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Everything posted by BlackWidow

  1. At first I fell for this as well (and due to a pinched nerve, it's easy to look to this kind of stuff for distraction if nothing else), meaning I fell for her actually being mad. Now I'm starting to question all kinds of things on this show, meaning there might be a good deal of 'acting' going on her. What's the daughter going to say in order that she stays in good with Kodfish? is she going to say' wow sucks mom, wish he had been real, better luck next time..btw, though investigating other systems of belief and thought, I may not agree with how you have handled things but I feel bad for you..'. Also Meri might gain from Mariah being fake-mad at her in the my one kid is mad at me waaaa kind of way. Also it paints her as a sympathetic character for we at home, or attempts to, though they don't really need to. Like some other poster said, we don't have to want to be her BFF to feel bad about her lot in general. Both M/M gain by playing into this. So I don't know, it could be something the daughter was either annoyed with or thought was stupid but they blew it up for the show. I just think it is probably BS. The daughter is a grown woman and needs to stop with the whiny squeaky plaintive voice. It's not quite the 'wull mumble mumble, I'm 5' of someone else but it doesn't really scream ''I'm an adult' either. Having the daughter sort of bully the mom I suppose is supposed to satisfy the 'roman Colosseum' factor in viewers like 'yeah, you tell her Mariah!' (jER-ry ! jer-ry!) while at the same time making you sort of pity mom. I'm not totally sure she is smart enough to be as evil and conniving as people are suggesting. It could be some weird kind of dynamic she was seeking by bringing #4 into it. If she was lonely enough to fall for a catfish, and not smart enough to not have real proof of this person existing, in some warped way, she probably thought #4 was a good idea and a possible allie as she had given up on Christine and Janelle. Or as some posters suggested ages ago, she saw Kody starting to get ideas and thought it is better if she controls the situation than let it play out with whoknowswhat and thought #4 was passive and somehow in not the greatest situation with her kids, and would be eternally grateful to Meri for 'lifting her up'. I don't get the buddy buddy vibe thing they used to have at all now, in fact it is super weird that Christine has warmed up to her, although I think Christine is liable to be nicer to #4 when she's huge and pregnant and it's likely when that is the case, Kodfish is hanging around or well, you know..more often. One of of these last episodes, I saw a bunch of kids in the kitchen and for a second I was like, oh I wonder who that Asian girl is (because of the dyed dark and flatiron on Myk) and she does have a little of that look with her eyes, though that trait isn't exclusively an Asian trait, ) think Renee zelwegger before she got the plastic surgery, Blake Lively has it somewhat, Jennifer lawrence) I guess I never noticed it on Mykelti until she dyed her hair. They can spray medical grade hydrogen peroxide on the too-dark dye job if they don't like it. You just do it for as many days as it takes until it looks more normal, or spray it on the ends if they tend to 'grab' and look weird. It's probably just trying to be individual in a sea of dirty-to-platinum blondes. I think we may have seen Myk's hair her real color right before she dropped out of pursuing fashion stuff at school. Similarly, Maddie looked more 'mainstream' a while back, was it high-school graduation or college when she was in the 'I'm going to be a mainstream LDS person' days. Now I can picture she and Caleb on one of those sci-fi apocalypse shows, holed up in some mountain cabin, chopping wood, eating homemade soup and fending off drama and look-at-me reality-tv-zombies that come creeping up the mountain chanting 'must have attentionnnn' (as opposed to brains)... These seemed like total filler and/or not real like the Mariah meeting. . Meri painting, filler. Woohoo I would rather watch Bob Ross and he has already graduated to his own planet or whatever. The let-me-borrow-your-kid when you are like 8 or 9 months along thing also felt staged. Let's make up a story about meri trying to see if they trust her, and her being vulnerable to them and they saying no and her feeling all butthurt. Come on, TLC I could make up better fake drama than that. Re the whole money X number of kids and whatever. It didn't really seem like they were all that unequal to me everyone living in that one place, and they wouldn't admit it but I would bet with getting food stamps and WIC for that many kids, they would be ok and probably Meri wasn't getting that, so maybe one household had to have more cash because they didn't use the stamps, though they even showed on the early show, they borrowed from each other. I would bet in that culture of plyg-life, people keep score of every little thing with everythng because everyone is always weighing whether someone else is loved more or is more 'special' because they got this and someone else didn't , even if it all sorta bleeds together in the end with who gets what. I mean, if you're going to share your husband, better get used to sharing a whole bunch of other stuff too, I guess. I think that's kind of one of his very few go-to looks. Derpity Derp it's Kody the Golden Retriever! I keep thinking one of these days he's going to get all introspective and show this new emotional range - just kidding, I know he's not. I don't think they can hide the personality stuff but as I mentioned, I'm starting to get a lot of the 'scripted' vibe when they don't feel like they have enough of reality show recipe item X, whether it be fake upset or fake happiness or whatever. I don't like the concept of people having to 'owe' each other friendship, nor do I think #4 had Meri's