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Everything posted by DearEvette

  1. In honor of Oktoberfest, we had a beer themed dinner. Oktoberfest beer, natch, was the beverage. But the main dish was beer brats -- my husband had his with saukraut and his favorite locally made Horseradish mustard. I had grilled onions and another locally made spicy beer mustard. We had loaded fries and spinach salad on the side.
  2. This is the first time they've shown the couples actually going to get their marriage licenses. I never once thought about it. But based on the fact that that segment was all filmed by cell phone/selfies I assume one it is because they could not get filming clearance at a government building. Stacy looks like she could easily be cast as the evil, job obsessed other woman who has a high powered job and wears power suits and gleefully fires people on some Hallmark romance movie. Where she'd ironically lose the main guy to someone who looks a awful like Johnie. LOL. She just has one of those faces. So wait… Izzy talked money and his deBt to Johnie but not Stacy in the Pods? Hmmm…. For me, Milton is carrying this season. I like his outlook, his general philosophy, he is really smart and what he was saying about how he wanted to raise his kids was spot on. I know people think he would get steam-rollered by Lydia but this is a man who knows his own mind. Also whatever they were eating at their dinner must've been good because they were chowing down! Do people really say: "That marriage is like a business arrangement”. like Milton's sister says? Who says that? From an American perspective, I don't think I've ever heard marriage expressed that way. It always seemed to me that most Americans (if asked) would say it was an emotional/spiritual thing. There are vows and promises and it is a union sanctioned by God etc. etc. If his sister sees it that way, I kinda get why Milton was trying to delicately talk about the less emotional aspect of their family dynamic and why he might be a little thirsty for it. I liked the small shot of Izzy's mom chillin' and laughing with Milton's buddies. Yeah, I am not feeling either one of these couples. I don't hate Lydia anymore. But I still am not sold on her and Milton. And Stacy and Izzy are just no longer doing it for me. I liked them at first but their cracks showed up real quick for me. Now I can't stand them together.
  3. Cameron Hamilton from S1 had a really nice interview with Aaliyah where she talks about the whole Uche and Lydia situation and how things panned out from her prospective. It is a really good interview and worth a listen. Cam had great questions and she was really good about explaining her thought processes. She actually shows a lot of grace toward both Uche and Lydia. I like how she speaks of them with nuance, making sure to not villainize either one. She comes to the conclusions that both were telling their versions of the truth where some truth and lie both meet in the middle. Sounds an awful lot like what Milton was trying to explain in Mathematical terms. Reinforces my opinion even harder that Uche is really a Duche. Two things she says that makes me shake my head even more about him 1) He lied to her that he and Lydia only dated for three weeks in 2020. and 2) In the end she didn't think he was attracted to her physically and repeatedly told her she "isn't his normal type." Someone of Reddit found a picture of one of his other exes and she kinda looks like Lydia. So.... Anyway here in the interview. it is about 50 mins.
  4. Man, what a difference an episode makes. I have come to dislike Stacy and Izzy. Stacy especially, man she was awful. And I have a much more charitable view of Lydia. Uche became a bigger asshole than I thought possible. Milton has gone way up in my estimation. You could tell he really doesn't think of Uche as a friend at all, despite what Uche may think. First he talked to him in mathematical terms -- this was pure shade because Uche was not following despite the "mmm hmmms' and Milton knew it. Second he promised to hit Uche up "in the group text" -- which burn! because this says that Uche was not friend enough to even get a personal text. And finally the disdain that dripped from Milton's voice when he was telling Lydia about the math analogy "He may not understand it. He is no engineer. No STEM major." BWAH! Milton was giving me everything I needed this episode. Hi family tho... yikes. His mother must work in a corporate environment throwing out terms like 'SWOT analysis' and approaching Lydia like a job interview. I understand that families find this whole thing weird and off putting, but Uche's sister was outright rude. And if she isn't feeling it from "James" why isn't she talking to James about it? I feel bad for the women from the pods who came for a nice get together and got sucked into toxic drama. Between Stacy and Izzy being nasty to Johnie and Uche being nasty to, well, everyone... they earned them little LIB pennies. The way Uche speaks over women is just terrible. Glad Miriam called him on his shit.
  5. So Drew Barrymore's writers have declined to return to her show citing her intent to scab. The show is interviewing new writers. Man, if only she had waited a week...
  6. Ha. Literally 2 minutes ago I saw a tweet by Mo Ryan where she talks about a 2017 article she wrote on Andrew Kriesberg where 19 different sources spoke to her about his harassment and inappropriate behavior. I idly wondered why that came onto my timeline. And I see this is why. Heh.
