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Everything posted by BlackWidow

  1. Well for one thing, Janelle said 'like' more than she not 'love'. And that is entirely plausible because the relationship with an aunt or mentor or much older sibling of course, is different than your actual mother. With the other 'moms' , the kids probably feel they can confide more or just be more like friends- for one, even if that mom tells Janelle whatever, that mom isn't going to tell them Ok, now you are on restriction or likely otherwise discipline them, at least in any serious way, she would leave that up to the bio-mom I would think. In the bus scene, one of J's kids was sleeping on her, one of the boys but don't know which one. Just because Janelle isn't super-drama on the show doesn't mean she is cold. Maybe people think that because she doesn't cry at every little thing or squeal etc. Oh and here's a little bonus, an interview with a woman author who has a Phd who studies plyg families. It struck me as sad that one of the opening remarks about some of the good things about plyg life was something to the effect of, 'well if the husband is abusive, there's more people to hold him accountable or make him stop'. Not sure it would really work that way in all cases- wouldn't they all be scared and possibly not help each other being afraid they would be next if they did? Anyway, it was sort of interesting. You could tell the host, not the interviewee isn't part of this lifestyle and sounded more like she was doing a school report. Meri is mentioned at the beginning of the show as someone who is not part of the compound cult, like they are holding her up as an example of 'I chose this, I wanted this, this works for me, it's all about choices' type thing. The Dr on the show brought up some good points about why some of these situations do better than others (female interdependence say with kids or jobs, the man not playing favorites etc) The show is dated 5/2015. http://www.podcastchart.com/podcasts/year-of-polygamy-podcast/episodes/episode-96-polygamy-as-feminist-with-dr-janet-bennion
  2. This is the same dude, right? https://twitter.com/NotBatmanIRobin/status/657631973708582912 I mean as I said before, I think there is some BS to this whole thing. Not sure what story is real at this point. Still have not heard HOW they found out re JO, have not seen that anywhere. If there is a real guy, the word 'guy' in this context meaning born with male apparatus, with an XY chromosome, whether it is this dude in the pics or some other dude, why wouldn't he come forward? Why waste all this time writing all this stuff, that only shows (if it is even true, like the melted-down ring etc) that someone told the blog writer that stuff? It also isn't lost on me who is the fictional Batman's sidekick- although the 'yet' part of the blog name could mean batman is umm , in transition, you know, like Caitlyn. Why is it watching this show is like eating bad carbs, you never really feel full. Or is that the point of it?
  3. Thanks TS., no I was bored that day and playing with software, it was interesting in that moment but it's not that interesting in general, although anyone here is certainly free to snoop on it as much as they want. There's things that don't add up in this catfish story. Blog has a photo Meri supposedly sent of of all things, bruised knees? http://i1.wp.com/www.notbatmanyet.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/38.jpg Make of that what you will here's another weird thing, whoever runs that blog seems to be a robin apologist- Samuel says: November 9, 2015 at 2:51 pm My lawyer emailed me this morning with that information. I’m sure it’s public knowledge and not insider info. I do not understand why people do not like Robyn. She hasn’t done anything but become a part of the family and actually help calm things down. I am wondering if any of this is real, is she being threatened with extortion or blackmailed- now they have tv money, if it were truly something like that they have lawyers to make it go away. Slander and libel only apply when it is made-up, not when it is true. These people have enough money to make this blog go away if they wanted it to, but something is wrong either way 1) it's not slander or libel so they can't make the person take it down? 2) their own hand is in it somehow because 3) if it was all BS and they could shut it down they would wouldn't they? Like if photos were being used without permission, but if she sent them on her phone. Even if she did not give permission to publish, what does he have that he (he she whatever) is holding over her head that they have not been able to shut this down? why havent the browns had that blog taken down? why does the blog person continually defend robin and kody and remain creepily neutral about them if he/she really loved Meri? would meri send super racy photos to someone she never saw even on camera? http://i1.wp.com/www.notbatmanyet.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/62.jpg Bruised knees photo when the catfish supposedly is a woman? Not saying JO didnt catfish anyone, she obviously has in the past- so reputation already tarnished, maybe she could be paid to take credit- both could be true if someone else either 1) didnt want the credit/blame like one of robin's friends 2) if there is some guy, maybe not this blog person 'sam' but the guy is out there or feeding stuff to the blog person to put out there. There's things that just do not add up. I'm not sure I buy this story- I havent seen anything as far as how anyone found out about JO. Like I said, both thigs could be true, JO could be a catfish, one who was paid since she already has a history of this- to cover up something real- in any case, it is just getting to the point where almost everything that happens on the show I look at as fiction, like a soap opera = not real. It just feels like it is either half real or total BS at this point but as far as us being told what is really up, something isn't right with this whole story.