back from the beginning. Both of them, I think neither one of their intentions and agendas were totally out there in the open but they revealed themselves over time. I still don't think Meri did it to do anything to the others, but thought she was going to benefit someone, or at least damage control since Kody may have looked on the hunt again. Meri probably thought #4 was way more under her thumb and malleable than she really was, and likely the 'whee we're gonna be on a perm'nent honeymoon 'stuff wasn't what Meri had in mind when she half-assedly 'adopted' Robin and kids and they all had to see Kody act the fool while #4 seemed to just sit on the couch and whine 'whut bout meee, I moved fer yew..' and not really take into consideration the domino effect of what was happening with the other women. It's not just her though, they ALL kind of have this curious immaturity which is sort of simultaneously weird and sad. I think it's even beyond passive-aggressive, which implies sorta nasty yet not overt stealthy bitchitude but it may even start treading into the land of people borderline abusing each other, when they know what each other's weak spots are. Like prison, the bolder in-your-face ones are going to bully and intimidate and the bullied ones will do what they can to undermine them when they aren't having to polish their boots. How horrible must it be to think, Ok this person just isn't my cup of tea, it isn't even their fault but here you are, expected to have this ready-made friendship. The dysfunctionalness with this crowd leads me to believe the deal of 'the women have to ok anyone new coming on board' is total BS. I don't even know why they have to work on the same thing together. If you're trying to get to know someone, you sometimes just put up with whatever they like in getting to know them. Maybe one week you do something the other thinks is fun, who knows you might not even think it was horrible. Then the next week it 's your turn to pick what you do. Then you find out just by hanging out what things you will not be of the same mind on and what stuff you discover you actually do have in common, but it comes naturally, not like 'hey I'm really good at this, and I'll let you play with me..''...and maybe you find like 2-3 things you both like and you have like friend dates.. its kind of awful seeing grown women acting out stuff we learned in grade school like making thanksgiving craft stuff out of old cans and like it's this huge deal-these two need to get to know each other better even after all these years before they can feel normal enough to hang out at each other's houses and work on projects. Oh I would bet the original three have given up on him as a means of emotional support whether or not they talk to him about it he seems relatively flat that way..and because none of them have that, keeping track of time spent or material things etc become that much more important. When you have real closeness with someone, you don't worry so much about say how many times you went out or how much they spent on a gift, because you already feel cared about. They don't have to either try to prove it with these external things or use those things as a way to 'make up for' being a flake. The borrowing the kid story didn't seem real, pretty sure that was invented/scripted or at the very least, suggested. TV people: Hey Meri ,why don't you go over and ask if you could take Sol? Don't always believe everything labeled 'reality' , remember it is filtered through the TV and producers and all of that. This is why I don't invest as much in the storyline as I do in watching how people behave.
  2. Ok admittedly for the first time I didn't watch this episode, I'm worried I'm becoming like the earlie poster in this thread who is finding the forum more interesting- though I might still add some more to the role-play thread. Anyway someone sends me this link the other day , there's like 5 or so of these https://vimeo.com/165701324 I mean, it's super dumb any way you slice it, I kind of found this sort of funny as it appears either catfish can sound like a dude or has paid some dude (and baby sound effects etc) It's got to be satire of some kind. Guy sounds like total hick. Not that being a 'hick' is a bad thing per se, but he surely does not sound like the high roller he fished himself (farmed? whatever) himself/herself out to be. The whole thing is getting rather ridiculous. Meanwhile, if they are going to force us to watch commercials even on the replays, they need to give us something more than the same old. Don't want to with another birth scene, blah.. don't care re their renovations and nursery, I can watch HGTV for that. Janelle blank stare expert....ok very zen but that's why we have clouds.... Kody sucking up to Caleb, eh might be worth it just to rip on Kody being all desperate and Caleb being like 'meh'... I don't know, I might have to just go over to the dark side and indulge in some RHONY or RHOBH , hey it's sad when their made-up BS seems more real than SW tv BS, meaning, ok no one buys they're all happy anymore, or even 'happy enough', so when they act 'happy' we know they're faking- and when things suck all the time or the show seems orchestrated to hide the effed-up dynamics by focussing on external things like parties and sofas , it's either depressing and/or boring. "Hey look, my couch sucks"..."I'm still mad at you" "you bad catfishee, you!" "you never pay attention to meeee" "I'm jus' tryin' ta help.." or fake or overwrought enthusiasm "OMG the baby is GORGEOUS! (everyone cries on cue)" * quotes are not direct but examples of sentiments that prove the point of repetition or played-outness I mean something different, talk about life pre-kody and not just about how you met HIM , but your upbringing, your family, what you thought you wanted in life when you were young, hell I think I'd rather hear what THEY watch on TV than more of the aforementioned stuff.