  7. Yeah, my husband said the same thing. We decided that since she was living in the quarters with Lydia and she had to be around her 24/7, that her escape route. My guess is that Aaliyah maybe wanted to try to pursue something with Uche outside of the whole 'experiment' because by doing it as part of it, she would still be in Lydia's sphere throughout the whole thing. I mean, they all buy dresses together, they live in the same complex, they have their bachelorette parties together etc. She would have been joined at the hip with Lydia the whole time and since Lydia didn't respect her boundaries re: Uche before, Aaliyah probably felt she would continue to ignore her wishes and continue to dish about Uche when given the change. She also probably didn't want to see Uche and Lydia interact with each other. But by bouncing she could have still gotten her man without all that. Oh well.
  8. And you know what... for that he is the youngest one there, Milton seems to be the one handling a lot of this bullshit with the most maturity. They tried to drag him in to 'defend his woman' and he was all 'she can handle her own shit. ' Also he just looked so over it all 'Yeah we got somewhere to be in 10 minutes." LOL. It puts into perspective an earlier scene where Uche was trying to give him advice about Lydia and he shut that down. It may turn out to have been a bad move -- I am really not feeling them as a couple, but at least he knows his own mind, good or bad. See, I was gratified to see that Milton did no cave to Lydia. I was SURE he'd give in and wear those black shorts. She was so insistent and he looked like he'd do it just to shut her up. But no, dude was like an oak! He wore those grey shorts. I feel like a similar convo happened, where she was trying to get him to be more dressed up for the little party and he was like 'Nah, I'm good' and rolled up in his grey hoodie. And I thought her laughing at his carpet was in line with all the other couples we've seen over the years -- especially the women seeing the bachelor pads of the guys. Again he just let it roll off his back. If they get married, I'd be curious to see if he kept those rugs.
  9. And the Divorces keep a-comin'. Jodie Turner-Smith files for divorce from Joshua Jackson. This makes me (a tiny bit) sad. I liked them together.
  10. Hah... we had the same food, just in a different format: Porterhouse steaks, baked potato, creamed spinach.
  11. You know what, I don't believe Lydia is quite the bunny-boiler Uche is painting her out to be. Yes, I was getting weird vibes from her with Aaliyah, but so much of what Uche has said has been contradictory that I don't find him a credible source. She went from being a 'wonderful person' who just wasn't right for him (earlier conversation with Aaliyah), to a stage-5 clinger and stalker. He went from scornfully shooting down Aaliyah's suggestion that maybe Lydia knew he was gonna be there to running with it to the point that she was snooping in all his private things? And if she was such a stalker, why didn't he tell production about it when he found out she was there? I certainly would have. And then there is Lydia herself. She didn't seem like she even wanted to talk to him but he is the one that forced the conversation. I don't know. Maybe she is sketchy, but my distaste for Uche is so high now that he could say the sky was blue and I would say "Stop trying to mansplain the sky to me, you condescending motherfucker!" And her suggestion that they both planned it isn't as far-fetched as Uche was trying to suggest. There was a Bachelor in Paradise couple that tried to game the system in just that way. They could have easily made it seem like it was a coincidence that they were both there. If they played their cards right, production could have spun it so that it was a credible Second chance at love story through fate. It would be a LIB first and a tailor made "story" for them. And look, I am no fan of Johnie's but Izzy and Stacy just came off as mean girls. Why take her aside on the pretense of having a nice chat only to berate her? Jesus. Move on. "I went to take a piss in the urinal." Milton continues to crack me up. Dude is funny.
  12. JP legit creeped me out this episode. Taylor is doing all this emotional heavy lifting and he is smiling like some damned serial killer. So glad she left him. The make up thing -- no words. When he was talking and she just said 'Nope, nope, nope.' That was her literally noping out. I believe she made her decision to jet right then for real. The scene in Milton's apartment was the only time I think I actually belly laughed during this whole franchise. Lydia's reaction to his rugs, the Playboy magazines, the stack of dollar bills, his roommate, The Pokemon conversation-- comedy gold. Milton is a funny guy and he and his roommate giving daps of approval and agreement whenever one co-signed the other was great.
  13. Uche, Uche, Uche.... [Long, deep, spiritual sigh]. He is a like a 1 step forward, 5 steps back kinda guy for me. I was on his side when he was feeling abandoned and confused by Aaliyah bouncing. I understand that. It was a valid reaction. But then came the phone call. He went on the offensive, talked over her and invalidated her feelings. If he was so in love his first reaction should have been trying to understand and maybe resolve. Obviously something wasn't sitting right in Aaliyah's spirit about Uche despite loving him. I am glad she listened to that voice. Lydia & Milton: I am surprised about how much I am not hating Lydia this episode. I still think Milton is too young, but they are not completely awful together. They are definitely more interesting together than JP and Taylor. Also, damn Milton is tall!! Last episode I would have said no way they make it to the altar. But this episode... I dunno. They seem so easy and effortless with each other. Taylor and JP: Speaking of... man Taylor and JP are a charisma and chemistry black hole. JP is giving NOTHING. I feel bad for the producers, they probably had to dig deep for any usable footage. They are not gonna make it. She is trying too hard to make it work and he is not holding his weight. Stacy and Izzy. Still the only couple that seem like they actually want to sex with each other. Stacy needs to back away from the Joan Crawford Mommy Dearest make up, though. Her eyebrows are needlessly aggressive. I think they might say I do.