  4. Yes Batman blog and SWC site , plug in the website name or IP address, both are traveling almost identical paths to get there. I can't be the only semi-techie on here. here's a link to the google 'free traceroute' results if you want to try doing what I did on an online, real time site https://www.google.com/search?num=30&q=free+traceroute+&oq=free+traceroute+&gs_l=serp.3..0l3j0i22i30l7.8071.9383.0.10187. or this or this http://www.monitis.com/traceroute/ I like this one, probbaly because this is one I started on back in the cave days of the internet in the 90s http://www.visualroute.com/lite.html but if you are going to look it up for yourself, do it soon and screenshot it, because they are probably trying to run and change their hosting which will change the results . To me, as even a mid-range techie, it looks bad.
  5. I'll tell you one thing that seems weird. I ran an internet IP trace on the batman blog and on the closet site , look at the part above the map that has the places the IP goes before it hits the end of the line (I cut out the beginning where I am, but you can see it starts in the bay area and goes to where each site is). It's kind of strange they are both funneling down into very similar addresses, as far as the route they are taking (quick you guys, run and change your hosting companies asap!). I used an old version of this http://www.visualroute.com/lite.html to get it, but there are also other programs or online tools, google 'free traceroute' , usually you don't have to know the IP address, you just copy the whatever.com name of the site and plug it in, you don't need all the http or www and you can see the route the sites take. What I found may not be solid 'proof' of anything at all, but on it's face, it's strange. I mean, it looks as if both are following the exact same internet path. If you need to enlarge the image , press ctrl + (just do ctrl - to bring it back down). The only thing 'changed' about these images was having to combine them into one shot, adding the white space between and margin). You can also use other IP #s with traceroute tools, like if you get the headers off your gmail to see what someone's IP is- when you open up in gmail, to the right underneath the tiny printer icon and next to the date, a tiny drop down arrow. Use that and 'show original' . You guys can google the how to get IP addresses from gmail and all that. One reason you would want the email part of it is if you had ever received mail from a website you left a comment on, or bought something from, you could look up where it is and the route it takes using traceroute. nerd mode off/
  6. At the risk of sounding pragmatic and cynical (not that anyone else around here does that lol), she may be partly giddy because #4 has been getting bigger and prob more uncomfortable, which may mean Christine is getting more of *some* kind of attention than she was before, and it was said on the show he and Janelle are more like friends, and he is prob playing the oh poor me with the Meri situation and/or pissed off at her, so it would go to follow Christine is maybe by default getting more attention. But yes,at the same time, he does seem like he is just putting up with Chris,like she is sort of a pain in the butt little sister or something, which sucks. It would be horrible to feel like you were just being 'used' because your main squeeze is out of commish, but even this she knows wo't last forever. Total ick factor. What was weird was that after the Texas therapy trip, Christie acted like it went all great and it helped "I highly recommend taking a therapist on vacation". Did it really help? Just seems like all of them sort of deal with kody as if he is sort of a unmanageable child, and he kind of prides himself on being one.
  7. The whole speech about 'let the parents be parents' thing to me reeked of therapy-handbook stuff. That's what I got from Janelle joining in the 'hey that's not your job, Garrison' thing- because that sure was the thing back in Utah, with like another poster mentioned, Loga making breakfast for the younger kids. Not sure if the show presents everything in the order that stuff actually happens, but if they were still trying to adopt the other kids, they may have heard or read plenty about how to be 'parentally correct' and one of the things you hear so much about is when parents don't do their job and act more like friends than parents. You know, like when kody was telling his 'bro tale' about when he was after robin, he doesn't even get umm hey doofus, wouldn't you have told the story about Janelle since it is her daughter that Caleb is dating rather than just whoever was last on board the goodship kodypop? That was just so ugh. Caleb and Maddie don't want to hear that stuff, it was probably bad enough having lived it and Maddie likely doesn't want her dad to not only leave out her own mother, but to draw parallels between she and Caleb and kody and robin especially because Maddie doesn't seem to be on board with the plyg lifestyle. Talk about ick factor. As for Christine and her craziness, I'm starting to wonder if the show isn't encouraging it, just to add some drama, because it just seems too weird to be real. Like maybe it started as real, but became sorta costco sized because of TV. Also noticed Truly did one of the Christine shrieks after something she said, which shows she is copying mama. It was also kind of strange when it appeared as though kody was mocking Maddie saying "I love you" on the phone to Caleb. You'd think he would think it was sweet and not sound like he was making fun of them. I don't actually give two hoots about the fiji water- we don't know if someone needs bottled water to drink because of medication or if Meri was just putting it in the basket but really it was for robin being careful about water because of being preg, who knows. Shopping trip, kinda a big yawn. At least nice scenary though in Alaska. I didn't take what Janelle said about the kids growing up or missing Hunter as oh she just realized any of that like one poster mentioned upthread but more that she is the queen of neutral, tv empty phrases and