  3. Well, it could be both things though. Not that I'm apologizing for her by any means, but most reasonable people wouldn't do this, right? This gets into the whole debate about whether people are just 'bad' or 'sick' as some camps believe it is either one or the other. One would think something has to be 'wrong' in some way for a person to bother doing something like this, but people do all kinds of crazy, messed up things, whether or not they have some official diagnosis. I think Meri will come out of this and be ok, just hope all this doesn't further isolate her and keep her from letting good new people into her life. Sure even friends you already know can be annoying or piss you off at times but hope Meri realizes what happened here is the exception, not the rule. Considering her situation and all intra-sisterwives issues aside, likely most people feel at least some compassion for Meri whether or not they 'like' her, not knowing her from anything but the show. They call it 'reality tv' but I would bet there are all kinds of things we don't know, and most of us have no clue what life is like on a day-to-day basis in plyg-world. We give her a bad time over things like the wet bar, but holding that up to the myriad of things she has likely put up over the years, it doesn't seem like as huge of a thing that the show made it seem. Sad thing is, I remember when the construction was going on, it was all about how Meri's house was going to be the gathering place for events and holidays and so on, but as time has gone by, it looks like they don't really even hang out much with each other. I just know if the next season which apparently has not been renewed yet is mostly about #4 and cody, I'm not going to bother with it.
  4. robin on answering machine "Kudeee, 'member you said you were gonna take the kids fer walk cuz I got to work out n I'm way overdue for yet 'nother ombre appoin'ment and those super long and fake porno French Manicure nails you like so much. You were supposed to be back like an hour ago. Is anything wrong? I can't even bul-leave this....you better not be.." Kody to Janelle : " can you turn it down please.." (robin in background on machine " I mean it's not that big a dill, but tryin to set a gud 'zample plus I'm prolly 'lergic to it....." ) Janelle: "Seriously? Oh ok I was starting to enjoy it..' Kody :"Do you still have that Dreyer's or Greek frozen yogurt , whatever it is?' Janelle : " sounds like someone has the munchies, yeah there's something in the freezer. Do you think you should at least call her so she doesn't freak out? " (sound of kody's phone in background, on silent but still going bzzzzt bzzt) Kody: "too late for that. Is it even her night? " Janelle: "hell if I know whose night it is but I think it's on the fridge calendar.." (Kody goes and looks, while eating frozen whatever out of container) Kody: How come a few months back the schedule was on here but now there's not? Janelle : Umm well Meri used to do it and give us copies but I guess at some point she stopped. You could call Christine, she'll probably know. I tried to call her last night for something but no answer. Kody: No, if I ask her that she'll just get mad. (kody's phone still buzzing) Crap she must know I'm here (referring to robin) I'll call Meri -she won't get mad and she probably still has the schedule on her computer already planned till 2030 (kody calls Meri, male voice answers) Kody : "who the hell is this?" Vlad Draco (Romanian artist guy) : Kody, you have such short memory, remember I do drawing for new wife with you make-pretend like 'here I am in the clouds smiling like evangelical charity drive priest waiting to be your daddy in future..' Kody : Did robin actually say something like that? Vlad: No but message comes through yeah? I tried to make obvious. Umm so..... what's up? Kody (feeling entirely freaked out and not knowing what to say at this point) I was going to ask Meri something but it's not that important, I'll call back. Vlad: Oh I finally watch show 'love should be multiplied' I'm now so into that also....(kody hangs up on him) ( kody to Janelle) I gotta go Janelle : She's going to smell it on you if you go over there right now. Kody: (to self) everything's cool, everything's cool.. Janelle: I'll call Chris, I'll work it into the conversation about the schedule so she won't suspect. Kody; OK whatever. Janelle calls Christine's phone "hello" " Oh Hiiiiii this is Debbie at McLandShark, Piranha & Schmurtoff law , you left it here hon when you here the other day for your consult...." Janelle hangs up. Kody: voicemail? Janelle: oh no, I think I screwed up the number, ill try her again in a while and text you Kody: "thanks Janell you're such a doll, I'll call you later this week.." (anyone feel free to continue this sordid melodrama, add your own spin etc)
