girl asking me about my sister, she must be so insecure, and even thought, is my sister one of those scheming mean girls who turn their friends into little sniveling minions? Does her family abuse her or something, why is she all freaked out like this? Totally didn't figure it out. Don't agree with this, just think all of them were sort of naive and all of them play little head games on each other. Meri doesn't seem smart enough to be a pathological liar or if she were, to be good at it. I feel bad for her because it seems like every time you turn around and see a couch yak session there she is giving kody the 'are you looking at me? please give me attention..' eyes and he is of course either staring straight ahead blankly or doing his cursory 'divide it up' board meeting shallow looks to everyone, but especially her, the way he talks to her and looks at her is as if she is a co-worker. There are so many people here coming down so hard on her than what would be normal in a group of people not in plyg world, it makes me wonder, especially the catfish thing, which became super boring for me quickly. At least she and kody both admit things were not perfect way before that even happened. I feel like she is trying to get blood from a stone, but that it isn't personal. Even seen from the outside with the wives he supposedly does care about, that doesn't seem very 'rill' either. It was either 'infatuation, new lust' which doesn't hold up well over time if that's all ya got, or 'I care about you as the mom of my kids, but it's not romantic..' or ' you're sorta fun to hang out with in small doses'... I don't get from him a sense of deep, passionate and caring love with ANY of them. Well, there's an idea for the next TLC series right? Polyandrous Annie and Mike, Bill, and Dave...Now that would be entertaining. We also don't know the context of her saying that. Sure we know what was up in general, but we don't know if he was just doing his weekly breeze through, doing laundry, eating whatever in the fridge and taking naps in the peace and quiet of her place, no real attention or togetherness-or if they were having an actual fight or whatever- but yeah one doesn't get the sense he was willing to be proactive and say, hey let's make things better. Or here, I surprised you with some flowers or can I rub your back or let's go away for a night...you know he likely didn't do that even before this happened. He strikes me as using this '' you told me to take a hike' as a cop-out to 'dilling' with , ok but what now? He and Meriah both have this "I'm going to stay mad forever, I'll let you know when I'm not mad anymore and feel free to grovel and try desperately to win back my love while I decide when I can 'dil' with you again. You disappointed me and your job is to put up with endless crap and be graceful about it, you dared stand up for yourself or want anything for yourself..' LOL! it's one thing to BE like what he tweeted and then another thing to state it. He must be drinking the MRA/MGTOW/PUA kool-aid (look any one of those phrases up and discover more douchery) and trying to present himself a certain way or trying to up his game, but of course- he's doing it wrong, he only comes off like he gives less of a crap. He obviously is invested in what people out here in internetland think though, which is weird. Although he could be doing it in hopes to garner a 'love to hate-watch him' audience. Unfortunately though, I think it's 'ril'. Maybe she is realizing she never had what she thought she had, just because she never had enough life experience to know any better. Again, can't get blood from a stone, and not because the stone is 'mad' at you. Think of the craziness regarding various insurance policies. One work policy covering how many spouses and children? Attorneys however would be totally on board with this. More opportunities for fighting over kids, money and stuff =mo' money for them. I don't think they are terrible people, they're just very different people and only now just starting to realize it. Poly or not, it's clear she wants her relationship to be individualized to her and be personal with her, not treated like it's her special employee of the month day or she got a special star at summer camp. Maybe seeing someone's control issues and OCD as being the opposite of kody's flakiness and 'fly by the seat of one's pants' and just because it is not like kody being attracted to that, maybe projecting that JD's kind of personality would be better -that oh, this guy must be serious and deep because he's not like Kody, therefore he likely cares more- which is not really reaching a logical conclusion- but again this kind of thing is usually learned in one's 20's or 30's if one has more life experience, that heading in the direct opposite direction doesn't solve the problem, it just presents different problems. I mean, people in North Korea could consider themselves part of a 'herd'- do they feel more cared about? There's got to be better choices than Kim Jong Un or Jeff Spicoli ...