stating the obvious. Oh wow time is going by. Oh wow, that gift is so cool. Oh wow, look at that, my kids is far away, I miss him. Oh look a river, looks like every other little creek I have seen everywhere else. I believe the word for how she is most of the time on the show is 'nonplussed' which is similar to being unimpressed, which has evolved into the phrase 'blank stare' or 'underwhelmed'. Gee I wonder how she got like that? Kind of like how you might politely comment about something at work so you don't say anything that is going to start crap. Besides they needed all kinds of filler with all these kids since for all intents and purposes, Meri was probably somewhat out of commish for a while during parts of this seasons filming so they had to come up with something that would distract from that .Not even looking forward to the catfish episode, not sure I want to watch Meri crying and the creepy fake-sad tv piano music in the background interspersed with what sounded like horror music in the previews. Jeeze talk about simultanously campy and depressing. You just know there will be yet another couch session, maybe kody will have a fit and walk off, Janelle will be all noncommittal and say 'no comment' , Christine will say she didn't know people could be so twisted and how she wants to hunt down the catfish. Robin will cry and say in the middle of what looked like a girls-only lunch say "you gotta tell kody, or it will eat at your conshious, or I'll tell him for you". Really hope kody grows up and realizes there's a problem that needs to be dealt with, rather than just the typical ego tantrum or shunning , ignoring and putting it all on her.
  8. I'm not hoping for a scandal or looking forward to seeing Meri crying her eyes out over this and yes I feel like Snarklepuss nailed it with how predictably it will likely play itself out, which will be a total downer. To add to what Snark was saying, we will probably see Christine say something like 'you were going to leave us? me? you're married to us too..yadda yadda..' , then Robyn will cry or say something like "i wuz gunna have a baybee for you" or something equally inane. Kody will do his pretend-serious-I'm-supposed-to-be-feeling- something-epic face, then look at the floor, as he likely has been coached to do, and because the 'king' has been brought low, the heavens will weep with sadness. Perhaps the wet bar will be destroyed when the lightning bolts descend from the skies. Maybe a goat will have to be sacrificed and everyone can do handprints with the blood which can then be shellacked and made into some gawd-awful wall 'art'. The lady from Poltergeist will appear over the wet bar (go to the light, Carol Ann) and declare that the whole plyg compound/cul de sac needs to be ritually cleansed. Some hippie-dippie 'practioner' of whatever woo-woo will show up and have everything re-blessed (or whatever).Then, there will be some kind of forgiveness and hugging BS, where it will be decreed that: 1) no one may speak of catfish again or mention its name, so as not to increase its power (plus, I don't know about you, but that whole thing is already long past its sell date and I doubt is good for more than one tlc money-grab episode). 2) Then the 'orange is the new white' self-tanner shalt become verboten. On any of them. 3) No more hair tossing or playing with of hair by adults. Brush or play with your hair in private, it's not sexy, it's not flirty-it's gross and makes you look like not-too-bright 4) Syllables in words will be pronounced, no more dropped consonants. No more baby-talk by adults if not speaking to an actual baby, and even then, do you really want your baby to need unnecessary speech therapy later? (I din't see the impor'int sign on the mow'un, where I loss my bu' un off my shirt, which made me fill rill sad.) BTW, speech classes are not only for people with speech impediments or foreign accents they wish to lose. Lots of people in the public eye take them. 5) like an eastern monk- (the opposite of what he is in real life), kody will learn humility and spiritual growth by regular service to others, he will take on at least one thing each wife wants him to do that he doesn't think is fun and do it without being a whiny little b*tch about it or making a joke out of it. He can also do volunteer or community service of some kind without the cameras following him around or making some reciprocal deal whereby he benefits in some way or tooting his own horn about it. This has to be about him wanting to do good for its own sake, not 'what can I get out of it? how can I profit or win by doing this?' 6) more radical honesty, less passive-aggressiveness- no more forced 'lunch from hell' dates where people have to pretend to be more pals-y than they are, no more crazy cheerleader suckuppery, no more "i feel sorry for you" consolation prize gifts that don't make anyone feel better. You have to ask people what they need, tell people what you need , not just have everythnig be on the surface all 'make nice' where undereath, they are seething. Rise above acting like children crying, having a tantrum or sulking if you dont get your way, or power trips like withholding of affection, threatening or shunning and do not reward these behaviors by acquiescing and giving the person doing them their way, that only shows them that it works. Likewise, avoiding and stubbornly keeping one's head down won't get you any medals or much of anything else. If you can't give the person what they need right now, tell them like a grown up. "I'm not there yet, I can't do whatever, but I will listen and think about what you say.." 7) don't make your well-being be totally dependent on where you stand with someone else or what they think of you or whether they approve of you, giving someone that much power is not healthy and that behavior is not a sign of love or devotion but rather insecurity, unhealthy dependence and poor self esteem- the person you are trying so hard to please will ultimately lose respect for you and come to resent and have contempt for you. If you don't value and think well of yourself, you are only devaluing yourself to others.