  5. Part of this aannoyingness I believe is the blatant faking it for tv, though for some reason at the beginning it didn't seem so fake. It's as if someone has been coaching them 'don't be too happy, it's boring' , or 'don't be too sad, it's depressing'... Either way, pretty sure we have not been getting the whole story. It couldn't be that the one thing had an effect on the other, could it? This is why I give them a break re this "ample opportunity" thing. I don't know if they felt like they did have anywhere to go, or resources.Many people don't get that in some of these plyg groups, the whole system is run by those in it, the courts, the police, etc. It's hard to imagine what they would be like had they not been raised and lived in this type of marriage which fosters competition, scheming and manipulating for everything one needs- and that is even if one bothers to even try, or just gives up and makes a decision not to give a crap in order to cope, which is what it looks like Janelle did. Oh she could probably still get some kind of counseling gig, especially with teens, not in spite of her foibles, but maybe because of them. I don't think anything she has done and/or tweeted and so on is of that great of import, especially compared to the rest of the population. I doubt her social media cliche posters or old catfish tweets most people give a hoot about. It's silly but hardly a crime. I hope she doesn't give up on her counseling thing, but more importantly that she doesn't make the mistake of thinking because the catfish was a fraud, that by contrast kody and crew must be a genuine and 'safe place' for her. That would be a huge mistake in reasoning, to believe they have her best interests at heart (that do not include something in it for THEM, like being a free on-call babysitter, maybe?). Any kind of school or vocational training , something for herself, would be a step up. I'm sure they would love for her to think, oh Meri has burned her bridges, all she has now is us. That is more plyg isolationist kool-aid
  6. Disagree with the 'no one else will have them' . Most of them signed up for this ages ago because they 'believed' in it and supposedly 'chose' it, though 2/3 of the orig 3 were raised with it. 2/3 of the O3 have like 6 kids each. Got news for ya, most women in America today are not size 2, let alone those who had 6 kids and are on the far end of 40's. Reality tv has skewed our views about what is 'real' what your average person looks like. They are obviously not part of the plastic-surgery-walking-dead-club you see so much on other shows. Yes they put themselves on tv for us to 'judge' or talk smack about, but of all the other things that are annoying about them, picking on weight and saying "she has nothing going for her" seems just plain mean. Sure they all could be healthier and change up their style (though I prefered Chris' glasses and college look to the pseudo-robin-hippie-clothes she started wearing or Meri's rocker hair and studded jean jackets etc)...but whatever- saying 'oh well no one else would want them'. You'd be surrpised Basque girl, there are men out there who are ok with someone who isn't a size 2 , 20 year old . I don't know whether the men would be their type or not, but you see with most any semi-public figure they have people who find them attractive. They should not feel stuck for any such made-up BS,'I'll be alone, waaaa' -that should be the last reason they don't leave. I don't even think it is that , or that Meri won't look at regular guys but that her head is in knots because of the plyg ideology and kody-fish head trips, what she may perceive as friend-betrayal from robin, the other two don't seem to be that close to her. She how she posts tons of pics with the kid Solomon? to me that is showing why she doesn't physically leave even if she has mentally left a while back- I wouldn't want to start over with a young kid at her age but apparently a few years ago she was entertaining the idea. That and I suppose it isn't full time. Still , I don't think I would want to be what is essentially a grandma/babysitter to my present/ex ol' man's latest chick's kid. Yeahhh. Probably not. Doing that must fall under the 'makes us all so much more evolved' plyg guru handbook.