  14. Daaaaang. Aaliyah took us on an entire rollercoaster ride with her emotions this episode. I feel bad for Aaliyah. I can see why she would feel betrayed by Lydia onto whom she poured all of her confidences regarding Uche. I think ultimately Aaliyah was really trying to exist in what the whole experiment was supposed to be. the whole Love is Blind of it all, and Lydia really soured that for her. She didn't want to have any pre-knowledge of Uche especially coming from Lydia. And to his credit, it seems like he did too. I appreciated them showing up the meeting in the pods between Uche and Lydia. She seemed eager to 'start at ground zero' but he shut that down. He wanted the experience of getting to know his person sight unseen as well and with her that didn't work. I also think the recency of it, they were boning just 3 months ago loomed really large as well for Aaliyah. Really curious to see where this goes. Johnie really is one of those people who shape their own reality isn't she? How many times did she shape her own perceptions so they were the opposite of the one she voiced just the scene before? I am so glad Chris didn't get sucked into her. I would have never thought that Izzy and Stacy were the only couple with any kind of chemistry. At least they looked like they were attracted to each other and really want to sleep together. JP and Taylor looked very awkward kissing (someone on Reddit said he transformed into Woody Woodpecker whenever he went in for a kiss, bwah!) and she seemed to keep saying 'I love you' like she needed to convince herself it was still true. And don't get me started on Lydia and Milton. Yes he is more mature than his age but dang, he looks like he should be in a college dorm room with his buddies playing Pokemon. His tall gangliness reminds me of my youngest who is a Sophomore in college a little. They feel so mismatched. Sigh.
  15. Gasp! Are you kidding me right now? I have to say that is good tv. I wonder if the producers knew all along? I don't want to read anything because I don't want to be spoiled...But that puts a whole different spin on Lydia's comparing her and Aaliyah in the first episode. I went back and watched that scene again because it put me off so on first watch and.... Gasp again! In Episode 1 when Lydia is hugging and comforting Aaliyah and saying all the 'we are the same' and 'we are just alike' they were playing a song where the lyrics were 'I've got a secret." Oh man. Have we ever had a blatant comparing of notes about what was said in the pods between two people dating the same person as we did with Izzy and Chris about Johni? I didn't have an opinion one way or the other about her but man she tumbled way down in my estimation when she tried to convince Chris to give her another chance. No man wants to hear he is the safe and and unexciting choice. She even told the women he was boring. And given that she married one guy she didn't love that does not bode well for Chris. I am glad he talked to Izzy. If he was even waffling a little bit I hope that tipped the scales for him. I wish he had asked her if Izzy hadn't broken it off with her would she have asked to see him again? Uche's poem to Aaliyah vs. Stacy's poem to Izzy. Bwah! I know hers was intentionally bad and it was quite funny. The way Taylor was talking about JP's teeth you'd think he only had three up top. Dang. You could barely see the gap. And so what? Their meeting felt awkward. I wonder if they are showing scenes out of chronology. I had read before that once you were engaged you were whisked away out of the pods right away. But JP is still there after his meet up with Taylor was aired. Is it me or are they showing more interaction amongst all the pod-mates in their separate sections than they have in the last few seasons? It just seems we are getting more time amongst all the women and guys showing them cooking, drinking, talking, playing etc. felt more like season 1.
  16. I finally saw some of that Izzy charm that apparently is oozing all over the pods when he was talking about his first Christmas tree. “Girl, you best believe I left that thing up til April!” LOL. Also Milton won me over a bit more. He did feel older than his age when he was talking to Lydia and helping her work through her disappointment over Izzy. I get that she is disappointed about it, but her insistence that he didn't give her a reason is pointless. He said she was nice but he just felt more connected to other women. That is reason enough, honestly. Johni is getting a lot of face time, but she is just there for me. No charisma. I felt bad for Chris because I actually liked him. And to be fair, I kinda felt bad her for as she was talking about her romantic history. I could tell that she lost Izzy when she admitted to not loving her ex-husband. You could almost see the enthusiasm for her draining right out of his face as she was talking. Instead of sitting forward on the chair and engaged as she was talking, he was looking away like he was trying to distance himself as much as possible. He was saying all the right things... I like that he didn't come off as a dick or judgemental... but you could tell he was checked out. So Uche and Aaliyah are back on. Yay? I guess. My enthusiasm for them have waned. I still feel like he was talking down to her at the start of their conversation. When she mentioned how bad he made her feel when he said 'how do I know you won;t cheat again?' He responded said "Did I actually say that to you?" in a tone that implied she was exaggerating. I said 'YES' along with her because he said exactly that. Taylor and JP?….Zzzzzzz. She seems like a more articulate and nicer Micah. His hairline annoys me. Why does it feel like they are all trauma bonding this season? I swear when one of them says "I don't feel like you've been vulnerable with me." what they are actually saying is "I can't decide about you until you tell me your most desperate painful experience."