  9. oh just a little bonus thing that goes with the mention of the brother and pronunciation and such. I must have clicked on one of those side ads- you know the ones you get when you know the web cookies are spying on where you post- and saw this. No, it's not photoshopped. Maybe it is still there. LOL
  10. I don't really see the ring itself as insulting as much as the fact it is from the kids (and not like kody thought of it or it is primarily from him) or the timing it with the adoption -the fact that it is from the kids - it's like estranged spouses who have the kids give the spouse a birthday gift but they don't have the class to sign the card themselves. Like "I'm still mad but I'll do the obligatory gift'. One gets the feeling someone with the ego of kody might be punishing her or exiling her, rather than looking at what caused the whole recent mess or acknowledging his own part in it. The past, present, future idea likely has its own corollary in plyg-land as far as meaning, but De Beers is not going to have the cast of big love in the movie theater and watching themselves while they all met and then in the afterlife etc.- and therein lies the rub- the whole application of the plyg ring scenario of what that means would come from the man if things were 'plyg-normal', not the kids. As if it were originally meant to be from kody and/or robin but since catfish, now it is from the kids. Ugh Coming from the kids, it feels more like 'well, you'll always be welcome on the kid planet, but you won't be on our level where unicorns sing and rainbows have flavors...' again, it looks sorta like something robin came up with as an afterthought, and once more, doing it wrong and having no social skills as to how it would be received. In their own heads, R and K, oh we think this is a good 'i-duh' so it must be one = circular thinking. It's really hard not to think of K/R as just part of the great passel of children because of how clueless and self-centered they are, even when they think they aren't being that way or perhaps especially when they think they aren't. If kody doesn't know Meri well enough to know what would be hurtful to her by now, he's not too bright- or if he does know that would be taken as a consolation, well, ok, the kids love you but I kinda don't now- that is just super effed-up.
  11. I've never heard of this 'past, present, future' ring thing, is it a pop culture thing or does it have its roots in some tradition? I wouldn't think Meri would care that it wasn't as expensive as the watch, but more that it seemed like a 'consolation prize' rather than something personal, like that the kids made. Meri has plenty of other reasons to be bummed out that have nothing to do with the necklace or whatever kody got, I doubt she gives a hoot about that. The whole recent story that came out with the catfish thing does have me doubting about the divorce though, either as a secret/extra reason (for Meri) for it, or as a result of it. Necklace and watches aside, what was telling was when they showed the quick scene of the kids getting back from visiting their bio-dad, and showed Dayton/David ? running to Meri and the girls running to Christine. I mean there's the obvious fact that for a kid with autism, Meri's house would where you might get some peace and quiet, time alone and one-on-one rather than crazed toddlers running around or teenage girls, whereas it appears that Aurora and I think Gwen? are BFFs - as far as who is running to whose micro-unit. Agree w/the narcissism thing (how many scenes is he in where it looks like he can't think past himself, from the mexico trip to the 'but how can I still do what I need to do and make you happy?' to Christine, to many other scenes where you ca almost see the filter working 'how does this affect ME?) . While a certain element of narcissism is part of the human development process, usually kids leave that behind at some stage, when they see how other people hurt too. Some however, while they aren't serial killers or genocidal maniacs, they never really get that far past that baby-stage of 'the world belongs to me'. I doubt he is a textbook socio though, all of this is way too much hassle and work with it taking way too long for the purposes of a socio who are more into the short-run gratification, at least before TV money came along. Not to sound like Clarice Starling but kody's 'evil' seems more incidental. He doesn't really seem like he has to do all that much to get whatever he wants out of this group. The catfish however, I wouldn't be as hesitant to stick that tag on her. I don't think the kodster was always like he is now, not to this degree. I wouldn't even put it all on robin, but more on the fame aspect, even more than the money. Yes, yes and more yes. It's kind of sad we don't even know which parts are total tv BS , and which are them just covering their asses, but we know 99.9% is some kind of BS, because the Dorian Gray mask of happy plygdom is starting to show its age no matter how many happy horsesh*t parties they throw. You can't get behind the theory they would throw out "ridiculous and jaw-dropping" stories just to keep the money rolling in? I sure can- although they are't really that jaw-dropping, more like desperate. The high and mighty 'you wouldn't understand' is sure a handy thing to throw around, as it is an accusation that can't be proven, you can just throw it out there and put the other person on the defensive, just because they don't agree, it 'shames' them , and makes them inherently wrong, as if they aren't being 'tolerant ' or PC in some way, regardless of how valid the person's position is.