  7. If they werent so keen on these things on twitter , you might have something. Here's one that might apply to the 'should we or shouldn't we stick around for one more season?' thing... source: https://despair.com/collections/demotivators
  8. I believe these plygs were on the show with the Browns, this is them (minus one SW) back in the 80's , so dorky no modern-day hipster-nerd could even hope to aspire to this http://mormonhair.tumblr.com/post/37196064587/joe-alina-and-vicki-darger-in-1989-via The sweater, omg how could TWO women let him out of the house like that? but he's all smug looking, like yeah, I'm a stud in my contempo casuals zebra-print... Fast times at plygmont high? and here we have some 70's hippy-cult plygs http://mormonhair.tumblr.com/post/35309099650/alex-joseph-with-his-wives-carmen-and-judy-1975
  9. Good point CR! but.. maybe they can eke out some fresh-squeezed drama that the bogeyman catfish hacked them ....more interesting than the dollar-store, made in China SWC debacle http://mormonhair.tumblr.com/archive some funny and weird stuff there ermagerd, the clothes lol
  10. If your A/V caught it and blocked it you are likely fine- but it might not hurt not only to run a virus scan on your computer but maybe also a malware scan. Some A/V's include malware, some don't A couple decent ones are https://www.malwarebytes.org/dl-confirm/ (WINDOWS) https://www.malwarebytes.org/antimalware/mac/ (MAC) I use the free versions of the above , works fine, see also http://www.superantispyware.com/superantispywarefreevspro.html You'd be surprised at all the bs you can pick up just cruising arond the net. http://www.ghacks.net/2016/01/13/sophos-home-is-a-new-free-antivirus-solution/ I'm not that surprised their site has been compromised, as the few times I've looked around there, many page links were broken, as I've posted in the past. Hard to believe they take this business seriously when they don't have someone doing the basic stuff for their site- and yes, if I had purchased online from them, I might be somewhat worried. Who knows how long they have had that problem and didn't know. I checked tonight on a different security site, yep still having issues. Hope they take care of it soon so their customers don't freak out. . "Your site appears to be hacked. Hacked sites can lose nearly 95% of your traffic in as little as 24 to 48 hours if not fixed immediately – losing your organic rankings and being blocked by Google, Bing and many other blacklists. Hacked sites can also expose your customers and readers private and financial information, and turn your site into a host for dangerous malware and illicit material, creating massive liability."
  11. I think they were in some other type plyg thing, not the Jeff's group (prairie dresses , Gibson girl hair)- there's a bunch of different ones, I think they were something called AUB http://52weeks52churches.blogspot.com/2014/05/my-surreal-visit-to-apostolic-united.html which I think the Brady bunch was as well, who knows if they are back in that now that they don't have the tv gig or have ditched it altogether. From what I gather, it is sort of a blend of socialisty- semi-communal stuff with religious stuff. I find it endlessly ironic how Kody and clan have likely benefitted hugely from whatever their AUB involvement was, as well as all the welfare stuff from the state yet now that TV money is involed, oh now he wants out of that and is constantly tweeting all this libertarian, far-righty stuff. Like he doesn't even slightly own it that well yes, we were definitely getting, WIC, food stamps, welfare cash, medi-cal or whatever they have out there..but oh now we have left that behind (as long as TLC doesn't turn into tough luck, charlie). It's interesting that as soon as real cash comes along, everyone wants out super-quick from these 'share and share alike' things. They don't really think people buy that it is all fun times with pool parties and goofy rv trips with everyone doing their fake 'oh I'm sooo annoyed (but not really, everything is all good)... it's really too bad we're hearing noises about the Orig 3 looking to bail right when there could actually be some real drama- like even if everyone knows things are super screwed up, they can't bring themselves to wash the dirty laundry on the show, though I wish they would. They need to know to the majority of their viewers, we're not going to be 'mad' at them for having problems or making plygs 'look bad' or or have the power to screw up their afterlife etc....You don't have to 'make nice' for us, Browns, or just cry when things suck. Get mad, you'll live longer.Those little facebook aphorisms are not fooling anyone, I don't know how they can bear for those to be in their house, the way things likely are in real life. How about let's change those posters to Jack Handy's deep thoughts?
  12. Might want to be careful visiting the SWC site, I got alerted/blocked with Avast when I went to check out the post that mentioned the 50 dollar t-shirt, thought ok maybe false-positive, tried what is called URL scanner online- there were five threats total but wouldn't fit on the screenshot.
