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  1. It seems her Tourette’s didn’t emerge until she was a teen. I have MS, it emerged when I was 26. Looking back I can see things that were sort of happening they weren’t normal, but I didn’t think too much of them. When I woke up one day and couldn’t see right, I went to the eye doctor. 5 minutes into the appointment, he told me it was neurological and I needed to get my ass to a doctor for a neurologist referral. She might have had little things that she did that didn’t full on present themselves as Tourette’s…. Until they did.
  2. Why doesn't she have any eyebrows?
  3. I just usually watch for the commercials and the half time, but Jon Batiste will no doubt be the best part of the whole show! I don't care who wins either way, but I kinda want the Chiefs to win just to see the whole 3 in a row thing. Oh, and to watch all the whiners I work with crying about how it was fixed tomorrow. And because this this is where my priorities lie.... what is going on with Patrick's hair? They showed the back of his head in the locker room 15 minutes ago and its was not good! Oh, and what the hell is Tom Brady wearing as a watch? That was gaudy as all hell.
  4. I mean what can go wrong? Lydia knew him a whole 4 months before they got engaged.
  5. Years ago I worked with a woman who said she had Lyme disease. This was mid to late 90s. I was in high school/college. It was a crappy retail job, think a small Walmart kind of chain. She'd miss days all the time, said it was the Lyme disease. If I had to guess the was late 30s at most, but but she was a rough looking woman who could hack been in her 20s or 50s, it was hard to gauge. She had a daughter, 8.9 years old. I can't remember exactly, but she started saying she or her daughter had cancer. For the life of me, I can't remember which. People started giving her money. Not thousands, but $10 here and there. Which doesn't seem like a lot, but when the majority of the employees in the store where part time or barley full time (32 hours) and minimum wage was less than $4.50, that was a few hours of work. I worked the service desk and one night I took a phone call from a guy who said he was a lawyer at blah, blah, blah and asked if X worked there. Yes she does. Has she been telling people there is cancer? Yes. He said that wasn't true and he needed to talk to someone. I couldn't transfer that call to a manger fast enough. I'd like to believe the Lyme disease was real, sometimes her calfs and ankles would be swollen and purple, so there was something physical going on. Do we know how many episodes of this there will be? I don't remember hearing about this woman before but I've half followed the story of the woman who worked on Grey's Anatomy who basically did the same thing.
  6. The original menu seemed to have "shrimp" a "burger" and "chicken". Who knows what they were made of. The owner needed way more than a restaurant make over, but I don't see Gordon recommending her just close the place and get her life and self in order.
  7. Trent: there's an estimated 35-40,000 little people in this world Quick Google search cuz that didn't sound right at all... LPA estimated there are 651,700 little people in the world. God help Bryce if Liz is meaner to him now than she was before.
  8. Jinger, out of all the kids, has always struck me as the one actually open to learning what they don't know. I don't think she was ever happy being woefully undereducated and so sheltered from the world. It's not like she was blind to the world around her, she saw things were different when they were all paraded around out in public. Was she brave enough to question things or push her parents for answers, obviously not. But she basically went running to change, as narrow as it may seem to some the second she said I DO.
  9. Why worry about virus ridden thumb drives when the second police chief is just sticking bottles of pills to be used as evidence in her coat pockets?
  10. He worked at a state college as lawn maintenance supervisor or something like that, but google says he was only there for like 5 years. Then he started selling cars. My thoughts on that has always been he figured if Jonah could manage it, he was sure to be a much better salesman than his kid. I doubt 5 years at the college earned him a real pension, especially since it seems like he quit
  11. This show must be be paying well enough if they can afford to live and support everyone with 2 jobs between 5 adults, 2 teens, and a new born. Brice has a job and maybe Jonah. What's the game plan on sending 2 teens of to college in a few months? I'll have to assume TLC paid for the family trip to Puerto Rico over the summer where every one, their boyfriend, and girl friends were there.... except Anna.
  12. Anna asked people not to comment or ask questions about this season of the show on on her Instagram story last night.... she's got to relive it and some things that will be said about her are true and some are not. This makes me sad for her..... we've seen how they treat her and talk about her when they are supposedly one big happy family. I can't imagine they are going to be anything other than completely horrible now that there's a full on falling out.
  13. How is that any different from the rest of the family relationships? They all give that off.
  14. Pretty certain it was sparkling cider.... unless champagne has calorie info on the side of the bottle. I don't really drink, so maybe they do. Let's be honest... Jessa probably only knows the superficial things like Jana is handy, she likes to build stuff, about Jana. She can claim they are best friends, but when Jana needs to really talk to her bestie, I'm guessing she calls Abbie, not Jessa. Speaking of best friends, what ever happened to Jana's friend who lived with them? I can't remember her name, but they were always together for a long time. The introducing the wedding party thing was kinda weird. If that's a thing now, I don't like it. I can't believe there was really anyone invited to this particular wedding who didn't know pretty much every other person there except maybe the grandparents. I will say the wedding party intro let me see Joy had the best hair of the wedding party! LOL! I'm not liking the highlights/obvious dye jobs the older Duggar sisters and Abbie have been loving and the poor younger sisters need a good 8 inches hacked off.
  15. Okay, these people have been gone, what, 2 weeks from their families? Maybe 3? The melt downs are ridiculous. What are the going to do if they actually win and have to move to Connecticut and their families can't join right away? At this point, none of them are overly impressing me, with the women only having a slight edge over the men.
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