  12. 4 ring circus, continued...a meeting of the Original 3 OGs Meri: Christine, we need to talk about the whole cheerleader for robin semi-stalker crazy-woman thing... Christine: wait, what!? I try to make an effort to be positive and supportive and this is what I get? omg Meri, you're giving me advice? really? Meri: It's not really advice, I've just been noticing....and other people have been noticing... Janelle? Janelle (looks up from wall street journal) hmmm? Oh the kissing-ass to robin thing? Well I did see on one of the tv forums- those people are awful Christine and I hope you aren't reading it, but they kind of do have a point... Christine: Well gee Janelle, not everybody can be as 'Zen' as you, or maybe that's one way to describe it, another way to describe it is NOT GIVING A CRAP! At least I'm TRYING. Unlike SOME people (turns and glares at Meri, continues to rant) , I read 'the fascinating girl' , I studied anime characters to become cute and giddy, I learned to make robin's favorite dinner 4 different ways ! I don't see you guys doing any of that! (stomps off) Call me when you can be positive and not such beeeytches! (slams door, vase falls over and breaks, loud curse is heard from outside) F&^%! Janelle sighs, goes back to reading WSJ. Meri's phone rings. Meri: so , you won't go with me to the hospital later? What? I don't have 'factitious disorder'! Oh is that what you tell yourself so you can just stay over there at 4444 endangered dodo's landing (robin's fictional address for purposes of this dark tale) ? (robin can be heard in background: 'You should really go kody, kody tell her I told you that you should go'*) OMG Forget it kody, don't even worry about it. Janelle: I'll go with you, Mer. Meri: (somewhat suspiciously) Janelle, you don't have to do that just because of this whole 'oh let's not be enemies thing'. Janelle: No Meri, it's not because of that. Yes you were quite the a$$hole in years past, but you didn't get there alone. Besides, if I don't go,Christine is going to try to get me to help paint her life-size mural of kody and robin. Meri: what?! Janelle: just kidding about that part, but really, lets go. I'll drive. (little does Meri know that after the appointment, Janelle has booked a workshop weekend on self-esteem, and secretly packed a bag for Meri hidden in her truck- Christine is in on it and is already there). Next stop: plyg 'thelma (and velma) and louise' * trying to get credit for having to remind him to pay attention to others, like on tv honeymoon "oh yes, I made him make sure to call home' (which at once carries the implication of 'I'm so good, look at me being so plyg-correct and also well, he's just such a bad boy being all swept up in this, that I have to remind him about the others). #STFU
  13. This same scenario is common when kids read a lot on their own, but then they are not surrounded by others as well-read, or that even care about being somewhat articulate. What happens is they use the word correctly in context-but they have no idea regarding pronunciation because they are not around anyone who uses the word. I wouldn't attribute this mispronunciation to home-schooling though. Many home-schooled kids are ahead of their 'regularly-schooled' peers. You also see this in reverse, the people who don't read much or dropped out of school, or maybe their strong suit is math and not English, but they are usually not looking at much written stuff or they would self-correct: they know the meaning, they how to pronounce the word- but can't spell it, or they break up what would be one word into two, like 'judge mental' or words that are supposed to be two into one, etc. I found this thing the other day and it's pretty neat, they make it for chrome, firefox and I believe you can use it for offline writing or blogs, and so on : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/grammarly-1/?src=userprofile
  14. It is dismissive to an extent but what I took from it was 'I really believe in this stuff, that's why I put up with it/am in it/whatever'. The kody/robin suckuppery/groveling is I think worse than what you are suggesting, which is that she really is hung up on kody. That may be but I think she is more hung up on what is called in psych 'approval- seeking'- (and I'm not saying she is the only one who does it). https://outofthefog.net/Disorders/DPD.html some of the constant approval-seeking AKA what we have been calling cheerleading or sucking up I believe is rooted in their belief system. I won't go into generalizations like 'all people who believe X are nuts or oppressed' but there are religions which rely on hierarchies , patriarchal or otherwise which involve having to get the acceptance or blessing or approval to 'earn' your seat at the table, here or hereafter and if a person has been well-steeped in that all their life, they are probably afraid of the consequences if they don't 'play nicely with others' .Whatever the cause, we have certainly seen a change in Christine, and I don't think it is real, or for the better. Also, because she is such a 'true believer', it would cause a huge rift in her time/space continuum if any one of the women leave/get left etc. She may not view it as 'oh goody, I get to move up the ladder' which she already knows is bs- but rather if there is serious problems happening, it threatens the whole of the thing, which to her may be a threat worse than robin.