  13. well that and of course,the welfare rules, if the state thinks people are living communally/sharing resources, they will get less- why they think some sheetrock and a door is going to stop fraud I don't know. Oh yeah, so apparently there are noises the chickens are flying the coop, so to speak - all kinds of links about how the original three are looking to bail and how the next seasons is all about #4 and kids, oh jeeze I hope not- not going to bother if that is the case. Now if they had kind of an unintentionally funny 'the view' type show with the original three, that might be entertaining. The network might as well start talking to Brady and crew because if season 7 is all about 'Kobyn + toddlers' that is going to be as boring as a heap of dirty laundry. https://www.google.com/search?q=kody+brown&num=30&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwim24Gr4IrLAhVBxGMKHf9IBVcQ_AUIBygB&biw=1173&bih=580 well that and of course,the welfare rules, if the state thinks people are living communally/sharing resources, they will get less- why they think some sheetrock and a door is going to stop fraud I don't know. Oh yeah, so apparently there are noises the chickens are flying the coop, so to speak - all kinds of links about how the original three are looking to bail and how the next seasons is all about #4 and kids, oh jeeze I hope not- not going to bother if that is the case. Now if they had kind of an unintentionally funny 'the view' type show with the original three, that might be entertaining. The network might as well start talking to Brady and crew because if season 7 is all about 'Kobyn + toddlers' that is going to be as boring as a heap of dirty laundry. https://www.google.com/search?q=kody+brown&num=30&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwim24Gr4IrLAhVBxGMKHf9IBVcQ_AUIBygB&biw=1173&bih=580
  14. Ok maybe I'm being evil here ( but I could be being evil and also right), that whatever non-happening hype-but-no-action business ventures, like this gig, the gawd-awful-broken-link-website-thrift-stores-are-way-better-than 'closet', the energy drink thing...that all this stuff is some kind of tax write-off made-up stuff? Like oh, well, I had to buy a shirt to go to a meeting so that gets written off, maybe also cars, or who knows what else- supplies supposedly for the business or some other way to have these businesses be a 'front' for shifting money and stuff etc around Not accusing, I don't know anything for a fact, but some people roll that way.
  15. How about 'agent cooper'... as in the kind that come round when people try things like blackmail, extortion, scamming the IRS, disability fraud etc.
  16. I was thinking this one too (though I'm going to 'like' everyone's responses just for answering), being as I think they mentioned on the show she went to a local or maybe even 'plyg-friendly' high school that maybe she hasn't been exposed to a whole lot of different worldviews. I suppose it depends on one's perspective- if one is coming from plyg-world it sounds reactionary, but in 'regular-world' it seems about standard for college these days. It may be a bit of 'rebellion' but it may also be testing the waters as to other modes of thinking. I also noticed the girlfriend of the older brother, who was also on the show- Michelle, chimed in with "I am so sick of seeing "real women do this", "real women have this" or "real men look like this". Stop invalidating your fellow humans." I can't recall if Michelle is from the 'outside world' or not. Whether or not this all sticks remains to be seen. It's tough to speculate if this has much to do with what her mom has been through or not, though I don't see how that could not have some effect. I'm wondering if the talk of a 5th wife might be because her dad might feel like oh no, the kids aren't going to continue on with plyg-life, who will make boatloads of kids with the super-special kody lineage. I'm glad Mariah feels like she has some options in the matter either way, and doesn't feel like she is consigned to having to lead the same life as her mom. Obviously she doesn't feel like she will be disowned or whatever or likely she wouldn't be so out about her beliefs though I would also not be surprised if she hasn't taken some crap for it as well. I suppose there are many of us in the 'outside world' who are of a middle generation who, while they didn't get the 1950's programming, neither did we get the 'girls can do anything' message or see many representations of this being the case as far as maybe careers or whatever life choices. That said, I can't even imagine what it would be like having lived life in a relatively sheltered plyg background.
  17. Has anyone noticed on her twitter she has all this stuff like 'gender roles are gross' and people saying 'ladies first' pisses her off, and go Bernie (which is totally antithetical to Daddy-o's libertarian, sorta rightish stuff he puts on his twitter). Not that any of this is super-important in the grand scheme of things. No wonder she just gave that doofus smile/non-answer when asked the plyg question by Tamren. She probably was trying to stop herself from launching into a rant about systems of oppression or something like that , so she thought, I'll say nothing that makes them look bad or like I don't approve, but nothing that looks like I do approve either- so she effectively weaseled out of it with some bs about 'oh well I'm still young, don't have it all figured out yet' vagaries- though on her twitter she is not very wussed out or vague from the looks of it. check it out: https://twitter.com/mariahlian
  18. would someone tell me what the yankee candle thing is about? is it some kind of 'code' or 'micro-aggression' lol? if it is what I think it is given the other things referenced, we have a code for that, although I personally don't think it's about how much money one has or where one shops necessarily. We call it 'whiskey tango' .