  17. I am finally getting around to watching this. Took me a bit to get into this episode and then something clicked and it got interesting. General impressions: Right off the bat I was loving Uche and Aaliyah. Her espeically. She seemed so chill... growing up a military brat in Japan, anime-loving, painting, poetry writing, guitar playing, Love Jones stan... yeah she seemed really cool. I really liked how they were vibing. And then he turned it sour. Yeah I get it, she cheated and that could be a deal breaker. But he came off as really condescending and self righteous about it. He seemed to have taken it very personally. And way to encourage someone to be open and honest and then turn on them for doing just that. Man... I was so bummed. Also my husband kept calling Uche the 'guy with the Scottie Pippen head' Exactly! He sounded like he was cross examining her, for goodness sake. Lydia: Hmm... she was A LOT. I was not feeling her. There was something about her that just felt very put on for the cameras. I know that people can have big personalities, but hers came across as artificial and was trying really, really hard to be A Personality. So much so I did not feel super bad for her when Izzy 'broke up' with her. I feel like I really missed something with their dates where she was so in love and felt he reciprocated. I liked her a bit more when he was comforting Aaliyah. But then that took a pretty weird turn...How many times did she mention "we are the same' and 'You are just like me' and 'I am you'... I dunno.... just weird. Chris: I felt really bad for him when he was talking about being sexually assaulted at 17. I agree there is a lot of stigma and misunderstanding about women sexually assaulting men especially since he was young and a virgin. I liked him quite a bit. Izzy had nice teeth. Also I don't se why women would be turned off by him being bald. On him it looks like a fashion choice, not necessarily an awkward type of male pattern baldness you try to hide with a comb over. JP and Johnie didn' t register with me much. Miriam! What the hell… everything she said seemed cagey. She never answered anything directly. And why was she hemming and hawing around skincare? Did she invent something and didn’t want to reveal it on Netflix? Does she have an NDA about her own life? Like what...? LOL. Milton. He;s cute but comes off as very young. He was vibing with Lydia but i felt the age difference. I know 24 to 30 isn't that huge of a gap, but it hits different to me than say 30 to 36. Also 24 feels like you should still be out exploring a bit, not on a show designed to get you married right away. Onto the next ep...
  18. Someone posted a Summary of the WGA Deal. I don't know enough about the business to know what some of it means, but they are happy so I am happy for them!! One thing I think is a good win for everyone though is the deal on streaming and how that means transparency on real streaming numbers.
  19. Based in the tweets I've seen the writers are over the moon with the deal. Most of them are cheering and doing tons of happy dances without any specifics. This is the only tweet I've seen that mentions anything of substance:
  20. Victoria Monet's 'On My Mama' is such a vibe! Also the video makes me feel very nostalgic. It such a 90s feel but also feels very current. The choreography with the coats at the end is great and was done in one take.
  21. Co-sign. I don't actually think I finished it, tbh. I only read it because I actually liked another book of hers I read, The Coincidence of Coconut Cake which is textbook rom-com but more importantly, I thought it was a love letter to the city of Milwaukee and its food. Lots of local flavor and color of the city throughout that book,
  22. I made Apple Fritter french toast for brunch the other day. My local Wegmans makes this apple fritter bread. I sliced it in thick slices and soaked it in the egg/milk mixture really well. I also added some rum to the egg/milk mixture to make it slightly boozy. And then made the toast in melted butter. I didn't really need any syrup at all, just a little drizzle over it the cooked french toast. The apples throughout the bread and a little sifted powdered sugar gave it just the right amount of sweetness without being too sweet.
  23. Naw. That "apology" is bullshit. He said what he said. He even clarified and corrected the reporter when they pushed back so that the reporter would get it right. He said that shit with his whole chest and back.
  24. You think so? I dunno. The dude texted her he wanted a divorce seconds before she was due to be on stage during a major concert. She claims that she hasn't spoken to him since then, Also, there is this part of an interview she had in Vogue in 2013:
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