  15. (continued from Algebra's 'kody goes to jail' story) Meri: well should it be whoever's night it was, the responsibility to bail him out? Janelle: Bail should be divided (as opposed to multiplied).... Christine: OMG Robin's in labor at the hospital ! Meri: Oh great. Christine: I'm texting TLC right now, TV MOMENT ! (makes one of her weird shrieks.. runs down the hall) Janelle: I'm willing to pay more bail money if I don't have to have him next Thursday, and it will be pro-rated.... Meri: Janelle, didn't you hear about Robin? Janelle: Yeah I heard. Look I wasn't there last time and she managed without me. Look, I'm just not good at these late-night, last-minute kind of things. Meri: well, I can't be at the hospital AND the jail at the same time, can I? He's going to be super mad if he misses the kid being born. Janelle: who says you have to do either? We could just let him stay there, it would be cheaper. He can watch the tape of it. Meri: true.
  16. Random re-working of scene wIth Bulgarian dude. Robin blathering on in mumble-speak and weird facial contortions: "Igor, do you know what 'plural family' means? My.Husband.Who. 'Dopted. My. Kids. Also.Has. Three. Other. Wives. Do you get it?" Igor: "My English not good, but I get what you say." (thinking to himself: I only need to meet one to know they are all crazy. Wonder how much this lady from boring tv show pay for this?) Robin: "so using these old photos, I want you to make a drawing with kody and my kids, like it was in the past, OK? we take the people in the old photos out and put these kids in OK?" Igor: "ya ya, it will be charming, like a margaret keene cat painting, I promise ." (thinking to himself: why want drawing such as this? To erase people in past? Both men are still alive. All children are alive. Why make creepy painting as if memorial? Whatever, I make money who cares). Robin: "Oh Igor you are so awesome! thanks so much" Igor: "No problem, I call you when finished." (I finish this tonight after 6 pack to get over feeling stupid making sketch)
  17. I kind of like Christine's little stingers "awww are you crying inside?" ROFLMAO the kodster looks at her like he can't get if she is kidding with him or taking a dig. Brutha bettah watch his back, yo. The squealing about the concrete slab was weird, almost as if someone was signalling her to do it. The fake robin/kody table fight was lame, as were the 'since you got preg with this kid, you've been so mouthy to kody' and Christine's "I like this side of you" comments. Also Chris, don't adopt Robin's awful playing with her hair habit, you did it at the fake table fight scene and I've seen you do it a few other times. Just don't, it's not cute or sexy, it's gross, it looks like something a tweaker chick would do. It's not you. You need an interest that isn't them. Oh and the Robin not wearing any make-up to surreptitiously convey, oh look how bad I look worried for the kids to go away, because I can't really say anything about the ex directly but I'll drop hints "they always come back with the 1000 foot stare" or something like that. If they do, that doesn't mean he treated them bad, but you are good with leaving it open to interpretation or whjat is called 'plausible deniability' AKA "oh but I didn't mean it like you took it' . You have to stop all of that stuff, it looks really tacky and more and more like you are feeding ol king kody's ego and less like the bio-dad is so evil. Or is the no make-up also supposed to be 'see I'm one of the girls now, or is it, I don't have to try anymore. Go back to the makeup , only Christine looks cute au naturale. Never heard of giving out a plaque for getting adopted. They mean well I suppose with all this crazy stuff, plaques 'cuz I wasn't there for your young childhood' ' I'm a watch guy'. The portrait thing, even kody had a look like he thought it was weird too lol but what's he going to say when he comes up with 'i-duhs' (ideas) almost as weird himself. Is robin that insecure about her kids fitting in or being accepted or forgotte about with the new kids- with all this revionist history overkill? I love the wives comments that " thats such a sweet idea" or "I would have never thought of that, how cool" .Yeah because it's weird. And Janelle saying something is 'cool' is like the kiss of death as far as something being cool for real. I've heard her say something was cool before and it came off just as uninspired and fake polite, which I must say, is better than crazed psycho cheerleader. Either you look at this 12 days of adoption debacle as they are running out of material and hey if kody and crew can get free stuff out of it, they're down for whatever TLC wants them to do, or they really are that crazy as to come up with this stuff themselves. The kodster is right about one thing though, and we have all tallked about it here, and that is how chaos-filled their life is, maybe they should add a symbol to their concrete slab https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbol_of_Chaos Like that's the only campy element. It struck me as weird also the kids got kody a watch, as if they had to get him a gift for adopting them. Or was that actually from mom (which should have bee private right, although that would have been weird too- here's a gift for adopting my kids, as I already have 1.5 of your bio-kids as well. Umm ok. 'Suspension of disbelief' I've come to believe is a phrase one must remember when watching the Brown's. It's like thinking characters in lord of the rings are going to act like regular people.