  10. I didn't see that same thing you did, not saying you're wrong, just a different take on it. I saw it- the way she was looking at him- more as wistful- like remember when you felt like this for me (and do you still? did you ever?)- probably kody was so psyched about getting some strange he was actually being nicer to meri in the meantime and she was grateful for any crumbs and actually trading on the 'Look how cool with this I am' as a way to sort of get more crumbs. Her saying "I wish it were my wedding night' is woman-testing language to see what he would say or how he would react- though it was a lame test because he was so over-the-top he would have grabbed just about anyone and went 'yeah baby, you're lookin' hot, mama' or some other such idiocy. That whole scene made me sad for her, not only because of the fact that the kodster is an airheaded horndog, but the fact that Meri may have been deluded that things would 'go back to normal' (whatever that is according to them). But they never did, even though she saw all the red flags, how he totally blew her off in mexico, the scene in one of the beginning episodes where he is leaving to go drive to see #4 and Meri is basically crying. Somehow she thought ok, this 'new' period will pass, they will start having respect for the rest of us. Maybe this will settle him down. Think of the excuses we make for people we love, even if it isn't this debacle. I believe it was like that. She looked the other way until she got a pinched nerve.
  11. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/robyn-brown-leaves-kody-marital-issues-sister-wives/ Don't know why it added the #1, but there it is. Yeah I kind of believe it is true despite whatever spin cycle they continue to promote presently, as if it will affect the show. Does kodster really think we're going to be sooo butthurt over #4 flying the coop? Of course it could be just more spin, this radar article. Just like the whole "I want my wedding in the summer' could have been totally made up , so desperate for drama they are. I mean, it seems like so much is BS, what with all the endless events to distract from the fact it is not all wine and roses. Meri and Janelle's therapy, good grief. It's ok if people don't want to be best buddies. FFS, just be pleasantly civil- you never know if one of you might have to help the other out someday. Be practical.
  12. For all we know, maybe when the wedding was scheduled was never that big a point of contention, but was used for 'fake drama'- someone that thought wouldn't be a boring storyline? I missed the 'wedded bliss' episode. I'm having an issue because there is another show on this network that freaks me out (not SW, just being clear because sometimes people need stuff spelled out) and I don't know if I want to continue to support the network even by watching SW because this other show sickens me so. Not going to name it because a)it's not what this thread is about although my continuing to view SW has to do with this other show being on the network and 2) although it creeps me out, there may be people here who think what this other show is about is just dandy and there is no way in hell I'm going to engage with them
  13. http://people.com/tv/sister-wives-stars-kody-and-christines-daughter-mykelti-brown-is-married/ Ok so are we going to start making bets on the next due date? I'm gonna say.... september 2017..
  14. Is this family all about the signs with the sayings or what? I can't remember what the sign said during pre-wedding crafting day but there was some sign I guess was either going to be passed out to guests or displayed, I don't know. The pinterest doesn't surprise me in the least after seeing all those handy-dandy facebooky sayings posters all over the place, I don't know if all of them do it, but Meri has those . Doesn't strike me as 'bohemian' or all that original in the slightest but whatever, I don't get all these little signs and cutesy stuff as if it is a party playhouse for kids thing, with 'themes' and such. Must be some millennial thing my generation wouldn't do. Cause we're not fun like that. I fast-forwarded a bunch , like some other poster said about 10 min on panicking about wind and watching them set up the patio. It feels like they are trying to craft outtakes into show material. #4 and Christine and their awkward couch thing. "I was mean to you last week, but I was really mad at kody, blabbity blah... awww I'm soooo sorry.. (hug) " The negotiation thing, the lame #4 " you have-ta make her fil like she's speshul, ya can't tell 'er she's stupid " I wish Mykeltie would realize winter is just as cool a time to have their wedding, maybe log cabin style or whatever. People put so much emphasis on 'the day of' like it is the end all be all. Similar to having a baby. That day leaves you after a while and real life sets in, and that is what counts.
  15. some of this stuff looks sadly like what random homeless people wear. Not making fun of the homeless, they obviously may not have a choice to just whatever whatever they can find. Gotta take some pretty big balls to be like 4'9" and put this on and say you're wearing it to church... meanwhileI suppose I missed Sunday's debacle for the latest show it looks like some here have seen it though cable says it airs later this week- maybe that is when they put it up in the on demand-they did put that awful 'honeymoon special' thing back up . If you think oh you can watch it now, and you'll have a different take on it or something like that, no, you won't- it only highlights exactly how they got where they are now as well as both the utter self-absorption and level of kool-aid drinking going on. I'll have to look at the latest thread and see the latest cattiness and snark.