  19. We have to remember though, for all the weird plyg dynamics she is familiar with , she has no frame of reference as most people outside of that have as far as dating, exes, etc. She didn't make the leap that anyone could be a bigger BSer than Kod-fish. It also may not have occurred to her that this person was trying to 'get' anything from her, since he was so successful- he must be safe-he doesnt appear to be after money, therefore he's ok. I know this is really poor logic, but that could have been the thinking. Or, they don't want to expose their real identity, this guy is hiding from me, because he must have something to lose, because we all know creepy people would be pushing me to meet him at a motel or just meet him anywhere, and he's not doing that so he must not be a weirdo. It's not because he has something to hide, it's because he's protecting himself. That's why he is disguising his voice with software or not calling me. He has something to lose too. She probably told herself these things because the last thing on her mind would be a woman posing as a man playing a twisted game. When things don't add up in our heads, we rationalize to try to make them make sense, and con artists know this. They will feed into that, saying stuff like 'have I ever asked you for anything? have I ever given you reason to think I'm a bad person? why are you so paranoid?' asking rpid-fire questions like this in order to put the focus off the inconsistencies and lies and put the other person on the defensive. It's kind of like a trick lawyers will use, asking a bunch of questions they know the answers to or questions they know will cause the person to stop and think to give reasons but they won't let them stop and reason. "well do you have proof that I'm lying to you? Have I ever done anything to you to make you treat me like this? You're just letting your distrust of (whoever, kody, robyn, etc) posion you and not trust ..blah blah.." Some quotes from a site with great insights re this whole phenomenon of the con. "The confidence game starts with basic human psychology. From the artist’s perspective, it’s a question of identifying the victim (the put-up): who is he, what does he want, and how can I play on that desire to achieve what I want? It requires the creation of empathy and rapport (the play): an emotional foundation must be laid before any scheme is proposed,..." "our minds are built for stories. We crave them, and, when there aren’t ready ones available, we create them. Stories about our origins. Our purpose. The reasons the world is the way it is. Human beings don’t like to exist in a state of uncertainty or ambiguity. When something doesn’t make sense, we want to supply the missing link." "The confidence game — the con — is an exercise in soft skills. Trust, sympathy, persuasion. The true con artist doesn’t force us to do anything; he makes us complicit in our own undoing. He doesn’t steal. We give. He doesn’t have to threaten us. We supply the story ourselves. We believe because we want to, not because anyone made us." https://www.brainpickings.org/2016/01/12/the-confidence-game-maria-konnikova/ a more basic site outlining many of the red flags to be aware of http://www.dangersofinternetdating.com/conartists.htm
  20. Haven't you noticed that compulsive liars add way too many details? Think of other famous liars we have heard of in the news, some of them came up with all kinds of different characters and lives for them, and far-fetched stories to keep others at bay? "yeah , that's the ticket, we umm got into a car wreck, and the lady I work with, umm, well she took so and so to a hotel and well, this other person is still at the hospital, we don't know yet how things are going, etc..." They always have an explanation for everything. http://womeninwetlands.blogspot.com/2012/06/how-to-spot-con-artist-part-2.html Oh please don't waste time keeping track of anything JO is putting out there and trying to catch her in this or that, life is too short. Sure hope something else happens this next season, like hey, how about being real, instead of prepackaged events used to distract from people relating to each other, and it doesn't always have to be about kod-fish either. How about the women talk about their lives, their growing up, their idea of what their thing is all about. I mean the grade-school stuff framed in a cutesy way like on the tell-alls "I'm still jealous!" "me too!" yeah we all knew that years ago. Was hoping the Meri/Janelle friendship attempt would go somewhere, even south, as at least that showed move in a more mature direction. More let's deal with this, less crying and parties.
  21. Oh I don't know about that. She may be totally digging it. They don't necessarily think the way you would think they would, a la logically. When you're playing games, even the 'bad' stuff can be used in your favor, or developed to somehow suit some new BS you come up with. It's possible she even may block them not even because she cares what they say about her at all, but as a way to piss someone off- just to get a reaction is the payoff. I know to most of us, we don't get that because that is not rewarding to us, but exercising the smallest minutia of perceived power is rewarding to them. It's like being an internet troll but in real life. Think about the joker in batman, 'some just like to see the world burn'. What will really burn is the slide into irrelevance, we're already at 4 minutes and 59 seconds of that 5 min of infamy.