  18. Four-ring circus soap opera, continued... Janelle (under her breath) yeah that goes for you too, kody Meri: Oh no, another couch session is scheduled today. Greeaaatt. Where is Christine? Janelle: I think she took Robin to the mall or something. They really need to tone it down with the shopping, we only have 50 million baby clothes already she can use. Meri: I just really don't feel like doing the couch session today. Janelle: I got by for the longest time just sitting there and maybe saying one thing, you could try that. Meri: well what I thought they were setting up to happen is kody and I will get remarried after the whole adoption thing goes through but now, I don't even know if that will happen or if I even care if it does. I mean, do you care if you're the one to get legally married next? Janelle: I actually don't want that, I'm glad everything is in my name only. Christine told me the same. I'm fine the way it is. I mean, relatively speaking..the way it is... Meri: People think everything is such a cluster-you-know-what after all thats happened but it's always been, really. Janelle: Thanks for admitting that Mer, I mean, we could go over all the crap from early on in therapy, but to what end? Meri: One of my famous lines' I don't see the point.' Robin isn't going to go, Christine isn't going to go and we've all seen how useless it is to take kody to therapy. Janelle: It's kind of funny that I asked you to go and I never bothered with asking him to go. I feel bad for Christine, she tries so hard and she doesn't have to. I miss the old Christine. Meri: I do too. I just hope this isn't her 'new normal'. I can put up with a lot of crap but her new cheerleader for robin thing is annoying. It makes me worry what comes next when she gets over this. Janelle: because you used to be robin's cheerleader? Meri: I wasn't her cheerleader, it wasn't fake, I tried to be her friend. She's not like a terrible person but she is immature, maybe that's why kody likes her. Peas in a pod and all that. The awful thing is, beyond any kind of jealousy I might have had, is it makes me see parts of him I don't really like that I used to just blow off. And those are the parts robin probably likes. It's like falling out of love with both of them so to speak. He was different when it was just us three. I don't even know if it is her, or if it is TV. (enter Robin and Christine, all giddy from shopping and having BFF time) Robin makes pout face: "there's umm somethin' I wanna talk 'you 'bout, Mer that's been botherin' me.. I heard about how how you hate the napkin set I gave you.." Christine: "show topic!! BOOM!"
  19. Robin, calling from front door "Not like anyone in there keeres but wu're akshully talkin' 'bout names, prolly Bathsheba or Goliath! " Christine: (calling back to her) can you put a Y in the name, I love that! OMG I forgot to invite her to the party. Silly me. Meri: Yeah like Y for Y-oming (muttering to herself) dang it the spray tan is getting on the tablecloth. (robin in background outside "I heard that") Janelle: Mer, if you weren't so wasted I wouldn't say this, but...lose the orange tan, You're not Pam Anderson. Meri: Neither are you....
  20. Meri : (slightly slurring words) for yer in-for-mation, missy, Mr Brown does not give a flying fig what I do on the internet these days, and you'd be well advised to mind your own effing business. Janelle: (covers pretend phone conversation with hand) oh and robin honey, some of the pages on your closet are still screwed up. You basically can't sort anything by price or whatever on there, it's a mess. Robin starts to go into a crying, whiny meltdown "Nobody cares! nobody cares 'bout sissorwives cuhlahhhzzit ,nobody keeeres about all-uh-us workin' on stuff together..." Meri rolls eyes, takes another swig. Enter Kody, with the trying-to-be-all-serious-and-epic look. "Is everything cool?" Enter Christine , arms full of shopping bags (for baby shower) "OMG OMG, you guys can't be here! Kody, Robin , go!" They leave. Meri : I gotta pee. Janelle: Christine, don't you think they are going to figure it out about the party if you call attention to the fact ? Christine looks around, sees it is just she and Janelle for the moment. "I know that, haha" says Christine. "I got the almond buttercream cake today too".
  21. (Robin calls out as she wanders in) " hey aurorada'unbriana are at a friend's , Sol'mons sleepin' on kody , what're you guys doin' ?" There are wine glasses on the table. Meri: Oh hey robin, umm we're just having a glass of wine. Janelle: (says nothing, has fake tight smile on face, takes another sip off the glass) Robin: wull, guess I better go work on the cuh-lah-zit, can't be drinkin' n stuff. (pats stomach) Meri: yup, better not. Damn this is good wine. Janelle: got that right, Mer. Robin: Anyone wanna help me with inventory n stuff, it's kinda impor'int, yer part of this too and ..(continues whining) Meri: Eeyyyeeeeeeee don't really feel like I'm up to it right now Janelle (makes her own cell phone ring) "I have to take this" , goes in other room..