  16. Sightings continue. Stay tuned to your local radio stations for more info. We advise that you shelter in place, and wear pants, as it is thought that if you wear pants, the LR zombies cannot see you. Probably also wear black. News reports say they are likely to travel in groups of 5-6 and may be seen wearing clothes inappropriate to the terrain or weather (or much of anything else..) ... if you see them do not approach.. they may be armed with MLM sales material and may be dangerous. A woman reported pointing and yelling 'omg, a unicorn print!' and it distracted them enough for her to get away. example of a LRZ out in the wild , smiling at nothing and looking dressed up in the middle of a campsite. This one must have lost its herd.
  17. I don't think this guy knew anything for real, he comes off like a paid shill to distract from what might be the real story.
  18. one of these in the latest rash of these JBR docs used the phrase 'unusual relationship with her father' , I believe they were saying this wasn't the case but why use gross euphemisms which sound like they are making the question of molestation and child abuse an 'alternative lifestyle' ? If these docs are ok with showing a made-up-to-look-dead kid actor they should at least have the balls to not use these half-assed and disingenuous phraseology. I don't know why they gave this guy any play except if someone has a serious interest in deflecting the attention off the Burke cover-up theory because this pedo guy is so hateable.
  19. was watching some other movie before this one and thought this guy would have made a good JR. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001255/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm
  20. LOL! I remember her old look was sort of metal-ballad 80's band. The studded jean jackets, sorta kitschy-mall-biker- hard to describe. I looked at the LR stuff online, various pictures. These leggings that are supposed to be the big thing remind me of what preschool girls wear- you know, barely not straight up baby clothes. The prints with animals on them and other goofy things. Some of the other looks seem like they are trying for different eras. Some seem almost 1950's, some seem hippie-grunge 90's. Some seem like something 'Marge' the lady who has worked at the bank for 40 years would wear. Others look like 80's bargain bin. I don't know what they are trying to be. Have to say though, it is interesting to see the variations people come up with as far as these 'sistas-doin-it-for-themselves' check out us gals all hanging out and having fun-time (woo-hoo!) and associated 'look at all my new bffs' photos that are up on google images. Night of the Living Lulas! Hide yo Kids, Hide Yo Sisterwives...
  21. This^ TLC stop with the endless 'event' distraction. The purpose of a plyg show is to show how the people interact, we can watch some other show for parties and weddings, if we wanted that,there's only tons of them. It' almost as if the plyg factor isn't even a thing anymore and all this staged, orchestrated stuff has taken over (and dopey music and cut scenes). That said, I did find it hilarious that this season opened with what looked like a donkey (jackass?) braying out in the desert. LOL! That whole bit with Meri and Kody out on the patio thing, he was totally passive-aggressive even as he was saying he wasn't. "but you told me to go" when it has been like a year later and she was under the impression they were all trying to work things out? Him not wanting to talk to her without Nancy to me equaled 'I don't want to be on camera discussing this, let's save this talk for when they aren't around (or maybe, not aat all).' It's only so obvious he is either actually hurt or angry or he only has wounded pride, because he was too busy on his #4 merry-go-round to really care what Meri was feeling post the whole 'have to divorce Meri for the kid adoption' - I kind of think it is more wounded pride than actual hurt or he wouldn't be playing these cowardly games. He would have embraced her, camera or no camera and said something to the effect of 'I still love you and want to be with you, and we will work this out..' THEN he could have talked about going to whatever therapist, but get the message across that you still love the person and want things to be improve. Better yet, own your contributions to how screwed up things have gotten. Whether or not she still believes she 'needs him' for spiritual reasons, she seems to have outgrown him. Even if the clothes thing is totally pissing in the wind, at least she is getting out of the house and meeting people and going places. I believe the other posters are spot on with saying he will do anything to keep the gravy boat afloat- hence the suggestion of adding a couple more wives. That is probably when #4 lost it. The other stuff- someone's getting married, someone's having a kid, someone's having a party- meh.. same old stuff. The orchestrated 'talks' that we are supposed to be seeing for the first time or 