  22. I'm sure JerkOff would love for Meri to believe this, in order for there to be 'no hard feelings'. Kind of like the person whom on a minor scale, takes passive-aggressive digs, or back-handed compliments then says "omg I was only joking, sheesh don't take stuff so seriously". JO would want Meri to feel sorry for her as some kind of wounded sick person, which at best is a half-truth. Sick yes, wounded no. Why? Well, just in case, let's say. Seriously, just in case she can, well, as the saying goes, 'play it again, Sam'. Think of how animals that are scavengers work. Nothing goes to waste. Even if Meri called her up to rip into her, she would sell that. You will find ratty people gravitating to those who are basically good, or naive- just like the poster who put up there that she ran that 'fix my life' site, and I wouldn't put is past her to have something to do with some kind of religious stuff as well, as sometimes people go to that for help. Not her kind of 'help', but sometimes when people are depressed or feeling lost, they mistake a CON for confidence. They mistake someone being a little too interested in your problems for actual friendship or caring. If you think this sickness is love, you probably believe in the OJ kind of 'love' as well. This is not based on a relationship of respect, of equals. This is predator and prey, not someone who actually values Meri outside of how slavish and devoted, desperate she was. People like JO are very invested in isolating a person, triangulating, and getting you on their 'side', while THEY play the victim. Oh Meri, you're the only one I can talk to. You're intelligent but you aren't an ^^hole like the people I work with, you're so special, blah blah. Actions, Meri, not words.
  23. I'm not so totally sure about this. I suppose it depends on one's definition of 'love'. There might be some kind of sick connection there, but I don't know about 'love'. From reading the messages, it looks to me more like someone having control over someone else. The person feeding her this stuff is more into keeping her in that state of hanging on. Look how Meri is many times saying 'don't be mad, please talk to me'. Seems like someone liked keeping her in approval-seeking mode, knowing she is likely always in that mode in her regular life, as they all are, even the last one to some degree. The IM stuff strikes me as weird as it seems teenagery, as does the posing with the flowers on twitter etc. It really shows how mostly ignored she likely has been for the longest time, and never really realized it as she has no comparison. Meri might have felt like she fell in love, only because she doesn't know any better. Doesn't know any better than to be suspicious, doesn't know any better as far as a real partnership, doesn't know any better from not knowing anything relationship-wise but the Kod-fish before the catfish. Doesn't know any better re the internet...many of us here have remarked how naive they all seemed, whether from being somewhat isolated because of the plyg thing or maybe just too busy with millions of kids or whatever chaos to know about scammers and so on. I found this http://jackieovertonisacatfish.weebly.com/the-twitter-affair.html , there is some 'table of contents' type thing on the upper left, three little lines that lead to more stuff- but more of the same stuff, 'Sam' talking about his planes (eye roll) and lots more weird stuff that is quite headache inducing in a kind of mean-girls-meets-orange-is-the-new-black kind of way. If JO is not in it in a simple stalker kind of way, but if it is darker than that, then she is in it for whom she can 'game' next, and not just in a catfish way, but in whatever way she can. To this kind of person, everything is a kind of game, or manipulation to see what they can get someone to believe, or do, or pay, or get the upper hand or the better end of a deal. They are always wrangling, angling and looking for leverage and/or looking for a way to weasel out of whatever they do, minimizing it and making the other person whom they scammed look bad. That mentality is fairly antithetical to loving another person. This, as sh**ty as it is for Meri, is pretty low-level stuff compared to what these 'people' are capable of. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like this, and many of them are successful, famous and even respected because of their 'skills'.
  24. As lame as this is, anyone know what the story was with #4 knowing re the catfishing and not saying anything or is that just speculation? I can just see her back-pedalling with ' Wull , I di'unt know fer shure, she was actin' weird, we di'unt know whut ta' bulleeve...' If the JO story is real and not some third party bs story to cover for an actual situation with a real dude, how could robin sit on that and not tell Meri? I guess even if she did tell her, that would then look bad concerning Kodfish- which if she did know, would make it look like she hid something from him. Anyway you slice it, it comes up BS. Lol-ing at kool-aid thing.
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