  22. So because things have been kind of slow on the show, we're going to have to use our imagination. Hence here we have the SW role-play thread. Take on a character, change your character, create a storyline, respond to someone else's etc. ( Of course we still have to follow the rules no doubt, so probably no talking crap about minors, or the broad-sweeping generalizations like 'all only children' or 'everyone in this religion',probably keep it silly and satirical and don't be too evil- but I would guess most stuff re the adults on this show is fair game unless the mod thinks we are out of control again, or if she thinks this whole idea is just plain wrong lol.) Anyway, it could read like fiction, it could read like a play where you put the character's name before what they say, however you want. I'll try to begin the silliness and see if any other brave souls wish to join in. scene Janelle's kitchen, Meri and Janelle trying to hang out , Christine bounds in 'OMG you guys, soooo good to see you spendinng time together, soooo good for the faaaammillee. I was just planning robin's baby shower, it's a surpri-iiizzzee! Just wondering if you guys would like to help?" Meri: yeah, sure. I think I have decorations somewhere in the garage, feel free to help yourself. Janelle: that's so nice of you, Christine. (silence) Christine: well I was thinking, the cake is going to be almond buttercream -you know the flavor that kody and robin voted down for their wedding cake in favor of strawberry quik?annyyywaaaay, it's going to be greaaaaaaatttt! catch you guys later! (leaves) Janelle: I like your napkin set , Mer. Meri: You do? You want them? I actually hate them. Janelle: didn't robin give you those as a housewarming gift? Meri: yeah. But I don't care, take 'em. By the way, do you know whose night it is? Janelle: No thanks on the napkin set, I was just trying to be polite, they're actually quite hideous. Gosh Mer, I don't even know whose night. Why, did you want to trade? I totally will if you want. Meri: No, I'm good, I just downloaded a new audiobook actually. If it's supposed to be me tonight, I'm going to claim sick and pass it to Christine. So not into this whole baby shower thing. My hormones must have changed or something. Janelle: well, we probably only have to endure one more of these, unless.... (to be continued)
  23. If one could consider that as a 'smart' plot device, that is. I think they are 'taking the temperature of the room' as far as seeing if 'we', meaning we out here- are even caring about catfish-gate anymore, it's pretty played-out in real-time. "Circling the drain" yep, you nailed it. I mean, they stretched out the whole divorce/adoption thing, the wrestling trip, the all-girls vacation, there was that little blurb about whether or not Maddy goes to the new LDS church and/or marries that guy. Ok, so what else do they have going on besides whenever the next kid comes along? Is there some other job/venture thing on the horizon? Will Janelle and Meri be hanging out now, having awkward kitchen conversations that have like 3 commercials worth of 'lead up' and then like 10 seconds of 'you're great', 'no, you're great' 'we should do this more often' 'yeah, we should'. Cut.
  24. I don't think it was cooked up by them as a plot device but at the same time, I wouldn't put it past them to use as one, even if Meri was like no, please don't, but kody was like too bad and saw it as a fitting humiliation and a way to make money, yay! If he didn't push her into it, the show did, but I can see Meri saying no to the show people, but not king kod. You saw how uninspired those computer scenes were, which unfortunately says both, yes they are going to try and use it and also they filmed those after the fact because they likely weren't filming them doing stuff like playing on the computer cause it's boring, and guess what, it still is. I actually hope they don't, what's the point? We already know most of it , the only mystery would be if she knew it was a woman all along and Sam was just some kind of code- or not and she got totally played and only realized it at disney or shortly thereafter, and past that, I'm already bored with it. Yes, JO is creepy but she's just not that interesting. Isn't someone building a shed, having a baby shower, making jello or something?
  25. Seems like it works best for the man's ego when the focus is all about him being the 'king' of his little world, and either withholding or dispensing time, compliments, favors etc., than the way it seemed at the beginning of the season. Really feels to me like it went from being kind of like a union or equal shareholders to big corporate, top-down management, where the individual means nothing, has no rights or autonomy other than' read the handbook' or 'leave if you don't like it, -good luck getting some other gig in today's economy at your age, good luck on the streets and welfare' and it is all about the bottom line "tough luck if you aren't happy, the show must go on" , in corporate world that would be the 'bottom line'. Too bad if you have seniority or if you helped 'start the company, this is what we think is going to sell, this is what we have to do to add drama, whether or not you are happy. If you don't add #4, we're going to get that other family, so what's it gonna be?' Now look, employee #4 is playing the game, you better step up or your storyline is going to get chopped. You want to keep the mcmansions, the organic food instead of tater tots, more craft-gun ugly jean jackets, well, It's all about tv now, get it?'
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