'real-time' but still have that re-enactment feel. The endless 'events' that distract away from the awkwardness and the fact no one is buddy-buddy and hasn't been in forever... The Mykelti/Tony thing? Probably the directors told him to look kind of slackery because it adds fake-drama. Probably they will both be living back with Christine soon enough, or when they have a kid and don't have the income they once had. It's just another person on the Brown payroll really. Bottom line, whether or when they get married, he still appears on the show, still gets paid, and money that he gets helps Mykelti out , money that kody doesn't have to shell out for her apartment, medical, whatever. BTW, when Maddie has her baby , does it count as far as adding to the gravy train as a child actor? Like I said way back in some other thread, I would bet the LDS not wanting the kids on-board has to do with their getting paid/being on the show- they don't want to have members who are profiting off the plyg thing. It would look bad on them to rail against it all this time, while maybe taking tithing money/having semi-famous plyg-family members, even if they are not plygs themselves, they are still attached to the gravy train. That could also cause people who are super against it to want to look into the church books(money, IRS. taxes, donors) just for spite, and other unwanted attention. No doubt there has been some unwritten truce that has held up for a while, you leave us alone and not make trouble and we'll do the same.
  22. I know ya'll are bummed about Maddie not going to law school (even her slice of tv money ain't enough for that) but at least Caleb does not seem like a douchebag. When he asked her dad for her hand in marriage he seemed serious and sincere, not all creepy hehehe it's just us bro's, man....people made much of M/C's 8 year difference but I didn't think it was a huge deal. In fact, in many of the scenes filmed around that time, the kodster acts younger than Caleb. I mean, just from what little we have seen on tv, he seems the polar opposite of kody, and I bet he is not going to pull that 'oh hell no, ah don' do diapers, that's beyond mah pay grade' nonsense. Who knows if the law school thing will pan out or not- but point is that at least she has someone who appears to love and care for her, and will be an involved, hands-on father, so at some point if she wanted to go back to school or whatever, they would work as a team so they both were able to do things, get breaks, make sure the kiddo is taken care of.. I'm wondering if this means we will see a 'we're moving back onto the compound' episode or if she doesn't want to go the route of 'communal baby-raising'- having built-in help seems invaluable, especially during the first few months, but not sure if Maddie would want that, even if some of the moms were up for it.
  23. I don't know, it almost sounds like concocting a ready-made hostage scheme to keep people trapped. It's one thing if people are doing it because it's their 'orientation' or relationship preference, quite another when someone is saying, unless you do such and such, you're not getting to heaven, and worse, people believe it. There is also something called 'unrighteous dominion' which can invalidate someone having that power, wiki that phrase if you care to understand it. Besides a mother/child bond, be it blood or close through raising etc, I believe is closer than all this pulling through the veil mythology. Kody can wait eternally on his own planet and the women can start their own subdivisions or whatever. They have already paid their dues, he doesn't get to make them hostages in this life after he has failed. I believe the phrase is 'bye felicia' ..
  24. No, I said the other one, wife #4 saw the attorney, which is referenced in more than one story. I think it's just the way I phrased the sentence and the next one that made it confusing. We can't say we didn't see this coming for years, no matter how they pretend on the show. Look at the last tell all, how miserable #4 looked. Even if Meri's clothing gig doesn't net her any cash, at least she is doing something other than hanging around the cult de sac, making thanksgiving decorations with an unenthusiastic Janelle. I think the original three seemed happy at the beginning because although they lived kind of apartment style, they all had separate jobs they were good at and weren't trying to cook up these MLM schemes. Really wish that period on the show lasted longer. For sure it is easier to get along with people if everyone feels secure in their role, important to the whole but also valued individually. Hope it is BS that kody actually said something like 'you used to be the hot wife....' can only imagine the shitty things he has said to the ones he doesnt' consider as 'hot'. Remembering the 'you're too pretty to cook' days and now she is thinking of leaving the state with the kids after the whole 'adopt us all' thing. What a cluster*&^k.
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